23 resultados para Apollonio Menabeni


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Spesso il termine virtuale viene associato ad un mondo immateriale, lontano dalla realtà e distante dagli elementi più concreti che la caratterizzano. La virtualità, tuttavia, non è solo questo. Se considerata, come lo stesso Levy sostiene, un mondo che non si contrappone al reale (ma all’attuale), anzi lo potenzia e lo rafforza, il suo valore e l’idea di essa cambiano notevolmente. Già la fotografia, il cinema, la televisione possono essere considerate, ancora prima della più moderna realtà virtuale e delle innovative tecnologie forme di virtualità. Il loro utilizzo largamente diffuso ha ampliato le potenzialità del concreto ed è oggi apprezzato e utilizzato da tutti. Il nostro progetto nasce dalla volontà di sperimentare le nuove forme del virtuale associandole al campo dell’architettura per potenziarne la conoscenza didattica, la diffusione e trasmettere gli importanti contenuti che le sottendono in maniera chiara ed efficace. Il progetto sviluppato affronta un tema concreto di concept di museo virtuale su web e una proposta di installazione interattiva all’interno del salone di Palazzo Barbaran a Vicenza. A cardine di questi due lavori vi è il lascito Palladiano, a cominciare dallo sprawl di ville, palazzi e chiese diffusi nel paesaggio Veneto, passando per i progetti ideali rimasti solo su carta e concludendo con la sua opera bibliografica più famosa: I quattro libri dell’architettura. Palladio e il digitale è dunque un progetto che vuole dimostrare l’importanza e la versatilità delle installazioni virtuali, quali strumenti utili all’apprendimento e alla trasmissione della conoscenza, e dall’altro rispondere concretamente ai cambiamenti della società, cercando, attraverso queste sperimentazioni, di definire anche i nuovi caratteri dell’ evoluzione museale.


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In questo studio si esamina la ricostruzione di Porta Aurea a Ravenna, edificio di epoca romana ormai scomparsa ma di cui rimangono molti documenti sia a livello di tradizione storica locale che per quanto riguarda disegni di illustri architetti come Andrea Palladio. Il processo di ricostruzione si articola sull’uso di materiale distintamente catalogato a seconda di diversi gradi di incertezza. Per giungere alla costruzione sono state effettuate anche due campagne di rilievo con la tecnica di acquisizione del Laser Scanner Leica C10 all-in-one. La prima presso il Museo Nazionale di Ravenna, dove sono tutt’oggi conservati alcuni frammenti architettonici di pregio provenienti da Porta Aurea. Una seconda indagine di rilievo è stata invece effettuata presso le mura di Ravenna in Via di Porta Aurea ove rimangono i resti delle porzioni di mura o meglio torrioni verticali che incorniciavano il monumento ravennate. Sintesi finale di questo lavoro è il raggiungimento di un modello “possibile” ma comunque ideale desunto dall’intreccio di diverse fonti iconografiche al fine di una possibile fruizione museale presso lo stesso Museo Nazionale di Ravenna.


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The meaning of a place has been commonly assigned to the quality of having root (rootedness) or sense of belonging to that setting. While on the contrary, people are nowadays more concerned with the possibilities of free moving and networks of communication. So, the meaning, as well as the materiality of architecture has been dramatically altered with these forces. It is therefore of significance to explore and redefine the sense and the trend of architecture at the age of flow. In this dissertation, initially, we review the gradually changing concept of "place-non-place" and its underlying technological basis. Then we portray the transformation of meaning of architecture as influenced by media and information technology and advanced methods of mobility, in the dawn of 21st century. Against such backdrop, there is a need to sort and analyze architectural practices in response to the triplet of place-non-place and space of flow, which we plan to achieve conclusively. We also trace the concept of flow in the process of formation and transformation of old cities. As a brilliant case study, we look at Persian Bazaar from a socio-architectural point of view. In other word, based on Robert Putnam's theory of social capital, we link social context of the Bazaar with architectural configuration of cities. That is how we believe "cities as flow" are not necessarily a new paradigm.


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The research aims at developing a framework for semantic-based digital survey of architectural heritage. Rooted in knowledge-based modeling which extracts mathematical constraints of geometry from architectural treatises, as-built information of architecture obtained from image-based modeling is integrated with the ideal model in BIM platform. The knowledge-based modeling transforms the geometry and parametric relation of architectural components from 2D printings to 3D digital models, and create large amount variations based on shape grammar in real time thanks to parametric modeling. It also provides prior knowledge for semantically segmenting unorganized survey data. The emergence of SfM (Structure from Motion) provides access to reconstruct large complex architectural scenes with high flexibility, low cost and full automation, but low reliability of metric accuracy. We solve this problem by combing photogrammetric approaches which consists of camera configuration, image enhancement, and bundle adjustment, etc. Experiments show the accuracy of image-based modeling following our workflow is comparable to that from range-based modeling. We also demonstrate positive results of our optimized approach in digital reconstruction of portico where low-texture-vault and dramatical transition of illumination bring huge difficulties in the workflow without optimization. Once the as-built model is obtained, it is integrated with the ideal model in BIM platform which allows multiple data enrichment. In spite of its promising prospect in AEC industry, BIM is developed with limited consideration of reverse-engineering from survey data. Besides representing the architectural heritage in parallel ways (ideal model and as-built model) and comparing their difference, we concern how to create as-built model in BIM software which is still an open area to be addressed. The research is supposed to be fundamental for research of architectural history, documentation and conservation of architectural heritage, and renovation of existing buildings.


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The space environment has always been one of the most challenging for communications, both at physical and network layer. Concerning the latter, the most common challenges are the lack of continuous network connectivity, very long delays and relatively frequent losses. Because of these problems, the normal TCP/IP suite protocols are hardly applicable. Moreover, in space scenarios reliability is fundamental. In fact, it is usually not tolerable to lose important information or to receive it with a very large delay because of a challenging transmission channel. In terrestrial protocols, such as TCP, reliability is obtained by means of an ARQ (Automatic Retransmission reQuest) method, which, however, has not good performance when there are long delays on the transmission channel. At physical layer, Forward Error Correction Codes (FECs), based on the insertion of redundant information, are an alternative way to assure reliability. On binary channels, when single bits are flipped because of channel noise, redundancy bits can be exploited to recover the original information. In the presence of binary erasure channels, where bits are not flipped but lost, redundancy can still be used to recover the original information. FECs codes, designed for this purpose, are usually called Erasure Codes (ECs). It is worth noting that ECs, primarily studied for binary channels, can also be used at upper layers, i.e. applied on packets instead of bits, offering a very interesting alternative to the usual ARQ methods, especially in the presence of long delays. A protocol created to add reliability to DTN networks is the Licklider Transmission Protocol (LTP), created to obtain better performance on long delay links. The aim of this thesis is the application of ECs to LTP.


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La tesi tratta della modellazione tridimensionale attraverso software di rilievo fotografico Agisoft Photoscan di alcuni portici della città di Bologna, della successiva segmentazione dei modelli tridimensionali e della classificazione e identificazione delle componenti architettoniche dei casi studio analizzati andando a definire un nuovo approccio di studio semantico al sistema porticato della città di Bologna.