26 resultados para Antinomy


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El término bárbaro registra una larga historia y, formando antinomias, recorre un largo itinerario. Desde la clásica oposición helenos-bárbaros, pasando por romanos-bárbaros, pasó a contribuir al surgimiento de nuevas antinomias, cristiano-pagano y civilizado-bárbaro. ¿Cómo fueron posibles estas continuas metamorfosis, que comenzaron en la Antigüedad, se continuaron reeditando durante la Edad Media y Moderna y las vemos aparecer aún en nuestros días? Son posibles porque el bárbaro es, por sobre todo, el "otro", tenga éste las características que tenga. En esa historia de invención del "otro" queremos detenernos para considerar el aporte de la cultura romana a esta construcción, basándonos en el De bello Gallico de Julio César


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Desde una constelación de poemas clave -"Caupolicán" (1888) de Rubén Darío, "Amor de ciudad grande" (1882) de José Martí y "En el campo" (1893) de Julián del Casal-, el análisis traza las diferencias en la articulación de una categoría fundante del siglo XIX latinoamericano en lo que va del romanticismo al modernismo. Si el concepto de "civilización" es el soporte del orden emergente que define roles sociales y nacionales en la nueva distribución global del XIX, su carácter intrínsecamente antinómico produce un racimo de oposiciones binarias -igualmente jerárquicas y valorativas- como cultura-naturaleza y ciudad-campo. Bajo estas condiciones, el romanticismo latinoamericano encontró en la nueva relación de la subjetividad con el entorno un camino para ensayar su estética, al re-culturizar el espacio natural para integrarlo al proceso de construcción de identidades nacionales. Desde las coordenadas de una fractura en esta tradición, los poemas del modernismo reconfiguran la antinomia entre naturaleza y cultura en una nueva inflexión que termina afectando los resortes de legitimación de un proyecto estético. En particular, nuestra hipótesis se aproxima al ritmo poético entendiéndolo como una fisura en la "ciudad letrada", el elemento propulsor de una nueva institución literaria que -mientras transforma el paradigma opositivo civilización-barbarie, original-copia, local-universal- contribuye a deslindar la autoridad del poeta modernista respecto del modelo del letrado tradicional


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El término bárbaro registra una larga historia y, formando antinomias, recorre un largo itinerario. Desde la clásica oposición helenos-bárbaros, pasando por romanos-bárbaros, pasó a contribuir al surgimiento de nuevas antinomias, cristiano-pagano y civilizado-bárbaro. ¿Cómo fueron posibles estas continuas metamorfosis, que comenzaron en la Antigüedad, se continuaron reeditando durante la Edad Media y Moderna y las vemos aparecer aún en nuestros días? Son posibles porque el bárbaro es, por sobre todo, el "otro", tenga éste las características que tenga. En esa historia de invención del "otro" queremos detenernos para considerar el aporte de la cultura romana a esta construcción, basándonos en el De bello Gallico de Julio César


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Desde una constelación de poemas clave -"Caupolicán" (1888) de Rubén Darío, "Amor de ciudad grande" (1882) de José Martí y "En el campo" (1893) de Julián del Casal-, el análisis traza las diferencias en la articulación de una categoría fundante del siglo XIX latinoamericano en lo que va del romanticismo al modernismo. Si el concepto de "civilización" es el soporte del orden emergente que define roles sociales y nacionales en la nueva distribución global del XIX, su carácter intrínsecamente antinómico produce un racimo de oposiciones binarias -igualmente jerárquicas y valorativas- como cultura-naturaleza y ciudad-campo. Bajo estas condiciones, el romanticismo latinoamericano encontró en la nueva relación de la subjetividad con el entorno un camino para ensayar su estética, al re-culturizar el espacio natural para integrarlo al proceso de construcción de identidades nacionales. Desde las coordenadas de una fractura en esta tradición, los poemas del modernismo reconfiguran la antinomia entre naturaleza y cultura en una nueva inflexión que termina afectando los resortes de legitimación de un proyecto estético. En particular, nuestra hipótesis se aproxima al ritmo poético entendiéndolo como una fisura en la "ciudad letrada", el elemento propulsor de una nueva institución literaria que -mientras transforma el paradigma opositivo civilización-barbarie, original-copia, local-universal- contribuye a deslindar la autoridad del poeta modernista respecto del modelo del letrado tradicional


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La investigación se inició a partir de la formulación de las siguientes hipótesis de trabajo: 1. El Chacho, último caudillo de la montonera de los Llanos de Domingo F. Sarmiento [1868] interactúa polémicamente con Rasgos biográficos del General D. Angel V. Peñaloza de José Hernández [1863], aunque su autor no haya avalado con su firma ningún testimonio acerca de lecturas de la obra periodística ni literaria de quien escribiría el Martín Fierro. 2. Esa interacción textual se enmarca en 'la gran polémica nacional': la que inició Sarmiento con la publicación de Campaña en el Ejército Grande [1852], provocó la respuesta de Juan Bautista Alberdi en sus Cartas sobre la prensa y la política militante en la República Argentina [1853] y no concluyó con la publicación de Las ciento y una de su adversario ni con los otros intercambios polémicos textuales entre ambos autores en ese mismo año 1853. 3. La antinomia irreductible 'civilización versus barbarie', como modelo de identidad nacional y como base para el diseño de una programática para la organización estable del país, es el eje de esa interacción polémica [un bando pretende afianzarla y sus oponentes resquebrajarla]. 4. Vida del Chacho [la reescritura de su primera biografía de Peñaloza emprendida por Hernández en 1875] se reinscribe en 'la gran polémica nacional' en otra coyuntura política. Con el fin de validar estas hipótesis, se profundizó el conocimiento del contexto histórico [1852-1875] y se reunió toda la documentación que fue posible rastrear [en particular, material inédito que en algunos casos no había sido estudiado antes o había sido considerado desde otros enfoques] para reconstruir los avatares y el intertexto de esa prolongada interacción polémica. Durante ese recorrido, se hicieron hallazgos documentales y se descubrieron problemáticas no entrevistas en el punto de partida. Finalmente, un último hallazgo permitió cerrar la secuencia de interacción polémica acotada con el análisis de un enfrentamiento público iniciado por un redactor anónimo que en 1875, desde La Tribuna de Buenos Aires, analiza la génesis de Vida del Chacho y por ese medio ataca a su autor. Hernández reconoce en el redactor anónimo 'la voz de Sarmiento' y dirigiéndose a él responde con una serie de cartas abiertas. La persistencia de la polémica entre Sarmiento y Alberdi en la política nacional no sólo enmarca las primeras biografías del Chacho, que se analizan en el primer apartado ['La gran polémica nacional del siglo XIX como intertexto de las biografías del Chacho'], sino también los temas de los restantes: 'El alineamiento de los adversarios de Sarmiento' [apartado 2], la biografía del Chacho del propio Sarmiento ['Sarmiento contraataca con su biografía del Chacho', apartado 3], la reformulación de la primera versión de la suya que emprenderá Hernández en 1875 -mientras que reescribe el sociolecto de El gaucho Martín Fierro al prepar la 9ª edición- ['Vida del Chacho y El gaucho Martín Fierro: reescrituras de Hernández en 1875', apartado 4] y la última manifestación de la polémica que estos dos autores entablaron a través de su práctica del género biográfico ['El último eslabón de una polémica: Sarmiento vs. Hernández', apartado 5]


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The close of an era. -- The shifting of the centre of significance in the evolutionary hypothesis. -- The principle of projected efficiency. -- The position in modern thought. -- The phenomenon of western liberalism. -- The problem. -- The ascendency of the present. -- The passing of the present under the control of the future. -- The development of the great antinomy in western history. -- The modern world-conflict. -- Towards the future.


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The central issue of this dissertation is to investigate the labor activity of beach hawker, in order to identify the main professional competencies mobilized in this activity, traversed by both the precariousness of the means of labor exercise, as for complex and structured routines. In the town of Natal (RN) the beaches serve as workplace for thousands of informal workers, who use various professional skills, translated into the ability to mobilize and articulate knowledge, skills and behaviors to solve problems in concrete work situations. This research therefore had as main objective to investigate the work of beach hawkers, trying to identify the core competencies mobilized for facing demands and obstacles in such a context. The beach of Ponta Negra (Natal-RN) was chosen as field of observation, in which a group of hawkers took part as voluntary subjects. Methodologically, quantitative and qualitative methods of production and analysis of data were combined in three stages. In the quantitative phase an occupational questionnaire was applied to a sample of 60 subjects, generating a set of data analyzed with quantitative univariate and multidimensional descriptive statistical tools, complemented by inferential statistical analysis. The results of this phase indicate a predominance of men sellers with salary varying in a range from one to two minimum wage Brazilian salary, age and education quite heterogeneous, extended working hours and the choice of only this activity and this beach throughout the year. Concurrently with this step of analysis, unsystematic observations of the activity of vendors were held and then driven to the technique of Instruction Impersonator with four chosen subjects. This phase had a clinicalinterpretive analysis, rooted in historical-cultural Vygotskian psychological perspective and in the french approach of skills and abilities. The main results point to several strategies for overcoming obstacles, use of technics anchored in everyday work experience and practical knowledge, building rules of conduct and collective mobilization of diverse professional skills similar to those found in formal work, such as business and time management, use of communicative tools, flexibility in problem solving, creativity and teamwork competence. We conclude that informality investigated in context can not be seen exclusively as a synonym of precariousness. It also covers skills and knowledge in a complex culture that situates informal labor in a complementary way with respect to formal work. This conclusion, therefore, contributes to overcome the notion of antinomy between formal and informal labor activity, since they both can be considered as a way to achieve job satisfaction, and even a personal representation of well done job, which is an important psychological generator of identity and social place.


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El trabajo aborda la concepción de la historia y la crítica de la modernidad desarrolladas por F. Hinkelammert, a las que se ubica en la perspectiva desarrollada por (la primera) Escuela de Frankfurt, particularmente por Walter Benjamin. En la elaboración de las categorías fundamentales de la reflexion hinkelammertiana sobre la historia, se destaca un primer hito fundamental, constituido por la Crítica de la razón utópica. En esta obra, el autor presenta la aspiración de alcanzar verdaderas metas imposibles, pensadas en términos de instituciones perfectas, a partir de acercamientos progresivos, como una tendencia propia de la racionalidad moderna que debe ser sometida a critica. La Crítica de la razón mítica constituye el segundo hito de ese desarrollo critico, en el cual se retoma la relación entre cristianismo y modernidad a partir del concepto de “secularización”, mostrando sus relaciones de continuidad/ ruptura respecto a los resortes miticos que alientan paradójicamente la razón instrumental Abstract The work approaches the conception of history and the critique of modernity developed by F. Hinkelammert’s, which lies in the perspective developed by the (first) Frankfurt School, particularly by Walter Benjamin. In the developing of the fundamental categories of the Hinkelammert reflection on history, highlights a fundamental first landmark, constituted by the Critic of the utopian reason. In this work, the author presents the aspiration to achieve real impossible goals, thought in terms of perfect institutions, from progressive approaches, as an own tendency of the modern rationality that must be subjected to criticism. The Critic of the mythical reason constitutes the second landmark of that critical development, in which retakes the relation between Christianity and modernity from the concept of “secularization”, showing its relations of continuity/rupture in respect to the mythical springs that paradoxically encourage the instrumental reason.


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Numerous applications within the mid- and long-wavelength infrared are driving the search for efficient and cost effective detection technologies in this regime. Theoretical calculations have predicted high performance for InAs/GaSb type-II superlattice structures, which rely on mature growth of III-V semiconductors and offer many levels of freedom in design due to band structure engineering. This work focuses on the fabrication and characterization of type-II superlattice infrared detectors. Standard UV-based photolithography was used combined with chemical wet or dry etching techniques in order to fabricate antinomy-based type-II superlattice infrared detectors. Subsequently, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and radiometric techniques were applied for optical characterization in order to obtain a detector's spectrum and response, as well as the overall detectivity in combination with electrical characterization. Temperature dependent electrical characterization was used to extract information about the limiting dark current processes. This work resulted in the first demonstration of an InAs/GaSb type-II superlattice infrared photodetector grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition. A peak detectivity of 1.6x10^9 Jones at 78 K was achieved for this device with a 11 micrometer zero cutoff wavelength. Furthermore the interband tunneling detector designed for the mid-wavelength infrared regime was studied. Similar results to those previously published were obtained.


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Relational reasoning, or the ability to identify meaningful patterns within any stream of information, is a fundamental cognitive ability associated with academic success across a variety of domains of learning and levels of schooling. However, the measurement of this construct has been historically problematic. For example, while the construct is typically described as multidimensional—including the identification of multiple types of higher-order patterns—it is most often measured in terms of a single type of pattern: analogy. For that reason, the Test of Relational Reasoning (TORR) was conceived and developed to include three other types of patterns that appear to be meaningful in the educational context: anomaly, antinomy, and antithesis. Moreover, as a way to focus on fluid relational reasoning ability, the TORR was developed to include, except for the directions, entirely visuo-spatial stimuli, which were designed to be as novel as possible for the participant. By focusing on fluid intellectual processing, the TORR was also developed to be fairly administered to undergraduate students—regardless of the particular gender, language, and ethnic groups they belong to. However, although some psychometric investigations of the TORR have been conducted, its actual fairness across those demographic groups has yet to be empirically demonstrated. Therefore, a systematic investigation of differential-item-functioning (DIF) across demographic groups on TORR items was conducted. A large (N = 1,379) sample, representative of the University of Maryland on key demographic variables, was collected, and the resulting data was analyzed using a multi-group, multidimensional item-response theory model comparison procedure. Using this procedure, no significant DIF was found on any of the TORR items across any of the demographic groups of interest. This null finding is interpreted as evidence of the cultural-fairness of the TORR, and potential test-development choices that may have contributed to that cultural-fairness are discussed. For example, the choice to make the TORR an untimed measure, to use novel stimuli, and to avoid stereotype threat in test administration, may have contributed to its cultural-fairness. Future steps for psychometric research on the TORR, and substantive research utilizing the TORR, are also presented and discussed.


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Critical thinking in learners is a goal of educators and professional organizations in nursing as well as other professions. However, few studies in nursing have examined the role of the important individual difference factors topic knowledge, individual interest, and general relational reasoning strategies in predicting critical thinking. In addition, most previous studies have used domain-general, standardized measures, with inconsistent results. Moreover, few studies have investigated critical thinking across multiple levels of experience. The major purpose of this study was to examine the degree to which topic knowledge, individual interest, and relational reasoning predict critical thinking in maternity nurses. For this study, 182 maternity nurses were recruited from national nursing listservs explicitly chosen to capture multiple levels of experience from prelicensure to very experienced nurses. The three independent measures included a domain-specific Topic Knowledge Assessment (TKA), consisting of 24 short-answer questions, a Professed and Engaged Interest Measure (PEIM), with 20 questions indicating level of interest and engagement in maternity nursing topics and activities, and the Test of Relational Reasoning (TORR), a graphical selected response measure with 32 items organized in scales corresponding to four forms of relational reasoning: analogy, anomaly, antithesis, and antinomy. The dependent measure was the Critical Thinking Task in Maternity Nursing (CT2MN), composed of a clinical case study providing cues with follow-up questions relating to nursing care. These questions align with the cognitive processes identified in a commonly-used definition of critical thinking in nursing. Reliable coding schemes for the measures were developed for this study. Key findings included a significant correlation between topic knowledge and individual interest. Further, the three individual difference factors explained a significant proportion of the variance in critical thinking with a large effect size. While topic knowledge was the strongest predictor of critical thinking performance, individual interest had a moderate significant effect, and relational reasoning had a small but significant effect. The findings suggest that these individual difference factors should be included in future studies of critical thinking in nursing. Implications for nursing education, research, and practice are discussed.