938 resultados para Antigen expression site


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In Trypanosoma brucei, transcription by RNA polymerase II and 5′ capping of messenger RNA are uncoupled: a capped spliced leader is trans spliced to every RNA. This decoupling makes it possible to have protein-coding gene transcription driven by RNA polymerase I. Indeed, indirect evidence suggests that the genes for the major surface glycoproteins, variant surface glycoproteins (VSGs) in bloodstream-form trypanosomes, are transcribed by RNA polymerase I. In a single trypanosome, only one VSG expression site is maximally transcribed at any one time, and it has been speculated that transcription takes place at a unique site within the nucleus, perhaps in the nucleolus. We tested this by using fluorescence in situ hybridization. With probes that cover about 50 kb of the active 221 expression site, we detected nuclear transcripts of this site in a single fluorescent spot, which did not colocalize with the nucleolus. Analysis of marker gene-tagged active expression site DNA by fluorescent DNA in situ hybridization confirmed the absence of association with the nucleolus. Even an active expression site in which the promoter had been replaced by an rDNA promoter did not colocalize with the nulceolus. As expected, marker genes inserted in the rDNA array predominantly colocalize with the nucleolus, whereas the tubulin gene arrays do not. We conclude that transcription of the active VSG expression site does not take place in the nucleolus.


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Five candidate promoters were examined to determine their utility in directing immunogenic levels of expression of the C fragment from tetanus toxin in attenuated S. enterica used as an oral vaccine in mice. Promoters derived from the genes encoding the stringent starvation protein (sspA) from E. coli and S. enterica, but not ansB derived promoters, expressed immunogenic levels of C fragment from multi-copy plasmids in attenuated S. enterica in vivo and, following oral immunization, induced high titre specific anti-tetanus toxoid serum antibodies. We also demonstrate that not only the choice of promoter, replicon and growth conditions but also how expression constructs are assembled in the chosen plasmid is critical for the successful development of plasmid-based antigen delivery systems using attenuated S. enterica. In addition, the S. enterica sspA promoter is able to elicit anti-tetanus toxoid antibodies in mice when the psspA-tetC expression cassette is integrated in single copy on the S. enterica chromosome.


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Les maladies autoimmunes sont des affections chroniques, le plus souvent invalidantes, qui touchent plus de 5% de la population dans les pays développés. L’autoimmunité résulte de la rupture des mécanismes de tolérance du système immunitaire vis-à-vis des autoantigènes exprimés par les tissus de l’organisme, entraînant la destruction d’un ou de plusieurs organes-cibles par les lymphocytes T et/ou B. L’hépatite autoimmune et le diabète autoimmun se caractérisent par la destruction sélective des hépatocytes et des cellules beta pancréatiques, respectivement. De plus en plus d’arguments suggèrent une implication des lymphocytes T CD8+ dans le déclenchement, la progression et la régulation des réponses associées à plusieurs maladies autoimmunes. Dans ce projet, nous avons suivi l’évolution de clones de lymphocytes T CD8+ spécifiques à un antigène particulier dont le site d’expression différait. Pour ce faire, nous avons développé deux nouveaux modèles murins double transgéniques par croisement entre une lignée de souris exprimant un TCR transgénique spécifique à la nucléoprotéine (NP) du virus de la chorioméningite lymphocytaire (LCMV), et une souris exprimant cette NP-LCMV : 1) uniquement dans les hépatocytes (modèle d’hépatite autoimmune), ou 2) simultanément dans le thymus et le pancréas (modèle de diabète autoimmun). L’avidité fonctionnelle des lymphocytes T CD8+ spécifiques à la NP chez les souris TCR transgéniques était inversement proportionnelle au niveau d’expression du TCR. Le répertoire lymphocytaire dans le thymus, la rate, les ganglions et le sang périphérique a été caractérisé pour chacune des lignées de souris double transgéniques, de même que la capacité fonctionnelle et le phénotype (marqueurs d’activation/mémoire) des lymphocytes T CD8+ autoréactifs. Chacun des deux nouveaux modèles présentés dans cette étude ont montré que les lymphocytes T CD8+ spécifiques à la NP sont aptes à briser la tolérance centrale et périphérique et à provoquer une réaction d’autoimmunité spontanée. Dans le modèle d’hépatite autoimmune, où l’expression de l’autoantigène était restreinte au foie, la surexpression du TCR transgénique a entraîné une délétion thymique quasi-totale des lymphocytes T CD8+ spécifiques à la NP prévenant le développement d’une hépatite spontanée. alors qu’un niveau de TCR comparable à celui d’une souris de type sauvage a permis une sélection positive des lymphocytes autoréactifs qui se sont accumulés dans le foie où ils se sont activés pour provoquer une hépatite autoimmune spontanée. Dans le modèle de diabète autoimmun, où l’autoantigène était exprimé dans le pancréas et le thymus, les souris des deux lignées double transgéniques ont montré une délétion thymique partielle, peu importe le niveau d’expression du TCR. Seuls les mâles adultes développaient un diabète spontané et une partie de leurs lymphocytes T CD8+ exprimaient une combinaison particulière de marqueurs d’activation/mémoire (CD44, CD122, PD-1). Cette population lymphocytaire était absente chez les souris femelles et les mâles sains. L’étude de la tolérance des lymphocytes T CD8+ autoréactifs dans nos deux nouveaux modèles murins double transgéniques a permis d’identifier des mécanismes alternatifs possiblement impliqués dans la tolérance et l’activation, et de mieux comprendre le rôle des lymphocytes T CD8+ autoréactifs dans le processus autoimmun menant à l’hépatite autoimmune et au diabète autoimmun. Ces découvertes seront utiles pour développer de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques ciblant les lymphocytes T CD8+ autoréactifs.


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OBJECTIVE To investigate the level and location of phosphodiesterase 5 (PDE5) expression in rat prostate. METHODS The ventral, dorsal, and lateral lobes of rat prostate were examined for PDE5 expression by Western blotting. Intact rat urogenital complex, including the urinary bladder and accessory reproductive glands, was examined for PDE5 expression by immunohistochemistry. Individual prostatic lobes were further examined by immunofluorescence for expression of PDE5, alpha-smooth muscle actin, and rat endothelial cell antigen. RESULTS Western blot analysis showed that PDE5 was expressed at a significantly lower level in dorsal lobe (DL) than in ventral lobe (VL) or lateral lobe (LL). Immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence analyses showed that PDE5 was expressed in both acinar epithelium and periacinar smooth muscle. However, although similar levels of smooth muscle PDE5 expression were observed in all 3 prostatic lobes, significantly lower level of epithelial PDE5 expression was found in DL compared with VL or LL. In prostatic blood vessels, PDE5 expression was clearly visible in the endothelium but not as easily detectable in the smooth muscle. CONCLUSION PDE5 was expressed in the acinar epithelium and periacinar smooth muscle of rat prostate. However, the epithelial PDE5 expression was significantly less in DL than in VL or LL. Regardless, the acinar wall, not the blood vessel wall, is the predominant PDE5 expression site in rat prostate. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc.


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Patterns of glycosylation are important in cancer, but the molecular mechanisms that drive changes are often poorly understood. The androgen receptor drives prostate cancer (PCa) development and progression to lethal metastatic castration-resistant disease. Here we used RNA-Seq coupled with bioinformatic analyses of androgen-receptor (AR) binding sites and clinical PCa expression array data to identify ST6GalNAc1 as a direct and rapidly activated target gene of the AR in PCa cells. ST6GalNAc1 encodes a sialytransferase that catalyses formation of the cancer-associated sialyl-Tn antigen (sTn), which we find is also induced by androgen exposure. Androgens induce expression of a novel splice variant of the ST6GalNAc1 protein in PCa cells. This splice variant encodes a shorter protein isoform that is still fully functional as a sialyltransferase and able to induce expression of the sTn-antigen. Surprisingly, given its high expression in tumours, stable expression of ST6GalNAc1 in PCa cells reduced formation of stable tumours in mice, reduced cell adhesion and induced a switch towards a more mesenchymal-like cell phenotype in vitro. ST6GalNAc1 has a dynamic expression pattern in clinical datasets, beingsignificantly up-regulated in primary prostate carcinoma but relatively down-regulated in established metastatic tissue. ST6GalNAc1 is frequently upregulated concurrently with another important glycosylation enzyme GCNT1 previously associated with prostate cancer progression and implicated in Sialyl Lewis X antigen synthesis. Together our data establishes an androgen-dependent mechanism for sTn antigen expression in PCa, and are consistent with a general role for the androgen receptor in driving important coordinate changes to the glycoproteome during PCa progression.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Background: To directly assess tumor oxygenation in resectable non - small cell lung cancers (NSCLC) and to correlate tumor pO2 and the selected gene and protein expression to treatment outcomes. Methods: Twenty patients with resectable NSCLC were enrolled. Intraoperative measurements of normal lung and tumor pO2 were done with the Eppendorf polarographic electrode. All patients had plasma osteopontin measurements by ELISA. Carbonic anhydrase-IX (CA IX) staining of tumor sections was done in the majority of patients (n = 16), as was gene expression profiling (n = 12) using cDNA microarrays. Tumor pO2 was correlated with CA IX staining, osteopontin levels, and treatment outcomes. Results: The median tumor pO2 ranged from 0.7 to 46 mm Hg (median, 16.6) and was lower than normal lung pO2 in all but one patient. Because both variables were affected by the completeness of lung deflation during measurement, we used the ratio of tumor/normal lung (T/L) pO2 as a reflection of tumor oxygenation. The median T/L pO 2 was 0.13. T/L pO2 correlated significantly with plasma osteopontin levels (r = 0.53, P = 0.02) and CA IX expression (P = 0.006). Gene expression profiling showed that high CD44 expression was a predictor for relapse, which was confirmed by tissue staining of CD44 variant 6 protein. Other variables associated with the risk of relapse were T stage (P = 0.02), T/L pO2 (P = 0.04), and osteopontin levels (P = 0.001). Conclusions: Tumor hypoxia exists in resectable NSCLC and is associated with elevated expression of osteopontin and CA IX. Tumor hypoxia and elevated osteopontin levels and CD44 expression correlated with poor prognosis. A larger study is needed to confirm the prognostic significance of these factors. © 2006 American Association for Cancer Research.


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Purpose To evaluate carbonic anhydrase (CA) IX as a surrogate marker of hypoxia and investigate the prognostic significance of different patterns of expression in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods Standard immunohistochemical techniques were used to study CA IX expression in 175 resected NSCLC tumors. CA IX expression was determined by Western blotting in A549 cell lines grown under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. Measurements from microvessels to CA IX positivity were obtained. Results CA IX immunostaining was detected in 81.8% of patients. Membranous (m) (P = .005), cytoplasmic (c) (P = .018), and stromal (P < .001) CA IX expression correlated with the extent of tumor necrosis (TN). The mean distance from vascular endothelium to the start of tumor cell positivity was 90 μm, which equates to an oxygen pressure of 5.77 mmHg. The distance to blood vessels from individual tumor cells or tumor cell clusters was greater if they expressed mCA IX than if they did not (P < .001). Hypoxic exposure of A549 cells for 16 hours enhanced CAIX expression in the nuclear and cytosolic extracts. Perinuclear (p) CA IX (P = .035) was associated with a poor prognosis. In multivariate analysis, pCA IX (P = .004), stage (P = .001), platelet count (P = .011), sex (P = .027), and TN (P = .035) were independent poor prognostic factors. Conclusion These results add weight to the contention that mCA IX is a marker of tumor cell hypoxia. The absence of CA IX staining close to microvessels suggests that these vessels are functionally active. pCA IX expression is representative of an aggressive phenotype. © 2003 by American Society of Clinical Oncology.


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Bahia grass, Paspalum notatum, is a clinically important subtropical grass with a prolonged pollination season from spring to autumn. We aimed to clone and characterise the major Bahia grass pollen allergen, Pas n 1. Grass pollen-allergic patients presenting to a tertiary hospital allergy clinic were tested for IgE reactivity with Bahia grass pollen extract by skin prick testing, ImmunoCAP, ELISA and immunoblotting. Using primers deduced from the N-terminal peptide sequence of a group 1 allergen of Bahia grass pollen extract separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, the complete Pas n 1 cDNA was obtained by rapid amplification of cDNA ends and cloned. Biological relevance of recombinant Pas n 1 expressed in Escherichia coli was assessed by serum IgE reactivity and basophil activation. Twenty-nine of 34 (85%) consecutive patients presenting with grass pollen allergy were skin prick test positive to Bahia grass pollen. The Pas n 1 cDNA has sequence homology with the β-expansin 1 glycoprotein family and is more closely related to the maize pollen group 1 allergen (85% identity) than to ryegrass Lol p 1 or Timothy grass Phl p 1 (64 and 66% identity, respectively). rPas n 1 reacted with serum IgE in 47 of 55 (85%) Bahia grass pollen-allergic patients, activated basophils and inhibited serum IgE reactivity with the 29 kDa band of Bahia grass pollen extract. In conclusion the cDNA for the major group 1 allergen of the subtropical Bahia grass pollen, Pas n 1, was identified and cloned. rPas n 1 is immunologically active and is a valuable reagent for diagnosis and specific immunotherapy of grass pollen allergy.


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Antigen stimulation of naive T cells in conjunction with strong costimulatory signals elicits the generation of effector and memory populations. Such terminal differentiation transforms naive T cells capable of differentiating along several terminal pathways in response to pertinent environmental cues into cells that have lost developmental plasticity and exhibit heightened responsiveness. Because these cells exhibit little or no need for the strong costimulatory signals required for full activation of naive T cells, it is generally considered memory and effector T cells are released from the capacity to be inactivated. Here, we show that steadystate dendritic cells constitutively presenting an endogenously expressed antigen inactivate fully differentiated memory and effector CD8+ T cells in vivo through deletion and inactivation. These findings indicate that fully differentiated effector and memory T cells exhibit a previously unappreciated level of plasticity and provide insight into how memory and effector T-cell populations may be regulated. © 2008 by The American Society of Hematology.


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Memory T cells develop early during the preclinical stages of autoimmune diseases and have traditionally been considered resistant to tolerance induction. As such, they may represent a potent barrier to the successful immunotherapy of established autoimmune diseases. It was recently shown that memory CD8+ T cell responses are terminated when Ag is genetically targeted to steady-state dendritic cells. However, under these conditions, inactivation of memory CD8+ T cells is slow, allowing transiently expanded memory CD8+ T cells to exert tissue-destructive effector function. In this study, we compared different Ag-targeting strategies and show, using an MHC class II promoter to drive Ag expression in a diverse range of APCs, that CD8+ memory T cells can be rapidly inactivated by MHC class II+ hematopoietic APCs through a mechanism that involves a rapid and sustained downregulation of TCR, in which the effector response of CD8+ memory cells is rapidly truncated and Ag-expressing target tissue destruction is prevented. Our data provide the first demonstration that genetically targeting Ag to a broad range of MHC class II+ APC types is a highly efficient way to terminate memory CD8+ T cell responses to prevent tissue-destructive effector function and potentially established autoimmune diseases. Copyright © 2010 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.


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Previously, we and others have shown that MHC class-II deficient humans have greatly reduced numbers of CD4+CD8- peripheral T cells. These type-III Bare Lymphocyte Syndrome patients lack MHC class-II and have an impaired MHC class-I antigen expression. In this study, we analyzed the impact of the MHC class-II deficient environment on the TCR V-gene segment usage in this reduced CD4+CD8- T-cell subset. For these studies, we employed TcR V-region-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and a semiquantitative PCR technique with V alpha and V beta amplimers, specific for each of the most known V alpha- and V beta-gene region families. The results of our studies demonstrate that some of the V alpha-gene segments are used less frequent in the CD4+CD8- T-cell subset of the patient, whereas the majority of the TCR V alpha- and V beta-gene segments investigated were used with similar frequencies in both subsets in the type-III Bare Lymphocyte Syndrome patient compared to healthy control family members. Interestingly, the frequency of TcR V alpha 12 transcripts was greatly diminished in the patient, both in the CD4+CD8- as well as in the CD4-CD8+ compartment, whereas this gene segment could easily be detected in the healthy family controls. On the basis of the results obtained in this study, it is concluded that within the reduced CD4+CD8- T-cell subset of this patient, most of the TCR V-gene segments tested for are employed. However, a skewing in the usage frequency of some of the V alpha-gene segments toward the CD4-CD8+ T-cell subset was noticeable in the MHC class-II deficient patient that differed from those observed in the healthy family controls.


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Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is a glycolipid present in the outer membrane of all Gram-negative bacteria, and it is one of the signature molecules recognized by the receptors of the innate immune system. In addition to its lipid A portion (the endotoxin), its O-chain polysaccharide (the O-antigen) plays a critical role in the bacterium-host interplay and, in a number of bacterial pathogens, it is a virulence factor. We present evidence that, in Yersinia enterocolitica serotype O:8, a complex signalling network regulates O-antigen expression in response to temperature. Northern blotting and reporter fusion analyses indicated that temperature regulates the O-antigen expression at the transcriptional level. Promoter cloning showed that the O-antigen gene cluster contains two transcriptional units under the control of promoters P(wb1) and P(wb2). The activity of both promoters is under temperature regulation and is repressed in bacteria grown at 37 degrees C. We demonstrate that the RosA/RosB efflux pump/potassium antiporter system and Wzz, the O-antigen chain length determinant, are indirectly involved in the regulation mainly affecting the activity of promoter P(wb2). The rosAB transcription, under the control of P(ros), is activated at 37 degrees C, and P(wb2) is repressed through the signals generated by the RosAB system activation, i.e. decreased [K+] and increased [H+]. The wzz transcription is under the control of P(wb2), and we show that, at 37 degrees C, overexpression of Wzz downregulates slightly the P(wb1) and P(wb2) activities and more strongly the P(ros) activity, with the net result that more O-antigen is produced. Finally, we demonstrate that overexpression of Wzz causes membrane stress that activates the CpxAR two-component signal transduction system.


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The expression of the Trypanosoma brucei variant surface glycoprotein AnTat 1.1 proceeds by a mechanism that transfers a duplicated gene copy into a new genomic environment, the so-called expression site, where it will be expressed. We have isolated a genomic fragment containing the region spanning the expression site-transposon junction, and the 5' half of the coding sequence. Comparing this DNA segment with its template copy (basic copy) allowed us to identify the exact breaking point and indicated a base sequence which could be involved in initiating the transposition event. Sequencing data also indicated that the co-transposed segment 5' to the coding sequence is 430 bp in length. The extreme 5' end of the mRNA is derived from a region in the expression site not immediately adjacent to the transposed DNA segment. This particular sequence exists in multiple copies in the genome and is common to the mRNA of all variant surface glycoproteins so far analysed.