947 resultados para Antartic Polar Front(APF)


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A number of parameters of biogeochemical interest were monitored along a north-southerly transect (S 43-S 63°) in the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean from the 8th to the 20th of December 1997. Changes in total dissolved inorganic carbon (CT) and total alkalinity (AT) were mostly dependent on temperature and salinity until the ice edge was reached. After this point only a weak correlation was seen between these. Highest mean values of CT and AT were observed in the Winter Ice Edge (WIE) (2195 and 2319 µmol/kg, respectively). Lowest mean AT (2277 µmol/kg) was observed in the Sub-Antarctic Front (SAF), whereas lowest mean CT concentration (2068 µmol/kg) was associated with the Sub-Tropical Front (STF). The pH in situ varied between 8.060 and 8.156 where the highest values were observed in the southern part of the Antarctic Polar Front (APF) and in the Summer Ice Edge (SIE) Region . These peaks were associated with areas of high chlorophyll a (chl a) and tribromomethane values. In the other areas the pH in situ was mainly dependent on hydrography. Bacterial abundance decreased more than one order of magnitude when going from north to south. The decrease appeared to be strongly related to water temperature and there were no elevated abundances at frontal zones. Microphytoplankton dominated in the SAF and APF, whereas the nano- and picoplankton dominated outside these regions. Volatile halogenated compounds were found to vary both with regions, and with daylight. For the iodinated compounds, the highest concentrations were found north of the STF. Brominated hydrocarbons had high concentrations in the STF, but elevated concentrations were also found in the APF and SIE regions. No obvious correlation could be found between the occurrence of individual halocarbons and chl a. On some occasions trichloroethene and tribromomethane related to the presence of nano- and microplankton, respectively.


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Fluxes of lithogenicmaterial and fluxes of three palaeo productivity proxies (organic carbon, biogenic opal and alkenones) over the past 100,000 years were determined using the 230Th-normalization method in three sediment cores from the Subantarctic South Atlantic Ocean. Features in the lithogenic flux record of each core correspond to similar features in the record of dust deposition in the EPICA Dome C ice core. Biogenic fluxes correlate with lithogenic fluxes in each sediment core. Our preferred interpretation is that South American dust, most probably from Patagonia, constitutes a major source of lithogenic material in Subantarctic South Atlantic sediments, and that past biological productivity in this region responded to variability in the supply of dust, probably due to biologically available iron carried by the dust. Greater nutrient supply as well as greater nutrient utilization (stimulated by dust) contributed to Subantarctic productivity during cold periods, in contrast to the region south of the Antarctic Polar Front (APF), where reduced nutrient supply during cold periods was the principal factor limiting productivity. The anti-phased patterns of productivity on opposite sides of the APF point to shifts in the physical supply of nutrients and to dust as cofactors regulating productivity in the Southern Ocean.


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Sea surface temperatures and sea-ice extent are the most critical variables to evaluate the Southern Ocean paleoceanographic evolution in relation to the development of the global carbon cycle, atmospheric CO2 variability and ocean-atmosphere circulation. In contrast to the Atlantic and the Indian sectors, the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean has been insufficiently investigated so far. To cover this gap of information we present diatom-based estimates of summer sea surface temperature (SSST) and winter sea-ice concentration (WSI) from 17 sites in the polar South Pacific to study the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) at the EPILOG time slice (19,000-23,000 cal. years BP). Applied statistical methods are the Imbrie and Kipp Method (IKM) and the Modern Analog Technique (MAT) to estimate temperature and sea-ice concentration, respectively. Our data display a distinct LGM east-west differentiation in SSST and WSI with steeper latitudinal temperature gradients and a winter sea-ice edge located consistently north of the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge in the Ross sea sector. In the eastern sector of our study area, which is governed by the Amundsen Abyssal Plain, the estimates yield weaker latitudinal SSST gradients together with a variable extended winter sea-ice field. In this sector, sea-ice extent may have reached sporadically the area of the present Subantarctic Front at its maximum LGM expansion. This pattern points to topographic forcing as major controller of the frontal system location and sea-ice extent in the western Pacific sector whereas atmospheric conditions like the Southern Annular Mode and the ENSO affected the oceanographic conditions in the eastern Pacific sector. Although it is difficult to depict the location and the physical nature of frontal systems separating the glacial Southern Ocean water masses into different zones, we found a distinct temperature gradient in latitudes straddled by the modern Southern Subtropical Front. Considering that the glacial temperatures north of this zone are similar to the modern, we suggest that this represents the Glacial Southern Subtropical Front (GSSTF), which delimits the zone of strongest glacial SSST cooling (>4K) to its North. The southern boundary of the zone of maximum cooling is close to the glacial 4°C isotherm. This isotherm, which is in the range of SSST at the modern Antarctic Polar Front (APF), represents a circum-Antarctic feature and marks the northern edge of the glacial Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). We also assume that a glacial front was established at the northern average winter sea ice edge, comparable with the modern Southern Antarctic Circumpolar Current Front (SACCF). During the glacial, this front would be located in the area of the modern APF. The northward deflection of colder than modern surface waters along the South American continent leads to a significant cooling of the glacial Humboldt Current surface waters (4-8K), which affects the temperature regimes as far north as into tropical latitudes. The glacial reduction of ACC temperatures may also result in the significant cooling in the Atlantic and Indian Southern Ocean, thus may enhance thermal differentiation of the Southern Ocean and Antarctic continental cooling. Comparison with temperature and sea ice simulations for the last glacial based on numerical simulations show that the majority of modern models overestimate summer and winter sea ice cover and that there exists few models that reproduce our temperature data rather well.


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The silicic acid leakage hypothesis (SALH) predicts that during glacial periods excess silicic acid was transported from the Southern Ocean to lower latitudes, which favored diatom production over coccolithophorid production and caused a drawdown of atmospheric CO2. Downcore records of 230Th-normalized opal (biogenic silica) fluxes from 31 cores in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean were used to compare diatom productivity during the last glacial period to that of the Holocene and to examine the evidence for increased glacial Si export to the tropics. Average glacial opal fluxes south of the modern Antarctic Polar Front (APF) were less than during the Holocene, while average glacial opal fluxes north of the APF were greater than during the Holocene. However, the magnitude of the increase north of the APF was not enough to offset decreased fluxes to the south, resulting in a decrease in opal burial in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean during the last glacial period, equivalent to approximately 15 Gt opal/ka1. This is consistent with the work of Chase et al. (2003, doi:10.1016/S0967-0645(02)00595-7), and satisfies the primary requirement of the SALH, assuming that the upwelled supply of Si was approximately equivalent during the Holocene and the glacial period. However, previous results from the equatorial oceans are inconsistent with the other predictions of the SALH, namely that either the Corg:CaCO3 ratio or the rate of opal burial should have increased during glacial periods. We compare the magnitudes of changes in the Southern Ocean and the tropics and suggest that Si escaping the glacial Southern Ocean must have had an alternate destination, possibly the continental margins. There is currently insufficient data to test this hypothesis, but the existence of this sink and its potential impact on glacial pCO2 remain interesting topics for future study.


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In the modern marine environment the silicoflagellate genus Dictyocha is rare, or absent, south of the Antarctic polar front (APF); the genus Distephanus, in contrast, is dominant. In sediments recovered from ODP Site 1165, 1600 km south of the front, however, three intervals where Dictyocha is abundant are interpreted to represent Pliocene warm events. Comparison of our data with Ciesielski and Weaver's [1974] modern core top silicoflagellate relationship with sea surface temperature (SST) indicates that at Site 1165 mean annual SST was approximately 5°C at 3.7 Ma (event I), and approximately 4°C at 4.3-4.4 Ma (event II) and 4.55-4.8 Ma (event III). Event I represents a 5.5°C warming, and events II and III represents a 4.5°C warming relative to modern mean annual SST. Dictyocha is absent from other Site 1165 Pliocene intervals, which suggests that cooler SST (<2°C) prevailed. The warm events detected at Site 1165 may represent times when North Atlantic Deep Water production and ocean heat transport into the Southern Ocean exerted maximum influence.


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Since the inception of the international GEOTRACES program, studies investigating the distribution of trace elements and their isotopes in the global ocean have significantly increased. In spite of this large-scale effort, the distribution of neodymium isotopes (143Nd/144Nd) and concentrations ([Nd]) in the high latitude south Pacific is still understudied. Here we report dissolved Nd isotopes and concentrations from 11 vertical water column profiles from the south Pacific between South America and New Zealand. Results suggest that Ross Sea Bottom Water (RSBW) is represented by an epsilon-Nd value of ~ -7, and is thus more radiogenic than Circumpolar Deep Water (epsilon-Nd ~ -8). RSBW and its characteristic epsilon-Nd signature can be traced far into the SE Pacific until progressive mixing with ambient Lower Circumpolar Deep water (LCDW) dilutes this signal north of the Antarctic Polar Front (APF). The SW-NE trending Pacific-Antarctic Ridge restricts the advection of RSBW into the SW Pacific, where bottom water density, salinity, and epsilon-Nd values of -9 indicate the presence of bottom waters of an origin different from the Ross Sea. Neodymium concentrations show low surface concentrations and a linear increase with depth north of the Polar Front. South of the APF, surface [Nd] is high and increases with depth but remains almost constant below ~1000 m. This vertical and spatial [Nd] pattern follows the southward shoaling density surfaces of the Southern Ocean frontal system and hence suggests supply of Nd to the upper ocean through upwelling of Nd-rich deep water. Low particle abundance dominated by reduced opal production and seasonal sea ice cover likely contributes to the maintenance of the high upper ocean [Nd] south of the APF. The reported data highlights the use of Nd isotopes as a water mass tracer in the Southern Ocean, with the potential for paleocenaographic reconstructions, and contributes to an improved understanding of Nd biogeochemistry.


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Stable isotope (SI) ratios of carbon (d13C) and nitrogen (d15N) were measured in omnivorous and carnivorous deep-sea copepods of the families Euchaetidae and Aetideidae across the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean to establish their trophic positions. Due to high and variable C/N ratios related to differences in lipid content, d13C was corrected using a lipid-normalisation model. d15N signals ranged from 3.0-6.9 per mil in mesopelagic species to 7.0-9.5 per mil in bathypelagic congeners. Among the carnivorous Paraeuchaeta species, the epi- to mesopelagic species Paraeuchaeta antarctica had lower d15N values than the mesopelagic P. rasa and bathypelagic P. barbata. The same trend was observed among omnivorous Aetideidae, but was not significant. In the most abundant species P. antarctica, individuals from the western Atlantic had higher d13C and d15N values than specimens at the eastern stations. These longitudinal changes in d13C and d15N values were attributed to regional differences in hydrography and sea surface temperature (SST), in particular related to a northward extension of the Antarctic Polar Front (APF) at the easternmost stations. The results indicate that even in a mesopelagic carnivorous species, the changes in surface stable isotope signatures are pronounced.


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The speciation of dissolved zinc (Zn) was investigated by voltammetry in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean along two transects across the major frontal systems: along the Zero Meridian and across the Drake Passage. In the Southern Ocean south of the APF we found detectable labile inorganic Zn throughout the surface waters in contrast to studies from lower latitudes. Using a combination of ASV titrations and pseudopolarography revealed the presence of significant concentration of electrochemically inert Zn ligands throughout the Southern Ocean. These ligands however were nearly always saturated due to the presence of excess concentrations of dissolved Zn that were associated with the high nutrient waters south of the Antarctic Polar Front (APF). Only in surface waters did the concentration of Zn complexing ligands exceed the dissolved Zn concentrations suggesting a biological source for these ligands. Our findings have clear implications for the biogeochemical cycling of Zn and for the interpretation of paleo records utilizing Zn in opal as a tracer of Zn speciation in the water column.


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The physical and biological carbon pumps in the different hydrographic and biogeochemical regimes of the Atlantic Sector of the Southern Ocean are controlled by a series of coupled physical, chemical and biological processes and a project named Eddy-Pump was designed to study them. The Eddy Pump field campaign was carried out during RV Polarstern Cruise ANT-XXVIII/3 between January and March 2012. Particular emphasis was laid on the differences which occur along the axis of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) with its associated mesoscale eddy field. The study sites were selected in order to represent (1) the central ACC with its regular separation in different frontal jets, investigated by a meridional transect along 10°E; (2) a large-scale bloom west of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge which lasted several months with conspicuous chlorophyll-poor waters to its immediate east studied by a three-dimensional mesoscale survey centred at 12°40'W; and (3) the Georgia Basin north of the island of South Georgia, which regularly features an extended and dense phytoplankton bloom, was investigated by a mesoscale survey centred at 38°12'W. While Eddy-Pump represents an interdisciplinary project by design, we here focus on describing the variable physical environment within which the different biogeochemical regimes developed. For describing the physical environment we use measurements of temperature, salinity and density, of mixed-layer turbulence parameters, of dynamic heights and horizontal current vectors, and of flow trajectories obtained from surface drifters and submerged floats. This serves as background information for the analyses of biological and chemical processes and of biogeochemical fluxes addressed by other papers in this issue. The section along 10°E between 44°S and 53°S showed a classical ACC structure with well-known hydrographic fronts, the Subantarctic Front (SAF) at 46.5°S, the Antarctic Polar Front (APF) split in two, at 49.25°S and 50.5°S, and the Southern Polar Front (SPF) at 52.5°S. Each front was associated with strong eastward flows. The West Mid-Atlantic Ridge Survey showed a weak and poorly resolved meander structure between the APF and the SPF. During the first eight days of the survey the oceanographic conditions at the Central Station at 12°40'W remained reasonably constant. However after that, conditions became more variable in the thermocline with conspicuous temperature inversions and interleavings and also a decrease in temperature in the surface layer. At the very end of the period of observation the conditions in the thermocline returned to being similar to those observed during the early part of the period with however the mixed layer temperature raised. The period of enhanced thermohaline variability was accompanied by increased currents. The Georgia Basin Survey showed a very strong zonal jet at its northern edge which connects to a large cyclonic meander that itself joins an anticyclonic eddy in the southeastern quadrant. The water mass contrasts in this survey were stronger than in the West Mid-Atlantic Ridge Survey, but similar to those met along 10°E with the exception that the warm and saline surface water typical of the northern side of the SAF was not covered by the Georgia Basin Survey. Mixed layers found during Eddy-Pump were typically deep, but varied between the three survey areas; the mean depths and standard variations of the mixed layer along the 10°E were 77.2±24.7 m, at the West Mid-Atlantic Ridge 66.7±17.7 m, and in the Georgia Basin 36.8±10.7 m.


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Phytoplankton community structure and their physiological response in the vicinity of the Antarctic Polar Front (APF; 44°S to 53°S, centred at 10°E) were investigated as part of the ANT-XXVIII/3 Eddy-Pump cruise conducted in austral summer 2012. Our results show that under iron-limited (< 0.3 µmol/m**3) conditions, high total chlorophyll-a (TChl-a) concentrations (> 0.6 mg/m**3) can be observed at stations with deep mixed layer (> 60 m) across the APF. In contrast, light was excessive at stations with shallower mixed layer and phytoplankton were producing higher amounts of photoprotective pigments, diadinoxanthin (DD) and diatoxanthin (DT), at the expense of TChl-a, resulting in higher ratios of (DD+DT)/ TChl-a. North of the APF, significantly lower silicic acid (Si(OH)4) concentrations (< 2 mmol/m**3) lead to the domination of nanophytoplankton consisting mostly of haptophytes, which produced higher ratios of (DD+DT)/TChl-a under relatively low irradiance conditions. The Si(OH)4 replete (> 5 mmol/m**3) region south of the APF, on the contrary, was dominated by microphytoplankton (diatoms and dinoflagellates) with lower ratios of (DD+DT)/TChl-a, despite having been exposed to higher levels of irradiance. The significant correlation between nanophytoplankton and (DD+DT)/TChl-a indicates that differences in taxon-specific response to light are also influencing TChl-a concentration in the APF during summer. Our results reveal that provided mixing is deep and Si(OH)4 is replete, TChl-a concentrations higher than 0.6 mg/m**3 are achievable in the iron-limited APF waters during summer.


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Sediment drifts on the continental rise are located proximal to the western side of the Antarctic Peninsula and recorded changes in glacial volume and thermal regime over the last ca. 15 m.y. At Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1101 (Leg 178), which recovered sediments back to 3.1 Ma, glacial-interglacial cyclicity was identified based on the biogenic component and sedimentary structures observed in X-radiographs, magnetic susceptibility and lithofacies descriptions. Glacial intervals are dominated by fine-grained laminated mud and interglacial units consist of bioturbated muds enriched in biogenic components. From 2.2 to 0.76 Ma, planktonic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils dominate in the interglacials suggesting a shift of the Antarctic Polar Front (APF) to the south near the drifts. Prior to 2.2 Ma, cyclicity cannot be identified and diatoms dominate the biogenic component and high percent opal suggests warmer conditions south of the APF and reduced sea ice over the drifts. Analyses of the coarse-grained terrigenous fraction (pebbles and coarse sand) from Sites 1096 and 1101 record glaciers at sea-level releasing iceberg-rafted debris (IRD) throughout the last 3.1 m.y. Analyses of quartz sand grains in IRD with the scanning electron microscope (SEM) show an abrupt change in the frequency of occurrence of microtextures at ~1.35 Ma. During the Late Pliocene to Early Pleistocene, the population of quartz grains included completely weathered grains and a low frequency of crushing and abrasion, suggesting that glaciers were small and did not inundate the topography. Debris shed from mountain peaks was transported supraglacially or englacially allowing weathered grains to pass through the glacier unmodified. During glacial periods from 1.35-0.76 Ma, glaciers expanded in size. The IRD flux was very high and dropstones have diverse lithologies. Conditions resembling those at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) have been episodically present on the Antarctic Peninsula since ~0.76 Ma. Quartz sand grains show high relief, fracture and abrasion common under thick ice and the IRD flux is low with a more restricted range of dropstone lithologies.


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A large spatial scale study of the diatom species inhabiting waters from the subantarctic (Argentine shelf) to antarctic was made for the first time in order to understand the relationships between these two regions with regard to the fluctuations in diatom abundances in relation with environmental features, their floristic associations and the effect of the Polar Front as a biogeographic barrier. Species-specific diatom abundance, nutrient and chlorophyll-a concentration were assessed from 64 subsurface oceanographic stations carried out during the austral summer 2002, a period characterized by an anomalous sea-ice coverage corresponding to a ''warm year". Significant relationships of both diatom density and biomass with chlorophyll-a (positive) and water temperature (negative) were found for the study area as a whole. Within the Subantarctic region, diatom density and biomass values were more uniform and significantly (in average: 35 and 11 times) lower than those of the Antarctic region, and did not correlate with chlorophyll-a. In antarctic waters, instead, biomass was directly related with chlorophyll-a, thus confirming the important contribution of diatoms to the Antarctic phytoplanktonic stock. A total of 167 taxa were recorded for the entire study area, with Chaetoceros and Thalassiosira being the best represented genera. Species richness was maximum in subantarctic waters (46; Argentine shelf) and minimum in the Antarctic region (21; Antarctic Peninsula), and showed a significant decrease with latitude. Floristic associations were examined both qualitatively (Jaccard Index) and quantitatively (correlation) by cluster analyses and results allowed differentiating a similar number of associations (12 vs. 13, respectively) and two main groups of stations. In the Drake Passage, the former revealed that the main floristic change was found at the Polar Front, while the latter reflected the Southern ACC Front as a main boundary, and yielded a higher number of isolated sites, most of them located next to different Antarctic islands. Such differences are attributed to the high relative density of Fragilariopsis kerguelensis in Argentine shelf and Drake Passage waters and of Porosira glacialis and species of Chaetoceros and Thalasiosira in the Weddell Sea and near the Antarctic Peninsula. From a total of 84 taxa recorded in antarctic waters, only 17 were found exclusively in this region, and the great majority (67) was also present in subantarctic waters but in extremely low (< 1 cell/l) concentrations, probably as a result of expatriation processes via the ACC-Malvinas Current system. The present results were compared with those of previous studies on the Antarctic region with respect to both diatom associations in regular vs. atypically warm years, and the distribution and abundance of some selected planktonic species reported for surface sediments.


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Several reefs of the world have undergone changes in community due to sedimentation processes. It has been suggested that Abrolhos reefs (Brazil/South-West Atlantic) are subjected to a steady coastal influence, although there is still little information regarding this assumption. In this work, we have analyzed a set of environmental parameters concerning sedimentation characteristics at the Abrolhos reefs, near 18 degrees S-39 degrees W. The analysis included remote sensing, model and in situ data to provide a three-dimensional quantitative description of the processes that influence sediment apportionment to the reefs. Mineralogy and natural radioactivity of sediment trapped at three reef sites in a transect perpendicular to the coastline were used in conjunction with numerical weather prediction model and remote sensing databases. We have observed an increase of around 100% of sediment flux during the summer compared to the winter season. A comparison of regional rainfall regime, sediment plume dynamics and a year-around monitoring of polar fronts trajectories and surface wind showed that the wind-driven resedimentation due to polar front activity is the major contributor to the intensification of sedimentation processes at the offshore area of Abrolhos reefs, despite river runoff from mainland. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Planktic foraminiferal faunas and modern analogue technique estimates of sea surface temperature (SST) for the last 1 million years (Myr) are compared between core sites to the north (ODP 1125, 178 faunas) and south (DSDP 594, 374 faunas) of the present location of the Subtropical Front (STF), east of New Zealand. Faunas beneath cool subtropical water (STW) north of the STF are dominated by dextral Neogloboquadrina pachyderma, Globorotalia inflata, and Globigerina bulloides, whereas faunas to the south are strongly dominated by sinistral N. pachyderma (80-95% in glacials), with increased G. bulloides (20-50%) and dextral N. pachyderma (15-50%) in interglacials (beneath Subantarctic Water, or SAW). Canonical correspondence analysis indicates that at both sites, SST and related factors were the most important environmental influences on faunal composition. Greater climate-related faunal fluctuations occur in the south. Significant faunal changes occur through time at both sites, particularly towards the end of the mid-Pleistocene climate transition, MIS18-15 (e.g., decline of Globorotalia crassula in STW, disappearance of Globorotalia puncticulata in SAW), and during MIS8-5. Interglacial SST estimates in the north are similar to the present day throughout the last 1 Myr. To the south, interglacial SSTs are more variable with peaks 4-7 °C cooler than present through much of the early and middle Pleistocene, but in MIS11, MIS5.5, and early MIS1, peaks are estimated to have been 2-4 °C warmer than present. These high temperatures are attributed to southward spread of the STF across the submarine Chatham Rise, along which the STF appears to have been dynamically positioned throughout most of the last 1 Myr. For much of the last 1 Myr, glacial SST estimates in the north were only 1-2 °C cooler than the present interglacial, except in MIS16, MIS8, MIS6, and MIS4-2 when estimates are 4-7 °C cooler. These cooler temperatures are attributed to jetting of SAW through the Mernoo Saddle (across the Chatham Rise) and/or waning of the STW current. To the south, glacial SST estimates were consistently 10-11 °C cooler than present, similar to temperatures and faunas currently found in the vicinity of the Polar Front. One interpretation is that these cold temperatures reflect thermocline changes and increased Circumpolar Surface Water spinning off the Subantarctic Front as an enhanced Bounty Gyre along the south side of the Chatham Rise. For most of the last 1 Myr, the temperature gradient across the STF has been considerably greater than the present 4 °C. During glacial episodes, the STF in this region did not migrate northwards, but instead there was an intensification of the temperature gradient across it (interglacials 4-11 °C; glacials 8-14 °C).