911 resultados para Ant colony optimisation
In this work, we consider the Minimum Weight Pseudo-Triangulation (MWPT) problem of a given set of n points in the plane. Globally optimal pseudo-triangulations with respect to the weight, as optimization criteria, are difficult to be found by deterministic methods, since no polynomial algorithm is known. We show how the Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) metaheuristic can be used to find high quality pseudo-triangulations of minimum weight. We present the experimental and statistical study based on our own set of instances since no reference to benchmarks for these problems were found in the literature. Throughout the experimental evaluation, we appraise the ACO metaheuristic performance for MWPT problem.
This paper focuses on the general problem of coordinating multiple robots. More specifically, it addresses the self-election of heterogeneous specialized tasks by autonomous robots. In this paper we focus on a specifically distributed or decentralized approach as we are particularly interested on decentralized solution where the robots themselves autonomously and in an individual manner, are responsible of selecting a particular task so that all the existing tasks are optimally distributed and executed. In this regard, we have established an experimental scenario to solve the corresponding multi-tasks distribution problem and we propose a solution using two different approaches by applying Ant Colony Optimization-based deterministic algorithms as well as Learning Automata-based probabilistic algorithms. We have evaluated the robustness of the algorithm, perturbing the number of pending loads to simulate the robot’s error in estimating the real number of pending tasks and also the dynamic generation of loads through time. The paper ends with a critical discussion of experimental results.
In this study, we present a framework based on ant colony optimization (ACO) for tackling combinatorial problems. ACO algorithms have been applied to many diferent problems, focusing on algorithmic variants that obtain high-quality solutions. Usually, the implementations are re-done for various problem even if they maintain the same details of the ACO algorithm. However, our goal is to generate a sustainable framework for applications on permutation problems. We concentrate on understanding the behavior of pheromone trails and specific methods that can be combined. Eventually, we will propose an automatic offline configuration tool to build an efective algorithm. ---RESUMEN---En este trabajo vamos a presentar un framework basado en la familia de algoritmos ant colony optimization (ACO), los cuales están dise~nados para enfrentarse a problemas combinacionales. Los algoritmos ACO han sido aplicados a diversos problemas, centrándose los investigadores en diversas variantes que obtienen buenas soluciones. Normalmente, las implementaciones se tienen que rehacer, inclusos si se mantienen los mismos detalles para los algoritmos ACO. Sin embargo, nuestro objetivo es generar un framework sostenible para aplicaciones sobre problemas de permutaciones. Nos centraremos en comprender el comportamiento de la sendas de feromonas y ciertos métodos con los que pueden ser combinados. Finalmente, propondremos una herramienta para la configuraron automática offline para construir algoritmos eficientes.
This paper presents an ant colony optimization algorithm to sequence the mixed assembly lines considering the inventory and the replenishment of components. This is a NP-problem that cannot be solved to optimality by exact methods when the size of the problem growth. Groups of specialized ants are implemented to solve the different parts of the problem. This is intended to differentiate each part of the problem. Different types of pheromone structures are created to identify good car sequences, and good routes for the replenishment of components vehicle. The contribution of this paper is the collaborative approach of the ACO for the mixed assembly line and the replenishment of components and the jointly solution of the problem.
One of the main problems relief teams face after a natural or man-made disaster is how to plan rural road repair work tasks to take maximum advantage of the limited available financial and human resources. Previous research focused on speeding up repair work or on selecting the location of health centers to minimize transport times for injured citizens. In spite of the good results, this research does not take into account another key factor: survivor accessibility to resources. In this paper we account for the accessibility issue, that is, we maximize the number of survivors that reach the nearest regional center (cities where economic and social activity is concentrated) in a minimum time by planning which rural roads should be repaired given the available financial and human resources. This is a combinatorial problem since the number of connections between cities and regional centers grows exponentially with the problem size, and exact methods are no good for achieving an optimum solution. In order to solve the problem we propose using an Ant Colony System adaptation, which is based on ants? foraging behavior. Ants stochastically build minimal paths to regional centers and decide if damaged roads are repaired on the basis of pheromone levels, accessibility heuristic information and the available budget. The proposed algorithm is illustrated by means of an example regarding the 2010 Haiti earthquake, and its performance is compared with another metaheuristic, GRASP.
The Multiple Pheromone Ant Clustering Algorithm (MPACA) models the collective behaviour of ants to find clusters in data and to assign objects to the most appropriate class. It is an ant colony optimisation approach that uses pheromones to mark paths linking objects that are similar and potentially members of the same cluster or class. Its novelty is in the way it uses separate pheromones for each descriptive attribute of the object rather than a single pheromone representing the whole object. Ants that encounter other ants frequently enough can combine the attribute values they are detecting, which enables the MPACA to learn influential variable interactions. This paper applies the model to real-world data from two domains. One is logistics, focusing on resource allocation rather than the more traditional vehicle-routing problem. The other is mental-health risk assessment. The task for the MPACA in each domain was to predict class membership where the classes for the logistics domain were the levels of demand on haulage company resources and the mental-health classes were levels of suicide risk. Results on these noisy real-world data were promising, demonstrating the ability of the MPACA to find patterns in the data with accuracy comparable to more traditional linear regression models. © 2013 Polish Information Processing Society.
Ant colony optimisation algorithms model the way ants use pheromones for marking paths to important locations in their environment. Pheromone traces are picked up, followed, and reinforced by other ants but also evaporate over time. Optimal paths attract more pheromone and less useful paths fade away. The main innovation of the proposed Multiple Pheromone Ant Clustering Algorithm (MPACA) is to mark objects using many pheromones, one for each value of each attribute describing the objects in multidimensional space. Every object has one or more ants assigned to each attribute value and the ants then try to find other objects with matching values, depositing pheromone traces that link them. Encounters between ants are used to determine when ants should combine their features to look for conjunctions and whether they should belong to the same colony. This paper explains the algorithm and explores its potential effectiveness for cluster analysis. © 2014 Springer International Publishing Switzerland.
Ant Colony Optimisation algorithms mimic the way ants use pheromones for marking paths to important locations. Pheromone traces are followed and reinforced by other ants, but also evaporate over time. As a consequence, optimal paths attract more pheromone, whilst the less useful paths fade away. In the Multiple Pheromone Ant Clustering Algorithm (MPACA), ants detect features of objects represented as nodes within graph space. Each node has one or more ants assigned to each feature. Ants attempt to locate nodes with matching feature values, depositing pheromone traces on the way. This use of multiple pheromone values is a key innovation. Ants record other ant encounters, keeping a record of the features and colony membership of ants. The recorded values determine when ants should combine their features to look for conjunctions and whether they should merge into colonies. This ability to detect and deposit pheromone representative of feature combinations, and the resulting colony formation, renders the algorithm a powerful clustering tool. The MPACA operates as follows: (i) initially each node has ants assigned to each feature; (ii) ants roam the graph space searching for nodes with matching features; (iii) when departing matching nodes, ants deposit pheromones to inform other ants that the path goes to a node with the associated feature values; (iv) ant feature encounters are counted each time an ant arrives at a node; (v) if the feature encounters exceed a threshold value, feature combination occurs; (vi) a similar mechanism is used for colony merging. The model varies from traditional ACO in that: (i) a modified pheromone-driven movement mechanism is used; (ii) ants learn feature combinations and deposit multiple pheromone scents accordingly; (iii) ants merge into colonies, the basis of cluster formation. The MPACA is evaluated over synthetic and real-world datasets and its performance compares favourably with alternative approaches.
Many classical as well as modern optimization techniques exist. One such modern method belonging to the field of swarm intelligence is termed ant colony optimization. This relatively new concept in optimization involves the use of artificial ants and is based on real ant behavior inspired by the way ants search for food. In this thesis, a novel ant colony optimization technique for continuous domains was developed. The goal was to provide improvements in computing time and robustness when compared to other optimization algorithms. Optimization function spaces can have extreme topologies and are therefore difficult to optimize. The proposed method effectively searched the domain and solved difficult single-objective optimization problems. The developed algorithm was run for numerous classic test cases for both single and multi-objective problems. The results demonstrate that the method is robust, stable, and that the number of objective function evaluations is comparable to other optimization algorithms.
This proposal shows that ACO systems can be applied to problems of requirements selection in software incremental development, with the idea of obtaining better results of those produced by expert judgment alone. The evaluation of the ACO systems should be done through a compared analysis with greedy and simulated annealing algorithms, performing experiments with some problems instances
The selection of a set of requirements between all the requirements previously defined by customers is an important process, repeated at the beginning of each development step when an incremental or agile software development approach is adopted. The set of selected requirements will be developed during the actual iteration. This selection problem can be reformulated as a search problem, allowing its treatment with metaheuristic optimization techniques. This paper studies how to apply Ant Colony Optimization algorithms to select requirements. First, we describe this problem formally extending an earlier version of the problem, and introduce a method based on Ant Colony System to find a variety of efficient solutions. The performance achieved by the Ant Colony System is compared with that of Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure and Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm, by means of computational experiments carried out on two instances of the problem constructed from data provided by the experts.
Over the last few years, more and more heuristic decision making techniques have been inspired by nature, e.g. evolutionary algorithms, ant colony optimisation and simulated annealing. More recently, a novel computational intelligence technique inspired by immunology has emerged, called Artificial Immune Systems (AIS). This immune system inspired technique has already been useful in solving some computational problems. In this keynote, we will very briefly describe the immune system metaphors that are relevant to AIS. We will then give some illustrative real-world problems suitable for AIS use and show a step-by-step algorithm walkthrough. A comparison of AIS to other well-known algorithms and areas for future work will round this keynote off. It should be noted that as AIS is still a young and evolving field, there is not yet a fixed algorithm template and hence actual implementations might differ somewhat from the examples given here
Over the last few years, more and more heuristic decision making techniques have been inspired by nature, e.g. evolutionary algorithms, ant colony optimisation and simulated annealing. More recently, a novel computational intelligence technique inspired by immunology has emerged, called Artificial Immune Systems (AIS). This immune system inspired technique has already been useful in solving some computational problems. In this keynote, we will very briefly describe the immune system metaphors that are relevant to AIS. We will then give some illustrative real-world problems suitable for AIS use and show a step-by-step algorithm walkthrough. A comparison of AIS to other well-known algorithms and areas for future work will round this keynote off. It should be noted that as AIS is still a young and evolving field, there is not yet a fixed algorithm template and hence actual implementations might differ somewhat from the examples given here.