28 resultados para Anoplura.
pt.11 (1852) [Anoplura, or Parasitic Insects]
n.s. no.76(1994)
A brief historical overview is given of the most relevant taxonomic studies of insect groups vectors of transmissible diseases in Brazil, from the "heroic" times of the foundation of the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz in Rio de Janeiro up to the present. The following orders are considered: Phthiraptera (Anoplura, Amblycera and Ischnocera), Hemiptera (Reduviidae: Triatominae), Siphonaptera and Diptera (Culicidae, Ceratopogonidae, Psychodidae: Phlebotominae, Simuliidae, Tabanidae, Chloropidae and Muscidae). The most important Brazilian collections of each group are cited.
Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social / Ciudadanía / Nuestra Salud / Medio ambiente y Salud / Los piojos y la pediculosis)
Piedra branca é micose superficial causada pelo gênero Trichosporon e caracterizada por nódulos aderidos à haste do pelo. Pediculose capitis é causada pelo Pediculus humanus var. capitis pertencente à subordem Anoplura. Enquanto que a pediculose é enfermidade comum, relatos clínicos de piedra branca são raros. Técnicas de biologia molecular identificaram o agente de piedra branca do presente relato como T.inkin. Os autores apresentam associação de ambas as infestações no mesmo paciente para salientar seus aspectos clínicos distintos.
Vols. 1, 2, 5-7, 9 reprinted 1922; v. 3, 1927; and vols. 4, 8, 10, 1923.
With: A tentative list of mallophaga for North American birds (north of Mexico) / by K.C. Emerson.
1. Centroniae or radiated animals / by J.E. Gray.--3. Birds / by George Robert Gray.--4. Crustacea / by Adam White.--5.Lepidoptera / by James Francis Stephens - 1850.--5. Lepidoptera / by James Francis Stephens - 1856.--Hymenoptera Aculeata / by Frederick Smith.--7. Mollusca Acephala and Brachiopoda / by J.E. Gray.--8. Fish / by Adam White.--9. Eggs of British birds / by G.R. Gray.--10. Lipidoptera (continued) / by James Francis Stephens.--11. Anoplura, or parasitic insects / by H. Denny.--12. Lepidoptera (continued) / by James Francis Stephens.--13. Nomenclature of Hymenoptera / by Frederick Smith.--14. Nomenclature of Neuroptera / by Adam White.--15. Nomenclature of Diptera 1 / by Adam White.--16. Lepidoptera (completed) / by H.T. Stainton.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
--VI. Insects, pt. II. Hymenoptera continued (Tubilifera and Aculeata), Coleoptera, Strepsiptera, Lepidotera, Diptera, Aphaniptera, Thysanoptera, Hemiptera, Anoplura. By David Sharp. 1901.--VII. Hemichordata, by S.F. Harmer. Ascidians and Amphioxus, by W.A. Herdman. Fishes (exclusive of th systematic account of Teleostei) by T.W. Bridge. Fishes (systematic account of Teleostei) by G.A. Bonlenger. 1904.--VIII. Amphibia and reptiles, by Hans Gadow. 1901.--IX. Birds, by A.H. Evans. 1900--X. Mammalia, by F.E. Beddard. 1902.
Little is known about the population genetics of the louse infestations of humans. We used microsatellite DNA to study 11 double infestations, that is, hosts infested with head lice and body lice simultaneously. We tested for population structure on a host, and for population structure among seven hosts that shared sleeping quarters. We also sought evidence of migration among louse populations. Our results showed that: (i) the head and body lice on these individual hosts were two genetically distinct populations; (ii) each host had their own populations of head and body lice that were genetically distinct to those on other hosts; and (iii) lice had migrated from head to head, and from body to body, but not between heads and bodies. Our results indicate that head and body lice are separate species.
The arrangement of genes in the mitochondrial (mt) genomes of most insects is the same, or near-identical, to that inferred to be ancestral for insects. We sequenced the entire mt genome of the small pigeon louse, Campanulotes bidentatus compar, and part of the mt genomes of nine other species of lice. These species were from six families and the three main suborders of the order Phthiraptera. There was no variation in gene arrangement among species within a family but there was much variation in gene arrangement among the three suborders of lice. There has been an extraordinary number of gene rearrangements in the mitochondrial genomes of lice!