827 resultados para Anomalinoides minimus


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Bats are predated for some of vertebrates and invertebrates. Some opportunistic species preys these animals' prisoners in nests during procedures of capture in field. This study records the predation of Carollia perspicillata (Linnaeus, 1758) and Sturnira lilium (E. Geoffroy, 1810) for Chironectes minimus (Zimmermann, 1780) on riparian forest of the brook Talhadinho belonging of the São Paulo, São Paulo, Southeast Brazil, and also presents a lifting previous of mammalian what they present the same one behavior opportunistic predatory, discussing measures simple to avoid this type of predation.


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OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to review the diagnosis on MRI and radiography of 24 renal transplant recipients with hip pain suspicious for avascular necrosis and to investigate whether there is an association between kidney transplant patients with end-stage renal disease and symptomatic gluteus minimus and medius tendon abnormality. CONCLUSION: Symptomatic gluteus minimus and medius tendon lesions and abnormalities can occur in renal allograft recipients. The MRI findings of this entity allow an alternative diagnosis in this patient population.


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Stratigraphic assemblages of Quaternary through early Eocene benthic foraminifers were recovered among 10 Peru margin drill sites. Various hiatuses and intervals barren in foraminifers characterize the sections, but numerous samples contain abundant, well-preserved benthic foraminifers. Bathymetry of the extant species and California-based estimates of the paleobathymetry of the extinct species permit recognition of Quaternary sea-level fluctuations between shelf and upper bathyal depths that produced vertical migrations of oxygenated and low-oxygen habitats at the six shallow sites. Assemblages from lower-slope sites at about 9° and 11°S indicate a general subsidence of the continental margin from shelf or upper bathyal depths in Eocene time to the present lower bathyal depths. Data from 11°S suggest a major part of this subsidence occurred in late Oligocene to early Miocene time. Downslope-transported shelf specimens, particularly the small biserial species, Bolivina costata and B. vaughani, are major contributors to these lower bathyal assemblages from the middle Miocene through Quaternary time.


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We provide a taxonomic redescription of the dasyurid marsupial Atherton Antechinus, Antechinus godmani (Thomas). A. godmani is only rarely encountered and limited to wet tropical rainforests of north-east Queensland, Australia, between the towns of Cardwell and Cairns (a distribution spanning 135 kilometres from north to south). The distinctive species occurs at altitudes of over 600 meters asl, in all major rainforest types, and can be found with both the northern subspecies of the Yellow-footed Antechinus, A. flavipes rubeculus Van Dyck and the Rusty Antechinus, A. adustus (Thomas). A. god-mani is clearly separated from all congeners on the basis of both morphometrics and genetics. A. godmani can be distin-guished from all extant congeners based on external morphology by a combination of large size, naked-looking tail and reddish fur on the face and head. A. godmani skulls are characteristically large, with a suite of long features: basicranium, palate, upper premolar tooth row, inter-palatal vacuity distance and dentary. Phylogenies generated from mt- and nDNA data position Antechinus godmani as monophyletic with respect to other members of the genus; A. godmani is strongly supported as the sister-group to a clade containing all other antechinus, but excluding the south-east Australian Dusky An-techinus, A. swainsonii (Waterhouse) and Swamp Antechinus, A. minimus (Geoffroy). Antechinus godmani are genetically very divergent compared to all congeners (mtDNA: range 12.9–16.3%).


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A ordem Didelphimorphia, de marsupiais americanos, apresenta 19 gêneros e 96 espécies, todos membros da família Didelphidae, que é dividida em duas subfamílias, Caluromyinae e Didelphinae. A subfamília Didelphinae contém (não apenas) as tribos Didelphini e Metachirini. A tribo Didelphini compreende 15 espécies de quatro gêneros: Chironectes (1 espécie), Lutreolina (1), Didelphis (6) e Philander (7) e a tribo Metachirini é monotípica, com apenas uma espécie do gênero Metachirus. Estes cinco gêneros encontram-se distribuídos amplamente pelas Américas, desde o sul do Canadá até a região central da Argentina. O objetivo deste estudo foi buscar identificar e explicar, através de análise pan-biogeográfica, os padrões de distribuição das espécies destes cinco gêneros. Para tal, foi feito um levantamento em banco de dados, coleções científicas e artigos científicos para a obtenção de dados sobre as localidades de registro de cada espécie. Estas foram então marcadas em mapas e a partir destes, as localidades de ocorrência foram conectadas com linhas de menor distância para formação dos traços individuais. Pela sobreposição dos traços individuais chegou-se aos traços generalizados e do encontro destes, aos nós biogeográficos. Os pontos de ocorrência foram também plotados em mapas de biomas para análise. Encontramos três traços generalizados e dois nós biogeográficos, um no centro da Bolívia na província biogeográfica de Puna e outro na Argentina, na província de Misiones. Quatro espécies não participaram de nenhum dos traços generalizados, provavelmente devido à sua distribuição mais restrita (Philander deltae, P. andersoni, P. olrogi e P. mcilhennyi). Chironectes minimus e Metachirus nudicaudatus tiveram seus traços coincidentes com dois traços generalizados, o que está de acordo com suas divisões de subespécies. Identificamos os diferentes padrões existentes para o norte da América do Sul (Venezuela) já apontado por diversos autores, porém apenas quando analisadas as subespécies em separado. Alguns limites para a distribuição das espécies puderam ser identificados, como por exemplo o istmo de Tehuantepec, no México, para Chironectes minimus e Metachirus nudicaudatus e o limite da região neotropical para P. opossum e D. marsupialis. O limite de distribuição sul de Philander opossum e P. frenatus é provavelmente o rio Paraguai, que deve servir de barreira para o contato entre as duas espécies. A descaracterização dos ambientes naturais pelo desmatamento vem alterando os padrões naturais de distribuição das espécies, com o registro de espécies de áreas abertas em biomas de mata. Lutreolina crassicaudata apresenta distribuição disjunta, ocupando duas áreas de vegetação aberta, uma no noroeste e outra no centro e sudeste da América do Sul, padrão provavelmente gerado pelos períodos de retração e expansão de áreas de savana do Mioceno superior ao Holoceno, levando à captura destes enclaves de vegetação aberta, com seu isolamento por áreas de floresta. Os nós e traços generalizados aqui identificados coincidiram com os encontrados por outros autores. Apesar da pan-biogeografia poder ser usada para propor áreas de proteção ambiental, nos locais em que encontramos os nós biogeográficos já existem unidades de conservação, não havendo assim necessidade de propor novas áreas no caso desses marsupiais. Ainda existe uma grande necessidade de um melhor conhecimento da distribuição e taxonomia das espécies estudadas, o que promoveria um melhor entendimento dos padrões biogeográficos existentes


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本论文包括两部分的内容,第一部分是秦岭苔类植物的区系研究,第二部分是中国剪叶苔属Herbertus的分类学修订。 秦岭位于我国的中部,东经104º30´~112º52´,北纬32º50´~34º45´N,约76 500 km2。它主要位于陕西省的南部地区,并包括了河南、甘肃和湖北的部分县、市。秦岭的最高峰是太白山,海拔3 767米。秦岭是长江和黄河的分水岭,也是我国温带和亚热带气候的过渡地带。 本研究包含了对自19世纪开始对秦岭苔藓植物的主要采集活动的回顾,和截止2008年以来对秦岭苔类和角苔类植物报道的总结和分析,且首次给出了一份秦岭地区详细的苔类植物的名录,并包括了各个种在秦岭地区的详细分布。根据目前的研究,现已知秦岭的苔类植物有226种(包括种下单位,以下同),其中角苔纲1科3属6种,苔纲30科59属220种;提出了1个新异名:Radula constricta Steph.被处理为Radula lindenbergiana Gottsche var. atypa Massalongo的异名;并提出了1个新组合Metzgeria pubescens var. kinabaluensis (Kuwah) F.X. Li & Y. Jia;发现秦岭新分布的苔类有78种。根据种数,秦岭地区苔类的优势科为光萼苔科(34种),其次为耳叶苔科(23种),裂叶苔科(23种)和羽苔科(19种)。 通过对这些种地理成分的统计,发现秦岭苔类的地理成分以北温带成分为主,占35.05%;其次是东亚成分占到31.78%,这两种地理成分在秦岭占了很大比例,高达66.83%。热带成分相对较少,有22种,占到10.29%。对于苔类来说,中国特有成分在秦岭地区较多,已知有34种,占到15.89%。说明秦岭地区苔类地理成分以温带为主,热带成分占少量比例,且秦岭地区的特有性也比较高。 文章第二部分是对中国剪叶苔属Herbertus S. Gray的分类学修订。剪叶苔属隶属于剪叶苔科,是一个古老而自然的类群,广泛分布于热带和南北温带地区。剪叶苔属植物由于其叶横生或近于横生,侧叶2裂,腹叶2裂或部分不对称3裂,并具假肋,叶细胞具大的三角体而明显区别于苔类的其它属。虽然这个属的概念比较清楚,但在属内种间的划分上存在较大的问题,是苔类中分类较混乱的一个类群。剪叶苔属种的概念多基于叶片形态,包括裂瓣的顶端细胞和假肋的形态及叶基盘边缘附属物的形态。但这些形态特征具很大的可塑性,性状不稳定,造成该属种的概念很模糊。目前全世界剪叶苔属约100余种。中国剪叶苔属的种类尚不确定,《中国苔藓志》中报道了中国有25种l亚种,但Juslen在2006年对亚洲剪叶苔属的修订中,提到中国分布的仅有6种。二者的研究中都存在有一些疏漏和不足之处,对有些种还有争议;且他们的研究中引证的标本都很少,不能全面反映中国剪叶苔属的种类和分布情况。 本研究着手于中国的剪叶苔属,从模式标本入手,从模式标本入手,结合对前人文献中引证标本的查阅,并检视了全国各大标本馆收藏的大量该属的普通标本,对于分类归并上有争议的种,采用扫描电镜和分子生物学的手段进行实验性的研究,对中国的剪叶苔属进行一个全面系统的分类学修订。期望通过本研究,明确中国剪叶苔属的种类和分布情况,为东亚乃至世界剪叶苔属的分类修订提供一份翔实的资料。共查阅了剪叶苔属26个种的模式标本,并检视了中科院北京植物研究所、华南植物园和深圳仙湖植物园馆藏的大量该属植物标本,约600余份。 通过本研究,提出2个新异名:将H. buchii Juslén和H. longispinus var calvs Massalongo处理为H. dicranus (Taylor) Trevis.;将樱井剪叶苔H. sakuraii (Warnst.) S. Hatt.(原并入H. dicranus)和H. minimus Horik.(原并入H. dicranus)重新提出;发现1个中国新分布:H. setigerus (Steph.) H. A. Mill.;确认中国的剪叶苔属17种1亚种:剪叶苔H. aduncus (Dicks.) Gray,剪叶苔纤细亚种H. aduncus subsp. tenuis (A. Evans) H. A. Mill.et E. B. Bohrer,H. armitanus (Steph.) H. A. Mill.,南亚剪叶苔H. ceylanicus (Steph.) Abeyw.,长角剪叶苔H. dicranus (Taylor) Trevis.,高氏剪叶苔H. gaochienii Fu,广东剪叶苔H. guangdongii P.J. Lin & Piippo,卵叶剪叶苔H. herpocladioides Scott. et. Miller,红枝剪叶苔H. huerlimannii Miller,细指剪叶苔H. kurzii (Steph.) H. A. Mill.,长肋剪叶苔H. longifissus Steph.,长刺剪叶苔H. longispinus Jack et Steph.,H. minimus Horik.,长茎剪叶苔H. parisii (Steph.) H. A. Mill.,多枝剪叶苔H. ramosus (Steph.) H. A. Mill.,樱井剪叶苔H. sakuraii (Warnst.) S. Hatt.,短叶剪叶苔H. sendtneri (Nees) Lindb.和H. setigerus (Steph.) H. A. Mill.。本研究还在扫描电镜下观察了H. armitanus、长角剪叶苔H. dicranus和多枝剪叶苔H. ramosus的孢子形态。对于剪叶苔属的修订,还需要更多模式标本的借阅,随着研究深入,剪叶苔属的种类可能会有大量的减少,中国剪叶苔属的种类也将会有一定的减少。


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目前我国共发现分枝管菌属的真菌4种,其中微小分枝管菌Henningsomyces minimus为中国首次报道,该种发现于广西壮族自治区的弄岗自然保护区和陇瑞自然保护区。根据中国的材料对该种进行了详细描述和显微结构绘图,给出了中国该属种类的检索表,并对其他三个种进行了概要描述。


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This paper explores the relative effects of host plant dynamics and butterfly-related parameters on butterfly persistence. It considers an empty habitat network where a rare butterfly (Cupido minimus) became extinct in 1939 in part of its historical range in north Wales, UK. Surviving populations of the butterfly in southern Britain were visited to assess use of its host plant (Anthyllis vulneraria) in order to calibrate habitat suitability and carrying capacity in the empty network in north Wales. These data were used to deduce that only a portion ( similar to 19%) of the host plant network from north Wales was likely to be highly suitable for oviposition. Nonetheless, roughly 65,460 eggs (3273 adult equivalents) could be expected to be laid in north Wales, were the empty network to be populated at the same levels as observed on comparable plants in surviving populations elsewhere. Simulated metapopulations of C. minimus in the empty network revealed that time to extinction and patch occupancy were significantly influenced by carrying capacity, butterfly mean dispersal distance and environmental stochasticity, although for most reasonable parameter values, the model system persisted. Simulation outputs differed greatly when host plant dynamics was incorporated into the modelled butterfly dynamics. Cupido minimus usually went extinct when host plant were at low densities. In these simulations host plant dynamics appeared to be the most important determinant of the butterfly's regional extirpation. Modelling the outcome of a reintroduction programme to C. minimus variation at high quality locations, revealed that 65% of systems survived at least 100 years. Given the current amount of resources of the north Wales landscape, the persistence of C. minimus under a realistic reintroduction programme has a good chance of being successful, if carried out in conjunction with a host plant management programme.


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Conservation efforts over the last 20 years for the Gunnison Sage-Grouse (Centrocercus minimus) have involved extensive habitat manipulations done predominantly to improve brood rearing habitat for the grouse. However, the effects of Gunnison Sage-Grouse habitat treatments on sympatric avifauna and responses of vegetation to manipulations are rarely measured, and if they are, it is immediately following treatment implementation. This study examined the concept of umbrella species management by retrospectively comparing density and occupancy of eight sagebrush associated songbird species and six measures of vegetation in treated and control sites. Our results suggested that songbird densities and occupancy changed for birds at the extreme ends of their association with sagebrush and varied with fine-scale habitat structure. We found Brewer’s Sparrows (Spizella breweri) decreased in density on treated sites and Vesper Sparrows (Pooecetes gramineus) increased. Occupancy estimation revealed that Brewer’s Sparrows and Green-tailed Towhees (Pipilo chlorurus) occupied significantly fewer treated points whereas Vesper Sparrows occupied significantly more. Vegetation comparisons between treated and control areas found shrub cover to be 26% lower in treated sites. Lower shrub cover in treated areas may explain the differences in occupancy and densities of the species sampled based on known habitat needs. The fine-scale analysis showed a negative relationship to forb height and cover for the Sage Sparrow (Amphispiza belli) indicating, from vegetation measures showing grass and forb cover during a good precipitation year covered significantly more area in the treatment than the control sites, that Sage Sparrows may also not respond favorably to Gunnison Sage-Grouse habitat treatments. While the concept of an umbrella species is appealing, evidence from this study suggests that conservation efforts aimed at the Gunnison Sage-Grouse may not be particularly effective for conserving other sagebrush obligate species of concern. This is probably due to Gunnison Sage-Grouse habitat management being focused on the improvement of brood rearing habitat which reduces sagebrush cover and promotes development of understory forbs and grasses.


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Dendropsophus gaucheri is a recently described species which inhabits open areas of the eastern part of the Guiana Shield and is currently assigned to the D. parviceps species group based on the presence of a subocular cream spot. Herein we investigate its phylogenetic position including material from the type locality and newly documented populations from Suriname and Brazil based on mtDNA sequences. The species, as well as D. riveroi which is assigned to the D. minimus species group, were recovered nested within the D. microcephalus species group which implies the paraphyly of the three Dendropsophus species groups. Such result, along with other evidences, highlights the need for a thorough revision of the genus. The genetic distances among D. gaucheri samples studied are low confirming their conspecificity and suggesting recent connections among populations from open areas currently isolated by rainforest in the lowlands of the Guiana Shield.


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[Alec Derwent Hope, born in Cooma 1907, won a scholarship to University College, Oxford, after majoring in English and Philosophy at Sydney University, and returned to a life of teaching and writing from the ‘thirties. His pre-eminence in literary culture was underpinned by his appointment as Professor of English at University College, Canberra, the forerunner of the Australian National University. His work in poetry, translations, and criticism provoked intense response, never indifference. His first published volumes were the satirical sequence, Dunciad Minimus : An Heroic Poem (1950), and selection of poems, The Wandering Islands (1955); amongst the final volumes were the autobiographical Chance Encounters (1992) and Selected Poems (1992).
Dialogue One was designed to explore what connections can be made between the life of the child and the values engendered in this formative phase and the adult’s creative work and view of the world; an exploration shaped by what might be seen as a relentless irony inherent in his poetry and his other scholarly productions and by Hope’s view that childhood is a place of the sacred and of secrets that are best protected from the limiting force of definition--somehow best kept suspended between the unconscious and the conscious mind to draw from when enacting a poetic vision of life. To that extent, Dialogue One is an attempt to navigate territory that might be seen as Hope’s mindscape and landscape as it emerged in childhood and adolescence.
The following exchange comprises selected excerpts from the transcripts of Ann McCulloch’s videoed interviews in Melbourne 1988, The Dance of Language: The Life and Work of A.D. Hope, as well as from her many conversations with Hope between 1981 and 1996 in Canberra.]


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Wildlife managers are often faced with the difficult task of determining the distribution of species, and their preferred habitats, at large spatial scales. This task is even more challenging when the species of concern is in low abundance and/or the terrain is largely inaccessible. Spatially explicit distribution models, derived from multivariate statistical analyses and implemented in a geographic information system (GIS), can be used to predict the distributions of species and their habitats, thus making them a useful conservation tool. We present two such models: one for a dasyurid, the Swamp Antechinus (Antechinus minimus), and the other for a ground-dwelling bird, the Rufous Bristlebird (Dasyornis broadbenti), both of which are rare species occurring in the coastal heathlands of south-western Victoria. Models were generated using generalized linear modelling (GLM) techniques with species presence or absence as the independent variable and a series of landscape variables derived from GIS layers and high-resolution imagery as the predictors. The most parsimonious model, based on the Akaike Information Criterion, for each species then was extrapolated spatially in a GIS. Probability of species presence was used as an index of habitat suitability. Because habitat fragmentation is thought to be one of the major threats to these species, an assessment of the spatial distribution of suitable habitat across the landscape is vital in prescribing management actions to prevent further habitat fragmentation.