993 resultados para Anomalies immunitaires
We report biogenic magnetite whiskers, with axial ratios of 6: 1, elongated in the [1 1 1]. [1 1 2] and [1 0 0] directions, resembling the magnetite whiskers detected in the Martian meteorite ALH84001 by Bradley ct nl., and interpreted by those authors as evidence of vapour-phase (abiogenic) growth. Magnetosomal whiskers with extended defects consistent with screw dislocations and magnetosomes resembling flattened twinned platelets, as well as other twinning phenomena and other structural defects, are also reported here. Magnetosomes with teardrop-shaped. cuboidal. irregular and jagged structures similar to those detected in ALH84001 by McKay et al.. coprecipitation of magnetite possibly with amorphous calcium carbonate, coprecipitation of magnetite possibly with amorphous silica, the incorporation of titanium in volutin inclusions and disoriented arrays of magnetosomes are also described. These observations demonstrate that the structures of the magnetite particles in ALH84001. their spatial arrange ment and coprecipitation with carbonates and proximity to silicates are consistent with being biogenic. Electron-beam-induced flash-melting of magnetosomes produced numerous screw dislocations in the (1 1 1). (1 0 0) and (1 1 0) lattice planes and induced fusion of platelets. From this, the lack of screw dislocations reported in the magnetite particles in ALH84001 (McKay et al.. and Bradley et al.) indicates that they have a low-temperature origin.
With the proliferation of relational database programs for PC's and other platforms, many business end-users are creating, maintaining, and querying their own databases. More importantly, business end-users use the output of these queries as the basis for operational, tactical, and strategic decisions. Inaccurate data reduce the expected quality of these decisions. Implementing various input validation controls, including higher levels of normalisation, can reduce the number of data anomalies entering the databases. Even in well-maintained databases, however, data anomalies will still accumulate. To improve the quality of data, databases can be queried periodically to locate and correct anomalies. This paper reports the results of two experiments that investigated the effects of different data structures on business end-users' abilities to detect data anomalies in a relational database. The results demonstrate that both unnormalised and higher levels of normalisation lower the effectiveness and efficiency of queries relative to the first normal form. First normal form databases appear to provide the most effective and efficient data structure for business end-users formulating queries to detect data anomalies.
We report on a patient with a severe premature calvarial synostosis and epidermal hyperplasia. The phenotype was consistent with that of a mild presentation of Beare-Stevenson syndrome but molecular analysis of the IgIII-transmembrane linker region and the transmembrane domain of the gene encoding the FGFR2 receptor, revealed wild-type sequence only. Subsequently, molecular analysis of the FGFR3 receptor gene identified a heterozygous P250R missense mutation in both the proposita and her mildly affected father. This communication extends the clinical spectrum of the FGFR3 P250R mutation to encompass epidermal hyperplasia and documents the phenomenon of activated FGFR receptors stimulating common downstream developmental pathways, resulting in overlapping clinical outcomes. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Background: The aim of this study was to examine minor physical anomalies and quantitative measures of the head and face in patients with psychosis vs healthy controls. Methods: Based on a comprehensive prevalence study of psychosis, we recruited 310 individuals with psychosis and 303 controls. From this sample, we matched 180 case-control pairs for age and sex. Individual minor physical anomalies and quantitative measures related to head size and facial height and depth were compared within the matched pairs. Based on all subjects, we examined the specificity of the findings by comparing craniofacial summary scores in patients with nonaffective or affective psychosis and controls. Results: The odds of having a psychotic disorder were increased in those with wider skull bases (odds ratio [OR], 1.40; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.02-1.17), smaller lower-facial heights (glabella to subnasal) (OR, 0.57; 95% CI, 0.44-0.75), protruding ears (OR, 1.72; 95% CI, 1.05-2.82), and shorter (OR, 2.29; 95% CI, 1.37-3.82) and wider (OR, 2.28; 95% CI, 1.43-3.65) palates. Compared with controls, those with psychotic disorder had skulls that were more brachycephalic. These differences were found to distinguish patients with nonaffective and affective psychoses from controls. Conclusions: Several of the features that differentiate patients from controls relate to the development of the neuro-basicranial complex and the adjacent temporal and frontal lobes. Future research should examine both the temporal lobe and the middle cranial fossa to reconcile our anthropomorphic findings and the literature showing smaller temporal lobes in patients with schizophrenia. Closer attention to the skull base may provide clues to the nature and timing of altered brain development in patients with psychosis.
Several anomalies occur in the developing neural and visceral head skeleton of young specimens of Neoceratodus forsteri that have been reared under laboratory conditions. These include anomalies of the basicranium and its derivatives, aberrations of the anterior mandible and hyoid apparatus, and abnormalities in the articulation of the jaws and the elements that produce them. Apart from the occasional absence of the basihyal, and failure of the quadrate processes to form, the anomalies are not deficiencies. Most involve malformations of parts of the neurocranium and visceral skeleton, inappropriate articulations or fusions between elements, disunity in structures that are normally fused and the appearance of supernumerary elements. The incidence of chondral anomalies, generally higher than aberrations that occur in the dermal skeleton in juvenile lungfish, ranges from 1-10% in laboratory reared individuals that have not been subjected to experimental interference. The anomalies differ from those found in many amphibian populations, in the field and in the laboratory, because they involve the cranium, and not the limbs, and the lungfish have not been exposed to the factors that cause anomalies in the amphibians. It is unlikely that the existence of those anomalies, if it is reflected in the wild population, places a selective pressure on the lungfish, because, in a normal season, less than 1% of the total number of eggs produced survive to be recruited into the adult population.
Lungfish of the tooth-plated lineage, both fossil and living, may be affected by alterations in the permanent tooth plates and associated jaw bones as they grow. In a few taxa, the unusual structures may be so common that they must be considered as normal for those species, or as a variation of the normal condition. In others the condition is rare, affecting only a few individuals. Variations, or anomalies, may appear in the growing tissues of the lungfish tooth plate at any time in the life cycle, although they usually appear early in development. Once the changes appear, they persist in the dentition. The altered structures include divided or intercalated ridges, short ridge anomaly, changes in the shape, number and position of cusps, pattern loss, and fused ridges or cusps. Criteria used to distinguish alteration from normal conditions are the incidence of the character in the population, the associated changes in the jaw bone, and the position of the altered structure in the tooth plate. The occurrence of similar changes across a wide range of different species suggests that they may have a genetic cause, especially when they are a rare occurrence in most taxa, but common enough to be a part of the normal variation in others. Prevalence of related anomalies throughout the history of the group suggests that dipnoans of the tooth-plated lineage are closely related, despite significant differences in morphology, microstructure, and function of the denfitions.
Aims - To compare reading performance in children with and without visual function anomalies and identify the influence of abnormal visual function and other variables in reading ability. Methods - A cross-sectional study was carried in 110 children of school age (6-11 years) with Abnormal Visual Function (AVF) and 562 children with Normal Visual Function (NVF). An orthoptic assessment (visual acuity, ocular alignment, near point of convergence and accommodation, stereopsis and vergences) and autorefraction was carried out. Oral reading was analyzed (list of 34 words). Number of errors, accuracy (percentage of success) and reading speed (words per minute - wpm) were used as reading indicators. Sociodemographic information from parents (n=670) and teachers (n=34) was obtained. Results - Children with AVF had a higher number of errors (AVF=3.00 errors; NVF=1.00 errors; p<0.001), a lower accuracy (AVF=91.18%; NVF=97.06%; p<0.001) and reading speed (AVF=24.71 wpm; NVF=27.39 wpm; p=0.007). Reading speed in the 3rd school grade was not statistically different between the two groups (AVF=31.41 wpm; NVF=32.54 wpm; p=0.113). Children with uncorrected hyperopia (p=0.003) and astigmatism (p=0.019) had worst reading performance. Children in 2nd, 3rd, or 4th grades presented a lower risk of having reading impairment when compared with the 1st grade. Conclusion - Children with AVF had reading impairment in the first school grade. It seems that reading abilities have a wide variation and this disparity lessens in older children. The slow reading characteristics of the children with AVF are similar to dyslexic children, which suggest the need for an eye evaluation before classifying the children as dyslexic.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Master’s Double Degree in Finance and Financial Economics from NOVA – School of Business and Economics and Maastricht University
Morphological anomalies in phlebotomine sand flies are reviewed and updated with abnormalites observed in Venezuela on the species L. trinidadensis, L.shannoni, L. lichyi and L. gomezi, and the description of a teratological unidentified male.
During the last decade Mongolia’s region was characterized by a rapid increase of both severity and frequency of drought events, leading to pasture reduction. Drought monitoring and assessment plays an important role in the region’s early warning systems as a way to mitigate the negative impacts in social, economic and environmental sectors. Nowadays it is possible to access information related to the hydrologic cycle through remote sensing, which provides a continuous monitoring of variables over very large areas where the weather stations are sparse. The present thesis aimed to explore the possibility of using NDVI as a potential drought indicator by studying anomaly patterns and correlations with other two climate variables, LST and precipitation. The study covered the growing season (March to September) of a fifteen year period, between 2000 and 2014, for Bayankhongor province in southwest Mongolia. The datasets used were MODIS NDVI, LST and TRMM Precipitation, which processing and analysis was supported by QGIS software and Python programming language. Monthly anomaly correlations between NDVI-LST and NDVI-Precipitation were generated as well as temporal correlations for the growing season for known drought years (2001, 2002 and 2009). The results show that the three variables follow a seasonal pattern expected for a northern hemisphere region, with occurrence of the rainy season in the summer months. The values of both NDVI and precipitation are remarkably low while LST values are high, which is explained by the region’s climate and ecosystems. The NDVI average, generally, reached higher values with high precipitation values and low LST values. The year of 2001 was the driest year of the time-series, while 2003 was the wet year with healthier vegetation. Monthly correlations registered weak results with low significance, with exception of NDVI-LST and NDVI-Precipitation correlations for June, July and August of 2002. The temporal correlations for the growing season also revealed weak results. The overall relationship between the variables anomalies showed weak correlation results with low significance, which suggests that an accurate answer for predicting drought using the relation between NDVI, LST and Precipitation cannot be given. Additional research should take place in order to achieve more conclusive results. However the NDVI anomaly images show that NDVI is a suitable drought index for Bayankhongor province.
Multiple arterial anomalies characterized by tortuosity and rolling of the pulmonary arteries and aorta were diagnosed on echocardiography in an asymptomatic newborn infant with a phenotype suggesting Ehlers-Danlos syndrome. These changes were later confirmed on angiography, which also showed peripheral vascular abnormalities. The electrocardiogram showed a probable hemiblock of the left anterosuperior branch, and the chest x-ray showed an excavated pulmonary trunk with normal pulmonary flow.
OBJECTIVE: To analyze late clinical evolution after surgical treatment of children, with reparative and reconstructive techniques without annular support. METHODS: We evaluated 21 patients operated upon between 1975 and 1998. Age 4.67±3.44 years; 47.6% girls; mitral insufficiency 57.1% (12 cases), stenosis 28.6% (6 cases), and double lesion 14.3% (3 cases). The perfusion 43.10±9.50min, and ischemia time were 29.40±10.50min. The average clinical follow-up in mitral insufficiency was 41.52±53.61 months. In the stenosis group (4 patients) was 46.39±32.02 months, and in the double lesion group (3 patients), 39.41±37.5 months. The echocardiographic follow-up was in mitral insufficiency 37.17±39.51 months, stenosis 42.61±30.59 months, and in the double lesion 39.41±37.51 months. RESULTS: Operative mortality was 9.5% (2 cases). No late deaths occurred. In the group with mitral insufficiency, 10 (83.3%) patients were asymptomatic (p=0.04). The majorit y with mild reflux (p=0.002). In the follow-up of the stenosis group, all were in functional class I (NYHA); and the mean transvalve gradient varied between 8 and 12mmHg, average of 10.7mmHg. In the double lesion group, 1 patient was reoperated at 43 months. No endocarditis or thromboembolism were reported. CONCLUSION: Mitral stenosis repair has worse late results, related to the valve abnormalities and associated lesions. The correction of mitral insufficiency without annular support showed good long-term results.
Few patients with corrected transposition of the great arteries survive past 50 years of age because of the association with congenital defects, development of total atrioventricular block, and right ventricular dysfunction. We report the case of a male patient with dextrocardia in situs solitus and corrected transposition of the great arteries associated with a wide atrial septal defect and severe pulmonary valvar and subvalvar stenoses. The patient also developed a large aneurysm on the pulmonary artery, total atrioventricular block diagnosed 8 years earlier, symptoms of dysfunction of the systemic ventricle in the previous 2 years, insufficiency of the left atrioventricular valve, and aortic regurgitation. Despite all these associated anomalies, the patient developed class III cardiac decompensation only at the age of 68 years, which makes this case a rarity. The patient was clinically treated, and was discharged from the hospital in good condition.