992 resultados para Ann mass flux


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A three-year particle flux record from the eastern Fram Strait, between Greenland and Svalbard, revealed a rather untypical seasonal flux pattern compared to other particle flux studies from the Nordic Seas. In the eastern Fram Strait this pattern is characterised by a sudden four- to six-fold increase of the particle flux in January, when no daylight is available to support any biological productivity. Comparison with sea-ice distribution maps led to the conclusion that the sudden increase in the flux is due to ice-rafted detritus released from sea ice, which originated from the Svalbard archipelago and from the northern Barents Sea. Detailed grain size analyses of the silt fraction indicated the >10 µm fraction of the lithogenic matter to be clearly enriched due to IRD input. Even more important is the observation that lithogenic material >40 µm occurs exclusively during the ice-rafting event and, therefore, appears to be a suitable indicator for IRD transported on sea ice. Thus, in addition to coarse IRD (e.g. >500 µm), which is mainly derived from icebergs, the analysis of fine IRD >40 µm in deep-sea sediments can be used to reconstruct paleo-sea-ice extensions.


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Fluxes of organic carbon normalised to a depth of 1000 m from 18 sites in the Atlantic and the Southern Ocean are presented, comprising nine biogeochemical provinces as defined by Longhurst et al. (1995. Journal of Plankton Research 17, 1245-1271). For comparison with primary production, we used a recent compilation of primary production values derived from CZCS data (Antoine et al., 1996. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 10, 57-69). In most cases, the seasonal patterns stood reasonably well in accordance with the carbon fluxes. Particularly, organic carbon flux records from two coastal sites off northwest and southwest Africa displayed a more distinct correlation to the primary production in sectors (1 x 1°) which are situated closer to the coastal environments. This was primarily caused by large upwelling filaments streaming far offshore, resulting in a cross-shelf carbon transport. With respect to primary production, organic carbon export to a water depth of 1000 m, and the fraction of primary production exported to a depth of 1000 m (export fraction=EF1000), we were able to distinguish between: (1) the coastal environments with highest values (EF1000=1.75-2.0%), (2) the eastern equatorial upwelling area with moderately high values (EF1000=0.8-1.1%), (3) and the subtropical oligotrophic gyres that yielded lowest values (EF1000=0.6%). Carbon export in the Southern Ocean was low to moderate, and the EF1000 value seems to be quite low in general. Annual organic carbon fluxes were proportional to primary production, and the export fraction EF1000 increased with primary production up to 350 gCm**-2 yr**-1. Latitudinal variations in primary production were reflected in the carbon flux pattern. A high temporal variability of primary production rates and a pronounced seasonality of carbon export were observed in the polar environments, in particular in coastal domains, although primary production (according to Antoine et al., 1996. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 10, 57-69), carbon fluxes, and the export fraction remained at low.


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No clear scenario has yet been able to explain the full carbon drawdown that occurred during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM); however, increased export production (EP) in the Subantarctic Zone (SAZ) of the Southern Ocean due to iron (Fe) fertilisation has been proposed to have provided a key mechanism affecting the air-sea partitioning of carbon. We chronicle changes in marine EP based on four sediment cores in Subtropical Waters (STW) and SAZ around New Zealand since the LGM. For the first time in this region, we present 230-Thorium normalised fluxes of biogenic opal, carbonate (CaCO3), excess Barium (xsBa), and organic Carbon (Corg). In STW and SAZ, these flux variations show that EP did not change markedly since the LGM. The only exception was a site in the SAZ close to the STF, where we suggest the STF shifted over the core site, driving increased EP. To understand why EP was mostly low and constant we investigated dust deposition changes by measuring lithogenic fluxes at the four sites. These data are coherent with an increased dust deposition in the southwest Pacific during the LGM. Additionally, we infer an increased lithogenic material discharge from erosion and glacier melts during the deglaciation, limited to the Campbell Plateau. Therefore, we propose that even though increased glacial dust deposition may have relieved Fe limitation within the SAZ, the availability of silicic acid (Si(OH)4) limited any resultant increase in carbon export during the LGM. Consequently, we infer low Si(OH)4 concentrations in the SAZ that have not significantly changed since the LGM. This result suggests that both Si(OH)4 and Fe co-limit EP in the SAZ around New Zealand, which would be consistent with modern process studies.


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Since 1983 time-series traps have been deployed in the Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean to measure the flux of organic carbon, biogenic silica and carbonate. The organic carbon flux data are used to calculate primary production rates and organic carbon fluxes at 100 m water depth. From these calculations, annual primary production rates range from about 170 g C m**-2 in the coastal area (Bransfield Strait) to almost zero in the Permanent Sea-Ice Zone. High rates (of about 80 g C m**-2 year**-1 ) were calculated for the Polar Front Zone and rather low values (about 20 g C m**-2 year**-1 ) characterize the Maud Rise area. The estimated primary production for the entire Southern Ocean (south of 50°S), using various subsystems with characteristic carbon fluxes, is in the order of 1 * 10**9tons year**-1; the organic carbon flux out of the photic layer is 0.17 * 10**9tons year**-1. Our calculation of the Southern Ocean total annual primary production is substantially lower than previously reported values.


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This article will review major features of the 'giant' Cape Blanc filament off Mauritania with regard to the transport of chlorophyll and organic carbon from the shelf to the open ocean. Within the filament, chlorophyll is transported about 400 km offshore. Modelled particle distributions along a zonal transect at 21°N showed that particles with a sinking velocity of 5 m d**-1 are advected offshore by up to 600 km in subsurface particle clouds generally located between 400 m and 800 m water depth, forming an Intermediate Nepheloid Layer (INL). It corresponds to the depth of the oxygen minimum zone. Heavier particles with a sinking velocity of 30 m d**-1 are transported from the shelf within the Bottom Layer (BL) of more than 1000 m thickness, largely following the topography of the bottom slope. The particles advected within the BL contribute to the enhanced winter-spring mass fluxes collected at the open-ocean mesotrophic sediment trap site CB-13 (200 nm offshore), due to a long distance advection in deeper waters. The lateral contribution to the deep sediment trap in winter-spring is estimated to be 63% and 72% for organic carbon and total mass, respectively, whereas the lateral input for both components on an annual basis is estimated to be in the order of 15%. Biogenic opal increases almost fivefold from the upper to the lower mesotrophic CB-13 trap, also pointing to an additional source for biogenic silica from eutrophic coastal waters. Blooms obviously sink in smaller, probably mesoscale-sized patches with variable settling rates, depending on the type of aggregated particles and their ballast content. Generally, particle sinking rates are exceptionally high off NW Africa. Very high chlorophyll values and a large size of the Cape Blanc filament in 1998-1999 are also documented in enhanced total mass and organic carbon fluxes. An increasing trend in satellite chlorophyll concentrations and the size of the Cape Blanc filament between 1997 and 2008 as observed for other coastal upwelling areas is not documented.


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Sediment trap moorings were deployed from September 21, 1997 through February 21, 1998 at three locations south of Australia along 140°E: at -47°S in the central Subantarctic Zone (SAZ) with traps at 1060, 2050, and 3850 m depth, at -51°S in the Subantarctic Front with one trap at 3080 m, and at -54°S in the Polar Frontal Zone (PFZ) with traps at 830 and 1580 m. Particle fluxes were high at all the sites (18-32 g/m**2/yr total mass and 0.5-1.4 g organic carbon/m**2/yr at -1000 m, assuming minimal flux outside the sampled summer period). These values are similar to other Southern Ocean results and to the median estimated for the global ocean by Lampitt and Antia [1997], and emphasize that the Southern Ocean exports considerable carbon to the deep sea despite its 'high-nutrient, low chlorophyll' characteristics. The SAZ site was dominated by carbonate (>50% of total mass) and the PFZ site by biogenic silica (>50% of total mass). Both sites exhibited high export in spring and late summer, with an intervening low flux period in December. For the 153 day collection period, particulate organic carbon export was somewhat higher in all the traps in the SAZ (range 0.57-0.84 gC/m**2) than in the PFZ (range 0.31-0.53), with an intermediate value observed at the SAF (0.60). The fraction of surface organic carbon export (estimated from seasonal nutrient depletion, Lourey and Trull [2001]) reaching 1000 m was indistinguishable in the SAZ and PFZ, despite different algal communities.


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Investigations of lithogenic and biogenic particle fluxes using long-term sediment traps are still very rare in the northern high latitudes and restricted to the arctic marginal seas and sub-arctic regions. Here, for the first time, data on the variability of fluxes of lithogenic matter, carbonate, opal, and organic carbon as well as biomarker composition from the central Arctic Ocean are presented for a one-year period. The study has been carried out on material obtained from a long-term mooring system equipped with two multi-sampling-traps (150 and 1550 m water depth) and deployed on the southern Lomonosov Ridge close to the Laptev Sea continental margin from September 1995 to August 1996. In addition, data from surface-sediments were included in the study to get more information about the flux and sedimentation of organic carbon in this area. Annual fluxes of lithogenic matter, carbonate, opal, and particulate organic carbon are 3.9 g/m**2/y, 0.8 g/m**2/y, 2.6 g/m**2/y, 1.5 g/m**2/y, respectively, at the shallow trap and 11.3 g/m**2/y, 0.5 g/m**2/y, 2.9 g/m**2/y, 1.05 g/m**2/y, respectively, at the deep trap. Both the shallow as well as the deep trap show significant differences in vertical flux values over the year. Higher values were found from mid-July to end of October (total flux of 75-130 mg/m**2/d in the shallow trap and 40-225 mg/m**2/d in the deep trap, respectively). During all other months, fluxes were fairly low in both traps (most total flux values <10 mg/m**2/d1). The interval of increased fluxes can be separated into (1) a mid-July/August maximum caused by increased primary production as documented in high abundances of marine biomarkers and diatoms, and (2) a September/October (absolute) maximum caused by increased influence of Lena river discharge indicated by maximum lithogenic flux and high portions of terrigenous/fluvial biomarkers in both traps. Here, total fluxes in the deep trap were significantly higher than in the shallow trap, suggesting a lateral sediment flux at greater depth. The lithogenic flux data also support the importance of sediment input from the Laptev Sea for the sediment accumulation on the Lomonosov Ridge on geological time scales, as indicated in sedimentary records from this region.


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Time-series sediment traps were deployed for five consecutive years in two distinctively different subarctic marine environments. The centrally located subarctic pelagic Station SA (49°N, 174°W; water depth 5406 m) was simultaneously studied along with the marginal sea Station AB (53.5°N, 177°W; water depth 3788 m) in the Aleutian Basin of the Bering Sea. A mooring system was tethered to the sea-floor with a PARFLUX type trap with 13 sample bottles, which was placed at 600 m above the sea-floor at each of the two stations. Sampling intervals were synchronized at the stations, and they were generally set for 20 days during highly productive seasons, spring through fall, and 56 days during winter months of low productivity. Total mass fluxes, which consisted of mainly biogenic phases, were significantly greater at the marginal sea Station AB than at the pelagic Station SA for the first four years and moderately greater for the last year of the observations. This reflects the generally recognized higher productivity in the Bering Sea. Temporal excursion patterns of the mass fluxes at the two stations generally were in parallel, implying that temporal changes in their biological productivity are strongly governed by a large-scale seasonal climatic variability over the region rather than local phenomena. The primary reason for the difference in total mass flux at the two stations stems mainly from varying contributions of siliceous and calcareous planktonic assemblages. A significantly higher opal contribution at Station AB than at Station SA was mainly due to diatoms. Diatom fluxes at the marginal sea station were about twice those observed at the pelagic station, resulting in a very high opal contribution at Station AB. In contrast to the opal fluxes, CaCO3 fluxes at Station AB were slightly lower than at Station SA. The ratios of Corg/Cinorg were usually significantly greater than one in both regions, suggesting that preferentially greater organic carbon from cytoplasm than skeletal inorganic carbon was exported from the surface layers. Such a process, known as the biological pump, leads to a carbon sink which effectively lowers p CO2 in the surface layers and then allows a net flux of atmospheric CO2 into the surface layer. The efficiency of the biological pump is greater in the Bering Sea than at the open-ocean station.