1000 resultados para Anion recognition


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A new family of [3]polynorbornane frameworks exhibiting conformationally preorganized aromatic thiourea (cleft-like) receptors have been designed and synthesized for anion recognition. These show excellent affinity for the biologically relevant dihydrogenphosphate (H2PO4-) and dihydrogenpyrophosphate (H2P2O72-) anions (among others), which are bound in 1:1 and 2:1 (host:anion) ratio, respectively. Moreover, visually striking color changes accompany guest binding, enabling this family to act as colorimetric anion sensors.


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The 4-amino-1,8-naphthalimide-based anion receptor 3 binds dihydrogenphosphate with 1:1 stoichiometry through cooperative hydrogen bonding to a naphthalimide N–H and thiourea N–H groups. This was clearly established from 1H NMR titration experiments in DMSO-d6 where a substantial shift in the resonance for the naphthalimide N–H was observed concomitant with the expected thiourea N–H chemical shift migration upon successive additions of H2PO4. However, whilst 1H NMR titration experiments indicate that 3 was capable of binding other anions such as acetate, the naphthalimide N–H does not participate and the N–H resonance was essentially invariant during the titration. The lack of cooperative binding in this instance was justifiable on steric grounds.


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Six new, charge-neutral norbornene-based receptors 1a,1b– 3a,3b were prepared, and their ability to interact with simple anions in DMSO was investigated using 1H NMR and UV/ Vis spectroscopy. Binding of dihydrogenphosphate by the six receptors appeared to be based solely on steric constraints. In contrast, the binding stoichiometry of 3a and 3b to acetate was controlled by subtle electronic factors.


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From data generated using 1H NMR titrations, different methodologies to calculate binding constants are compared. The ‘local’ analysis method that uses only a single isotherm (only one H-bond donor) is compared against the ‘global’ method (that includes many or all H-bond donors). The results indicate that for simple systems both methods are suitable, however, the global approach consistently provides a K a value with uncertainties up to 30% smaller. For more complex binding, the global analysis method gives much more robust results than the local methods. This study also highlights the need to explore several different modes when data do not fit well to a simple 1:1 complexation model and illustrates the need for better methods to estimate uncertainties in supramolecular binding experiments.


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Selectivity is demonstrated in a supramolecular host:guest system using a receptor with a non-linear binding site. For the "open" receptor 1 strong binding for both flexible and rigid guests was observed. Receptor 2, with a "blocked" binding site, also bound flexible guests effectively but its affinity for rigid guests was 50 fold lower.


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We report a simple fluorescent method for sensitive cyanide detection based on the dissolution of Rhodamine B-adsorbed gold nanoparticles by cyanide.


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A new fluorescent sensor for the sensitive and selective detection of cyanide (CN-) in aqueous media was developed herein. The sensing approach is based on CN--modulated quenching behavior of Cu2+ toward the photoluminescence (PL) of CdTe quantum dots (QDs). In the presence of CN-, the PL of QDs that have been quenched by Cu2+ was found to be efficiently recovered, which then allows the detection of CN- in a very simple approach. Experimental results showed that the pH of the buffer solution, concentration of copper ions, and size of CdTe QDs all influenced the response of the sensor to CN-. Under the optimal conditions, a good linear relationship between the PL intensity and the concentration of CN- can be obtained in the range of 3.0 x 10(-7) to 1.2 x 10(-5) M, with a detection limit as low as 1.5 x 10(-7) M. In addition, the present fluorescent sensor possesses remarkable selectivity for cyanide over other anions, and negligible influences were observed on the cyanide detection by the coexistence of other anions or biological species (such as albumin and typical blood constituents).


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A novel selective fluorescent chemosensor based on naphthalimide derivatives (AN-SB) was synthesized and characterized. Once combined with Cu2+, compound AN-SB could give rise to a visible yellow to orange color change and fluorescence quenching, while other metal ions showed subtle disturbance. The complex (AN-SB-Cu2+) formed by Cu2+ and AN-SB displayed high specificity for H2PO4-. Among the various anions, only H2PO4- induced the revival of color and fluorescence of AN-SB, resulting in "off-on" type sensing of H2PO4- anion. The signal transduction occured via reversible formation-separation of complex AN-SB-Cu2+, however, slight changes were observed in the presence of other anions. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nesta tese, desenvolvida no âmbito do Programa Doutoral em Química da Universidade de Aveiro, foram desenvolvidos novos receptores sintéticos construídos a partir da plataforma macrocíclica tetraazacalix[2]areno[2]triazina ou do fragmento de isoftalamida. Ambas as unidades estruturais foram decora-das com grupos de reconhecimento molecular baseados em grupos amida e/ou ureia com o objectivo de actuarem como receptores selectivos de aniões com importância biológica ou farmacológica, incluindo acetato, oxalato, malo-nato, succinato, glutarato, diglicolato, L- e D-NHBoc-alanina, (S)- e (R)-fenilpro-panoato, (S,S)- e (R,R)-tartarato, fumarato, maleato, Cl-, HCO3-, H2PO4-, HSO4- e SO42-. No Capítulo 1 é efectuada uma revisão bibliográfica dos desenvolvimentos recentes na síntese, caracterização estrutural e aplicações de receptores fun-cionais relacionados com os desenvolvidos no âmbito desta tese, com especial incidência para aqueles que foram estudados como receptores de aniões. Neste domínio, enquanto que receptores derivados da isoftalamida têm sido bastante estudados ao longo das últimas décadas, o desenvolvimento de receptores de aniões inspirados em heteracalix[2]areno[2]triazinas ainda se encontra a dar os primeiros passos. No Capítulo 2 é apresentada a síntese de quatro novos macrociclos derivados de tetraazacalix[2]areno[2]triazina incorporando um ou dois braços de L-alanina (A1, A2) ou de L-leucina (L1, L2) nos anéis benzénicos, e derivados com grupos amida como unidades de reconhecimento. Adicionalmente, são também apresentados dois novos azacalix[2]areno[2]triazinas contendo um (U1) ou dois (U2) braços com grupos ureia substituídos com um grupo (S)-metilbenzílico. Foram ainda preparados os macrociclos A2Me4 e U2Me4 por metilação dos átomos de azoto em ponte de A2 e U2, os quais foram posterior-mente utilizados em estudos de associação. Os compostos sintetizados foram caracterizados através de técnicas espectroscópicas, complementadas por difracção de raios X de cristal único no caso de U2Me4. O Capítulo 3 contempla os estudos de reconhecimento molecular entre os macrociclos A2Me4 e U2Me4 e os aniões derivados de ácidos mono- e dicarbo-xílicos alifáticos, ácidos carboxílicos isoméricos (enantiómeros e isómeros geométricos), aminoácidos e polioxaniões acima referidos, excepto HCO3-. Os estudos de associação foram realizados através de técnicas de titulação por RMN 1H com determinação das respectivas constantes de afinidade. Todas as associações estudadas apresentaram uma estequiometria receptor-substrato 1:1 com excepção das associações formadas entre A2Me4 e U2Me4 com H2PO4- (1:2). Os complexos A2Me4∙SO42- e U2Me4∙(H2PO4-)2 são os mais estáveis com constantes de associação de 7,4 × 104 M-1 e superior a 105 M-2, respectivamente. O reconhecimento dos dicarboxilatos ocorreu através dos dois braços do macrociclo, com os aniões com grupos carboxilato separados por cadeias alifáticas mais compridas (glutarato e diglicolato) apresentando um melhor ajuste aos braços de A2Me4 e U2Me4. Não foi observado reconheci-mento enantiosselectivo de aniões. Em contraste, as constantes de afinidade para as associações com os aniões dos isómeros cis (maleato) e trans (fumarato) do ácido but-2-enodióico, de 89 e 4920 M-1 para A2Me4 e 481 e 4007 M-1 para U2Me4, respectivamente, sugerem selectividade de ambos os receptores para o fumarato. No Capítulo 4 é descrita a síntese de nove receptores acíclicos incorporando a unidade de isoftalamida (Iso-1 a Iso-9) e braços laterais com grupos de reconhecimento de aniões. Enquanto que o receptor Iso-1 possui como unida-des de reconhecimento apenas grupos amida, os receptores Iso-2, Iso-3, Iso-5, Iso-6, Iso-7 e Iso-9 possuem grupos amida e ureia, e os derivados Iso-4 e Iso-8 grupos amida e sulfonilureia. Em cada um destes compostos, os grupos de reconhecimento estão separados por uma cadeia etilénica cuja flexibilidade confere um melhor ajuste com os aniões. Os derivados de isoftalamida preparados foram caracterizados através de técnicas espectroscópicas. No Capítulo 5 são apresentados os estudos de associação realizados por técnicas de titulação por RMN 1H entre Iso-1, Iso-2, Iso-4, Iso-6 e Iso-8 com os aniões H2PO4-, HCO3-, Cl- e oxalato. Os receptores Iso-1, Iso-2 e Iso-6 apresentaram maior afinidade para o dianião, com valores de Kass de 6100, 7800 e 9800 M-1 respectivamente, e menor para Cl- (17 < Kass < 19 M-1). Foram sempre formadas associações mais estáveis com H2PO4- (294 < Kass < 427 M-1) comparativamente a HCO3-, sendo que a associação mais forte com este últi-mo foi determinada com Iso-2 (Kass = 95 M-1). As moléculas de Iso-4 e Iso-8 sofreram desprotonação dos grupos sulfonilureia na presença de todos os aniões excepto de Cl-. No Capítulo 6 apresentam-se as conclusões gerais e no Capítulo 7 descrevem-se os procedimentos experimentais e também os dados espectroscópicos dos produtos obtidos.


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A tetraazamacrocycle containing ferrocene moieties has been synthesized and characterized. The tetraprotonated form of this compound was evaluated as a receptor (R) for anion recognition of several substrates (S), Cl-, PF6-, HSO4-, H2PO4- and carboxylates, such as p-nitrobenzoate (p-nbz(-)), phthalate (ph(2-)), isophthalate (iph(2-)) and dipicolinate (dipic(2-)). H-1 NMR titrations in CD3OD indicated that this receptor is not suitable for recognizing HSO4- and H2PO4-, but weakly binds p-nbz(-), and strongly interacts with ph(2-), dipic(2-), and iph(2-) anions forming 1 : 2 assembled species. The largest beta(2) binding constant was determined for ph(2-), followed by dipic(2-) and finally iph(2-). The effect of the anionic substrates on the electron-transfer process of the ferrocene units of R was evaluated using cyclic voltammetry (CV) and square wave voltammetry (SWV) in methanol solution and 0.1 mol dm(-3) (CH3)(4)NCl as the supporting electrolyte. Titrations of the receptor were undertaken by addition of anion solutions in their tetrabutylammonium or tetramethylammonium forms. The protonated ligand exhibits a reversible voltammogram, which shifts cathodically in the presence of the substrates. The data revealed kinetic constraints in the formation of the receptor/substrate entity for dipic(2-), ph(2-) and iph(2-) anions, but not for p-nbz(-). In spite of the slow kinetics of assembled species formation with the ph(2-) substrate, this anion provides the largest redox-response when the supramolecular entity is formed, followed by dipic(2-), iph(2-) and finally p-nbz(-) anions. This trend is in agreement with the H-1 NMR results and the values of the binding constants. Single crystal X-ray structures of the receptor with PF6-, ph(2-), iph(2-) and p-nbz(-) were carried out and showed that supermolecules with a RS2 stoichiometry are formed with the first three anions, but RS4 with p-nbz(-). In all cases the binding occurs outside the macrocyclic cavity via N-H center dot center dot center dot O=C hydrogen bonds for carboxylate anions and N - H center dot center dot center dot F hydrogen bonds for the PF6- anion, which is in agreement with the solution results. The macrocyclic framework adopts different conformations in order to interact with each substrate having Fe center dot center dot center dot Fe intramolecular distances ranging from 10.125(14) to 12.783(15) angstrom.


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Materials used in current technological approaches for the removal of mercury lack selectivity. Given that this is one of the main features of supramolecular chemistry, receptors based on calix[4]arene and calix[4]resorcarene containing functional groups able to interact selectively with polluting ions while discriminating against biologically essential ones were designed. Thus two receptors, a partially functionalized calix[4]arene derivative, namely, 5,11,17,23-tetra-tert-butyl [25-27-bis(diethyl thiophosphate amino)dihydroxy] calix[4]arene (1) and a fully functionalized calix[4]resorcarene, 4,6,10,12,16,18,22,24-diethyl thiophosphate calix[4]resorcarene (2) are introduced. Mercury(II) was the identified target due to the environmental and health problems associated with its presence in water Thus following the synthesis and characterization of 1 and 2 in solution ((1)HNMR) and in the solid state (X-ray crystallography) the sequence of experimental events leading to cation complexation studies in acetonitrile and methanol ((1)H NMR, conductance, potentiometric, and calorimetric measurements) with the aim of assessing their behavior as mercury selective receptors are described. The cation selectivity pattern observed in acetonitrile follows the sequence Hg(II) > Cu(II) > Ag(I). In methanol 1 is also selective for Hg(II) relative to Ag(I) but no interaction takes place between this receptor and Cu(II) in this solvent. Based on previous results and experimental facts shown in this paper, it is concluded that the complexation observed with Cu(II) in acetonitrile occurs through the acetonitrile-receptor adduct rather than through the free ligand. Receptor 2 has an enhanced capacity for uptaking Hg(II) but forms metalate complexes with Cu(II). These studies in solution guided the inmobilization of receptor 1 into a silica support to produce a new and recyclable material for the removal of Hg(II) from water. An assessment on its capacity to extract this cation from water relative to Cu(II) and Ag (I) shows that the cation selectivity pattern of the inmobilized receptor is the same as that observed for the free receptor in methanol. These findings demonstrate that fundamental studies play a critical role in the selection of the receptor to be attached to silicates as well as in the reaction medium used for the synthesis of the new decontaminating agent.


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This mini review highlights the synthesis and photophysical evaluation of anion sensors, for nonaqueous solutions, that have been developed in our laboratories over the last few years. We have focused our research mainly on developing fluorescent photoinduced electron transfer (PET) sensors based on the fluorophore-spacer-anion receptor principle using several anthracene (emitting in the blue) and 1,8-naphthalimide (emitting in the green) fluorophores, with the aim of targeting biologically and industrially relevant anions such as acetates, phosphate and amino acids, as well as halides such as fluoride. The receptors and the fluorophore are separated by a short methyl or ethyl spacer, where the charge neutral anion receptors are either aliphatic or aromatic urea (or thiourea) moieties. For these, the anion recognition is through hydrogen bonding, yielding anion:receptor complexes. Such bonding gives rise to enhanced reduction potential in the receptor moieties which causes enhancement in the rate of PET quenching of the fluorophore excited state from the anion:receptor moiety. This design can be further elaborated on by incorporating either two fluorophores, or urea/thiourea receptors into the sensor structures, using anthracene as a fluorophore. For the latter design, the sensors were designed to achieve sensing of bis-anions, such as di-carboxylates or pyrophosphate, where the anion bridged the anthracene moiety. In the case of the naphthalimide based mono-receptor based PET sensors, it was discovered that in DMSO the sensors were also susceptible to deprotonation by anions such as F− at high concentrations. This led to substantial changes in the absorption spectra of these sensors, where the solution changed colour from yellow/green to deep blue, which was clearly visible to the naked eye. Hence, some of the examples presented can act as dual fluorescent-colorimetric sensors for anions. Further investigations into this phenomenon led to the development of simple colorimetric sensors for fluorides, which upon exposure to air, were shown to fix carbon dioxide as bicarbonate.


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Two macrocyclic bis-thiourea hosts 5 and 6 were constructed and their interactions with two dicarboxylates of similar size (pimelate = flexible and terephthalate = rigid) were evaluated using 1H NMR titration techniques. In contrast to previous work with thiourea functionalised [n]polynorbornanes (where a notable increase in H:G affinity was noted for the rigid guest), the new macrocyclic hosts, in particular host 6, bind pimelate more strongly than terephthalate (for 6 binding pimelate log Ka = 4.7, terephthalate log Ka = 3.7). A binding arrangement in which the flexible dicarboxylate is ‘perched’ above the macrocycle is proposed to justify these results.


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A modular approach has been developed for the synthesis of rigid linear di- and tritopic ligands based on a fused [6]polynorbornane scaffold. The design provides up to three sites for installing functionality, including both "ends" and a "central" position with the advantage that each region can be independently addressed during synthesis. To illustrate the utility of the approach, both pyridyl and picolyl units were incorporated to provide six new ligands, with centers and ends either matched or mismatched. Indeed, both [M2 L4 ] cages with endohedral functionality and [M3 L4 ] complexes were cleanly produced from these ligands with assembled structures confirmed by using (1) H NMR spectroscopy, HRMS, and molecular modelling.


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The use of modified Job plot methodology provides a quick and easy means for evaluating host-guest stoichiometry and requires less material than the original method. In this short paper, the results of a recent anion recognition study using thiourea-functionalised norbornanes and [n]polynorbornanes are presented. A significant difference between the plots constructed using the original and modified method was observed and, as such, caution is advised when the modified Job's method is solely used for the determination of host-guest stoichiometry.