974 resultados para Animal-plant interaction


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Flavonoids are a diverse class of polyphenolic compounds that are produced as a result of plant secondary metabolism. They are known to play a multifunctional role in rhizospheric plant-microbe and plant-plant communication. Most familiar is their function as a signal in initiation of the legume-rhizobia symbiosis, but, flavonoids may also be signals in the establishment of arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis and are known agents in plant defence and in allelopathic interactions. Flavonoid perception by, and impact on, their microbial targets (e.g. rhizobia, plant pathogens) is relatively well characterized. However, potential impacts on 'non-target' rhizosphere inhabitants ('non-target' is used to distinguish those microorganisms not conventionally known as targets) have not been thoroughly investigated. Thus, this review first summarizes the conventional roles of flavonoids as nod gene inducers, phytoalexins and allelochemicals before exploring questions concerning 'non-target' impacts. We hypothesize that flavonoids act to shape rhizosphere microbial community structure because they represent a potential source of carbon and toxicity and that they impact on rhizosphere function, for example, by accelerating the biodegradation of xenobiotics. We also examine the reverse question, 'how do rhizosphere microbial communities impact on flavonoid signals?' The presence of microorganisms undoubtedly influences the quality and quantity of flavonoids present in the rhizosphere, both through modification of root exudation patterns and microbial catabolism of exudates. Microbial alteration and attenuation of flavonoid signals may have ecological consequences for below-ground plant-microbe and plant-plant interaction. We have a lack of knowledge concerning the composition, concentration and bioavailability of flavonoids actually experienced by microbes in an intact rhizosphere, but this may be addressed through advances in microspectroscopic and biosensor techniques. Through the use of plant mutants defective in flavonoid biosynthesis, we may also start to address the question of the significance of flavonoids in shaping rhizosphere community structure and function.


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The bacterial plant pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. phaseolicola (Pph) colonises the surface of common bean plants before moving into the interior of plant tissue, via wounds and stomata. In the intercellular spaces the pathogen proliferates in the apoplastic fluid and forms microcolonies (biofilms) around plant cells. If the pathogen can suppress the plant’s natural resistance response, it will cause halo blight disease. The process of resistance suppression is fairly well understood, but the mechanisms used by the pathogen in colonisation are less clear. We hypothesised that we could apply in vitro genetic screens to look for changes in motility, colony formation, and adhesion, which are proxies for infection, microcolony formation and cell adhesion. We made transposon (Tn) mutant libraries of Pph strains 1448A and 1302A and found 106/1920 mutants exhibited alterations in colony morphology, motility and biofilm formation. Identification of the insertion point of the Tn identified within the genome highlighted, as expected, a number of altered motility mutants bearing mutations in genes encoding various parts of the flagellum. Genes involved in nutrient biosynthesis, membrane associated proteins, and a number of conserved hypothetical protein (CHP) genes were also identified. A mutation of one CHP gene caused a positive increase in in planta bacterial growth. This rapid and inexpensive screening method allows the discovery of genes important for in vitro traits that can be correlated to roles in the plant interaction


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The seasonal density fluctuation, phenology and sex ratio of Peucetia flava (Oxyopidae) on Rhyncanthera dichotoma (Melastomataceae) were investigated during a year in a swamp in southeastern Brazil. Peucetia flava displayed an unusual non-seasonal life cycle and the population size varied little over the year. The density of Peucetia spiders increased with the increase in abundance of leaves and number of arthropods adhered to glandular trichomes on R. dichotoma leaves. Our findings suggest that seasonal density fluctuation of Peucetia may be influenced by foraging site availability (i.e. leaves) and prey supply (i.e. arthropods adhering to glandular trichomes). The unusual seasonal stability of P. flava may be related to the type of habitat in which this spider occurs (swamp), because of the constant input of allochthonous resources from the water source, i.e. aquatic insects that migrate to the terrestrial environment.


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Two allopatric species of Coryphasia (Araneae: Salticidae), both described for the first time in this study, have been found associated with Bromeliaceae in distinct phytophysiognomies (e.g., inselbergs, highland forests and restingas) from southeastern Brazil. In this study, we investigated whether these salticids were associated specifically with bromeliads, and whether they used bromeliads of different species and sizes in distinct geographic regions. The Coryphasia species were rarely found outside bromeliads, occupied larger bromeliad species among those available, and were generally more frequent on bromeliads in open areas, such as inselbergs on mountain tops. The two Coophasia species were observed submerging in phytotelmata, possibly as an anti-predatory behavior. The patterns of spatial and microspatial distribution and the submergence behavior of these species were similar to those of other bromeliad-dwelling salticids, which suggests a convergence among spiders that live on bromeliads.


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1. Although several species of Peucetia (Oxyopidae) live strictly in association with plants bearing glandular trichomes worldwide, to date little is known about whether these associations are mutualistic.2. In this study we manipulated the presence of Peucetia flava on the glandular plant Rhynchanthera dichotoma in the rainy and post-rain season, to test the strength of its effects on leaf, bud, and flower damage and plant reproductive output. In addition, we ran independent field experiments to examine whether these sticky structures improve spider fidelity to plants.3. Peucetia suppressed some species of foliar phytophages, but not others. Although spiders have reduced levels of leaf herbivory, this phenomenon was temporally conditional, i.e. occurred only in the post-rain but not in the rainy season. Floral herbivory was also reduced in the presence of spiders, but these predators did not affect plant fitness components.4. Plants that had their glandular trichomes removed retained fewer insects than those bearing such structures. Spiders remained longer on plants with glandular trichomes than on plants in which these structures had been removed. Isotopic analyses showed that spiders that fed on live and dead labelled flies adhered to the glandular hairs in similar proportions.5. Spiders incurred no costs to the plants, but can potentially increase individual plant fitness by reducing damage to reproductive tissues. Temporal conditionality probably occurred because plant productivity exceeded herbivore consumption, thus dampening top-down effects. Specialisation to live on glandular plants may have favoured scavenging behaviour in Peucetia, possibly an adaptation to periods of food scarcity.


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Ants are often attracted to diaspores not adapted for dispersal by ants. These diaspores may occasionally benefit from this interaction. We selected six nonmyrmecochorous plant species (Virola oleifera, Eugenia stictosepala, Cabralea canjerana, Citharexylum myrianthum, Alchornea glandulosa and Hyeronima alchorneoides) whose diaspores differ in size and lipid content, and investigated how these features affect the outcome of ant-diaspore interactions on the floor of a lowland Atlantic forest of Southeast Brazil. A total of 23 ant species were seen interacting with diaspores on the forest floor. Ants were generally rapid at discovering and cleaning the diaspore pulp or aril. Recruitment rate and ant attendance were higher for lipid-rich diaspores than for lipid-poor ones. Removal rate and displacement distance were higher for small diaspores. The large ponerine ant Pachycondyla striata, one of the most frequent attendants to lipid-rich arillate diaspores, transported the latter into their nests and discarded clean intact seeds on refuse piles outside the nest. Germination tests with cleaned and uncleaned diaspores revealed that the removal of pulp or aril may increase germination success in Virola oleifera, Cabralea canjerana, Citharexylum myrianthum and Alchornea glandulosa. Gas chromatography analyses revealed a close similarity in the fatty acid composition of the arils of the lipid-rich diaspores and the elaiosome of a typical myrmecochorous seed (Ricinus communis), corroborating the suggestion that some arils and elaiosomes are chemically similar. Although ant-derived benefits to diaspores - secondary dispersal and/or increased germination - varied among the six plant species studied, the results enhanced the role of ant-diaspore interactions in the post-dispersal fates of nonmyrmecochorous seeds in tropical forests. The size and the lipid-content of the diaspores were shown to be major determinants of the outcome of such interactions.


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This is the first record of Acanthoscelides schrankiae Horn, feeding in seeds of Mimosa bimucronata (DC.) Kuntze. We investigated the pattern of oviposition and seed exploitation by A. schrankiae, and the distribution of mature fruits and seed predation in the inflorescences. We also compared the percentage of predated seeds, the total dry weight of fruits and non-predated seeds, the percentage of aborted seeds, and the percentage of non-emergent insects, among different quadrants of the M. bimucronata canopy. To determine the occurring species, the emergence of bruchids and parasitoids was observed in the laboratory, resulting altogether, only in individuals of A. schrankiae and Horismenus sp. (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) species, respectively. Mean number of fruits produced in the median region of inflorescence was significantly higher than in the inferior and superior regions, and the frequencies (observed and expected) of predated and non-predated seeds differed among the different regions of inflorescence. Females of A. schrankiae laid their eggs on fruits, and larvae, after emergence, perforated the exocarp to reach the seeds. Most fruits presented one to three eggs and only one bruchid larva was observed in each seed. The highest value of the rate number of eggs/fruit and the highest percentage of predated seeds were recorded in April. Dry weight of fruits (total) and seeds (non-predated), proportions of predated seeds, seed abortions, and non-emergent seed predators, were evenly distributed in the canopy.


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A criação da Usina Hidrelétrica de Tucuruí em 1985, inundou uma área de 2.400 Km² de floresta, originando centenas de ilhas de tamanhos diferentes, onde diversos organismos, dentre eles os cuxiús (Chiropotes spp.), tiveram suas populações fragmentadas. A área de estudo, ilha de Gennoplasrna, possui 129 ha e abriga uma população de Chiropotes utahickae, atualmente com 23 membros, já estudada por Santos (2002). O objetivo principal deste estudo foi descrever aspectos da ecologia do cuxiú de Uta Hick e caracterizar a exploração alimentar de espécies arbóreas. A metodologia utilizada foi baseada em oito dias de coleta mensal de dados, utilizando-se o método de varredura instantânea de um minuto de duração e cinco de intervalo, aplicado paralelamente ás amostragens de árvore-focal e fruto-focal, intercalando-se estes dois tipos. As principais categorias comportamentais foram alimentação, deslocamento, forrageio, repouso e interação social. Foram obtidos 11.277 registros de varredura, 259 de árvore-focal e 711 de fruto-focal durante o período de março a agosto de 2004. Foram gastos 50,6% do tempo em deslocamento, 31,9% em alimentação, 10,6% em repouso, 5,4% em forrageio e 1,2% em interação social. A dieta foi composta principalmente de semente imatura (31,7%), mesocarpo imaturo (21,2%), fruto maduro (18,3%) e flores (14,4%). A comparação com o estudo de Santos (2002) sugere diferenças longitudinais e sazonais. Os frutos explorados variaram de 0,4 cm a 15,3 cm de comprimento e as sementes, de 0,1cm a 2,3 cm. Os cuxiús foram considerados predadores para 74,2% das 31 espécies analisadas. Não houve relação significativa entre o tamanho das sementes e o tipo de interação. Também não existiu relação significativa entre a distância de deposição das sementes e o tamanho destas, sugerindo que o transporte de sementes pelos cuxiús pode estar ligado a outros fatores (dimensão da copa, tamanho do subagrupamento). Após vinte anos de isolamento, os cuxiús pareceram apresentar um padrão comportamental típico do gênero Chiropotes. Esta tolerância ao ambiente fragmentado, pareceu ser evidenciada nesse estudo, pelo intenso consumo do mesocarpo imaturo de ingás (Inga spp.) e de flores de castanheira (Bertholletia excelsa). Flores parecem ser um recurso importante para os cuxiús da área de influência do reservatório de Tucuruí (Santos, 2002; Silva, 2003). Este trabalho vem contribuir para o conhecimento da ecologia da espécie, ressaltando que o monitoramento das populações nas áreas do reservatório de Tucuruí, precisa ser continuado a fim de que se reúna mais informações a respeito da sua organização social, dieta e interferência na comunidade vegetal, necessárias para o planejamento de medidas de manejo e conservação.


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Plant-plant interactions are driven by environmental conditions, evolutionary relationships (ER) and the functional traits of the plants involved. However, studies addressing the relative importance of these drivers are rare, but crucial to improve our predictions of the effects of plant-plant interactions on plant communities and of how they respond to differing environmental conditions. To analyze the relative importance of - and interrelationships among - these factors as drivers of plant-plant interactions, we analyzed perennial plant co-occurrence at 106 dryland plant communities established across rainfall gradients in nine countries. We used structural equation modelling to disentangle the relationships between environmental conditions (aridity and soil fertility), functional traits extracted from the literature, and ER, and to assess their relative importance as drivers of the 929 pairwise plant-plant co-occurrence levels measured. Functional traits, specifically facilitated plants' height and nurse growth form, were of primary importance, and modulated the effect of the environment and ER on plant-plant interactions. Environmental conditions and ER were important mainly for those interactions involving woody and graminoid nurses, respectively. The relative importance of different plant-plant interaction drivers (ER, functional traits, and the environment) varied depending on the region considered, illustrating the difficulty of predicting the outcome of plant-plant interactions at broader spatial scales. In our global-scale study on drylands, plant-plant interactions were more strongly related to functional traits of the species involved than to the environmental variables considered. Thus, moving to a trait-based facilitation/competition approach help to predict that: (1) positive plant-plant interactions are more likely to occur for taller facilitated species in drylands, and (2) plant-plant interactions within woody-dominated ecosystems might be more sensitive to changing environmental conditions than those within grasslands. By providing insights on which species are likely to better perform beneath a given neighbour, our results will also help to succeed in restoration practices involving the use of nurse plants. (C) 2014 Geobotanisches Institut ETH, Stiftung Ruebel. Published by Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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In isolation and characterization studies, expression level U1 and U2 snRNA isoforms were obtained from the 5th instar larval stage silk gland (SG). The DNA content of the SG cells is approximately 200,000-fold higher compared to the usual (2N) somatic cells of B. mori due to endoreduplication. In this study, the existence of U1 and U2 snRNA isoforms in the SG of the organism is investigated. Bombyx mori U1 and U2-specific RT-PCR libraries from the silk gland were generated. Five U1 and eight U2 isoforms were isolated and characterized. Nucleotide differences, structural alterations, as well as protein and RNA interaction sites were analyzed in these variants. For the U1 snRNA variants, they were compared to the previously reported BmN isoforms. In all these U-snRNA variants, polymorphic sites do not predominate at the core of known functional sequences, which were interspecifically conserved. Variant sites and inter-species differences are located in moderately conserved regions. Free energy (ΔG) values for the entire U1 and U2 snRNA secondary structures and for the individual stem/loops domains of the isoforms were generated and compared to determine their structural stability. This will be the first time that U1 and U2 variants are shown specific for a development stage (larval) other than embryonic or adult. ^ Using phylogenetic analysis, evolutionary trees were generated for the U1 and U2 snRNAs using animal, plant, protista and fungal species. The resulting trees were boostrapped for robustness and rooted with the self-splicing RNA group II intron sequence from the cyanobacterium Calothrix. Using phylogenetic analyses, possible structural and functional evolutionary interdependence between the U1 and U2 snRNAs was investigated. ^


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Positive-sense RNA viruses are important animal, plant, insect and bacteria pathogens and constitute the largest group of RNA viruses. Due to the relatively small size of their genomes, these viruses have evolved a variety of non-canonical translation mechanisms to optimize coding capacity expanding their proteome diversity. One such strategy is codon redefinition or recoding. First described in viruses, recoding is a programmed translation event in which codon alterations are context dependent. Recoding takes place in a subset of messenger RNA (mRNAs) with some products reflecting new, and some reflecting standard, meanings. The ratio between the two is both critical and highly regulated. While a variety of recoding mechanisms have been documented, (ribosome shunting, stop-carry on, termination-reinitiation, and translational bypassing), the two most extensively employed by RNA viruses are Programmed Ribosomal Frameshifting (PRF) and Programmed Ribosomal Readthrough (PRT). While both PRT and PRF subvert normal decoding for expression of C-terminal extension products, the former involves an alteration of reading frame, and the latter requires decoding of a non-sense codon. Both processes occur at a low but defined frequency, and both require Recoding Stimulatory Elements (RSE) for regulation and optimum functionality. These stimulatory signals can be embedded in the RNA in the form of sequence or secondary structure, or trans-acting factors outside the mRNA such as proteins or micro RNAs (miRNA). Despite 40+ years of study, the precise mechanisms by which viral RSE mediate ribosome recoding for the synthesis of their proteins, or how the ratio of these products is maintained, is poorly defined. This study reveals that in addition to a long distance RNA:RNA interaction, three alternate conformations and a phylogenetically conserved pseudoknot regulate PRT in the carmovirus Turnip crinkle virus (TCV).


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Piperaceae species have been placed among the basal angiosperm and are adapted to a variety of habitats including moist forests, secondary vegetation and dry high lands. The major anatomical/morphology features are of small trees, vines, and shrubs for Piper species, while the epiphytic and succulent characteristics are predominant forms among Peperomia species. Their secondary chemistry can be mostly represented by amides, phenylpropanoids/lignoids, and chromenes in addition to a phletoria of biosynthetically mixed-origin secondary compounds. Although several amides and lignans are known as insecticides, several phytophagous insects, among which some considered pests of economic importance, have been observed feeding vigorously on Piperaceae species. Herein we describe the feeding preferences of fourteen phytophagous species of Coleoptera, Lepidoptera and Hemiptera over approximately fifty Piperaceae species observed in São Paulo, SP, Brazil, in a long-term basis.


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The endophyte Guignardia mangiferae is closely related to G. citricarpa, the causal agent of citrus black spot; for many years these species had been confused with each other. The development of molecular analytical methods has allowed differentiation of the pathogen G. citricarpa from the endophyte G. mangiferae, but the physiological traits associated with pathogenicity were not described. We examined genetic and enzymatic characteristics of Guignardia spp strains; G. citricarpa produces significantly greater amounts of amylases, endoglucanases and pectinases, compared to G. mangiferae, suggesting that these enzymes could be key in the development of citrus black spot. Principal component analysis revealed pectinase production as the main enzymatic characteristic that distinguishes these Guignardia species. We quantified the activities of pectin lyase, pectin methylesterase and endopolygalacturonase; G. citricarpa and G. mangiferae were found to have significantly different pectin lyase and endopolygalacturonase activities. The pathogen G. citricarpa is more effective in pectin degradation. We concluded that there are significant physiological differences between the species G. citricarpa and G. mangiferae that could be associated with differences in pathogenicity for citrus plants.


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It has been suggested that dispersal of seeds of Coussapoa asperifolia magnifolia could have endozoochoric dispersal by frugivorous birds and monkeys because the fruits are red when ripe, or exozoochoric dispersal, because the exocarp is mucilaginous and sticky. However, our field observations showed only stingless bees collecting the exocarp with seeds of C. asperifolia magnifolia, which are used for building and repairing their nests, from which the plants sprout. This paper aimed to determine the fruit chemical composition, since we postulated that C. asperifolia magnifolia is neither consumed by birds nor monkeys due to being very sticky and apparently resinous. Apolar extract analyses revealed the fruits are not resinous but extremely rich in waxes ( mainly esterified triglycerides), and polar extract analyses revealed the sugar content to be close to the sensorial minimum level. This probably accounts for why only stingless bees are seen visiting fruits and dispersing seeds.