113 resultados para Aniconic Cults


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“Globalizing the Sculptural Landscape of Isis and Sarapis Cults in Roman Greece,” asks questions of cross-cultural exchange and viewership of sculptural assemblages set up in sanctuaries to the Egyptian gods. Focusing on cognitive dissonance, cultural imagining, and manipulations of time and space, I theorize ancient globalization as a set of loosely related processes that shifted a community's connections with place. My case studies range from the 3rd century BCE to the 2nd century CE, including sanctuaries at Rhodes, Thessaloniki, Dion, Marathon, Gortyna, and Delos. At these sites, devotees combined mainstream Greco-Roman sculptures, Egyptian imports, and locally produced imitations of Egyptian artifacts. In the last case, local sculptors represented Egyptian subjects with Greco-Roman naturalistic styles, creating an exoticized visual ideal that had both local and global resonance. My dissertation argues that the sculptural assemblages set up in Egyptian sanctuaries allowed each community to construct complex narratives about the nature of the Egyptian gods. Further, these images participated in a form of globalization that motivated local communities to adopt foreign gods and reinterpret them to suit local needs.

I begin my dissertation by examining how Isis and Sarapis were represented in Greece. My first chapter focuses on single statues of Egyptian gods, describing their iconographies and stylistic tendencies through examples from Corinth and Gortyna. By comparing Greek examples with images of Sarapis, Isis, and Harpokrates from around the Mediterranean, I demonstrate that Greek communities relied on globally available visual tropes rather than creating site or region-specific interpretations. In the next section, I examine what other sources viewers drew upon to inform their experiences of Egyptian sculpture. In Chapter 3, I survey the textual evidence for Isiac cult practice in Greece as a way to reconstruct devotees’ expectations of sculptures in sanctuary contexts. At the core of this analysis are Apuleius’ Metamorphoses and Plutarch’s De Iside et Osiride, which offer a Greek perspective on the cult’s theology. These literary works rely on a tradition of aretalogical inscriptions—long hymns produced from roughly the late 4th century B.C.E. into the 4th century C.E. that describe the expansive syncretistic powers of Isis, Sarapis, and Harpokrates. This chapter argues that the textual evidence suggests that devotees may have expected their images to be especially miraculous and likely to intervene on their behalf, particularly when involved in ritual activity inside the sanctuary.

In the final two chapters, I consider sculptural programs and ritual activity in concert with sanctuary architecture. My fourth chapter focuses on sanctuaries where large amounts of sculpture were found in underground water crypts: Thessaloniki and Rhodes. These groups of statues can be connected to a particular sanctuary space, but their precise display contexts are not known. By reading these images together, I argue that local communities used these globally available images to construct new interpretations of these gods, ones that explored the complex intersections of Egyptian, Greek, and Roman identities in a globalized Mediterranean. My final chapter explores the Egyptian sanctuary at Marathon, a site where exceptional preservation allows us to study how viewers would have experienced images in architectural space. Using the Isiac visuality established in Chapter 3, I reconstruct the viewer's experience, arguing that the patron, Herodes Atticus, intended his viewer to inform his experience with the complex theology of Middle Platonism and prevailing elite attitudes about Roman imperialism.

Throughout my dissertation, I diverge from traditional approaches to culture change that center on the concepts of Romanization and identity. In order to access local experiences of globalization, I examine viewership on a micro-scale. I argue that viewers brought their concerns about culture change into dialogue with elements of cult, social status, art, and text to create new interpretations of Roman sculpture sensitive to the challenges of a highly connected Mediterranean world. In turn, these transcultural perspectives motivated Isiac devotees to create assemblages that combined elements from multiple cultures. These expansive attitudes also inspired Isiac devotees to commission exoticized images that brought together disparate cultures and styles in an eclectic manner that mirrored the haphazard way that travel brought change to the Mediterranean world. My dissertation thus offers a more theoretically rigorous way of modeling culture change in antiquity that recognizes local communities’ agency in producing their cultural landscapes, reconciling some of the problems of scale that have plagued earlier approaches to provincial Roman art.

These case studies demonstrate that cultural anxieties played a key role in how viewers experienced artistic imagery in the Hellenistic and Roman Mediterranean. This dissertation thus offers a new component in our understanding of ancient visuality, and, in turn, a better way to analyze how local communities dealt with the rise of connectivity and globalization.


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Abstract: Recent scholarship has shown that there is no solid archaeological or epigraphic evidence to deem the narratives about the rise to kingship of David and his son Solomon as reflecting the rise and consolidation of Israel as a Nation-State during the 10th century BCE. It is rather during the 9th century in the Palestinian highlands that we can find the emergence of a socio-political entity named Bīt Humri/ya or Israel in the contemporary archaeological and epigraphic records, but with an ambiguous character as a state. In this paper, it is suggested the possibility that the rise of such a polity and the constitution of an ethnogenesis are notably and directly related to the appearance of the Arabian network of exchanges in the early first millennium BCE in the Near East. Furthermore, from a critical point of view, one may suggest that there is no direct ethnic connection between the kingdoms of Israel and Judah and the later Jewish cults of Yahweh in Palestine.


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Anejos de Veleja. Acta; 12 ; Revisiones de Historia Antigua; 7


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During the English Civil War, Charles I appeared as a character in Royalist poetry, both directly and allegorically. These depictions drew on ancient Roman epic poems, particularly Lucan’s De Bello Civili, in their treatment of the subject matter of civil war and Charles as an epic hero. Though the authors of these poems supported Charles, their depictions of him and his reign reveal anxiety about his weakness as a ruler. In comparison to the cults of personality surrounding his predecessors and the heroes of De Bello Civili, his cult appears bland and forced. The lack of enthusiasm surrounding Charles I may help to explain his downfall at the hands of his Parliamentarian opponents.  


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O objetivo desta tese é discutir como os moradores de favelas no Rio de Janeiro fazem para experimentar segurança em meio ao cotidiano marcado por inseguranças, violência e vulnerabilidade social. Minha hipótese central é que os moradores destas localidades visualizam nas lealdades primordiais (GEERTZ, 2008 [1973]), nas relações de vizinhança e em redes formadas em torno do pertencimento a instituições religiosas, sobretudo as pentecostais e neopentecostais a base da segurança necessária para organizarem suas vidas, suas rotinas. Busquei responder às questões que me animavam a partir de um investimento etnográfico em duas favelas cariocas, a saber, Santa Marta, localizada no bairro de Botafogo, Zona Sul, e, principalmente, Acari, localizada entre bairros da Zona Norte da cidade. Ao longo da etnografia realizei entrevistas semi-estruturadas com moradores evangélicos, traficantes, homens, mulheres, jovens e idosos, lideranças políticas e culturais. A partir destas entrevistas, assim como das conversas informais com moradores nestas favelas, pude observar a grande dificuldade que os moradores das referidas localidades têm, face à violência, para experimentar constantemente segurança e confiança, mesmo no caso dos moradores que desfrutam de densas redes de solidariedade e proteção baseadas no parentesco e/ou na partilha de identidade religiosa pentecostal. A paranóia, o medo da fofoca e do inimigo à espreita tomam conta do cotidiano de moradores (e também de traficantes). Neste contexto, identifiquei nas suas tentativas de consolidação de vínculos sociais e afetivos, mas também em seus diversos cálculos em termos de evitação da violência suas principais estratégias para viver o dia-a-dia com certa tranqüilidade. O curso da etnografia possibilitou, ainda, refletir sobre a importância da articulação analítica de dois eixos temáticos para o estudo da favela como fenômeno urbano/social hoje: religião e violência. Esta avaliação é fruto da observação das aproximações entre traficantes que passaram, nessas localidades, a experimentar novas formas de expressão de fé. Se, nas décadas de 1980-1990, os traficantes de Acari expunham em seus corpos, em suas casas e nos muros da favela imagens e orações que remetiam ao universo religioso afro-brasileiro, na atualidade, acionam uma gramática pentecostal e pintam nos muros da favela salmos e outras passagens bíblicas. Se antes pediam proteção às mães-de-santo, agora pedem proteção às lideranças evangélicas e à comunidade de irmãos, assim como comemoram seus aniversários em cultos de ação de graça. A interface entre traficantes e evangélicos nas favelas estudadas, com destaque para Acari, vem produzindo, sustento, reequilíbrios de poder no interior do campo político e religioso local e, até, supralocal.


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O principal objetivo deste trabalho é investigar o ponto de vista nativo do conceito de sonoridades que constituem os rituais de Umbanda em Corumbá, município situado no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul, Centro-Oeste brasileiro, pouco presente na literatura sobre o tema. Para a execução da pesquisa, foi utilizada a concepção de Seeger, na qual é preciso observar todo o contexto em que a manifestação musical ocorre, ou seja, o fato social musical total, com o intuito de compreender mais profundamente seus significados. Como metodologia, a pesquisa lançou mão da observação participante e entrevistas em profundidade com alguns dos importantes personagens inseridos no contexto umbandista local. O campo foi, igualmente, registrado por meio de fotografias, vídeos e gravações em áudio, a fim de viabilizar a criação de um acervo e, ainda, facilitar a transcrição e análise do material coletado e quiçá, viabilizar desdobramentos deste trabalho. Concluiu-se que a sua matéria-prima, as frequências sonoras, representam um instrumento ideal para a Umbanda, pelas seguintes razões: em primeiro lugar, as sonoridades, por sua natureza etérea, podem, assim como os orixás e as entidades espirituais, constituir vibrações invisíveis aos olhos dos leigos, mas não dos fiéis, que penetram os corpos e podem ser percebidos tanto no mundo espiritual quanto no mundo físico; em segundo lugar e, em decorrência do primeiro aspecto, é um perfeito meio para a comunicação tanto partindo do mundo espiritual em direção aos seus adeptos quanto vice-versa. É por meio das curimbas ou pontos que os orixás cantam as suas dijinas, ou seja, os seus nomes, realizando a continuidade de uma tradição ancestral. A pulsação promovida pelas vibrações sonoras traz consigo toda a simbologia cosmológica presente na Umbanda, revestida por um complexo e belo universo de narrativas, vestimentas, cores, cheiros, coreografias, afetos, intenções, realizações e afirmações identitárias dos componentes dos rituais vivenciados. Chegou-se, ainda, à conclusão de que podemos considerar o que os umbandistas da Tenda Nossa Senhora da Guia, principal grupo estudado, entendem por sonoridade, um fato social total, clássico conceito cunhado por Mauss. Estrategicamente e borrando as fronteiras entre resistência e comunhão com a comunidade maior em que está inserida na cidade, a Tenda aprofunda a cada dia as suas raízes, fincadas por Maria Theodora Gonçalves de Paula nos idos de 1920, ainda escrava. Apesar de ter findado oficialmente em 1888, a escravidão permaneceu nos rincões do País que resistia às mudanças sociais, econômicas e políticas que ocorriam em território nacional. A Tenda, hoje, é uma instituição que estabelece importantes trocas simbólicas, econômicas, políticas, sociais, culturais e espirituais, a partir de um território quilombola reconhecido pela Fundação Palmares e na esfera religiosa, pela a Federação dos Cultos Afro-Brasileiros e Ameríndios de Mato Grosso do Sul (FECAMS)


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Este estudo tem como objetivo central investigar o processo de constituição de identidades ritualístico-culturais dos adeptos dos cultos negros brasileiros a partir dos rituais de iniciação propostos pelas comunidades de cultos. A partir de sua consagração ritualística,os iniciados são denominados elégùn e passam a conviver entre o sagrado, por intermédio da concepção da ancestralidade divinizada, e as relações estabelecidas no devir de sua história. Foi fulcral para este estudo a correlação feita pelos adeptos entre suas práticas ritualísticas e sua formação histórica, social, política e, sobretudo, cultural. Permeado pelas histórias e pelas memórias individuais e, em alguns momentos, coletivas, o estudo entremeia-se aos aportes teóricos de, propondo constante diálogo entre eles. A concepção de que as culturas que se efetivam e se estabelecem mediante relações construídas e vivenciadas no cotidiano são ações profícuas e intensas de identidades próprias cunhou grande parte do referido estudo. Observou-se que a ancestralidade transita pelas diversas esferas vividas pelo elégùn, interagindo, integrando e reelaborando rituais e sujeitos.


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Estetyka w archeologii. Antropomorfizacje w pradziejach i starożytności, eds. E. Bugaj, A. P. Kowalski, Poznań: Wydawnictwo Poznańskie.


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My dissertation examines the traces of inverse (mytho)mysticism, more synchronous with mythical alchemy than transcendent mystery, in H.D.’s mature work (1946-1961). Whereas H.D.’s earliest works respond to a fin de siècle occultism and a collective psyche troubled by the eschatological distress that, as Susan Acheson writes, “was widespread amongst modernist writers grappling with …world events and with the implications of Nietzsche’s inaugural annunciation of modernity in terms of the death of God” (187), her later oeuvre is dedicated to the same work of soul undertaken by the “secret cult of Night” in Vale Ave. Here, her thematic scope faces two ways: backward to ancient Greek mystery cults and their palingenesic rites and forward to depth psychologists searching for the Soul of the World. Vale Ave plays a pronounced role in my study as symbolic guide; in its seventy-four sequences the layering of time in the “trilogy” of past, present, and future that H.D. had explored during the years of the Second World War in order to get behind the fallen walls of cause and effect collapses into two distinct phases of human origin—“meeting” (evolution) and “parting” (involution)—and the poem invites Lilith and Lucifer to be its archetypal guides. My method for the study is imaginal, entering such disciplines as history, philosophy, and theology and bringing psychological understanding to them. John Walsh’s introduction to Vale Ave notes H.D.’s theme “that the human psyche exists in a dimension outside of time and space as well as within them. In Vale Ave, H.D. presents the extremity of this dual-dimensionality: metempsychosis” (vii). However, the concept that H.D. investigates is more than a literary processus of characters who adopt different masks and appear at various junctures in a chronological unwinding of history. I explore H.D.'s works as part of a Modernist tradition of writing “books of the dead” designed not to guide the soul after death, but to draw the gaze upon “a nearer thing,” as H.D. writes in Erige Cor Tuum Ad Me In Caelum, the wisdom intrinsic in the spirit of life itself.


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France’s distinctive reaction towards “cults” is generally described as a result of laïcité’s consubstantial problems with religious diversity. The aim of this article is to present an alternative way of thinking about the French cult controversy and, ultimately, about the concept of “laïcité” as an explanatory framework for France’s response to religious diversity. It draws on empirical data to look at how notions such as “laïcité” and “cults” are used in official discourses and translated into administrative practice. This approach will underline that laïcité is not a driving force that predetermines a unilateral response to “cults”, but that laïcité is as laïcité does, in other words a highly claimed and contested value, reflecting divergent political and administrative approaches of the cult phenomenon. The framework “laïcité versus religious diversity” is also undermined by another crucial observation. While it sees the cult controversy as primarily a religious issue, it seems that the recent revitalisation of the combat against “cults” was made possible by its partial dissociation from the religious sphere and its extension to a wide range of practices and new areas.


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Discussion of how archaeology today can illuminate the world of the Bible, specifically the Israelite settlement in Canaan, and how it is possible to reconstruct the lost background of the Israelite cults.


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Discussion of how archaeology today can illuminate the world of the Bible, specifically the Israelite settlement in Canaan, and how it is possible to reconstruct the lost background of the Israelite cults.


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Les troubles dégénératifs ainsi que les lésions traumatiques constituent probablement les deux pathologies rachidiennes les plus communément rencontrées chez la personne âgée. Alors que les lésions ostéoporotiques du rachis thoracolombaire avec la sténose canalaire lombaire constituent les deux causes de consultation spécialisées les plus fréquentes chez le sujet âgé, la colonne cervicale peut être le siège de pathologies moins rares que l'on ne pense, posant en même temps des diffi cultés de diagnostic et de prise en charge.


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La recherche sur les questions touchant aux leaders de groupes sectaires et à la violence sectaire a mené à l’étude du rôle joué par l’autorité charismatique, tel que défini par Weber (1922) et repris par Dawson (2010). À ce sujet, d’éminents spécialistes des études sur les sectes sont d’avis qu’un vide important dans la recherche sur l’autorité charismatique dans le contexte de groupes sectaires et de nouveaux mouvements religieux reste à combler (ajouter les références ‘d’éminents spécialistes’). Ce mémoire vise à contribuer à l’étude cet aspect négligé, le rôle de l’autorité charismatique dans le recours è la violence dans les groupes sectaires, par une étude de cas historique d’un groupe de la Réformation protestante du XVIe siècle, le Royaume anabaptiste de Münster (AKA), sous l’influence d’un leader charismatique, Jan van Leiden. Cette recherche s’intéresse plus spécifiquement aux divers moyens utilisés par Jan van Leiden, pour asseoir son autorité charismatique et à ceux qui ont exercé une influence sur le recours à des actes de violence. L’étude de cas est basé sur le matériel provenant de deux comptes-rendus des faits relatés par des participants aux événements qui se sont déroulés à pendant le règne de Leiden à la tête du AKA. L’analyse du matériel recueilli a été réalisé à la lumière de trois concepts théoriques actuels concernant le comportement cultuel et le recours à la violence.. L’application de ces concepts théoriques a mené à l’identification de quatre principales stratégies utilisées par Jan van Leiden pour établir son autorité charismatique auprès de ses disciples, soit : 1) la menace du millénarisme, 2) l’exploitation d’une relation bilatérale parasitique avec ses disciples, 3) l’utilisation de l’extase religieuse et de la prophétie, 4) l’utilisation du désir de voir survenir des changements sociaux et religieux. En plus de ces quatre stratégies, trois autres dimensions ont été retenues comme signes que le recours à la violence dans le Royaume anabaptiste de Münster résultait de l’établissement de l’autorité charismatique de son leader, soit : 1) la violence liée au millénarisme, 2) la notion d’identité et de violence partagée, 3) des facteurs systémiques, physiques et culturels menant à la violence.