79 resultados para Angiostrongylus costaricenis
O Angiostrongylus costaricensis é um nematódeo intra-arterial de roedores. O homem acidentalmente pode se infectar ao ingerir alimentos ou água contaminados. Nosso objetivo foi o de descrever as estruturas do parasita que são reconhecidas por soros humanos das fases aguda e convalescente da angiostrongilíase abdominal. O método de imunofluorescência indireta foi empregado para estudar a reatividade sobre ovos íntegros e cortes de vermes fêmeas e de larvas de primeiro estágio (L1). L1 também foram estudadas íntegras e depois de tratamento por sonicação. Fluorescência sempre mais intensa com soros de fase aguda foi detectada na superfície dos ovos inteiros e nos fragmentos de L1 e não estava presente nem nas L1 inteiras, nem em seus cortes. Uma reatividade inespecífica foi detectada na borda cuticular da cavidade geral e sobre os órgãos reprodutores. Os dados indicam que estes órgãos são fonte importante de antigenicidade.
Samples of Achatina fulica were experimentally infected with Angiostrongylus costaricensis larvae, etiological agent of abdominal angiostrongyliasis, showing that A. fulica is susceptible to the parasite. Achatina fulica may be a risk to urbanization of abdominal angiostrongyliasis presumably due to its high proliferation, continuous dispersion and remarkable adaptation in several Brazilian towns.
Fifteen pairs (male/female) of Angiostrongylus costaricensis were kept in vitro in Waymouth medium for three days to evaluate the amount and duration of egg laying. At 24, 48 and 72 hours, the mean egg counts were 321, 24 and 4 eggs/10 microliters, respectively. Most of the eggs were eliminated within the first 24 hours, suggesting they are expelled under non-physiological conditions. These results indicate that in vitro conditions are not appropriate for drug trials of egg-laying inhibitors for treatment of abdominal angiostrongylosis.
INTRODUÇÃO: Angiostrongylus vasorum é um nematóide que parasita cães domésticos e eventualmente o homem. MÉTODOS: O objetivo deste trabalho foi observar a atividade predatória in vitro do extrato bruto enzimático do fungo Duddingtonia flagrans sobre larvas de primeiro estádio A. vasorum em condições laboratoriais no meio ágar-água 2%. RESULTADOS: Ao final do experimento, os percentuais de redução das L1 de A. vasorum observados foram de: 53,5% (24h) e 71,3% (48h) CONCLUSÕES: O extrato bruto enzimático do fungo D. flagrans destruiu in vitro as L1, podendo ser utilizado como controle biológico desse nematóide.
INTRODUCTION: Angiostrongylus vasorum is a nematode that parasitizes molluscs, dogs, and even man. METHODS: The objective was to evaluate the predatory activity of the conidia of two fungal isolates of Duddingtonia flagrans (AC001 and CG722) on first-stage larvae (L1) of A. vasorum in laboratory conditions. RESULTS: At the end of the experiment, there were significant reductions (p<0.01) of 74.5% and 63.2%, on average, in the A. vasorum L1 recovered in the AC001 and CG722 treatment conditions, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The two isolates of fungi were efficient in the capture and destruction of A. vasorum L1.
Angiostrongylus (Parastrongylus) costaricensis, nematódeo encontrado em artérias mesentéricas do rato silvestre Proechimys sp., na Venezuela, é redescrito e colocado no subgênero Parastorngylus.
Foi identificado Angiostrongylus vasorum (Baillet, 1866) colhido da artéria pulmonar de dois cães (Canis familiaris) procedentes do município de Caratinga, Estado de Minas Gerais, Brasil. É apresentada a descrição morfológicas do parasita. Esta é a primeira referência desse parasita no Estado de Minas Gerais.
Molluscs collected in five localities in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) were digested and examined. The infected slugs were identified as Phyllocaulis variegatus and the larvae found were inoculated per os into mice. After 50 days, worms with the caracteristics of Angiostrongylus costaricensis were recovered from the mesenteric arterial system. The results establish the role of P. variegatus as intermediate host of A. costaricensis in south Brazil, where many cases of abdominla angiostrongyliasis have been diagnosed.
Veronicellid slugs are considered the most important intermediate hosts of Angiostrongylus costaricensis, an intra-arterial nematode of rodents. Studies undertaken in three localities in southern Brazil led to identification of molluscs other than veronicellid slugs as hosts of A. costaricensis: Limax maximus, Limax flavus and Bradybaena similaris. These data indicate a low host specificity of larval stages of A. costaricensis, as it has been reported to other congeneric species.
Abdominal angiostrongylosis is a nematode infection of wild rodents. Human infection may result in severe abdominal disease and has been reported from several countries in the Americas. The domestic mouse, Mus musculus, has not been found with natural infection and, like other urban rodents, should not be considered a natural host for Angiostrongylus costaricensis. Quantification of parasitic forms released for transmission may better express the coevolutionary status in parasite-host relationship. With this objective, five groups of experimentally infected Swiss mice were followed for up to 155 days post-infection (PI) days and the quantification of first stage larvae (L1) output revealed: an irregular elimination of L1 and a huge variation in the patency period (1 to 114 days) and in the number of L1 eliminated daily by individual animals (1 to 6340 L1/g). Overall mortality was 72% (range: 28% to 100%) at seven weeks PI. In conclusion, abdominal angiostrongylosis in M. musculus presents high mortality and a very variable and irregular elimination of L1 in feces.