973 resultados para Anesthesia recovery period
Mussels (Mytilus edulis) were exposed to cultures of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense or the non-toxic alga Rhodomonas sp. to evaluate the effects of the harmful alga on the mussels and to study recovery after discontinuation of the A. fundyense exposure. Mussels were exposed for 9 days to the different algae and then all were fed Rhodomonas sp. for 6 more days. Samples of hemolymph for hemocyte analyses and tissues for histology were collected before the exposure and periodically during exposure and recovery periods. Mussels filtered and ingested both microalgal cultures, producing fecal pellets containing degraded, partially degraded, and intact cells of both algae. Mussels exposed to A. fundyense had an inflammatory response consisting of degranulation and diapedesis of hemocytes into the alimentary canal and, as the exposure continued, hemocyte migration into the connective tissue between the gonadal follicles. Evidence of lipid peroxidation, similar to the detoxification pathway described for various xenobiotics, was found; insoluble lipofuchsin granules formed (ceroidosis), and hemocytes carried the granules to the alimentary canal, thus eliminating putative dinoflagellate toxins in feces. As the number of circulating hemocytes in A. fundyense-exposed mussels became depleted, mussels were immunocompromised, and pathological changes followed, i.e., increased prevalences of ceroidosis and trematodes after 9 days of exposure. Moreover, the total number of pathological changes increased from the beginning of the exposure until the last day (day 9). After 6 days of the exposure, mussels in one of the three tanks exposed to A. fundyense mass spawned; these mussels showed more severe effects of the toxic algae than non-spawning mussels exposed to A. fundyense. No significant differences were found between the two treatments during the recovery period, indicating rapid homeostatic processes in tissues and circulating hemocytes.
This study assesses the decline in second birth rates for men and women across different skill levels in transitional Russia. Changes within educational groups and occupational classes are observed over three distinct time periods: the Soviet era, economic crisis, and economic recovery. The most remarkable finding is the similarity in the extent second birth rates declined within educational groups and occupational classes during the economic crisis. Although further decline occurred in the recovery period, more variation emerged across groups.
In order to explore the magnitude and duration of the long-term residual effect of physical exercise, a mixed meal (55% CHO, 27% fat and 18% protein) was given to 10 young male volunteers on two occasions: after a 4-h resting period, and on the next day, 30 min after completion of a 3-h exercise at 50% VO2max. Energy expenditure and substrate utilization were determined by indirect calorimetry for 17 h after meal ingestion. The fuel mix oxidized after the meal was characterized by a greater contribution of lipid oxidation to total energy expenditure when the meal was ingested during the post-exercise period as compared with the meal ingested without previous exercise. During the night following the exercise, the stimulation of energy expenditure observed during the early recovery period gradually faded out. However, resting energy expenditure measured the next morning was significantly higher (+4.7%) than that measured without previous exercise. It is concluded that intense exercise stimulates both energy expenditure and lipid oxidation for a prolonged period.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the initial results after the implementation of perioperative protocol in patients over 60 years of age undergoing surgical treatment for femur fractures.METHODS: We conducted a prospective study of patients older than 60 years who were hospitalized with femur fracture. They were operated under spinal anesthesia and analgesia by lumbar plexus blockade. Data evaluation was performed before arrival in the operating room during surgery, in the post-anesthesia recovery room and in the ward the next morning of the operation.RESULTS: 105 patients underwent various types of surgical corrections of the femur. The hospital stay ranged from three to 86 days. Fasting ranged from 9h15min to 19h30mn. Hypotension occurred in 5.7%. The duration of motor blockade ranged from 1h45min to 5h30imn. Maltodextrin feeding ranged from 50min to 3h45min and the time spent in the post-anesthetic care unit ranged from 50 minutes to 4 hours. Onset of oral intake in the ward ranged from 4hto 8h15min. The duration of anesthesia ranged from 14 to 33 hours. No patient required a urinary catheter, nor was transferred to the ICU. All patients were able to be discharged on the first postoperative day.CONCLUSION: The use of a protocol to accelerate the postoperative period may reduce the fasting time, length of hospital stay and provide faster i discharge n elderly patients with femur fractures.
The phenomenon of over-recovery consists of a participant’s maximal force levels returning to values above initial levels. The present study examined the presence and causes of over-recovery following local muscular fatigue. Fourteen males completed two fatigue protocols consisting of maximal isometric dorsiflexion contractions. Upon completion of the fatigue protocol participants’ force was monitored over a 15 minute recovery period. Dorsiflexion force and surface electromyography (sEMG) from the tibialis anterior and soleus were monitored concurrently. Following the two fatigue conditions (10 and 20% force decrement) force recovered to 100.5 and 99.5% of initial levels for each condition, respectively. Surface EMG root-mean-square amplitude and MPF exhibited changes consistent with a warm-up effect. It was concluded that over-recovery was not present in the tibialis anterior following a local muscular fatigue. However, the return in force to initial values, rather than a persistent decrement as normally observed, was mediated by the warm-up effect.
L’eugénol permet d’induire une anesthésie chirurgicale chez la grenouille africaine à griffes (Xenopus laevis) sans causer de lésions chez des grosses grenouilles (90-140g). Le premier objectif de la présente étude était de déterminer la durée de l’anesthésie et d’évaluer la dépression du système nerveux central ainsi que les changements de saturation en oxygène et de fréquence cardiaque chez des petites (7.5 ± 2.1 g) et moyennes (29.2 ± 7.4 g) grenouilles Xenopus laevis en fonction du temps d’exposition à un bain d’eugénol de 350 µL/L. Suite à une immersion de 5 ou 10 minutes, la réponse au test à l’acide acétique, au réflexe de retrait et au réflexe de retournement était absente pendant 1 heure (petites grenouilles) et 0,5 heure (moyennes) et l’anesthésie chirurgicale durait au maximum 15 et 30 minutes chez les petites et moyennes grenouilles respectivement. La saturation en oxygène n’était pas affectée de façon significative, mais la fréquence cardiaque était diminuée jusqu’à 1 heure post-immersion dans les deux groupes. Le deuxième objectif était de déterminer la toxicité de l’eugénol chez des grenouilles de taille moyenne après une ou trois administrations à une dose anesthésique, avec ou sans période de récupération d’une semaine. Histologiquement, il y avait de l’apoptose tubulaire rénale et des membranes hyalines pulmonaires après une administration, et de la nécrose hépatique et des hémorragies dans les tissus adipeux après trois administrations. Ces résultats suggèrent que le poids corporel est un paramètre important à considérer lors de l’anesthésie de grenouilles Xenopus laevis par immersion dans l’eugénol.
In mammals, the pharmaceutical ibuprofen (IB), a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, primarily functions by reversibly inhibiting the cyclooxygenase (COX) pathway in the synthesis of eicosanoids (e.g. prostaglandins). Previous studies suggest that IB may act in a similar manner to interrupt production of eicosanoids reducing reproduction in the model crustacean Daphnia magna. On this basis withdrawal of IB should lead to the recovery of D. magna reproduction. Here we test whether the effect of IB is reversible in D. magna, as it is in mammals, by observing reproduction recovery following chronic exposure. D. magna (5-days old) were exposed to a range of IB concentrations (0, 20, 40 and 80 mg l(-1)) for 10 days followed by a 10 day recovery period in uncontaminated water. During the exposure period, individuals exposed to higher concentrations produced significantly fewer offspring. Thereafter, IB-stressed individuals produced offspring faster during recovery, having similar average population growth rates (PGR) (1.15-1.28) to controls by the end of the test. It appears that maternal daphnids are susceptible to IB during egg maturation. This is the first recorded recovery of reproduction in aquatic invertebrates that suffered reproductive inhibition during chronic exposure to a chemical stressor. Our results suggest a possible theory behind the compensatory fecundity that we referred to as 'catch-up reproduction'.
An individual’s affective style is influenced by many things, including the manner in which an individual responds to an emotional challenge. Emotional response is composed of a number of factors, two of which are the initial reactivity to an emotional stimulus and the subsequent recovery once the stimulus terminates or ceases to be relevant. However, most neuroimaging studies examining emotional processing in humans focus on the magnitude of initial reactivity to a stimulus rather than the prolonged response. In this study, we use functional magnetic resonance imaging to study the time course of amygdala activity in healthy adults in response to presentation of negative images. We split the amygdala time course into an initial reactivity period and a recovery period beginning after the offset of the stimulus. We find that initial reactivity in the amygdala does not predict trait measures of affective style. Conversely, amygdala recovery shows predictive power such that slower amygdala recovery from negative images predicts greater trait neuroticism, in addition to lower levels of likability of a set of social stimuli (neutral faces). These data underscore the importance of taking into account temporal dynamics when studying affective processing using neuroimaging.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
OBJETIVO: Avaliar os parâmetros de cães anestesiados com diferentes protocolos de fármacos dissociativos por infusão intravenosa contínua. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 30 cães, machos e fêmeas, clinicamente sadios, distribuídos aleatoriamente em três grupos (G1,G2 e G3) (*)). em G1 utilizou-se levomepromazina como medicação pré-anestésica (MPA), midazolam-cetamina pela via intravenosa em bolus para indução e midazolam-cetamina em infusão intravenosa contínua por 60 minutos para manutenção. em G2 procedeu-se da mesma forma que em G1 elevando-se, porém, a dose de midazolam durante a manutenção. em G3 repetiu-se o tratamento empregado em G2, acrescentando-se a xilazina à manutenção. Após a indução, iniciou-se imediatamente a manutenção anestésica, realizando-se aferições, 15 minutos depois da MPA, em intervalos de 10 minutos, durante a manutenção (M0 a M7). RESULTADOS: em G3 ocorreu bradicardia, bloqueio átrio-ventricular, bradipnéia e hipoxemia e em G1 e G2, discreta hipotensão. CONCLUSÃO: A via intravenosa contínua apresentou vantagens quanto a: não oscilação dos parâmetros e redução no período de recuperação anestésica. A elevação da dose de midazolam resultou em discretas variações paramétricas, estas, acentuadas pelo uso da xilazina, que causou hipoxemia, bradiarritmia, diminuição da freqüência respiratória e volume minuto.
Background and Objectives - Inhalational anesthetics have a mild analgesic effect. The reduction of alveolar concentration (MAC) of potent volatile anesthesics by increasing plasma concentrations of opioids is desired in inhalational anesthesia. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of sufentanil in reducing sevoflurane and isoflurane MAC. Methods - Thirty eight adult patients of both genders, physical status ASA I or II, submitted to major abdominal procedures were randomly allocated into two groups. Group I (n = 24) received inahalational anesthesia with sevoflurane and Group II (n = 14) received inhalational anesthesia with isoflurane, both diluted in a mixture of N2O (1 liter) and O2 (0.5 liter). A semi-closed system with CO2 absorber and partial reinhalation was used. Ventilation was mechanically controlled. Sufentanil infusion was administered aiming at obtaining 0.5 ng.ml-1 of plasma concentration. Sufentanil plasma concentration was previously calculated by a computer software. End-tidal concentrations were obtained through a gas analyzer and measured at 15 minutes (M1), 30 minutes (M2), 60 minutes (M3), 90 minutes (M4) and 120 minutes (M5). Systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP) and heart rate (RR) were measured during the same periods with the addition of M0 (pre-anesthetic period). Hourly consumption of the inhalational anesthetic agent (IAC), extubation time (ET = time between admission to the recovery room and extubation) and stay in the post anesthesia recovery room (PA-RR) were also measured. Results - Type and duration of surgeries were similar for both groups. There were no statistically significant differences in MAC, SBP, DBP, RR, IAC, TE and PA-RR between groups. Systolic blood pressure in group I (sevoflurane) showed differences among periods F = 3.82 p < O.05; (M2 = M3)(M4 = M5) and M1 had a intermediate value. MAC in group I showed differences among periods F = 9.0 p < 0.05; M1 < M3. MAC in group II also showed differences among periods F = 13.03 p < O.05; M1 < (M2,M3,M4,M5). Conclusions - Both groups had similar behavior when associated to sufentanil in major abdominal surgeries. Group II showed a higher cardiac and circulatory stability.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Cirurgia Veterinária - FCAV
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)