916 resultados para Analytical mechanics


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The dynamical system investigated in this work is a nonlinear flexible beam-like structure in slewing motion. Non-dimensional and perturbed governing equations of motion are presented. The analytical solution for the linear part of these perturbed equations for ideal and for non-ideal cases are obtained. This solution is necessary for the investigation of the complete weak nonlinear problem where all nonlinearities are small perturbations around a linear known solution. This investigation shall help the analyst in the modelling of dynamical systems with structure- actuator interactions.


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An analytical expansion of the disturbing function arising from direct planetary perturbations on the motion of satellites is derived. As a Fourier series, it allows the investigation of the secular effects of these direct perturbations, as well as of every argument present in the perturbation. In particular, we construct an analytical model describing the evection resonance between the longitude of pericenter of the satellite orbit and the longitude of a planet, and study briefly its dynamic. The expansion developed in this paper is valid in the case of planar and circular planetary orbits, but not limited in eccentricity or inclination of the satellite orbit. © 2012 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.


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Composites are engineered materials that take advantage of the particular properties of each of its two or more constituents. They are designed to be stronger, lighter and to last longer which can lead to the creation of safer protection gear, more fuel efficient transportation methods and more affordable materials, among other examples. This thesis proposes a numerical and analytical verification of an in-house developed multiscale model for predicting the mechanical behavior of composite materials with various configurations subjected to impact loading. This verification is done by comparing the results obtained with analytical and numerical solutions with the results found when using the model. The model takes into account the heterogeneity of the materials that can only be noticed at smaller length scales, based on the fundamental structural properties of each of the composite’s constituents. This model can potentially reduce or eliminate the need of costly and time consuming experiments that are necessary for material characterization since it relies strictly upon the fundamental structural properties of each of the composite’s constituents. The results from simulations using the multiscale model were compared against results from direct simulations using over-killed meshes, which considered all heterogeneities explicitly in the global scale, indicating that the model is an accurate and fast tool to model composites under impact loads. Advisor: David H. Allen


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We consider a generalized two-species population dynamic model and analytically solve it for the amensalism and commensalism ecological interactions. These two-species models can be simplified to a one-species model with a time dependent extrinsic growth factor. With a one-species model with an effective carrying capacity one is able to retrieve the steady state solutions of the previous one-species model. The equivalence obtained between the effective carrying capacity and the extrinsic growth factor is complete only for a particular case, the Gompertz model. Here we unveil important aspects of sigmoid growth curves, which are relevant to growth processes and population dynamics. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Biologische Membranen sind Fettmolekül-Doppelschichten, die sich wie zweidimensionale Flüssigkeiten verhalten. Die Energie einer solchen fluiden Oberfläche kann häufig mit Hilfe eines Hamiltonians beschrieben werden, der invariant unter Reparametrisierungen der Oberfläche ist und nur von ihrer Geometrie abhängt. Beiträge innerer Freiheitsgrade und der Umgebung können in den Formalismus mit einbezogen werden. Dieser Ansatz wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit dazu verwendet, die Mechanik fluider Membranen und ähnlicher Oberflächen zu untersuchen. Spannungen und Drehmomente in der Oberfläche lassen sich durch kovariante Tensoren ausdrücken. Diese können dann z. B. dazu verwendet werden, die Gleichgewichtsposition der Kontaktlinie zu bestimmen, an der sich zwei aneinander haftende Oberflächen voneinander trennen. Mit Ausnahme von Kapillarphänomenen ist die Oberflächenenergie nicht nur abhängig von Translationen der Kontaktlinie, sondern auch von Änderungen in der Steigung oder sogar Krümmung. Die sich ergebenden Randbedingungen entsprechen den Gleichgewichtsbedingungen an Kräfte und Drehmomente, falls sich die Kontaktlinie frei bewegen kann. Wenn eine der Oberflächen starr ist, muss die Variation lokal dieser Fläche folgen. Spannungen und Drehmomente tragen dann zu einer einzigen Gleichgewichtsbedingung bei; ihre Beiträge können nicht mehr einzeln identifiziert werden. Um quantitative Aussagen über das Verhalten einer fluiden Oberfläche zu machen, müssen ihre elastischen Eigenschaften bekannt sein. Der "Nanotrommel"-Versuchsaufbau ermöglicht es, Membraneigenschaften lokal zu untersuchen: Er besteht aus einer porenüberspannenden Membran, die während des Experiments durch die Spitze eines Rasterkraftmikroskops in die Pore gedrückt wird. Der lineare Verlauf der resultierenden Kraft-Abstands-Kurven kann mit Hilfe der in dieser Arbeit entwickelten Theorie reproduziert werden, wenn der Einfluss von Adhäsion zwischen Spitze und Membran vernachlässigt wird. Bezieht man diesen Effekt in die Rechnungen mit ein, ändert sich das Resultat erheblich: Kraft-Abstands-Kurven sind nicht länger linear, Hysterese und nichtverschwindende Trennkräfte treten auf. Die Voraussagen der Rechnungen könnten in zukünftigen Experimenten dazu verwendet werden, Parameter wie die Biegesteifigkeit der Membran mit einer Auflösung im Nanometerbereich zu bestimmen. Wenn die Materialeigenschaften bekannt sind, können Probleme der Membranmechanik genauer betrachtet werden. Oberflächenvermittelte Wechselwirkungen sind in diesem Zusammenhang ein interessantes Beispiel. Mit Hilfe des oben erwähnten Spannungstensors können analytische Ausdrücke für die krümmungsvermittelte Kraft zwischen zwei Teilchen, die z. B. Proteine repräsentieren, hergeleitet werden. Zusätzlich wird das Gleichgewicht der Kräfte und Drehmomente genutzt, um mehrere Bedingungen an die Geometrie der Membran abzuleiten. Für den Fall zweier unendlich langer Zylinder auf der Membran werden diese Bedingungen zusammen mit Profilberechnungen kombiniert, um quantitative Aussagen über die Wechselwirkung zu treffen. Theorie und Experiment stoßen an ihre Grenzen, wenn es darum geht, die Relevanz von krümmungsvermittelten Wechselwirkungen in der biologischen Zelle korrekt zu beurteilen. In einem solchen Fall bieten Computersimulationen einen alternativen Ansatz: Die hier präsentierten Simulationen sagen voraus, dass Proteine zusammenfinden und Membranbläschen (Vesikel) bilden können, sobald jedes der Proteine eine Mindestkrümmung in der Membran induziert. Der Radius der Vesikel hängt dabei stark von der lokal aufgeprägten Krümmung ab. Das Resultat der Simulationen wird in dieser Arbeit durch ein approximatives theoretisches Modell qualitativ bestätigt.


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Monomer-dimer models are amongst the models in statistical mechanics which found application in many areas of science, ranging from biology to social sciences. This model describes a many-body system in which monoatomic and diatomic particles subject to hard-core interactions get deposited on a graph. In our work we provide an extension of this model to higher-order particles. The aim of our work is threefold: first we study the thermodynamic properties of the newly introduced model. We solve analytically some regular cases and find that, differently from the original, our extension admits phase transitions. Then we tackle the inverse problem, both from an analytical and numerical perspective. Finally we propose an application to aggregation phenomena in virtual messaging services.


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The study of advanced materials aimed at improving human life has been performed since time immemorial. Such studies have created everlasting and greatly revered monuments and have helped revolutionize transportation by ushering the age of lighter–than–air flying machines. Hence a study of the mechanical behavior of advanced materials can pave way for their use for mankind’s benefit. In this school of thought, the aim of this dissertation is to broadly perform two investigations. First, an efficient modeling approach is established to predict the elastic response of cellular materials with distributions of cell geometries. Cellular materials find important applications in structural engineering. The approach does not require complex and time-consuming computational techniques usually associated with modeling such materials. Unlike most current analytical techniques, the modeling approach directly accounts for the cellular material microstructure. The approach combines micropolar elasticity theory and elastic mixture theory to predict the elastic response of cellular materials. The modeling approach is applied to the two dimensional balsa wood material. Predicted properties are in good agreement with experimentally determined properties, which emphasizes the model’s potential to predict the elastic response of other cellular solids, such as open cell and closed cell foams. The second topic concerns intraneural ganglion cysts which are a set of medical conditions that result in denervation of the muscles innervated by the cystic nerve leading to pain and loss of function. Current treatment approaches only temporarily alleviate pain and denervation which, however, does not prevent cyst recurrence. Hence, a mechanistic understanding of the pathogenesis of intraneural ganglion cysts can help clinicians understand them better and therefore devise more effective treatment options. In this study, an analysis methodology using finite element analysis is established to investigate the pathogenesis of intraneural ganglion cysts. Using this methodology, the propagation of these cysts is analyzed in their most common site of occurrence in the human body i.e. the common peroneal nerve. Results obtained using finite element analysis show good correlation with clinical imaging patterns thereby validating the promise of the method to study cyst pathogenesis.


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In the present work a seismic retrofitting technique is proposed for masonry infilled reinforced concrete frames based on the replacement of infill panels by K-bracing with vertical shear link. The performance of this technique is evaluated through experimental tests. A simplified numerical model for structural damage evaluation is also formulated according to the notions and principles of continuum damage mechanics. The proposed model is calibrated with the experimental results. The experimental results have shown an excellent energy dissipation capacity with the proposed technique. Likewise, the numerical predictions with the proposed model are in good agreement with experimental results.


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We present analytical formulas to estimate the variation of achieved deflection for an Earth-impacting asteroid following a continuous tangential low-thrust deflection strategy. Relatively simple analytical expressions are obtained with the aid of asymptotic theory and the use of Peláez orbital elements set, an approach that is particularly suitable to the asteroid deflection problem and is not limited to small eccentricities. The accuracy of the proposed formulas is evaluated numerically showing negligible error for both early and late deflection campaigns. The results will be of aid in planning future low-thrust asteroid deflection missions


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This paper investigates the nonlinear vibration of imperfect shear deformable laminated rectangular plates comprising a homogeneous substrate and two layers of functionally graded materials (FGMs). A theoretical formulation based on Reddy's higher-order shear deformation plate theory is presented in terms of deflection, mid-plane rotations, and the stress function. A semi-analytical method, which makes use of the one-dimensional differential quadrature method, the Galerkin technique, and an iteration process, is used to obtain the vibration frequencies for plates with various boundary conditions. Material properties are assumed to be temperature-dependent. Special attention is given to the effects of sine type imperfection, localized imperfection, and global imperfection on linear and nonlinear vibration behavior. Numerical results are presented in both dimensionless tabular and graphical forms for laminated plates with graded silicon nitride/stainless steel layers. It is shown that the vibration frequencies are very much dependent on the vibration amplitude and the imperfection mode and its magnitude. While most of the imperfect laminated plates show the well-known hard-spring vibration, those with free edges can display soft-spring vibration behavior at certain imperfection levels. The influences of material composition, temperature-dependence of material properties and side-to-thickness ratio are also discussed. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Analytical solutions are presented for linear finite-strain one-dimensional consolidation of initially unconsolidated soil layers with surcharge loading for both one- and two-way drainage. These solutions complement earlier solutions for initially unconsolidated soil layers without surcharge and initially normally consolidated soil layers with surcharge. Small-strain solutions for the consolidation of initially unconsolidated soil layers with surcharge loading are also presented, and the relationship between the earlier solutions for initially unconsolidated soil without surcharge and the corresponding small-strain solutions, which was not addressed in the earlier work, is clarified. The new solutions for initially unconsolidated soil with surcharge loading can be applied to the analysis of low stress consolidation tests and to the partial validation of numerical solutions of non-linear finite-strain consolidation. They also clarify a formerly perplexing aspect of finite-strain solution charts first noted in numerical solutions. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.


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In this paper we examine the effect of contact angle (or surface wettability) on the convective heat transfer coefficient in microchannels. Slip flow, where the fluid velocity at the wall is non-zero, is most likely to occur in microchannels due to its dependence on shear rate or wall shear stress. We show analytically that for a constant pressure drop, the presence of slip increases the Nusselt number. In a microchannel heat exchanger we modified the surface wettability from a contact angle of 20 degrees-120 degrees using thin film coating technology. Apparent slip flow is implied from pressure and flow rate measurements with a departure from classical laminar friction coefficients above a critical shear rate of approximately 10,000 s(-1). The magnitude of this departure is dependant on the contact angle with higher contact angles surfaces exhibiting larger pressure drop decreases. Similarly, the non-dimensional heat flux is found to decrease relative to laminar non-slip theory, and this decrease is also a function of the contact angle. Depending on the contact angle and the wall shear rate, variations in the heat transfer rate exceeding 10% can be expected. Thus the contact angle is an important consideration in the design of micro, and even more so, nano heat exchangers. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A variation of low-density parity check (LDPC) error-correcting codes defined over Galois fields (GF(q)) is investigated using statistical physics. A code of this type is characterised by a sparse random parity check matrix composed of C non-zero elements per column. We examine the dependence of the code performance on the value of q, for finite and infinite C values, both in terms of the thermodynamical transition point and the practical decoding phase characterised by the existence of a unique (ferromagnetic) solution. We find different q-dependence in the cases of C = 2 and C ≥ 3; the analytical solutions are in agreement with simulation results, providing a quantitative measure to the improvement in performance obtained using non-binary alphabets.


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Using analytical methods of statistical mechanics, we analyse the typical behaviour of a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) Gaussian channel with binary inputs under low-density parity-check (LDPC) network coding and joint decoding. The saddle point equations for the replica symmetric solution are found in particular realizations of this channel, including a small and large number of transmitters and receivers. In particular, we examine the cases of a single transmitter, a single receiver and symmetric and asymmetric interference. Both dynamical and thermodynamical transitions from the ferromagnetic solution of perfect decoding to a non-ferromagnetic solution are identified for the cases considered, marking the practical and theoretical limits of the system under the current coding scheme. Numerical results are provided, showing the typical level of improvement/deterioration achieved with respect to the single transmitter/receiver result, for the various cases. © 2007 IOP Publishing Ltd.