954 resultados para Analogy (Linguistics)


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Finite-state methods have been adopted widely in computational morphology and related linguistic applications. To enable efficient development of finite-state based linguistic descriptions, these methods should be a freely available resource for academic language research and the language technology industry. The following needs can be identified: (i) a registry that maps the existing approaches, implementations and descriptions, (ii) managing the incompatibilities of the existing tools, (iii) increasing synergy and complementary functionality of the tools, (iv) persistent availability of the tools used to manipulate the archived descriptions, (v) an archive for free finite-state based tools and linguistic descriptions. Addressing these challenges contributes to building a common research infrastructure for advanced language technology.


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In the near future, robots and CG (computer graphics) will be required to exhibit creative behaviors that reflect designers’ abstract images and emotions. However, there are no effective methods to develop abstract images and emotions and support designers in designing creative behaviors that reflect their images and emotions. Analogy and blending are two methods known to be very effective for designing creative behaviors. The aim of this study is to propose a method for developing designers’ abstract behavioral images and emotions and giving shape to them by constructing a computer system that supports a designer in the creation of the desired behavior. This method focuses on deriving inspiration from the behavioral aspects of natural phenomena rather than simply mimicking it. We have proposed two new methods for developing abstract behavioral images and emotions by which a designer can use analogies from natural things such as animals and plants even when there is a difference in the number of joints between the natural object and the design target. The first method uses visual behavioral images, the second uses rhythmic behavioral images. We have demonstrated examples of designed behaviors to verify the effectiveness of the proposed methods.


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In this study, an analytical method is presented for the computation of thermal weight functions in two dimensional bi-material elastic bodies containing a crack at the interface and subjected to thermal loads using body analogy method. The thermal weight functions are derived for two problems of infinite bonded dissimilar media, one with a semi-infinite crack and the other with a finite crack along the interface. The derived thermal weight functions are shown to reduce to the already known expressions of thermal weight functions available in the literature for the respective homogeneous elastic body. Using these thermal weight functions, the stress intensity factors are computed for the above interface crack problems when subjected to an instantaneous heat source.


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The governing differential equation of a rotating beam becomes the stiff-string equation if we assume uniform tension. We find the tension in the stiff string which yields the same frequency as a rotating cantilever beam with a prescribed rotating speed and identical uniform mass and stiffness. This tension varies for different modes and are found by solving a transcendental equation using bisection method. We also find the location along the rotating beam where equivalent constant tension for the stiff string acts for a given mode. Both Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko beams are considered for numerical results. The results provide physical insight into relation between rotating beams and stiff string which are useful for creating basis functions for approximate methods in vibration analysis of rotating beams.


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Hypersonic viscous flow around a space shuttle with M(infinity) = 7, Re = 148000 and angle of attack alpha = 5-degrees is simulated numerically with the special Jacobian matrix splitting technique and simplified diffusion analogy method. With the simplified diffusion analogy method the efficiency of computation and resolution of the shock can be improved.


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Improving the resolution of the shock is one of the most important subjects in computational aerodynamics. In this paper the behaviour of the solutions near the shock is discussed and the reason of the oscillation production is investigated heuristically. According to the differential approximation of the difference scheme the so-called diffusion analogy equation and the diffusion analogy coefficient are defined. Four methods for improving the resolution of the shock are presented using the concept of diffusion analogy.


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[ES] En este trabajo se define el cambio semántico, se analizan las causas de que se produzca y se especifican sus tipos en el griego antiguo.


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El objetivo principal de esta tesis doctoral es, en primer lugar, ofrecer una reconstrucción alternativa del protoainu para, en segundo lugar, aplicar conceptos de tipología diacrónicaholística con el fin de discernir algún patrón evolutivo que ayude a responder a la pregunta:¿por qué la lengua ainu es como es en su contexto geolingüístico (lengua AOV con prefijos),cuando en la región euroasiática lo normal es encontrar el perfil 'lengua AOV con sufijos'? En suma, se trata de explorar las posibilidades que ofrece la tipología diacrónica holística,combinada con métodos más tradicionales, en la investigación de las etapas prehistóricas delenguas aisladas, es decir, sin parientes conocidos, como el ainu, el vasco, el zuñi o elburushaski. Este trabajo se divide en tres grandes bloques con un total de ocho capítulos, unapéndice con las nuevas reconstrucciones protoainúes y la bibliografía.El primer bloque se abre con el capítulo 1, donde se hace una breve presentación delas lenguas ainus y su filología. El capítulo 2 está dedicado a la reconstrucción de la fonologíaprotoainu. La reconstrucción pionera pertenece a A. Vovin (1992), que de hecho sirve comobase sobre la que ampliar, corregir o modificar nuevos elementos. En el capítulo 3 se describela morfología histórica de las lenguas ainus. En el capítulo 4 se investiga esta opción dentrode un marco más amplio que tiene como objetivo analizar los patrones elementales deformación de palabras. El capítulo 5, con el que se inicia el segundo bloque, da cabida a lapresentación de una hipótesis tipológica diacrónica, a cargo de P. Donegan y D. Stampe, conla que especialistas en lenguas munda y mon-khmer han sido capaces de alcanzar unreconstrucción del protoaustroasiático según la cual el tipo aglutinante de las lenguas mundasería secundario, frente al original monosilábico de las lenguas mon-khmer. En el capítulo 6se retoma la perspectiva tradicional de la lingüística geográfica, pero no se olvidan algunas delas consideraciones tipológicas apuntadas en el capítulo anterior (el hecho de que la hipótesisde Donegan y Stampe no funcione con el ainu no significa que la tipología diacrónica nopueda ser todavía de utilidad). En el capítulo 7 se presentan algunas incongruencias queresultan tras combinar las supuestas evidencias arqueológicas con el escenario lingüísticodescrito en capítulos anteriores. Las conclusiones generales se presentan en el capítulo 8. Elapéndice es una tabla comparativa con las dos reconstrucciones disponibles a fecha de hoypara la lengua protoainu, es decir, las propuestas por A. Vovin en su estudio seminal de 1992y en el capítulo 3 de la presente tesis. Dicha tabla incluye 686 reconstrucciones (puedehacerse una sencilla referencia cruzada con Vovin, puesto que ambas están ordenadasalfabéticamente).


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Nesta dissertação, analisam-se alguns ditos populares retomados em músicas do cancioneiro popular, com base na teoria da metáfora conceptual (Lakoff e Jonhson, 1980; Kövecses, 2002), e na teoria da integração conceptual (Fauconnier e Turner, 2002). Busca se investigar se a projeção metafórica presente no dito empregado em situações cotidianas se sustenta, quando o mesmo é retomado em uma letra de música. Este estudo encontra sua justificativa em uma das assunções basilares da linguística cognitiva de que as metáforas conceptuais estão presentes tanto nas conversas cotidianas quanto nas manifestações literárias e artísticas. Pretende se, assim, observar a multidirecionalidade dos processos de significação desse tipo de construção linguística, a fim de postular seu poder projetivo e metafórico na mente dos falantes. Dentro do repertório de construções proverbiais em português, é perceptível a construção proverbial condicional com a configuração sintático semântica [x P Q], entre as quais foi escolhida como objeto de estudo a configuração [Quem P Q]. A escolha das músicas foi aleatória, já que não se buscou um gênero ou estilo específico, mas canções que possuíssem ditos populares em suas letras. Na análise, de cunho interpretativo, procedeu-se a identificação do papel da metáfora conceptual presente no dito empregado em situações cotidianas e nas 10 músicas selecionadas para este estudo. Em seguida, postularam-se redes de integração conceptual subjacente ao sentido dos ditos nas interações em geral e nas músicas, de modo a explicar que as diferenças de sentido observadas ou não nos ditos transpostos para letras de músicas estão relacionadas ao tipo de rede de integração conceptual ativado durante o processo de mesclagem. As redes de integração postuladas para explicar a construção de sentido dos ditos e destes nas músicas analisadas, revelam compressões das relações de CAUSA EFEITO, MUDANÇA, IDENTIDADE, ANALOGIA DESANALOGIA e TEMPO, devido, sobretudo, ao papel que os ditos desempenham ao ilustrar cenas da vida das pessoas. Entre as metáforas que estruturam os ditos, nas interações e nas músicas, encontram-se A VIDA É UMA VIAGEM / A VIDA É UM TRAJETO QUE DEVE SER PERCORRIDO COM CAUTELA / VIDA É UM JOGO DE AZAR; TEMPO É LOCAL PARA ONDE ALGO SE DESLOCA; DIFICULDADES SÃO IMPEDIMENTOS (IN) TRANSPONÍVEIS; RELIGIÃO É UMA TRANSAÇÃO COMERCIAL; MORAL É UM OBJETO PRECIOSO (MAS FRÁGIL COMO O VIDRO); EXAGEROS SÃO GOLPES INCERTOS. Espera-se que a hipótese aventada com este estudo motive outras pesquisas sob o escopo teórico da Linguística Cognitiva; em especial, as teorias da metáfora e da mesclagem conceptual, as quais revelaram um potencial descritivo promissor para análise de fenômenos semântico-pragmáticos da língua portuguesa, como os ditos populares, construções situadas no topo da escala de idiomaticidade


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[EN] The goal of this contribution is twofold: on the one hand, to review two relatively recent contributions in the field of Eskimo-Aleut historical linguistics in which it is proposed that Eskimo-Aleut languages are related genealogically to Wakashan (Holst 2004) and?/or Nostratic (Krougly-Enke 2008). These contributions can be characterized by saying that their authors have taken little care to be diligent and responsible in the application of the comparative method, and that their familiarity with the languages involved is insufficient. Eskimo-Aleut languages belong to a very exclusive group of language families that have been (and still are) used, sometimes compulsively, in the business of so-called “long-range comparisons”. Those carrying out such studies are very often unaware of the most basic facts regarding the philological and linguistic traditions of those languages, as a result of what mountains of very low quality works with almost no-relevancy for the specialist grow every year to the desperation of the scientific community, whose attitude toward them ranges from the most profound indifference to the toughest (and most explicit) critical tone. Since Basque also belongs to this group of “compare-with-everything-you-come- across” languages, it is my intention to provide the Basque readership with a sort of “pedagogical case” to show that little known languages, far from underrepresented in the field, already have a very long tradition in historical and comparative linguistics, i.e. nobody can approach them without previous acquaintance with the materials. Studies dealing with the methodological inappropriateness of the Moscow School’s Nostratic hypothesis or the incorrectness of many of the proposed new taxonomic Amerindian subfamilies (several of them involving the aforementioned Wakashan languages), that is to say, the frameworks on which Krougly-Enke and Holst work, respectively, are plenty (i.a. Campbell 1997: 260-329, Campbell & Poser 2008: 234-96), therefore there is no reason to insist once more on the very same point. This is the reason why I will not discuss per se Eskimo-Aleut–Wakashan or Eskimo-Aleut–Nostratic. On the contrary, I will focus attention upon very concrete aspects of Krougly-Enke and Holst´s proposals, i.e. when they work on “less ambitious” problems, for example, dealing with the minutiae of internal facts or analyzing certain words from the sole perspective of Eskimo-Aleut materials (in other words, those cases in which even they do not invoke the ad hoc help of Nostratic stuff). I will try to explain why some of their proposals are wrong, demonstrate where the problem lies, and fix it if possible. In doing so, I will propose new etymologies in an attempt at showing how we may proceed. The main difference between this and handbook examples lies in the reality of what we are doing: this is a pure etymological exercise from beginning to end. I will try to throw a bit of light on a couple of problematic questions regarding Aleut historical phonology, demonstrating how much work should be done at the lowest level of the Eskimo-Aleut pyramid; it is technically impossible to reach the peak of the pyramid without having completed the base. As far as Aleut is regarded, I will mainly profit not only from the use of the traditional philological analysis of Aleut (and, eventually, of Eskimo) materials, but also of diachronic typology, bringing into discussion what in my opinion seems useful, and in some cases I think decisive, parallels. It is worth noting that this paper makes up yet another part of a series of exploratory works dealing with etymological aspects of the reconstruction of Proto-Eskimo-Aleut, with special emphasis on Aleut (vid. i.a. Alonso de la Fuente 2006/2007, 2008a, 2008b, 2010a), whose main goal is to become the solid basis for an etymological dictionary of the Aleut language, currently in progress.