962 resultados para Análise hot spot
The tumor suppressor p53 is a phosphoprotein which functions as a transcriptional activator. By monitoring the transcriptional activity, we studied how p53 functions is regulated in relation to cell growth and contact inhibition. When cells were arrested at G1 phase of the cell cycle by contact inhibition, we found that p53 transactivation function was suppressed. When contact inhibition was overridden by cyclin E overexpression which stimulates cell cycle progression, p53 function was restored. This observation led to the development of a cell density assay to study the regulation of p53 function during cell cycle for the functional significance of p53 phosphorylation. The murine p53 is phosphorylated at serines 7, 9, 12, 18, 37, 312 and 389. To understand the role of p53 phosphorylation, we generated p53 constructs encoding serine-to-alanine or serine-to-glutamate mutations at these codons. The transcriptional activity were measured in cells capable of contact inhibition. In low-density cycling cells, no difference in transcriptional activity was found between wild type p53 and any of the mutants. In contact-inhibited cells, however, only mutations of p53 at serine 389 resulted in altered responses to cell cycle arrest and to cyclin E overexpression. The mutant with serine-to-glutamate substitution at codon 389 retained its function in contact inhibited cells. Cyclin E overexpression in these cells induced p53 phosphorylation at serine 389. Furthermore, we showed that phosphorylation at serine 389 regulates p53 DNA binding activity. Our findings implicate that phosphorylation is an important mechanism for p53 activation.^ p53 is the most frequently mutated gene in human tumors. To study the mechanism of p53 inactivation by mutations, we carried out detailed analysis of a murine p53 mutation with an arginine-to-tryptophane substitution at codon 245. The corresponding human p53 mutation at amino acid 248 is the most frequently mutated codon in tumors. We showed that this mutant is inactive in suppressing focus formation, binding to DNA and transactivation. Structural analysis revealed that this mutant assumes the wild type protein conformation. These findings define a novel class of p53 mutations and help to understand structure-function relationship of p53. ^
The activity of the M26 meiotic recombination hot spot of Schizosaccharomyces pombe depends on the presence of the heptamer 5′-ATGACGT-3′. Transplacement of DNA fragments containing the ade6-M26 gene to other chromosomal loci has previously demonstrated that the heptamer functions in some, but not all, transplacements, suggesting that hot spot activity depends on chromosomal context. In this study, hot spot activity was tested in the absence of gross DNA changes by using site-directed mutagenesis to create the heptamer sequence at novel locations in the genome. When created by mutagenesis of 1–4 bp in the ade6 and ura4 genes, the heptamer was active as a recombination hot spot, in an orientation-independent manner, at all locations tested. Thus, the heptamer sequence can create an active hot spot in other chromosomal contexts, provided that the gross chromosomal structure is not altered; this result is consistent with the hypothesis that a specific higher-order chromatin structure is required for M26 hot spot activity.
Double strand breaks (DSBs) have been found at several meiotic recombination hot spots in Saccharomyces cerevisiae; more global studies have found that they occur at many places along several yeast chromosomes during meiosis. Indeed, the number of breaks found is consistent with the number of recombination events predicted from the genetic map. We have previously demonstrated that the HIS2 gene is a recombination hot spot, exhibiting a high frequency of gene conversion and associated crossing over. This paper shows that DSBs occur in meiosis at a site in the coding region and at a site downstream of the HIS2 gene and that the DSBs are dependent upon genes required for recombination. The frequency of DSBs at HIS2 increases when the gene conversion frequency is increased by alterations in the DNA around HIS2, and vice versa. A deletion that increases both DSBs and conversion can stimulate both when heterozygous; that is, it is semidominant and acts to stimulate DSBs in trans. These data are consistent with the view that homologous chromosomes associate with each other before the formation of the DSBs.
The products of the recB and recC genes are necessary for conjugal recombination and for repair of chromosomal double-chain breaks in Escherichia coli. The recD gene product combines with the RecB and RecC proteins to comprise RecBCD enzyme but is required for neither recombination nor repair. On the contrary, RecBCD enzyme is an exonuclease that inhibits recombination by destroying linear DNA. The RecD ejection model proposes that RecBCD enzyme enters a DNA duplex at a double-chain end and travels destructively until it encounters the recombination hot spot sequence chi. Chi then alters the RecBCD enzyme by weakening the affinity of the RecD subunit for the RecBC heterodimer. With the loss of the RecD subunit, the resulting protein, RecBC(D-), becomes deficient for exonuclease activity and proficient as a recombinagenic helicase. To test the model, genetic crosses between lambda phage were conducted in cells containing chi on a nonhomologous plasmid. Upon delivering a double-chain break to the plasmid, lambda recombined as if the cells had become recD mutants. The ability of chi to alter lambda recombination in trans was reversed by overproducing the RecD subunit. These results indicate that chi can influence a recombination act without directly participating in it.
The RecBCD enzyme of Escherichia coli promotes recombination preferentially at chi nucleotide sequences and has in vivo helicase and strong duplex DNA exonuclease (exoV) activities. The enzyme without the RecD subunit, as in a recD null mutant, promotes recombination efficiently but independently of chi and has no nucleolytic activity. Employing phage lambda red gam crosses, phage T4 2- survival measurements, and exoV assays, it is shown that E. coli cells in which RecBCD has extensive opportunity to interact with linear chi-containing DNA (produced by rolling circle replication of a plasmid with chi or by bleomycin-induced fragmentation of the cellular chromosome) acquire the phenotype of a recD mutant and maintain this for approximately 2 h. It is concluded that RecBCD is converted into RecBC during interaction with chi by irreversible inactivation of RecD. After conversion, the enzyme is released and initiates recombination on other DNA molecules in a chi-independent fashion. Overexpression of recD+ (from a plasmid) prevented the phenotypic change and providing RecD after the change restored chi-stimulated recombination. The observed recA+ dependence of the downregulation of exoV could explain the previously noted "reckless" DNA degradation of recA mutants. It is proposed that chi sites are regulatory elements for the RecBCD to RecBC switch and thereby function as cis- and trans-acting stimulators of RecBC-dependent recombination.
Includes bibliographical references: (p. 59-60).
Includes bibliographical references: (p. 48-49).
There are many physical factors that can affect the self-heating rate of coal. The presence of seam gas has often been referred to as inhibiting coal self-heating due to the limited access of oxidation sites created by the presence of the gas adsorbed on the coal pores. Similarly, the presence of bed moisture in the coal also acts as an inhibitor of oxidation by blocking access of air into the pores. Gas drainage of a coal seam prior to mining removes both gas and moisture from the seam. Bulk coal self-heating tests in a two-metre column on both gassy, as-mined and gas-drained, dried high volatile bituminous coal show that removal of gas and moisture from the coal accelerates the rate of self-heating to thermal runaway from 8.5 days to 4.25 days, from a start temperature of 30°C, with an airflow of 0.25 L/min. The corresponding gas evolution pattern for each of these situations is different. Therefore, it is necessary to take this change in coal condition into consideration when developing a spontaneous combustion management plan.
The processes that take place during the development of a heating are difficult to visualise. Bulk coal self-heating tests at The University of Queensland (UQ) using a two-metre column are providing graphic evidence of the stages that occur during a heating. Data obtained from these tests, both temperature and corresponding off-gas evolution can be transformed into what is effectively a video-replay of the heating event. This is achieved by loading both sets of data into a newly developed animation package called Hotspot. The resulting animation is ideal for spontaneous combustion training purposes as the viewer can readily identify the different hot spot stages and corresponding off-gas signatures. Colour coding of the coal temperature, as the hot spot forms, highlights its location in the coal pile and shows its ability to migrate upwind. An added benefit of the package is that once a mine has been tested in the UQ two-metre column, there is a permanent record of that particular coals performance for mine personnel to view.
As amêndoas de babaçu representam um expressivo recurso do extrativismo vegetal no Brasil, no Maranhão o maio estado produtor, a atividade é essencial para as populações rurais. O presente estudo tem por objetivos: (i) Construir a dinâmica espaço-temporal da produção de amêndoas de babaçu; (ii) Estimar o comportamento da produção e preços das amêndoas de babaçu e tendência no mercado de óleos e (iii) Identificar os determinantes da oferta e da demanda de amêndoas de babaçu. Os resultados da Análise Hot Spot indicam tendências de concentração espaço-temporal das atividades de uso do solo no Maranhão. No extremo noroeste até o litoral ocidental aparece o cold spot para todas as categorias de uso do solo, sendo recoberto por APAs com a finalidade de proteger os ecossistemas lacustres. Somente para a produção de amêndoas de babaçu surge um segundo cold spot a partir de 1992 na confluência das regiões oeste, centro e sul do estado sugerindo a vulnerabilidade do extrativismo do babaçu em relação às outras categorias de utilização das terras. Entre os produtos estudados com relação a concorrência com as amêndoas de babaçu para o mercado de óleos, as culturas do coco e do dendê e a importação de óleo de palmiste apresentaram Taxa Geométrica de Crescimento (TGC) crescente para a produção e TGC decrescente para o preço. A TGC para a importação do óleo de palma e óleo de coco não foram significativas. A TGC para a produção e preços de amêndoas no Maranhão e para as exportações do óleo de babaçu não foram significativas, sugerindo que esse mercado apresenta uma certa estabilidade. No primeiro modelo da oferta com os dados disponíveis para o período de 1991-2012, os determinantes que se mostraram significativos e que mais contribuíram para explicar variações na quantidade ofertada de amêndoas de babaçu foram: o efetivo estadual de rebanhos bovinos; a variável dependente tomada com retardamento de um ano; a área plantada com lavouras temporárias; a tendência linear e o preço médio da amêndoa de babaçu. No segundo modelo com os dados disponíveis para o período de 1996-2012, os determinantes que se mostraram significativos e que mais contribuíram para explicar variações na quantidade ofertada de amêndoas de babaçu foram: o efetivo estadual de rebanhos bovinos; o preço médio da amêndoa de babaçu; a variável dependente tomada com retardamento de um ano; o custo da matéria-prima industrial para a indústria química no Maranhão e a tendência linear. Os determinantes que se mostraram significativos e que mais contribuíram para explicar variações na quantidade demandada de amêndoas de babaçu para o período de 1990-2012 foram: a variável dependente tomada com retardamento de um ano; preço médio da amêndoa de babaçu e o preço médio das importações de óleo de palma ou dendê. A oferta e a demanda apresentaram a elasticidade-preço inelástica tanto no curto quanto no longo prazo. A inelasticidade da oferta sugere a dificuldade do sistema extrativista em atender o aumento da demanda no prazo requerido pelos consumidores. A inelasticidade da demanda sob a ótica do consumidor ou da indústria oleoquímica indica que um aumento do preço da amêndoa causa o aumento da despesa total. Na ótica do produtor um aumento do preço ocasionaria apenas uma pequena redução da quantidade de mandada, assim, a receita total recebida apresentará elevação. Porém, como produtoras, as quebradeiras de coco reclamam sobre o baixo preço pago pelas amêndoas, portanto, não refletindo a teoria. Tal conjuntura insinua confirmar a problemática questão que envolve os outros agentes no elo produtivo da cadeia, os atravessadores para compra e transporte, com os quais é retida a grande parte da receita da comercialização das amêndoas.