924 resultados para Análise documentária - Obras ficcionais


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Desenvolvimento Humano e Tecnologias - IBRC


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A Educação Física sofreu tentativas de mudanças desde surgimento até os dias de hoje, sobretudo no espaço escolar. Podemos observar esse fenômeno desde o final da década de 1980 onde surgiram inúmeras publicações de livros e artigos abordando tal tema, que iam contra uma Educação Física voltada para o militarismo e o tecnicista. Essas ideias atingiram o auge na década de 1990 e ainda estão fortemente presentes e marcadas por debates e defesas de ideias. Essas tentavam explicar o ser humano como um todo em seus diferentes aspectos - cognitivos, sociais, afetivos, motores e culturais, por meio do movimento, pois se sabe que a Educação Física é a área do conhecimento que estuda o se movimentar do ser humano e o diálogo que ele exerce com o mundo. Dessa forma esse trabalho busca analisar os conteúdos das questões do ENEM de 2009, 2010, 2011 e 2012 e identificar quais são as concepções que aparecem nas questões, de modo a compreender o que o Exame acredita ser considerado importante para o aluno aprender na educação física escolar. Para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa usaremos como material as questões da prova do ENEM de 2009 a 2012 e realizaremos uma análise do conteúdo buscando assim descrever e interpretar o conteúdo das questões selecionadas. Entende - se que a análise do conteúdo baseia-se nas ações de comparação e de classificação textuais, ou seja, no entendimento de semelhanças e diferenças


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A Companhia Éxciton é um projeto de extensão universitária da Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho, campus de Rio Claro. O projeto se ocupa com a criação de trabalhos com dança, arte e expressão, que são oferecidos para toda comunidade universitária e público em geral. Com essa abertura ao grande público, a intenção da Cia. é democratizar o contato da população com atividades artísticas, culturais e educativas, através de aulas abertas, intervenções, performances e apresentações de espetáculos, expandindo as atividades do projeto para além dos muros da universidade. Tendo em vista este quadro de ações de extensão universitária, essa pesquisa buscou compreender como esses trabalhos da Cia. se constituem como práticas de produção de conhecimento que refletem não só na formação universitária de seus integrantes, mas também na formação de todo aquele que se envolve com o projeto. Para tanto, foi feito uma análise dos documentos oficiais deste projeto e uma análise sobre a noção de projeto de extensão dentro do contexto da formação acadêmica. A partir destas compreensões, descrevemos o processo de criação dos espetáculos produzidos nos anos de 2012 e 2013 Desvenda-$e e Em Obras, respectivamente, desta forma, mapeamos os modos, através dos quais a Cia. Éxciton mobilizou suas ações de extensão neste período. Com essas medidas foi possível compreender a natureza do conhecimento gerado neste projeto e perceber seu alcance na formação integral daqueles que nele se envolvem


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The autism is a severe mental illness that involves psychological, social, educational and neurobiological aspects. The Education plays an important role in recovering, preserving and increasing the cognitive task of people with autism. There are several ways to observe a person with autism. Through the studying of cases, it is also possible to address issues of everyday life of the person with the illness, its cognitive issues and its obstacles of psychosocial involvement, as well as psychological aspects such as illness acknowledgement. Through specialized literature, it is possible to identify characteristics referring to the learning process and neurobiological components involved in the condition, such as brain activity disorder and genetic factors. The objectives of this paper are: from the analysis of two books: Unique World: comprehend the Autism (SILVA, A. B. B; GAIATO, M.B; REVELES, L.T) and The cats never lie about love (DILLON, J.), it is intended to describe cognitive and psychosocial aspects of the autism. Based on the specialized literature, the goal is to identify cognitive and neurobiological components in the illness. The methods that were used: analysis of the books Unique World: comprehend the Autism and The cats never lie about love to describe psychosocial and educational aspects of the autism; analysis of the specialized literature to identify clinical and neurobiological components of the illness, such as changes in brain activity, genetic factors or clinical evolution; and also details of the Education role in preserving the person with autism and his cognitive and emotional development. The study had the documentary research as reference for the methodological design, including book analysis and research in specialized literature. It is intended to deepen discussions about the Education roles related to the cognitive and neurobiological aspects of the autism


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Soccer is one of the most practiced sports in the world, and for many years, some areas of physical education has been doing studies related to the improvement of their income from these areas if this sport psychology. The psychological aspects are very influential and involved in the daily life of an athlete, especially for basic categories of athletes who see in soccer a dream to come true or only a source of income for his family, where such aspects act beneficially or evil for the athlete. Stress, in particular, can appear in various situations and in various ways, and different influences and reactions athlete to athlete, also resulting in physiological changes and variations in performance. Stress, and especially stressful situations, like any psychological aspect should be identified in order to train your athlete to know how to deal with stressful situations. Know what are the stressors, which carries the stress load for the athlete, how to handle the stressful situations, using psychological training in the preseason, know how to use stress management techniques, and be able to manage it all so your athlete reaches an optimal level of income is described in the present work, in order to provide a theoretical and updated reference for professionals of Physical Education, so that they stay up to date on sports psychology and also understand a little more on this subject, which is still little discussed within soccer and often overlooked by many professionals who are already in the context of competitive soccer


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Pós-graduação em Educação Matemática - IGCE


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The numerous political theories of the modern time were committed to thesocial-political and economic restructuring of the European States, but parallel to those conceptions emerged proposals of a broader range regarding the concern with the harmony among the States and their respective external safety, that is, they envisioned an International System among the European States. In that purpose, the Project of peace by the abbé de Saint-Pierre which glimpses perpetual peace in Europe under institutionalized conditions in order to legitimate a space that aims at facilitating a unified market among the member States. In this context, the sovereign role stands out, given the fact that he is the mediator between the interests of the State and the objectives proposed by the International System of States. However, according to Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s point of view it is evident that the thought of Saint-Pierre is impregnated by a naivety regarding the sovereigns’ government policy and, moreover, for believing that, mediated by a confederal assembly, the princes would voluntarily agree to be part of this project of perpetual peace. Nevertheless, Rousseau does not consider impossible the realization of this project, however, to achieve peace it is necessary force. Therefore, the comprehension of this debate was only possible guided, mainly, by the analyses of the primary works of such thinkers and the theoretical basis of the experts that is necessary, for instance, Evaldo Becker, Gelson Fonseca Jr., Luiz Felipe de Andrade e Silva Sahd, José Oscar de Almeida Marques, José Benedito de Almeida Jr. who enabled a broad comprehension of the purpose to which we dedicated ourselves in this research, allowing the understanding of thekey concepts elaborated by the Genevan philosopher and the themes that concern the relationship between States.


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This study has the purpose of investigating the term reader-creator , on the textual aspects of the dramatical works A Morte nos Olhos , A Memória Ferida and Na Outra Margem (2010) by Antonia Pereira Bezerra. In this sense, we propose an analysis of these works based on author‟s life experience as creative matter for a autofictional narrative, highlighting the relations between the autobiographical elements (LEJEUNE, 2008; DOSSE, 2009) and fictional elements in the construction of dramatic narratives. The theoretical analysis pervades the studies fields of Reception Aesthetics (ISER, 1996), memory (RICOUER, 2007) and narrative (RICOEUR, 2010), evidencing the relation between the author and the pursuit of her memories and life experiences, the matter to elaboration of writing. Then we intend thinking a reader-creator of herself, that at the same time she seeks in her memories the biographic aspects to her narrative, she converts this reality with the insertion of fictional elements from the imagination (SARTRE, 2008)


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This study has the purpose of investigating the term reader-creator , on the textual aspects of the dramatical works A Morte nos Olhos , A Memória Ferida and Na Outra Margem (2010) by Antonia Pereira Bezerra. In this sense, we propose an analysis of these works based on author‟s life experience as creative matter for a autofictional narrative, highlighting the relations between the autobiographical elements (LEJEUNE, 2008; DOSSE, 2009) and fictional elements in the construction of dramatic narratives. The theoretical analysis pervades the studies fields of Reception Aesthetics (ISER, 1996), memory (RICOUER, 2007) and narrative (RICOEUR, 2010), evidencing the relation between the author and the pursuit of her memories and life experiences, the matter to elaboration of writing. Then we intend thinking a reader-creator of herself, that at the same time she seeks in her memories the biographic aspects to her narrative, she converts this reality with the insertion of fictional elements from the imagination (SARTRE, 2008)


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O objeto de estudo do presente trabalho é o repertório para clarinete solo produzido por compositores portugueses. Por ser um campo vastíssimo, tornou-se necessário definir um espaço temporal mais reduzido, surgindo, assim, os anos 2014 e 2015. Este trabalho pretende contribuir para uma interpretação informada, através do estudo e análise das obras escolhidas e divulgar a música portuguesa recente, não só, o repertório existente, mas, também, com a estreia de obras. Como metodologia, foram realizados: uma pesquisa bibliográfica sobre o instrumento, um levantamento de obras, uma análise e estudo de três obras dos compositores Costa, Pascoal e Ceitil. O trabalho inicia-se com uma breve contextualização do instrumento, dando especial atenção às técnicas estendidas. Após o estudo das obras, e da reflexão do mesmo, confirma-se que de facto existe uma enorme vantagem em trabalhar as obras com os compositores e que este trabalho se reflete no ato performativo; WORKS FOR SOLO CLARINET PRODUCED BY PORTUGUESE COMPOSERES IN 2014 AND 2015 ABSTRACT: This report studies the repertoire for solo clarinet produced by portuguese composers. Giving the vastness of the subject, only a smaller time frame could be analyzed and it was the years of 2014 and 2015. The goals of this report are to create an informed interpretation, through the study and analysis of the chosen repertoire and to disclose modern portuguese music, not only existent works but also with the premiere of repertoire. The methodology was: a literature search, a survey of works, analysis and study of three works by composers Costa, Pascoal and Ceitil. This report begins with a brief background of the clarinet, paying special attention to the extended techniques. After the study of the selected works, and the reflection of it, it's confirmed that in fact there is a huge advantage in working the repertoire with composers and that this work is reflected in the performative act.


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A tese se insere nos estudos sobre o gótico literário. Seu objetivo principal é mostrar o lar como lugar crucial para o desenvolvimento das temáticas caras ao gênero, destacando o corpo feminino como pivô. Na primeira parte, foram analisados estudos teóricos sobre o romance inglês, apontando para uma possível mudança na maneira como o gótico vem sendo tratado. Na segunda parte, obras ficcionais importantes para a discussão do lar e do corpo feminino dentro da tradição gótica foram analisadas, promovendo a articulação de tais obras com as diretrizes teóricas pertinentes. Finalmente, a terceira e última parte terá os romances Ciranda de Pedra, Daughters of the House e Lady Oracle como foco, a fim de apontar o modo como a narrativa gótica contemporânea assimilou as questões tratadas anteriormente