802 resultados para Análise Quantitativa


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In this study, the aim was to measure the concentration of fluoride ions in dental alginates and the quantity released from alginate molds immersed in milliQ water, 0.1N hydrochloric acid and artificial saliva. Two separate lots of each of seven brands of alginate commercially available in Brazil were analyzed: Avagel, Deguprint, Hydrogum, Orthoprint, Jeltrate, Jeltrate Plus and Jeltrate Chromatic. Fluoride was measured in each sample by direct potentiometry, using the combined fluoride-ion selective electrode. The brands with the highest fluoride concentrations were Hydrogum (7052.87 μg/g), Jeltrate Plus (6519.68 μg/g) and Orthoprint (6218.18 μg/g). Only in Hydrogum and Jeltrate were different fluoride concentrations found in lots one and two. The various materials showed differences in the amount of fluoride released from the molds into the immersion medium, the mean concentration being highest in Hydrogum and Orthoprint, in all three media. The immersion medium also influenced the release of fluoride, which was lower in saliva than in water and highest in acid. Considering that the concentrations of fluoride found in the alginates tested were high and that various sources of exposure to fluoride exist, there is a need for constant monitoring of alginates intended for dental use.


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Triamcinolone (TRI), a drug widely used in the treatment of ocular inflammatory diseases, is practically insoluble in water, which limits its use in eye drops. Cyclodextrins (CDs) have been used to increase the solubility or dissolution rate of drugs. The purpose of the present study was to validate a UV-Vis spectrophotometric method for quantitative analysis of TRI in inclusion complexes with beta-cyclodextrin (B-CD) associated with triethanolamine (TEA) (ternary complex). The proposed analytical method was validated with respect to the parameters established by the Brazilian regulatory National Agency of Sanitary Monitoring (ANVISA). The analytical measurements of absorbance were made at 242nm, at room temperature, in a 1-cm path-length cuvette. The precision and accuracy studies were performed at five concentration levels (4, 8, 12, 18 and 20μg.mL -1). The B-CD associated with TEA did not provoke any alteration in the photochemical behavior of TRI. The results for the measured analytical parameters showed the success of the method. The standard curve was linear (r2 > 0.999) in the concentration range from 2 to 24 μg.mL -1. The method achieved good precision levels in the inter-day (relative standard deviation-RSD <3.4%) and reproducibility (RSD <3.8%) tests. The accuracy was about 80% and the pH changes introduced in the robustness study did not reveal any relevant interference at any of the studied concentrations. The experimental results demonstrate a simple, rapid and affordable UV-Vis spectrophotometric method that could be applied to the quantitation of TRI in this ternary complex.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência dos Materiais - FEIS


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Fonoaudiologia - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Ginecologia, Obstetrícia e Mastologia - FMB


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É objetivo do presente trabalho implantar como modelos para estudo da formação hipocampal das aves migratórias as espécies de maçarico Calidris pusilla e Actitis macularia que abandonam as regiões geladas do Canadá, fugindo do inverno, em direção à costa da América do Sul e do Caribe onde permanecem até a primavera quando então retornam ao hemisfério norte. Mais especificamente pretende-se descrever a organização morfológica qualitativa e quantitativa da formação hipocampal, empregando citoarquitetonia com cresil violeta e imunomarcação para neurônios e células da glia, sucedidas por estimativas estereológicas do número total de células identificadas com marcadores seletivos para aquelas células, assim como comparar a morfologia tridimensional da micróglia das aves com a dos mamíferos. As coletas de campo para a caracterização da formação hipocampal do Calidris pusilla e Actitis macularia em seus aspectos morfológicos foram feitas no Brasil na Ilha Canelas (0°47'21.95"S e 46°43'7.34"W) na Costa da Região Nordeste do Pará no município de Bragança, e no Canadá, na Baia de Fundy perto de Johnson's Mills na cidade de New Brunswick (45°50'19.3" N 64°31'5.39" W). A definição dos limites da formação hipocampal foi feita empregando-se as técnicas de Nissl e de imunomarcação para NeuN. Para a definição dos objetos de interesse das estimativas estereológicas e das reconstruções tridimensionais empregou-se imunomarcação com anticorpo anti-NeuN para neurônios e anti-IBA- 1 para micróglia. As estimativas estereológicas revelaram em média número similar de neurônios nas duas espécies enquanto que no hipocampo de Actitis macularia observou-se número de micróglias 37% maior do que no de Calidris pusilla. Além disso, encontrou-se que em média o volume da formação hipocampal do Actitis macularia é 38% maior do que o encontrado em Calidris pusilla. Os estudos comparativos da morfologia microglial das duas espécies de aves com a dos mamíferos Rattus novergicus e Cebus apella revelaram diferenças morfológicas significantes que indicam que as micróglias das aves mostram em média, menor complexidade (dimensão fractal), tem diâmetros e perímetros de soma menores e possuem ramos mais finos do que aquelas do rato e do macaco.


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A partir dos dados extraídos do Corpus Tibullianum, e submetidos a tratamento estatístico, os autores pretendem reforçar a opinião geralmente aceita de que a obra não foi composta por um único poeta, admitindo a pluralidade de autores. Para tanto, utilizam, a distribuição de Waring e os índices mais recentes de riqueza lexical, apontando, entre as duas partes em que dividiram o Corpus, diferenças que corroboram a hipótese inicial.


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The presence of oropharyngeal dysphagia in the pediatric population with genetic diseases it is still poorly studied. The aim of this study was to analyze the oral total transit time and pharyngeal transit time, in an individual with neuronal ceroid lipofucinosis (NCL) with severe oropharyngeal dysphagia. Individual with NCL, 3 years old, 2 years with gastrostomy and no oral feeding, weighting loss, but without pulmonary complications. Oropharyngeal swallowing was studied by videofluoroscopy and it was realized a quantitative analysis using software. Changes were observed throughout the whole biomechanics of swallowing. The quantitative analysis of total oral transit time was found 45.37 seconds (default normality in children is 4 seconds) and for pharyngeal transit time was 4.53 seconds. It was found that beside the changes in the biomechanics of oropharyngeal swallowing in the case studied, an increase in total oral transit time and pharyngeal transit time was also observed, which can significantly compromise the nutritional status and pulmonary these individuals.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Companies, in general, operate due to the work of its subsystems and this is possible thanks to operational planning that tries to promote the best way to integrate them without giving up the mission, vision and values of the company. The main purpose of a business is to serve customers, but to be successful must take into account other factors such as survival, profitability, growth and operational standpoint to use their resources effectively. The use of tools to support the process of analysis of management decision-making is gaining importance in the context of competitiveness in the world market. The objective of this paper is to present a simulation of the process of forecasting demand to obtain optimal results for a steel company, compare the actual results with order entry and assess the magnitude of the error