979 resultados para Amplified spontaneous emission


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Tellurite glass is proposed as a host for broadband erbium-doped fiber amplifiers because of their excellent optical and chemical properties. A new single mode Er3+/Yb3+ codoped tellurite fiber with D-shape cladding geometry is fabricated in this work. When pumped at 980 nm, a broad erbium amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) nearly 100 nm in the wavelength range of 1450-1650 ran around 1.53 mu m is observed. It was found that the emission spectrum from erbium in tellurite glass fibers is almost twice as broad as the corresponding spectrum in tellurite bulk glass. The changes in ASE with regard to fiber lengths and pumping power were measured and discussed. The output of about 2.3 mW from Er3+/Yb3+ codoped tellurite fiber ASE source is obtained under the pump power of 700 mW. The broad 1.53 mu m emission of Er3+ in Er3+/Yb3+ codoped tellurite glass fiber can be used as host material for potential broadband optical amplifier and tunable fiber lasers. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this article, we investigate the spontaneous emission properties of radiating molecules embedded in a chiral nematic liquid crystal, under the assumption that the electronic transition frequency is close to the photonic edge mode of the structure, i.e., at resonance. We take into account the transition broadening and the decay of electromagnetic field modes supported by the so-called "mirrorless"cavity. We employ the Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian to describe the electron interaction with the electromagnetic field, focusing on the mode with the diffracting polarization in the chiral nematic layer. As known in these structures, the density of photon states, calculated via the Wigner method, has distinct peaks on either side of the photonic band gap, which manifests itself as a considerable modification of the emission spectrum. We demonstrate that, near resonance, there are notable differences between the behavior of the density of states and the spontaneous emission profile of these structures. In addition, we examine in some detail the case of the logarithmic peak exhibited in the density of states in two-dimensional photonic structures and obtain analytic relations for the Lamb shift and the broadening of the atomic transition in the emission spectrum. The dynamical behavior of the atom-field system is described by a system of two first-order differential equations, solved using the Green's-function method and the Fourier transform. The emission spectra are then calculated and compared with experimental data. © 2013 American Physical Society.


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In this article, we investigate the spontaneous emission properties of radiating molecules embedded in a chiral nematic liquid crystal, under the assumption that the electronic transition frequency is close to the photonic edge mode of the structure, i.e., at resonance. We take into account the transition broadening and the decay of electromagnetic field modes supported by the so-called "mirrorless"cavity. We employ the Jaynes-Cummings Hamiltonian to describe the electron interaction with the electromagnetic field, focusing on the mode with the diffracting polarization in the chiral nematic layer. As known in these structures, the density of photon states, calculated via the Wigner method, has distinct peaks on either side of the photonic band gap, which manifests itself as a considerable modification of the emission spectrum. We demonstrate that, near resonance, there are notable differences between the behavior of the density of states and the spontaneous emission profile of these structures. In addition, we examine in some detail the case of the logarithmic peak exhibited in the density of states in two-dimensional photonic structures and obtain analytic relations for the Lamb shift and the broadening of the atomic transition in the emission spectrum. The dynamical behavior of the atom-field system is described by a system of two first-order differential equations, solved using the Green's-function method and the Fourier transform. The emission spectra are then calculated and compared with experimental data.


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We investigated the dynamics of spontaneous emission from a photonic crystal etched into a SiN slab. After fitting the decay curves of the emission to double exponential functions, we divided the dynamic process of the spontaneous emission into a fast process and a slow process. It was observed that the presence of the photonic crystal increased the proportion of the fast decay component, and consequently, the emission rate and time-integrated emission intensity were also enhanced. These enhancements were a result of the coupling of the guide modes to the leaky modes of the photonic crystal slab waveguide. (C) 2008 Optical Society of America.


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We investigate the lifetime distribution functions of spontaneous emission from line antennas embedded in finite-size two-dimensional 12-fold quasi-periodic photonic crystals. Our calculations indicate that two-dimensional quasi-periodic crystals lead to the coexistence of both accelerated and inhibited decay processes. The decay behaviors of line antennas are drastically changed as the locations of the antennas are varied from the center to the edge in quasi-periodic photonic crystals and the location of transition frequency is varied.


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The authors calculate the lifetime distribution functions of spontaneous emission from infinite line antennas embedded in two-dimensional disordered photonic crystals with finite size. The calculations indicate the coexistence of both accelerated and inhibited decay processes in disordered photonic crystals with finite size. The decay behavior of the spontaneous emission from infinite line antennas changes significantly by varying factors such as the line antennas' positions in the disordered photonic crystal, the shape of the crystal, the filling fraction, and the dielectric constant. Moreover, the authors analyze the effect of the degree of disorder on spontaneous emission. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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A technique based on the integrations of the product of amplified spontaneous emission spectrum and a phase function over one mode interval is proposed for measuring gain spectrum for Fabry-Perot semiconductor lasers, and a gain correction factor related to the response function of the optical spectrum analyzer (OSA) is obtained for improving the accuracy of measured gain spectrum. The gain spectra with a difference less than 1.3 cm(-1) from 1500 to 1600 nm are obtained for a 250-mum-long semiconductor laser at the OSA resolution of 0.06, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.5 nm. The corresponding gain correction factor is about 9 cm(-1) at the resolution of 0.5 nm. The gain spectrum measured at the resolution of 0.5 nm has the same accuracy as that obtained by the Hakki-Paoli method at the resolution of 0.06 nm for the laser with the mode interval of 1.3 nm.


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The size of equilateral triangle resonator (ETR) needed for confining the fundamental mode is investigated by the total reflection condition of mode light rays and the FDTD numerical simulation. The confinement of the TM modes can be explained by the total reflection of mode light rays, and the confinement of the TE modes requires a larger ETR than the TM modes, which may be caused by excess scattering or radiation loss for the TE modes. With the multilayer staircase approximation, it is found that the spontaneous emission factor of the ETR lasers has the same form as that of strip waveguide lasers.


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The rate equations used for measuring spontaneous emission factor beta is examined through the comparison of numerical results, The results show that beta obtained by using total spontaneous emission rate R(sp) = N/tau sp is about double of that using R(sp) = BN2, The magnitude difference between the measured beta and that predicted by classical theory [8] will disappear by using more reasonable R(sp) = BN2. The results also show that the magnitude of beta may be underestimated by ignoring the nonradiative recombination rates.


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We have studied the spontaneous emission of polarized excitons in the GaInP/AlGaInP VCSEL from 30K to room temperature. It is observed that the spontaneous emission peak enters and leaves the resonant regime. At the resonant regime, the emission intensities of the perpendicular and horizontal polarized exciton are enhanced at different ratio to those in non-resonant regime. These experiment results are explained through the dressed exciton theory of the semiconductor microcavity device. From this theory, the intensity enhancement and the polarization dependence are understood as cooperative emission and the microcavity anisotropy.


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The behaviors of lateral propagating modes in the aperture and the oxidized regions are investigated numerically for selectively oxidized vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs). The results show that the lateral propagating modes in the oxidized region are greatly affected by the oxide layer due to its low index, the modes are divergence for the VCSELs with sufficient thick double oxide layers. So the coupling between the modes in the aperture and oxidized regions is very weak, and we can expect that the lateral spontaneous emission is greatly affected in this case. Ignoring the contribution of the lateral spontaneous emission, we calculate spontaneous emission factor by counting the total number of the guided modes in selectively oxidized VCSELs with double oxide layers. The results agree very well with the reported measurements and are inversely proportional to the lateral index step.


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Narrowed spectra at 452 nm from a thin platelike crystal of distyrylbenzene derivative, 2,5-diphenyl-1,4-distyrylbenzene with two trans double bonds (trans-DPDSB) grown by vapor deposition, are observed. The trans-DPDSB crystal is irradiated by the third harmonic (355 nm) of a Nd:YAG laser. The FWHM of the narrowed spectra can reach 6 nm for the crystal when the pumping energy is 400 mu J/pulse. The threshold value for an optically pumped laser is approximately 350 mu J/pulse.


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Optically pumped stimulated emission behavior in an organic film was demonstrated in this study. The gain material consists of a laser dye perylene doped into polystyrene (PS) matrix in an appropriate weight ratio. The sample was transversely pumped by the three harmonic output of a mode-locked Nd:YAG laser. The change of the emission spectra showed a clear threshold action and gain narrowing phenomenon when increasing the excitation intensity. Three emission peaks were observed below the excitation threshold, which are locate at 446, 475 and 506 nm, respectively. However, only the gain narrowing peak centered at 475 nm could be detected above the threshold. The spectra narrowing observed results from the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) in the gain material. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.