48 resultados para Amorphization


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Thermogravimetry (TG) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) are used in pharmaceutical studies for drugs characterization, purity, formulations compatibility, polymorphism identification, stability evaluation, and thermal decomposition of drugs and pharmaceutical formulations. Simvastatin showed fusion at 138.5 ºC and thermal stability up to 248 ºC. Simvastatin was incompatible with preservative excipient butylhydroxyanisole (BHA) performing a process of crystal amorphization. The drug showed morphological polymorphism, where it has the same unit cell but with different crystal habits according to the recrystallization solvent.


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Nous avons observé une augmentation ‘’transient’’du taux de cristallisation interfacique de l’a-Si lorsqu’on réimplante du Si à proximité de l’interface amorphe/cristal. Après amorphisation et traitement thermique à 650°C pendant 5s de la couche a-Si crée par implantation ionique, une partie a été réimplantée. Les défauts produits par auto-réimplantation à 0.7MeV se trouvent à (302±9) nm de l’interface initiale. Cela nous a permis d’étudier d’avantage la variation initiale de la vitesse SPE (Épitaxie en phase solide). Avec des recuit identiques de 4h à 500°C, nous avons déterminé les positions successives des interfaces et en déduit les taux de cristallisation SPE. La cristallisation débute à l’interface et continue graduellement vers la surface. Après le premier recuit, (252±11) nm s’est recristallisé dans la zone réimplantée soit un avancement SPE de 1.26x10^18at./cm2. Cette valeur est environ 1.50 fois plus importante que celle dans l’état relaxé. Nous suggérons que la présence de défauts à proximité de l’interface a stimulé la vitesse initiale. Avec le nombre de recuit, l’écart entre les vitesses diminue, les deux régions se cristallisent presque à la même vitesse. Les mesures Raman prises avant le SPE et après chaque recuit ont permis de quantifier l’état de relaxation de l’a-Si et le transfert de l’état dé-relaxé à relaxé.


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La synthèse de siliciures métalliques sous la forme de films ultra-minces demeure un enjeu majeur en technologie CMOS. Le contrôle du budget thermique, afin de limiter la diffusion des dopants, est essentiel. Des techniques de recuit ultra-rapide sont alors couramment utilisées. Dans ce contexte, la technique de nanocalorimétrie est employée afin d'étudier, in situ, la formation en phase solide des siliciures de Ni à des taux de chauffage aussi élevés que 10^5 K/s. Des films de Ni, compris entre 9.3 et 0.3 nm sont déposés sur des calorimètres avec un substrat de a-Si ou de Si(100). Des mesures de diffraction de rayons X, balayées en température à 3 K/s, permettent de comparer les séquences de phase obtenues à bas taux de chauffage sur des échantillons de contrôle et à ultra-haut taux de chauffage sur les calorimètres. En premier lieu, il est apparu que l'emploi de calorimètres de type c-NC, munis d'une couche de 340 nm de Si(100), présente un défi majeur : un signal endothermique anormal vient fausser la mesure à haute température. Des micro-défauts au sein de la membrane de SiNx créent des courts-circuits entre la bande chauffante de Pt du calorimètre et l'échantillon métallique. Ce phénomène diminue avec l'épaisseur de l'échantillon et n'a pas d'effet en dessous de 400 °C tant que les porteurs de charge intrinsèques au Si ne sont pas activés. Il est possible de corriger la mesure de taux de chaleur en fonction de la température avec une incertitude de 12 °C. En ce qui a trait à la formation des siliciures de Ni à ultra-haut taux de chauffage, l'étude montre que la séquence de phase est modifiée. Les phases riches en m étal, Ni2Si et théta, ne sont pas détectées sur Si(100) et la cinétique de formation favorise une amorphisation en phase solide en début de réaction. Les enthalpies de formation pour les couches de Ni inférieures à 10 nm sont globalement plus élevées que dans le cas volumique, jusqu' à 66 %. De plus, les mesures calorimétriques montrent clairement un signal endothermique à haute température, témoignant de la compétition que se livrent la réaction de phase et l'agglomération de la couche. Pour les échantillons recuits a 3 K/s sur Si(100), une épaisseur critique telle que décrite par Zhang et Luo, et proche de 4 nm de Ni, est supposée. Un modèle est proposé, basé sur la difficulté de diffusion des composants entre des grains de plus en plus petits, afin d'expliquer la stabilité accrue des couches de plus en plus fines. Cette stabilité est également observée par nanocalorimétrie à travers le signal endothermique. Ce dernier se décale vers les hautes températures quand l'épaisseur du film diminue. En outre, une 2e épaisseur critique, d'environ 1 nm de Ni, est remarquée. En dessous, une seule phase semble se former au-dessus de 400 °C, supposément du NiSi2.


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The thesis provides an overall review and introduction to amorphous semiconductors, followed by a brief discussion on the important structural models proposed for chalcogenide glasses and their electrical, optional and thermal properties. It also gives a brief description of the Physics of thin films, ion implantation and Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy. A brief description of the experimental setup of a photothermal deflection spectrometer and the details of the preparation and optical characterization of the thin film samples. It deals with the employment of the subgap optional absorption measurement by PDS to characterize the defects, amorphization and annealing behavior in silicon implanted with B+ ions and the profiles of ion range and vacancy distribution obtained by the TRIM simulation. It reports the results of all absorption measurements by PDS in nitrogen implanted thin film samples of Ge-Se and As-Se systems


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Swift heavy ion induced changes in microstructure and surface morphology of vapor deposited Fe–Ni based metallic glass thin films have been investigated by using atomic force microscopy, X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy. Ion beam irradiation was carried out at room temperature with 103 MeV Au9+ beam with fluences ranging from 3 1011 to 3 1013 ions/cm2. The atomic force microscopy images were subjected to power spectral density analysis and roughness analysis using an image analysis software. Clusters were found in the image of as-deposited samples, which indicates that the film growth is dominated by the island growth mode. As-deposited films were amorphous as evidenced from X-ray diffraction; however, high resolution transmission electron microscopy measurements revealed a short range atomic order in the samples with crystallites of size around 3 nm embedded in an amorphous matrix. X-ray diffraction pattern of the as-deposited films after irradiation does not show any appreciable changes, indicating that the passage of swift heavy ions stabilizes the short range atomic ordering, or even creates further amorphization. The crystallinity of the as-deposited Fe–Ni based films was improved by thermal annealing, and diffraction results indicated that ion beam irradiation on annealed samples results in grain fragmentation. On bombarding annealed films, the surface roughness of the films decreased initially, then, at higher fluences it increased. The observed change in surface morphology of the irradiated films is attributed to the interplay between ion induced sputtering, volume diffusion and surface diffusion


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Nickel cyanide is a layered material showing markedly anisotropic behaviour. High-pressure neutron diffraction measurements show that at pressures up to 20.1 kbar, compressibility is much higher in the direction perpendicular to the layers, c, than in the plane of the strongly chemically bonded metal-cyanide sheets. Detailed examination of the behaviour of the tetragonal lattice parameters, a and c, as a function of pressure reveal regions in which large changes in slope occur, for example, in c(P) at 1 kbar. The experimental pressure dependence of the volume data is fitted to a bulk modulus, B0, of 1050 (20) kbar over the pressure range 0–1 kbar, and to 124 (2) kbar over the range 1–20.1 kbar. Raman spectroscopy measurements yield additional information on how the structure and bonding in the Ni(CN)2 layers change with pressure and show that a phase change occurs at about 1 kbar. The new high-pressure phase, (Phase PII), has ordered cyanide groups with sheets of D4h symmetry containing Ni(CN)4 and Ni(NC)4 groups. The Raman spectrum of phase PII closely resembles that of the related layered compound, Cu1/2Ni1/2(CN)2, which has previously been shown to contain ordered C≡N groups. The phase change, PI to PII, is also observed in inelastic neutron scattering studies which show significant changes occurring in the phonon spectra as the pressure is raised from 0.3 to 1.5 kbar. These changes reflect the large reduction in the interlayer spacing which occurs as Phase PI transforms to Phase PII and the consequent increase in difficulty for out-of-plane atomic motions. Unlike other cyanide materials e.g. Zn(CN)2 and Ag3Co(CN)6, which show an amorphization and/or a decomposition at much lower pressures (~100 kbar), Ni(CN)2 can be recovered after pressurising to 200 kbar, albeit in a more ordered form.


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Ta-Cu bulk composites combine high mechanical resistance of the Ta with high electrical and thermal conductivity of the Cu. These are important characteristics to electrical contacts, microwave absorber and heat skinks. However, the low wettability of Ta under Cu liquid and insolubility mutual these elements come hard sintering this composite. High-energy milling (HEM) produces composite powders with high homogeneity and refines the grain size. This work focus to study Ta-20wt%Cu composite powders prepared by mechanical mixture and HEM with two different conditions of milling in a planetary ball mill and then their sintering using hydrogen plasma furnace and a resistive vacuum furnace. After milling, the powders were pressed in a steel dye at a pressure of 200 MPa. The cylindrical samples pressed were sintered by resistive vacuum furnace at 10-4torr with a sintering temperature at 1100ºC / 60 minutes and with heat rate at 10ºC/min and were sintered by plasma furnace with sintering temperatures at 550, 660 and 800ºC without isotherm under hydrogen atmosphere with heat rate at 80ºC/min. The characterizations of the powders produced were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), x-ray diffraction (XRD) and laser granulometry. After the sintering the samples were analyzed by SEM, XRD and density and mass loss tests. The results had shown that to high intense milling condition produced composite particles with shorter milling time and amorphization of both phases after 50 hours of milling. The composite particles can produce denser structure than mixed powders, if heated above the Cu melting point. After the Cu to arrive in the melting point, liquid copper leaves the composite particles and fills the pores


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Ultrafine PbZr0.20Ti0.80O3 was omorphized through high-energy mechanical milling. The structural evolution through the omorphization process was accompanied by various characterization techniques, such as X-ray diffraction, Fourier-transformed IR spectroscopy (FTIR), high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM), and Raman spectroscopy. A strong photoluminescence was measured at room temperature for amorphized PbZr0.20Ti0.80O3, and interpreted by means of high-level quantum mechanical calculations in the density functional theory frame-work. Three periodic models were used to represent the crystalline and amorphized PbZr0.20Ti0.80O3, and they allowed the calculation of electronic properties that are consistent with the experimental data and that explain the appearance of photoluminescence.


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The formation of an ordered (crystalline) phase during isothermal sintering of SnO2 monolithic xerogels, at 200, 250, 300, 400, 500, 600 and 700°C, has been analyzed by the combined use of EXAFS and XRD techniques. For the desiccated gel (110°C), EXAFS results show the formation of small microcrystallites with the incipient cassiterite structure. Between 110 and 250°C, the dehydratation reaction leads to an amorphization evidenced by a decrease of the long and short range crystallographic order. It is due to fissure formation in the xerogel network. For higher temperatures, a continuous coagulation of the crystallites occurs, leading to grain growth. Grain and pore growth obeys the same kinetic relation, so that the microstructure grows by simple enlargement while its morphology is static.


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Measurements of 1H Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) relaxation times, Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) and AC Impedance Spectroscopy (IS) are reported for composites based on PEO8:LiClO4 and carbon black (CB), prepared by two methods: solvent and fusion processing. Three nuclear relaxation processes were identified for 1H nuclei: (i) belonging to the polymer chains in the amorphous phase, loosely bound to the CB particles, whose dynamics is almost the same as for unfilled polymer, (ii) belonging to the polymer chains which are tightly attached to the CB particles, and (iii) belonging to the crystalline phase in the loose polymer chain. The paramagnetic electronic susceptibility of the composite samples, measured by EPR, was interpreted by assuming a contribution of localized spin states that follow a Curie law, and a Pauli-like contribution of delocalized spins. A significant change of the EPR linewidth was observed at 40 K, which is the temperature where the Curie and Pauli susceptibilities equally contribute to the paramagnetic electronic susceptibility. The electrical properties are very sensitive to the preparation methods of the composites, which conditions the interaction between carbon particle-carbon particle and carbon particle-polymer chain. Classical statistic models to describe the conductivity in these media were not satisfactory. © 1998 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sedimentos argilosos provenientes do município Assis Brasil, Acre, foram lixiviados com soluções de ácido sulfúrico, ácido húmico e uréia, visando avaliar a capacidade de retenção de molibdato nesses materiais e investigar a viabilidade do processo de adsorção na interface sólido-solução. Os materiais foram caracterizados a partir de dados de difração de raios X, espectros FTIR, cargas superficiais e composição química. Os modelos de isotermas de Langmuir, Freundlich e Sips foram usados no ajuste dos dados experimentais de adsorção. Os minerais identificados nos sedimentos argilosos foram esmectita, caulinita, ilita, quartzo, albita, microclineo e calcita. A modificação química promoveu a amorfização da amostra modificada com ácido sulfúrico e delaminação ao longo do plano 001 da amostra modificada com uréia. Os ajustes matemáticos definidos pelos parâmetros (KL,Kf) das isotermas de adsorção, avaliação de Ce vs. Qe, pH vs. Qe ,Qmáx (sips) e Kd indicaram que a amostra S10H15 é a mais eficiente na adsorção de MoO42-, com qMax = 6,83 mg.L-1.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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PTFE foils were irradiated with different ion beams (Xe, Au and U) with energies up to 1.5 GeV and fluences between 1 x 10(8) and 1 x 10(13) ions/cm(2) at room temperature. The induced modifications in the polymer were analyzed by FTIR, UV-Vis spectroscopy, and XRD. In the FTIR spectra, the CF2 degradation accompanied by the formation of CF3 terminal and side groups were observed. In the UV-Vis spectra, the observed increase in the absorption at UV wavelengths is an indication of polymer carbonization. From XRD, the amorphization of the material was evidenced by the decrease in the intensity of the main diffraction peak. An exponential fit of the intensity of the IR absorption peaks resulted in the following values: 2.9 +/- 0.8; 4.5 +/- 0.9 and 5.6 +/- 0.8 nm for the latent track radius after irradiation with Xe, Au and U beams, respectively. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A combination of an extension of the topological instability "λ criterion" and the "average electronegativity" has been recently reported in the literature to predict compositions with high glass-forming ability (GFA). In the present work, both criteria have been applied to select the Ni61.0Nb36.0B3 alloy with a high glass-forming ability. Ingots were prepared by arc-melting and were used to produce ribbons processed by the melt-spinning technique further characterized by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The Ni61.0Nb36.0B3 alloy revealed a complete amorphization and supercooled liquid region ΔTx = 68 K. In addition, wedge-shaped samples were prepared using copper mold casting in order to determine the critical thickness for amorphous formation. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) revealed that fully amorphous samples could be obtained, reaching up to ~800 µm in thickness.