121 resultados para Amblyomma cajennense


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This study examined salivary glands of unfed, partially engorged, and engorged females of the tick Amblyomma cajennense on rabbits at first infestation using histological and histochemical techniques. In type I acini, no significant changes were observed among the three feeding conditions. In type II acini of unfed females, c1, c2, and c4 cells were described for the first time in this species. In a comparison among the three feeding conditions, an increase in this acinus was observed, due to the increase in secretion in c1, c2, and c4 cells and the appearance of c3 cells. In engorged females, some cells were still active. Type III acini presented cells d, e, and f containing secretion in unfed females. In partially engorged females, these cells were devoid of secretion. In engorged females, type III acini exhibited a reduced lumen. After engorgement, all acini underwent a degenerative process, as observed in females after two to five days post-engorgement.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Since host immune reaction to ticks interferes with tick-borne pathogen transmission, it is important to recognize naturally occurring tick-host immune relationships to better understand the epidemiology of such infectious diseases. Amblyomma cajennense is an important tick-borne disease vector in the Neotropical region and horses maintain it in domestic environments. In the present work intradermal testing of A. cajennense tick exposed horses and donkeys using crude tick antigens was used to evaluate the type of hypersensitivity induced by infestations. Animals sensitized by A. cajennense infestation displayed an immediate hypersensitivity reaction at the antigen inoculation site. Foals sensitized with experimental infestations and field sensitized horses presented the most intense reactions (40% of ear thickness increase). Field sensitized donkeys presented less intense reaction reaching no more than 22% of mean thickness increase. Control horses (non-sensitized) had the least intense reaction, with a peak of no more 12% of increase. The presence of a prominent immediate hypersensitivity in equids sensitized experimentally or by field infestations indicates that A. cajennense ticks induce in this host an immune response that is associated with IgE production and which is known to be inappropriate against intracellular pathogens. Differences observed between horses and donkeys are discussed.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Os carrapatos são ectoparasitas hematófagos de grande importância epidemiológica, pois são vetores de muitos patógenos. Esses animais pertencem ao Filo Arthropoda, Classe Arachnida, Subclasse Acari, são classificados em três famílias: Ixodidae, Argasidae e Nutalliellidae, apresentam ampla distribuição geográfica e podem parasitar grande variedade de vertebrados, inclusive o homem. O carrapato da espécie Amblyomma cajennense, popularmente conhecido como carrapato-estrela, carrapato do cavalo ou rodoleiro, tem grande importância médica por ser vetor da bactéria Rickettsia rickettsii, causadora da febre maculosa brasileira (FMB), que pode levar o hospedeiro a óbito. Apesar das crescentes pesquisas com esses animais, ainda existem lacunas na literatura acerca de alguns de seus processos reprodutivos. Dessa forma, esse trabalho teve por objetivo estudar o desenvolvimento dos testículos dessa espécie por meio da descrição da morfologia e histologia dos testículos de indivíduos em jejum e alimentados, identificando a dinâmica do processo de espermatogênese e se a alimentação influencia nesse processo. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os testículos são estruturas pares e tubulares arranjadas dorsolateralmente no opistossoma, sendo que a região proximal está conectada às vesículas seminais pelos ductos deferentes, semelhante ao observado em outras espécies de ixodídeos. Associado ao aparelho genital masculino encontra-se um complexo de glândulas acessórias multilobuladas. Foi constatado que a alimentação tem papel fundamental no desenvolvimento do sistema reprodutor, visto que nos indivíduos em jejum as vesículas seminais e o complexo de glândulas acessórias foram menores e menos desenvolvidos do que nos animais alimentados. Além disso, as espermátides alongadas, precursoras dos espermatozoides no trato reprodutor... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In general, hosts develop resistance to ticks after repeated infestations; nevertheless, several studies on naturally occurring host-tick interactions were unable to detect resistance of hosts to ticks even after repeated infestations. The purpose of this investigation was to study the type of cutaneous hypersensitivity to unfed nymphal extract of A. cajennense in dogs, which, unlike guinea pigs, do not develop resistance. A first, but no second, peak in skin reaction was observed, suggesting that cellular immunity is an important mechanism of resistance to ticks. This may partially explain why guinea pigs, but not dogs, develop resistance against ticks.


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Ticks have long been regarded as constraints to humans and domestic animals, but hosts often develop resistance to ticks after repeated infestations. The purpose of this investigation was to study the possible acquisition of immunity in domestic dogs to nymphs of A. cajennense by determining the tick alimentary performance after successive controlled infestations. Mean engorged weight of nymphs was not significantly different among the three infestations; molting rate from nymph to adult ticks, and the percentage of nymph recovery were also very close in all infestations. These results are similar to those obtained in studies of the dog-adult Rhipicephalus sanguineus interface. It is concluded that domestic dogs do not develop resistance against nymphs of A. cajennense ticks.


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In the laboratory, Amblyomma cajennense (Acari: Ixodidae) (Fabricius) larvae, nymphs and adults were exposed to Rickettsia rickettsii by feeding on needle-inoculated animals, and thereafter reared on uninfected guinea pigs or rabbits. Regardless of the tick stage that acquired the infection, subsequent tick stages were shown to be infected (confirming transstadial and transovarial transmissions) and were able to transmit R. rickettsii to uninfected animals, as demonstrated by serological and molecular analyses. However, the larval, nymphal and adult stages of A. cajennense were shown to be partially refractory to R. rickettsii infection, as in all cases, only part of the ticks became infected by this agent, after being exposed to rickettsemic animals. In addition, less than 50% of the infected engorged females transmitted rickettsiae transovarially, and when they did so, only part of the offspring became infected, indicating that vertical transmission alone is not enough to maintain R. rickettsii in A. cajennense for multiple generations. Finally, the R. rickettsii-infected tick groups had lower reproductive performance than the uninfected control group. Our results indicate that A. cajennense have a low efficiency to maintain R. rickettsii for successive generations, as R. rickettsii-infection rates should decline drastically throughout the successive tick generations.


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Brazilian spotted fever (BSF), caused by the bacterium Rickettsia rickettsii, is the deadliest spotted fever of the world. In most of the BSF-endemic areas, capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris) are the principal host for the tick Amblyomma cajennense, which is the main vector of BSF. In 2012, a BSF case was confirmed in a child that was bitten by ticks in a residential park area inhabited by A. cajennense-infested capybaras in Itú municipality, southeastern Brazil. Host questing A. cajennense adult ticks were collected in the residential park and brought alive to the laboratory, where they were macerated and intraperitoneally inoculated into guinea pigs. A tick-inoculated guinea pig that presented high fever was euthanized and its internal organs were macerated and inoculated into additional guinea pigs (guinea pig passage). Tissue samples from guinea pig passages were also used to inoculate Vero cells through the shell vial technique. Infected cells were used for molecular characterization of the rickettsial isolate through PCR and DNA sequencing of fragments of three rickettsial genes (gltA, ompA, and ompB). Blood serum samples were collected from 172 capybaras that inhabited the residential park. Sera were tested through the immunofluorescence assay using R. rickettsii antigen. A tick-inoculated guinea pig presented high fever accompanied by scrotal reactions (edema and marked redness). These signs were reproduced by consecutive guinea pig passages. Rickettsia was successfully isolated in Vero cells that were inoculated with brain homogenate derived from a 3rd passage-febrile guinea pig. Molecular characterization of this rickettsial isolate (designated as strain ITU) yielded DNA sequences that were all 100% identical to corresponding sequences of R. rickettsii in Genbank. A total of 83 (48.3%) out of 172 capybaras were seroreactive to R. rickettsii, with endpoint titers ranging from 64 to 8192. A viable isolate of R. rickettsii was obtained from the tick A. cajennense, comprising the first viable R. rickettsi isolate from this tick species during the last 60 years. Nearly half of the capybara population of the residential park was seroreactive to R. rickettsii, corroborating the findings that the local A. cajennense population was infected by R. rickettsii.


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Ticks are classified into three families: Argasidae, Ixodidae, and Nutalliellidae. The taxonomy and phylogeny within Ixodidae are still discussed by the specialists, thus requiring further studies. Amblyomma cajennese and Amblyomma aureolatum (Brazil) belong to two species complexes known as “cajennese” and “ovale”, respectively, and are directly related to the transmission of the Brazilian spotted fever. This confirms the medical and veterinary significance of these species, as well as the need for further morphological studies that will bring a better understanding of their taxonomy, phylogeny, and control. In this context, the present study aimed to characterize the morphology of the male reproductive system of A. cajennese and A. aureolatum when unfed and after 4 days of feeding, thereby seeking to: (a) distinguish the two species or “complexes”, and (b) study an internal system which has the potential to be targeted by acaricides. Therefore, males from both species (unfed and after 4 days of feeding) were cold-anesthetized, dissected, and had their reproductive systems removed for histological analysis. The results showed that the morphology of the male reproductive system is generally similar between both species, like in other Ixodidae ticks, exhibiting a multilobed accessory gland complex related to seminal fluid secretion, a pair of vasa deferentia and a pair of testes housing germ cells (spermatocytes) in different stages. The main differences were found in the development of the accessory gland complex cells and germ cells, showing that the maturation of the male reproductive system starts later in A. aureolatum, when compared to A. cajennese. However, during the blood meal, A. aureolatum development is increased, thus making germ cell maturation and gland complex activity higher than in A. cajennese. This study shows the differences in the development of the male reproductive systems of both species, while providing information that can assist in the establishment of new control methods.


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A reassessment of the taxonomic status of Amblyomma cajennense based on the morphological analyses of ticks from the whole distribution area of the species resulted in the redescription of A. cajennense, the validation of 2 species which had been reduced to synonymy in the past, Amblyomma mixtum and Amblyomma sculptum, and the description and definition of 3 new species, Amblyomma tonelliae n. sp., Amblyomma interandinum n. sp., and Amblyomma patinoi n. sp. This study provides descriptions and redescriptions, scanning electron microscopic and stereomicroscopic images, updated synonymies, information on geographical distributions, and host associations for each of the 6 species. Amblyomma cajennense s.s. is found in the Amazonian region of South America, A. interandinum is reported from the northern part of the Inter-Andean valley of Peru, A. mixtum is present from Texas (U.S.A.) to western Ecuador, A. patinoi occurs in the Eastern Cordillera of Colombia, A. tonelliae is associated with the dry areas of the Chaco region which spans from central-northern Argentina to Bolivia and Paraguay, whereas A. sculptum is distributed from the humid areas of northern Argentina, to the contiguous regions of Bolivia and Paraguay and the coastal and central-western states of Brazil.