985 resultados para Ambient vibration test


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The reliability of the printed circuit board assembly under dynamic environments, such as those found onboard airplanes, ships and land vehicles is receiving more attention. This research analyses the dynamic characteristics of the printed circuit board (PCB) supported by edge retainers and plug-in connectors. By modelling the wedge retainer and connector as providing simply supported boundary condition with appropriate rotational spring stiffnesses along their respective edges with the aid of finite element codes, accurate natural frequencies for the board against experimental natural frequencies are obtained. For a PCB supported by two opposite wedge retainers and a plug-in connector and with its remaining edge free of any restraint, it is found that these real supports behave somewhere between the simply supported and clamped boundary conditions and provide a percentage fixity of 39.5% more than the classical simply supported case. By using an eigensensitivity method, the rotational stiffnesses representing the boundary supports of the PCB can be updated effectively and is capable of representing the dynamics of the PCB accurately. The result shows that the percentage error in the fundamental frequency of the PCB finite element model is substantially reduced from 22.3% to 1.3%. The procedure demonstrated the effectiveness of using only the vibration test frequencies as reference data when the mode shapes of the original untuned model are almost identical to the referenced modes/experimental data. When using only modal frequencies in model improvement, the analysis is very much simplified. Furthermore, the time taken to obtain the experimental data will be substantially reduced as the experimental mode shapes are not required.In addition, this thesis advocates a relatively simple method in determining the support locations for maximising the fundamental frequency of vibrating structures. The technique is simple and does not require any optimisation or sequential search algorithm in the analysis. The key to the procedure is to position the necessary supports at positions so as to eliminate the lower modes from the original configuration. This is accomplished by introducing point supports along the nodal lines of the highest possible mode from the original configuration, so that all the other lower modes are eliminated by the introduction of the new or extra supports to the structure. It also proposes inspecting the average driving point residues along the nodal lines of vibrating plates to find the optimal locations of the supports. Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate its validity. By applying to the PCB supported on its three sides by two wedge retainers and a connector, it is found that a single point constraint that would yield maximum fundamental frequency is located at the mid-point of the nodal line, namely, node 39. This point support has the effect of increasing the structure's fundamental frequency from 68.4 Hz to 146.9 Hz, or 115% higher.


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Switched reluctance motors (SRMs) are gaining in popularity because of their robustness, low cost, and excellent high-speed characteristics. However, they are known to cause vibration and noise primarily due to the radial pulsating force resulting from their double-saliency structure. This paper investigates the effect of skewing the stator and/or rotor on the vibration reduction of the three-phase SRMs by developing four 12/8-pole SRMs, including a conventional SRM, a skewed rotor-SRM (SR-SRM), a skewed stator-SRM (SS-SRM), and a skewed stator and rotor-SRM (SSR-SRM). The radial force distributed on the stator yoke under different skewing angles is extensively studied by the finite-element method and experimental tests on the four prototypes. The inductance and torque characteristics of the four motors are also compared, and a control strategy by modulating the turn-ON and turn-OFF angles for the SR-SRM and the SS-SRM are also presented. Furthermore, experimental results validate the numerical models and the effectiveness of the skewing in reducing the motor vibration. Test results also suggest that skewing the stator is more effective than skewing the rotor in the SRMs.


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The effect of isothermal aging on the harmonic vibration durability of Sn3.0Ag0.5Cu solder interconnects is examined. Printed wiring assemblies with daisy-chained leadless chip resistors (LCRs) are aged at 125°C for 0, 100, and 500 hours. These assemblies are instrumented with accelerometers and strain gages to maintain the same harmonic vibration profile in-test, and to characterize PWB behavior. The tested assemblies are excited at their first natural frequencies until LCRs show a resistance increase of 20%. Dynamic finite element models are employed to generate strain transfer functions, which relate board strain levels observed in-test to respective solder strain levels. The transfer functions are based on locally averaged values of strains in critical regions of the solder and in appropriate regions of the PWB. The vibration test data and the solder strains from FEA are used to estimate lower-bound material fatigue curves for SAC305 solder materials, as a function of isothermal pre-aging.


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Fatigue damage in the connections of single mast arm signal support structures is one of the primary safety concerns because collapse could result from fatigue induced cracking. This type of cantilever signal support structures typically has very light damping and excessively large wind-induced vibration have been observed. Major changes related to fatigue design were made in the 2001 AASHTO LRFD Specification for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaries, and Traffic Signals and supplemental damping devices have been shown to be promising in reducing the vibration response and thus fatigue load demand on mast arm signal support structures. The primary objective of this study is to investigate the effectiveness and optimal use of one type of damping devices termed tuned mass damper (TMD) in vibration response mitigation. Three prototype single mast arm signal support structures with 50-ft, 60-ft, and 70-ft respectively are selected for this numerical simulation study. In order to validate the finite element models for subsequent simulation study, analytical modeling of static deflection response of mast arm of the signal support structures was performed and found to be close to the numerical simulation results from beam element based finite element model. A 3-DOF dynamic model was then built using analytically derived stiffness matrix for modal analysis and time history analysis. The free vibration response and forced (harmonic) vibration response of the mast arm structures from the finite element model are observed to be in good agreement with the finite element analysis results. Furthermore, experimental test result from recent free vibration test of a full-scale 50-ft mast arm specimen in the lab is used to verify the prototype structure’s fundamental frequency and viscous damping ratio. After validating the finite element models, a series of parametric study were conducted to examine the trend and determine optimal use of tuned mass damper on the prototype single mast arm signal support structures by varying the following parameters: mass, frequency, viscous damping ratio, and location of TMD. The numerical simulation study results reveal that two parameters that influence most the vibration mitigation effectiveness of TMD on the single mast arm signal pole structures are the TMD frequency and its viscous damping ratio.


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Ambient mechanical vibrations offer an attractive solution for powering the wireless sensor nodes of the emerging "Internet-of-Things". However, the wide-ranging variability of the ambient vibration frequencies pose a significant challenge to the efficient transduction of vibration into usable electrical energy. This work reports the development of a MEMS electromagnetic vibration energy harvester where the resonance frequency of the oscillator can be adjusted or tuned to adapt to the ambient vibrational frequency. Micro-fabricated silicon spring and double layer planar micro-coils along with sintered NdFeB micro-magnets are used to construct the electromagnetic transduction mechanism. Furthermore, another NdFeB magnet is adjustably assembled to induce variable magnetic interaction with the transducing magnet, leading to significant change in the spring stiffness and resonance frequency. Finite element analysis and numerical simulations exhibit substantial frequency tuning range (25% of natural resonance frequency) by appropriate adjustment of the repulsive magnetic interaction between the tuning and transducing magnet pair. This demonstrated method of frequency adjustment or tuning have potential applications in other MEMS vibration energy harvesters and micromechanical oscillators.


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Operational modal analysis (OMA) is prevalent in modal identifi cation of civil structures. It asks for response measurements of the underlying structure under ambient loads. A valid OMA method requires the excitation be white noise in time and space. Although there are numerous applications of OMA in the literature, few have investigated the statistical distribution of a measurement and the infl uence of such randomness to modal identifi cation. This research has attempted modifi ed kurtosis to evaluate the statistical distribution of raw measurement data. In addition, a windowing strategy employing this index has been proposed to select quality datasets. In order to demonstrate how the data selection strategy works, the ambient vibration measurements of a laboratory bridge model and a real cable-stayed bridge have been respectively considered. The analysis incorporated with frequency domain decomposition (FDD) as the target OMA approach for modal identifi cation. The modal identifi cation results using the data segments with different randomness have been compared. The discrepancy in FDD spectra of the results indicates that, in order to fulfi l the assumption of an OMA method, special care shall be taken in processing a long vibration measurement data. The proposed data selection strategy is easy-to-apply and verifi ed effective in modal analysis.


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The reduction in natural frequencies,however small, of a civil engineering structure, is the first and the easiest method of estimating its impending damage. As a first level screening for health-monitoring, information on the frequency reduction of a few fundamentalmodes can be used to estimate the positions and the magnitude of damage in a smeared fashion. The paper presents the Eigen value sensitivity equations, derived from first-order perturbation technique, for typical infra-structural systems like a simply supported bridge girder, modelled as a beam, an endbearing pile, modelled as an axial rod and a simply supported plate as a continuum dynamic system. A discrete structure, like a building frame is solved for damage using Eigen-sensitivity derived by a computationalmodel. Lastly, neural network based damage identification is also demonstrated for a simply supported bridge beam, where the known-pairs of damage-frequency vector is used to train a neural network. The performance of these methods under the influence of measurement error is outlined. It is hoped that the developed method could be integrated in a typical infra-structural management program, such that magnitudes of damage and their positions can be obtained using acquired natural frequencies, synthesized from the excited/ambient vibration signatures.


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A fiber coupled module is fabricated with integrating the emitting light from four laser diode bars into multimode fiber bundle. The continuous wave (CW) output power of the module is about 130 W with a coupling efficiency of around 80%. The output power is very stable after the temperature cycling and vibration test. No apparent power decrease has been observed as the device working continuously for 500 h.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado elaborado no Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil pelo Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa no âmbito do protocolo de cooperação ente o ISEL e o LNEC


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Dissertação de natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado elaborado no Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC) para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil pelo Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa no âmbito do protocolo de Cooperação entre o ISEL e o LNEC


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In dieser Arbeit wurde ein räumlich bewegter pneumatischer Mehrachsenprüfstand als spezielle mechanische Variante eines Parallelroboters entwickelt, im Labor aufgebaut und in Rechnersimulationen sowie in Laborexperimenten regelungstechnisch untersucht. Für diesen speziellen Parallelroboter MAP-RTS-6 wurden Regelalgorithmen, die mittels moderner Verfahren der linearen und nichtlinearen Regelungstheorie abgeleitet wurden, hinsichtlich ihrer praktischen Anwendbarkeit, Echtzeitfähigkeit und Qualität entwickelt, implementiert und überprüft. Mit diesen Regelalgorithmen ist der MAP-RTS-6 in der Lage, große räumliche Transienten schnell und präzise nachzufahren. Der MAP-RTS-6 wird in erster Linie als räumlicher Bewegungsmanipulator für große nichtlineare Transienten (Translationen und Rotationen), als räumlicher Vibrationsprüfstand für starre und flexible Prüfkörper unterschiedlicher Konfigurationen und als Mechanismus für die Implementierung und experimentelle Überprüfung unterschiedlicher Regelungs- und Identifikationsalgorithmen und Sicherheitskonzepte verwendet. Die Voraussetzung zum Betrieb des Mehrachsenprüfstands für unterschiedliche redundante Antriebskonfigurationen mit sieben und acht Antrieben MAP-RTS-7 und MAP-RTS-8 wurde in dieser Arbeit geschaffen. Dazu zählen die konstruktive Vorbereitung der Prüfstandsmechanik und Pneumatik zum Anschluss weiterer Antriebe, die Vorbereitung zusätzlicher I/O-Schnittstellen zur Prüfstandselektronik und zum Regelungssystem und die Ableitung von Algorithmen zur analytischen Arbeitsraumüberwachung für redundante Antriebskonfigurationen mit sieben und acht Antrieben.


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Die Untersuchung des dynamischen aeroelastischen Stabilitätsverhaltens von Flugzeugen erfordert sehr komplexe Rechenmodelle, welche die wesentlichen elastomechanischen und instationären aerodynamischen Eigenschaften der Konstruktion wiedergeben sollen. Bei der Modellbildung müssen einerseits Vereinfachungen und Idealisierungen im Rahmen der Anwendung der Finite Elemente Methode und der aerodynamischen Theorie vorgenommen werden, deren Auswirkungen auf das Simulationsergebnis zu bewerten sind. Andererseits können die strukturdynamischen Kenngrößen durch den Standschwingungsversuch identifiziert werden, wobei die Ergebnisse Messungenauigkeiten enthalten. Für eine robuste Flatteruntersuchung müssen die identifizierten Unwägbarkeiten in allen Prozessschritten über die Festlegung von unteren und oberen Schranken konservativ ermittelt werden, um für alle Flugzustände eine ausreichende Flatterstabilität sicherzustellen. Zu diesem Zweck wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit ein Rechenverfahren entwickelt, welches die klassische Flatteranalyse mit den Methoden der Fuzzy- und Intervallarithmetik verbindet. Dabei werden die Flatterbewegungsgleichungen als parameterabhängiges nichtlineares Eigenwertproblem formuliert. Die Änderung der komplexen Eigenlösung infolge eines veränderlichen Einflussparameters wird mit der Methode der numerischen Fortsetzung ausgehend von der nominalen Startlösung verfolgt. Ein modifizierter Newton-Iterations-Algorithmus kommt zur Anwendung. Als Ergebnis liegen die berechneten aeroelastischen Dämpfungs- und Frequenzverläufe in Abhängigkeit von der Fluggeschwindigkeit mit Unschärfebändern vor.


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Slab–girder structures composed of steel girder and reinforced concrete slab are widely used in buildings and bridges in the world. Their advantages are largely based on the composite action through the shear connection between slab and girder. In order to assess the integrity of this kind of structures, numerous vibration-based damage identification methods have been proposed. In this study, a scaled composite slab–girder model was constructed in the laboratory. Some removable shear connectors were specially designed and fabricated to connect the girder and slab that were cast separately. Then, a two-stage experiment including both static and vibration tests was performed. In the first stage, vibration tests were conducted under different damage scenarios, where a certain number of shear connectors at certain locations were removed step by step. In the second stage, two sets of hydraulic loading equipment were used to apply four-point static loads in the test. The loads are increased gradually until concrete slab cracked. The loading histories as well as deflections at different points of the beam are recorded. Vibration test was carried out before and after concrete cracking. Experimental results show that the changes of mode shapes and relative displacement between slab and girder may be two promising parameters for damage identification of slab–girder structures.