185 resultados para Amaranthus caudatus


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Se evaluó la incidencia del agregado de cloruros (Cl-) adicionado como NaCl, y de nitrógeno (N) como KNO3, sobre la producción de materia verde (MV), materia seca (MS) y contenido de nitratos (NO3 -) y Cl- en la parte aérea cosechada de Amaranthus tricolor L. El ensayo se realizó en el invernáculo de la Facultad de Agronomía, UNLPam., Santa Rosa, La Pampa, Argentina, en macetas que contenían 5 kg de suelo. Las dosis de fertilizante agregado en kg ha-1 fueron: 50 y 100 de N y 100, 200 y 300 de Cl-. Se realizaron todas las combinaciones posibles originando 12 tratamientos, incluido el testigo. Para el análisis estadístico se empleó ANOVA doble y los tests de Tukey y Tukey-Kramer. No se encontraron diferencias significativas para MS para ningún agregado. Tampoco se encontraron diferencias significativas en la producción de MV entre las dosis de N (N50 y N100) pero sí entre éstas y el testigo. No hubo diferencias entre las dosis de Cl- aplicadas para esta variable. Los NO3 - mostraron diferencias significativas frente a las distintas dosis de N, como así también entre las medias de los tratamientos con el agregado de Cl- y la no incorporación de éstos. Los valores promedio de NO3 - variaron entre 0,51 y 3,56% base seca (bs) y 445,4 y 2916,1 mg kg-1 fresco. Se encontraron diferencias significativas en el % Cl- (bs) frente a las diferentes dosis de NaCl adicionado. Bajo las condiciones del ensayo, los valores promedio de NO3 - se encuentran dentro de los límites establecidos por la Comunidad Económica Europea.


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Se han recopilado todos los trabajos de graduación desarrollados durante el periodo de 1990 al 2010 de los que se han elaborado un resumen del contenido más importante de cada uno de ellos. Se investigó la monografía de la planta de amaranto, donde se destacan sus aspectos agronómicos, requerimientos ambientales, la tasa de siembra y los fertilizantes utilizados; se hace referencia de la importancia del amaranto para la Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional de El Salvador. Se consultó en todas las bibliotecas de la Universidad de El Salvador las investigaciones realizadas con respecto al amaranto, se recopilaron y se siguió un formato con lossiguientes apartados: Titulo, Resumen, Introducción, Materiales y Métodos, Resultados y Discusión, Conclusiones, Recomendaciones y Bibliografía, con esto se pretendió que las personas interesadas reduzcan los tiempos de búsqueda de estas investigaciones. Se realizaron cuadros donde se enumeran las investigaciones ordenadas cronológicamente y por Facultad y se enlistaron los productos de mayor aceptación elaborados con amaranto y sus mezclas, cabe destacar que los alimentos preferidos son los que se elaboraron con mezclas de amaranto y otros cereales. Con esta recopilación se pretende dar a conocer las investigaciones que en la Universidad de El Salvador se han realizado en relación con el amaranto y que la Comisión de Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional de la Universidad de El Salvador (COSAN-UES) difunda la recopilación para favorecer la Seguridad Alimentaria y Nutricional (SAN) de la Comunidad Universitaria.


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Factors that determine the epidemiology of Tobacco yellow dwarf virus (TbYDV), including alternative host plants and insect vector(s), were assessed over three consecutive growing seasons at four field sites in Northeastern Victoria in commercial tobacco growing properties. In addition, these factors were assessed for one growing season at three bean growing properties. Overall, 23 leafhopper species were identified at the 7 sites, with Orosius orientalis as the predominant leafhopper. Of the leafhoppers collected, only O. orientalis and Anzygina zealandica tested positive for TbYDV by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The population dynamics of O. orientalis was assessed using sweep net sampling over three growing seasons and a trimodal distribution was observed. Despite large numbers of O. orientalis occurring early in the growing season (September–October), TbYDV was only detected in these leafhoppers between late November and end of January. The peaks in the detection of TbYDV in O. orientalis correlated with the observation of disease symptoms in tobacco and bean and were associated with warmer temperatures and lower rainfall. Spatial and temporal distribution of vegetation at selected sites was determined using quadrat sampling. Of the 40 plant species identified, TbYDV was detected only in four dicotyledonous species, Amaranthus retroflexus, Phaseolus vulgaris, Nicotiana tabacum and Raphanus raphanistrum. The proportion of host and non-host availability for leafhoppers was associated with climatic conditions.


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Tobacco yellow dwarf virus (TbYDV, family Geminiviridae, genus Mastrevirus) is an economically important pathogen causing summer death and yellow dwarf disease in bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.), respectively. Prior to the commencement of this project, little was known about the epidemiology of TbYDV, its vector and host-plant range. As a result, disease control strategies have been restricted to regular poorly timed insecticide applications which are largely ineffective, environmentally hazardous and expensive. In an effort to address this problem, this PhD project was carried out in order to better understand the epidemiology of TbYDV, to identify its host-plant and vectors as well as to characterise the population dynamics and feeding physiology of the main insect vector and other possible vectors. The host-plants and possible leafhopper vectors of TbYDV were assessed over three consecutive growing seasons at seven field sites in the Ovens Valley, Northeastern Victoria, in commercial tobacco and bean growing properties. Leafhoppers and plants were collected and tested for the presence of TbYDV by PCR. Using sweep nets, twenty-three leafhopper species were identified at the seven sites with Orosius orientalis the predominant leafhopper. Of the 23 leafhopper species screened for TbYDV, only Orosius orientalis and Anzygina zealandica tested positive. Forty-two different plant species were also identified at the seven sites and tested. Of these, TbYDV was only detected in four dicotyledonous species, Amaranthus retroflexus, Phaseolus vulgaris, Nicotiana tabacum and Raphanus raphanistrum. Using a quadrat survey, the temporal distribution and diversity of vegetation at four of the field sites was monitored in order to assess the presence of, and changes in, potential host-plants for the leafhopper vector(s) and the virus. These surveys showed that plant composition and the climatic conditions at each site were the major influences on vector numbers, virus presence and the subsequent occurrence of tobacco yellow dwarf and bean summer death diseases. Forty-two plant species were identified from all sites and it was found that sites with the lowest incidence of disease had the highest proportion of monocotyledonous plants that are non hosts for both vector and the virus. In contrast, the sites with the highest disease incidence had more host-plant species for both vector and virus, and experienced higher temperatures and less rainfall. It is likely that these climatic conditions forced the leafhopper to move into the irrigated commercial tobacco and bean crop resulting in disease. In an attempt to understand leafhopper species diversity and abundance, in and around the field borders of commercially grown tobacco crops, leafhoppers were collected from four field sites using three different sampling techniques, namely pan trap, sticky trap and sweep net. Over 51000 leafhopper samples were collected, which comprised 57 species from 11 subfamilies and 19 tribes. Twentythree leafhopper species were recorded for the first time in Victoria in addition to several economically important pest species of crops other than tobacco and bean. The highest number and greatest diversity of leafhoppers were collected in yellow pan traps follow by sticky trap and sweep nets. Orosius orientalis was found to be the most abundant leafhopper collected from all sites with greatest numbers of this leafhopper also caught using the yellow pan trap. Using the three sampling methods mentioned above, the seasonal distribution and population dynamics of O. orientalis was studied at four field sites over three successive growing seasons. The population dynamics of the leafhopper was characterised by trimodal peaks of activity, occurring in the spring and summer months. Although O. orientalis was present in large numbers early in the growing season (September-October), TbYDV was only detected in these leafhoppers between late November and the end of January. The peak in the detection of TbYDV in O. orientalis correlated with the observation of disease symptoms in tobacco and bean and was also associated with warmer temperatures and lower rainfall. To understand the feeding requirements of Orosius orientalis and to enable screening of potential control agents, a chemically-defined artificial diet (designated PT-07) and feeding system was developed. This novel diet formulation allowed survival for O. orientalis for up to 46 days including complete development from first instar through to adulthood. The effect of three selected plant derived proteins, cowpea trypsin inhibitor (CpTi), Galanthus nivalis agglutinin (GNA) and wheat germ agglutinin (WGA), on leafhopper survival and development was assessed. Both GNA and WGA were shown to reduce leafhopper survival and development significantly when incorporated at a 0.1% (w/v) concentration. In contrast, CpTi at the same concentration did not exhibit significant antimetabolic properties. Based on these results, GNA and WGA are potentially useful antimetabolic agents for expression in genetically modified crops to improve the management of O. orientalis, TbYDV and the other pathogens it vectors. Finally, an electrical penetration graph (EPG) was used to study the feeding behaviour of O. orientalis to provide insights into TbYDV acquisition and transmission. Waveforms representing different feeding activity were acquired by EPG from adult O. orientalis feeding on two plant species, Phaseolus vulgaris and Nicotiana tabacum and a simple sucrose-based artificial diet. Five waveforms (designated O1-O5) were observed when O. orientalis fed on P. vulgaris, while only four (O1-O4) and three (O1-O3) waveforms were observed during feeding on N. tabacum and the artificial diet, respectively. The mean duration of each waveform and the waveform type differed markedly depending on the food source. This is the first detailed study on the tritrophic interactions between TbYDV, its leafhopper vector, O. orientalis, and host-plants. The results of this research have provided important fundamental information which can be used to develop more effective control strategies not only for O. orientalis, but also for TbYDV and other pathogens vectored by the leafhopper.


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Weed management is one of the most important economic and agronomic issues facing farmers in Australia's grain regions. Weed species occurrence and abundance was monitored between 1997 and 2000 on 46 paddocks (sites) across 18 commercial farms located in the Northern Grain Region. The sites generally fell within 4 disjunct regions, from south to north: Liverpool Plains, Moree, Goondiwindi and Kingaroy. While high species richness was found (139 species or species groups), only 8 species occurred in all 4 regions and many (56 species) only occurred at 1 site or region. No species were observed at every site but 7 species (Sonchus spp., Avena spp., Conyza spp., Echinochloa spp., Convolvulus erubescens, Phalaris spp. and Lactuca serriola) were recorded on more than 70% of sites. The average number of species observed within crops after treatment and before harvest was less than 13. Species richness tended to be higher in winter pulse crops, cotton and in fallows, but overall was similar at the different sampling seasons (summer v. winter). Separate species assemblages associated with the Goondiwindi and Kingaroy regions were identified by correspondence analysis but these appeared to form no logical functional group. The species richness and density was generally low, demonstrating that farmers are managing weed populations effectively in both summer and winter cropping phases. Despite the apparent adoption of conservation tillage, an increase in opportunity cropping and the diversity of crops grown (13) there was no obvious effect of management practices on weed species richness or relative abundance. Avena spp. and Sonchus spp. were 2 of the most dominant weeds, particularly in central and southern latitudes of the region; Amaranthus spp. and Raphanus raphanistrum were the most abundant species in the northern part of the region. The ubiquity of these and other species shows that continued vigilance is required to suppress weeds as a management issue.


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Weed management practices in cotton systems that were based on frequent cultivation, residual herbicides, and some post-emergent herbicides have changed. The ability to use glyphosate as a knockdown before planting, in shielded sprayers, and now over-the-top in glyphosate-tolerant cotton has seen a significant reduction in the use of residual herbicides and cultivation. Glyphosate is now the dominant herbicide in both crop and fallow. This reliance increases the risk of shifts to glyphosate-tolerant species and the evolution of glyphosate-resistant weeds. Four surveys were undertaken in the 2008-09 and 2010-11 seasons. Surveys were conducted at the start of the summer cropping season (November-December) and at the end of the same season (March-April). Fifty fields previously surveyed in irrigated and non-irrigated cotton systems were re-surveyed. A major species shift towards Conyza bonariensis was observed. There was also a minor increase in the prevalence of Sonchus oleraceus. Several species were still present at the end of the season, indicating either poor control and/or late-season germinations. These included C. bonariensis, S. oleraceus, Hibiscus verdcourtii and Hibiscus tridactylites, Echinochloa colona, Convolvulus sp., Ipomea lonchophylla, Chamaesyce drummondii, Cullen sp., Amaranthus macrocarpus, and Chloris virgata. These species, with the exception of E. colona, H. verdcourtii, and H. tridactylites, have tolerance to glyphosate and therefore are likely candidates to either remain or increase in dominance in a glyphosate-based system.


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The occurrence of interstitial species in Astrebla grasslands in Australia are influenced by grazing and seasonal rainfall but the interactions of these two influences are complex. This paper describes three studies aimed at determining and explaining the changes in plant species richness and abundance of the interstitial species in a long-term sheep utilisation experiment in an Astrebla grassland in northern Queensland. In the first study, increasing utilisation increased the frequency of Dactyloctenium radulans (Button grass) and Brachyachne convergens (Downs couch) and reduced that of Streptoglossa adscendens (Mint bush). In the second study, seasonal rainfall variation between 1984 and 2009 resulted in large annual differences in the size of the seed banks of many species, but increasing utilisation consistently reduced the seed bank of species such as Astrebla spp. and S. adscendens and increased that of species such as B. convergens, D. radulans, Amaranthus mitchellii (Boggabri) and Boerhavia sp. (Tar vine). In the third study, the highest species richness occurred at the lightest utilisation because of the presence of a range of palatable forbs, especially legumes. Species richness was reduced as utilisation increased. Species richness in the grazing exclosure was low and similar to that at the heaviest utilisation where there was a reduction in the presence of palatable forb species. The pattern of highest species richness at the lightest grazing treatment was maintained across three sampling times, even with different amounts of seasonal rainfall, but there was a large yearly variation in both the density and frequency of many species. It was concluded that the maintenance of highest species richness at the lightest utilisation was not aligned with other data from this grazing experiment which indicated that the maximum sustainable wool production occurred at moderate utilisation.


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The parasitoid of solenopsis mealybug, namely Aenasius bambawalei, has been recorded for the first time in Emerald, Queensland, Australia. The parasitoid was found during a routine inspection of ratoons on the western side of Emerald on 27 November 2012. During a recent trip to Theodore, two casings of parasitized mealybugs (already hatched) were also found, one on pigweed [ Amaranthus] and one in the field on a cotton plant.


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Parthenium (Parthenium hysterophorus L.) is one of the most aggressive herbaceous weeds of the Asteraceae family. It is widely distributed, almost across the world and has become the most important invasive weed. Comprehensive information on interference and control of this devastating species is required to facilitate better management decisions. A broad review on the interference and management of this weed is presented here. Inspite of its non-tropical origin, parthenium grows quite successfully under a wide range of environmental conditions. It is spreading rapidly in Australia, Western Africa, Asia, and Caribbean countries, and has become a serious weed of pastures, wastelands, roadsides, railwaysides, water courses, and agricultural crops. The infestations of parthenium have been reported to reduce grain and forage yields by 40–90%. The spread of parthenium has been attributed to its allelopathic activity, strong competitiveness for soil moisture and nutrients, and its capability to exploit natural biodiversity. Allelochemicals released from parthenium has been reported to decrease germination and growth of agronomic crops, vegetables, trees, and many other weed species. Growth promoting effects of parthenium extracts at low concentrations have also been reported in certain crops. Many pre- and post-emergence herbicides have been evaluated for the control of parthenium in cropped and non-cropped areas. The most effective herbicides are clomazone, metribuzin, atrazine, glyphosate, metsulfuron methyl, butachlor, bentazone, dicamba, and metsulfuron methyl. Extracts, residues, and essential oils of many allelopathic herbs (Cassia, Amaranthus, and Xanthium species), grasses (Imperata and Desmostachya species), and trees (Eucalyptus, Azadirachta, Mangifera species, etc.) have demonstrated inhibitory activities on seed germination and seedling growth of parthenium. Metabolites of several fungi, e.g., Fusarium oxysporun and Fusarium monilifonne, exhibit bioherbicidal activity against seeds and seedlings of this weed. Intercropping, displacement by competitive plant species like Cassia species, bisset bluegrass, florgen blugress, buffelgrass, along with the use of biological control agents like Mexican beetle, seed-feeding and stem-boring weevils, stem-galling and leaf-mining moth, and sap-feeding plant hopper, have been reported as possible strategies for the management of parthenium. An appropriate integration of these approaches could help minimize spread of parthenium and provide sustainable weed management with reduced environmental concerns.


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Kasvit ovat kautta aikojen levinneet uusille elinpaikoille. Kasvin asettumista uuteen paikkaan voidaan tarkastella prosessina, jossa on erilaisia vaiheita ja eri vaiheissa eri tekijät ovat tärkeitä. Ilmasto ja erityisesti lämpötila vaikuttavat kasvien levinneisyyteen ja leviämiseen uusille paikoille ja siksi ilmaston lämpenemisen ennustetaan siirtävän kasvien levinneisyysalueita kohti pohjoista. On mahdollista, että Suomeenkin leviäisi etelämmästä muiden kasvien ohella haitallisia rikkakasvilajeja, kuten esimerkiksi viherrevonhäntä (Amaranthus retroflexus L.) ja kananhirssi (Echinochloa crus-galli L. Beauv.). Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, selviävätkö viherrevonhäntä ja kananhirssi Suomessa pelto-olosuhteissa ja pohtia niiden vakiintumisen ja leviämisen mahdollisuuksia. Toinen tarkoitus oli selvittää ilmaston lämpenemisen vaikutusta näiden rikkakasvien kasvuun. Tutkimus suoritettiin kenttä- sekä kasvihuonekokeena. Viherrevonhäntä kasvoi pellolla hyvin huolimatta myöhäisestä itämisestä, mutta kananhirssi iti ja kasvoi pellolla huonosti. Kasvihuoneessa molemmat kasvoivat hyvin. Kilpailu vähensi viherrevonhännän ja kananhirssin vegetatiivista kasvua vain kasvihuoneessa, mutta siementuottoon kilpailu vaikutti sekä kasvihuoneessa että pellolla. Kasvihuoneessa korkeampi lämpötila ei vaikuttanut viherrevonhännän tai kananhirssin vegetatiiviseen kasvuun, mutta viherrevonhännän siementuotto parani lämpimämmässä. Lämpötilalla ei ollut vaikutusta kananhirssin siementuotantoon. Tutkimuksen tuloksista voidaan päätellä, että viherrevonhäntä voi hyvinkin kasvaa Suomessa jo nykyisissä lämpötiloissa, mutta siementuotto ei välttämättä olisi varmaa. Viherrevonhäntä voisi näin ollen hyötyä tulevaisuuden pidemmästä kasvukaudesta. Kananhirssin osalta tulokset olivat ristiriitaiset ja ilmaston lämpenemisen vaikutuksia kananhirssiin on tämän tutkimuksen perusteella hankala arvioida.


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Con el objetivo de caracterizar la composición botánica de especies forrajera y no forrajera en sistemas de pastura de pasto estrella (Cynodon nlenfluencis), en la Hacienda Los Tercios, comarca Cofradía, km 16 ½ carretera Managua – Tipitapa, se realizó el presente trabajo. Para la ejecución del mismo y dada las posibilidades se seleccionaron dos condiciones, una con árboles y otra sin árboles, donde se realizó primeramente la determinación de la composición botánica, utilizando para ello el método del doble muestreo, simultáneamente se realizó la primera colecta de material vegetativo, el cual posteriormente fue identificado en el herbario de la UNA, herbario Nacional y a través de consultas con expertos en la materia (Botánicos). A cada una de las especies identificadas se les realizó fichas botánicas, que comprendieron nombre común, nombre científico, origen y distribución, características de las plantas, aptitudes forrajera y cuando fue posible si presentaba características anticualutativas o antinutricionales. Posteriormente se realizó una valoración técnica, para considerar el estado de dichas pasturas y las implicaciones económicas que estas podrían tener en manejo y recuperación. Se determinaron cuatro escenarios, 1) con árboles en el cerco; 2) con árboles en un 50%; 3) con árboles en un 75% y 4) con árboles en un 90%, registrándose coberturas vegetales que fluctuaron de 60 a 95%, y composición de las especies forrajeras en rangos similares. Se identificaron 16 familias, 25 géneros y 25 especies, dentro de los cuales destacaron por su mayor presencia las especies de escoba lisa (Sida cuta), bledo espinoso (Amaranthus espinosus), chilillo de gato (Achyranthes aspera), baba de culebra (Asclepia curasavica), flor amarilla (Melampodium divaricatum), dormilona (Mimosa pudica), espino de playa ( Phytecelobium dulce), catapanzas (Cucurbita spp), entre otras, también se considera como forajera a algunas especies leguminosa herbáceas como patito (Centrocema plumieri), centro (Centrocema pubescens), pega pega (Desmodium incatum, Desmodium spp), calopo (Calopogodium mucunoides; C. galactoides), Aeschynomene scabra y A. americana se observó una diversidad de especies, cuando existían árboles en el área de pasturas, minimizándose estas cuando no existían árboles. A través del análisis técnico – económico se determinó que los factores cobertura vegetal y porcentaje de malezas son de mucha importancia, en el manejo y productividad de las pasturas y que aun cuando se tenga pasturas de buen comportamiento productivo, se registran perdidas, lo cual indica que en las pasturas no todo es forrajero.


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Con el objetivo de caracterizar la composición botánica de especies forrajera y no forrajera en sistemas de pastura de pasto Brachiaria (Brachiaria brizantha), en la Hacienda Las Mercedes se ubicada en el km 10 de la carretera norte, contiguo al CARNIC, y Santa Rosa, ubicada de la Entrada a la Zona Franca 4 Km sur, del desvío a Sabana Grande 200 m Norte, 100 m Oeste. Se realizó el presente trabajo. Para la ejecución del mismo y dada las posibilidades se eleccionaron dos escenarios ambientales, una con árboles y otra sin árboles, donde se realizó primeramente la determinación de la composición botánica, utilizando para ello el método del doble muestreo, simultáneamente se realizó la primera colecta de material vegetativo, el cual posteriormente fue identificado en el herbario de la UNA, herbario Nacional y a través de consultas con expertos en la materia (Botánicos). A cada una de las especies identificadas se les realizó fichas botánicas, que comprendieron nombre común, nombre científico, origen y distribución, características de las plantas, aptitudes forrajera y cuando fue posible si presentaba Características anticualutativas o antinutricionales. Posteriormente se realizó una valoración técnica, para considerar el estado de dichas pasturas y las implicaciones económicas que estas podrían tener en manejo y recuperación. Registrándose coberturas vegetales que fluctuaron de 30 a 70%, y composición de las especies forrajeras en rangos similares. Se identificaron 23 familias, 43 géneros y 43 especies, dentro de los cuales destacaron por su mayor presencia las especies de escoba lisa (Sida cuta), bledo espinoso (Amaranthus espinosus, Melón amargo (Momordica charanthia, Cinco negritos ( Lantana camara), Flor amarilla (Baltimora recta), Añil Forrajero (Indigofera hirsuta), Grama de conejo (Oplismenus burmani)dormilona (Mimosa pudica), entre otras, también se considera como forrajera a algunas especies leguminosa herbáceas como patito (Centrocema plumieri), centro Chorreque (Vigna Vexillata), Zorrillo (Petiveria alliacea), Flor amarilla (Melampodium divaricatum) pega pega (priva lappulacea), chilillo de gato (Achyranthes aspera), se observó una diversidad de especies, cuando existían árboles en el área de pasturas, minimizándose estas cuando no existían árboles. A través del análisis técnico–económico se determinó que los factores cobertura vegetal y Porcentaje de malezas son de mucha importancia, en el manejo y productividad de las pasturas y que aun cuando se tenga pasturas de buen comportamiento productivo, se registran perdidas, lo cual indica que en las pasturas no todo es forrajero.


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El presente estudio se llevó a cabo de junio de 1992 a junio 1993 en áreas del Ingenio Javier Guerra, ubicado en el municipio de Nandaime, departamento de Granada, con el propósito de determinar la composición florística de las malezas que compiten en el cultivo de la caña de azúcar, el grado de cubrimiento y frecuencia de aparición de las mismas en general y por tipo de suelo. Para el estudio se seleccionaron siete lotes de producción representativos de las condiciones de suelo predominantes en las áreas cañeras. En cada lote de muestreo se seleccionaron de forma sistemática cinco puntos, los cuales estaban separados 200 metros el uno del otro. En cada una de las estaciones se anotaron por separado las malezas y el grado de cubrimiento, seleccionándose las especies con mayores distribuciones en base a la frecuencia y grado de cubrimiento promedio en total de sub-estaciones evaluados. El método utilizado fue el de observación visual, tomando como base los grados fijados en la escala de Braun-Blanquet (1964). Se realizó selección de especies de malezas que aparecieron en los tipos de suelo en estudio (TX a 3 III), (NNc IV), (AA a II), (VCa 4 IV), (TXa 2 II) y (Sta II). El análisis de los resultados se realizó de forma descriptiva, con el auxilio de Figuras y Tablas. Los resultados pueden ser resumidos de !a siguiente forma: se determinaron 79 especies de malezas, el 68.35 por ciento corresponden a dicotiledóneas y el 31.65 por ciento a monocotiledóneas. Se determinaron en total 24 familias de plantas, cuatro de las cuales pertenecen a la clase monocotiledóneas. Del total de monocotiledóneas, el 72 por ciento pertenecen a la familia poaceae Las especies de malezas pertenecientes a la clase dicotiledóneas presentaron un porcentaje superior en relación a las malezas monocotiledóneas. Del total de malezas dicotiledóneas el 14.8 por ciento corresponde a la familia asteraceae. La familia poaceae es la familia con mayor representación en número de especies presentes, ya que presenta 22.8 por ciento del total de especies determinadas. Las especies de malezas con clase de frecuencia 5 fueron ixophorus unicetus (Presl) Schlecht, Phyllanthus amarus Schum y Amaranthus Spinosus L. Las dos primeras especies aparecieron en el 100 por ciento de las muestras realizadas y la última en el 85 por ciento de las muestras. La especie Cyperus rotundus L. presenta frecuencia N, y grado de cubrimiento de 4, lo cual constituye un parámetro importante para considerar a asta especie como una de las más problemáticas en el área del cultivo. La mayor cantidad de especies se encontró en los suelo TX a 3 III, y NNc IV. El suelo Sta II, presentó el menor número de especies de malezas. Las especies de malezas dicotiledóneas y monocotiledóneas, predominantes en tos seis tipos de suelo fueron: A. spinosus, Lunicetus, P. amaras. En cambio, las malezas con distribución en cinco y cuatro tipos de suelos fueron: Baltimora recta , Cleome viscosa , Cyperus rotundas , Cucumisdipsacum , y Echinochloacolonum.