988 resultados para Altimetry data


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The relation between the Agulhas Current retroflection location and the magnitude of Agulhas leakage, the transport of water from the Indian to the Atlantic Ocean, is investigated in a high-resolution numerical ocean model. Sudden eastward retreats of the Agulhas Current retroflection loop are linearly related to the shedding of Agulhas rings, where larger retreats generate larger rings. Using numerical Lagrangian floats a 37 year time series of the magnitude of Agulhas leakage in the model is constructed. The time series exhibits large amounts of variability, both on weekly and annual time scales. A linear relation is found between the magnitude of Agulhas leakage and the location of the Agulhas Current retroflection, both binned to three month averages. In the relation, a more westward location of the Agulhas Current retroflection corresponds to an increased transport from the Indian Ocean to the Atlantic Ocean. When this relation is used in a linear regression and applied to almost 20 years of altimetry data, it yields a best estimate of the mean magnitude of Agulhas leakage of 13.2 Sv. The early retroflection of 2000, when Agulhas leakage was probably halved, can be identified using the regression.


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The origin of the eddy variability around the 25°S band in the Indian Ocean is investigated. We have found that the surface circulation east of Madagascar shows an anticyclonic subgyre bounded to the south by eastward flow from southwest Madagascar, and to the north by the westward flowing South Equatorial Current (SEC) between 15° and 20°S. The shallow, eastward flowing South Indian Ocean Countercurrent (SICC) extends above the deep reaching, westward flowing SEC to 95°E around the latitude of the high variability band. Applying a two-layer model reveals that regions of large vertical shear along the SICC-SEC system are baroclinically unstable. Estimates of the frequencies (3.5–6 times/year) and wavelengths (290–470 km) of the unstable modes are close to observations of the mesoscale variability derived from altimetry data. It is likely then that Rossby wave variability locally generated in the subtropical South Indian Ocean by baroclinic instability is the origin of the eddy variability around 25°S as seen, for example, in satellite altimetry.


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A dynamical wind-wave climate simulation covering the North Atlantic Ocean and spanning the whole 21st century under the A1B scenario has been compared with a set of statistical projections using atmospheric variables or large scale climate indices as predictors. As a first step, the performance of all statistical models has been evaluated for the present-day climate; namely they have been compared with a dynamical wind-wave hindcast in terms of winter Significant Wave Height (SWH) trends and variance as well as with altimetry data. For the projections, it has been found that statistical models that use wind speed as independent variable predictor are able to capture a larger fraction of the winter SWH inter-annual variability (68% on average) and of the long term changes projected by the dynamical simulation. Conversely, regression models using climate indices, sea level pressure and/or pressure gradient as predictors, account for a smaller SWH variance (from 2.8% to 33%) and do not reproduce the dynamically projected long term trends over the North Atlantic. Investigating the wind-sea and swell components separately, we have found that the combination of two regression models, one for wind-sea waves and another one for the swell component, can improve significantly the wave field projections obtained from single regression models over the North Atlantic.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O objetivo principal deste trabalho é avaliar o uso dos dados de altimetria de satélites para mapear a superfície do potencial gravitacional (geóide) no mar. Esta avaliação se faz por comparações da resolução e precisão entre os dados de altimetria processados numa superfície equipotencial (o mar) e dados obtidos a partir de levantamentos convencionais. Uma vez processada a superfície equipotencial, quantidades tais como a anomalia "ar livre" juntamente com o desvio vertical podem ser calculadas. Os dados altimétricos ("altura do mar") utilizados neste trabalho foram coletados pelo satélite GEOSAT. Este satélite rastreou diversas áreas oceânicas do globo processando 44 ciclos em dois anos. Alguns pesquisadores utilizaram os valores médios da "altura do mar" deste satélite para melhoramentos em precisão e resolução dos registros. Estes valores tratados estão disponíveis em NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) sendo deste modo repassados à UFPa para utilização nesta tese. Os dados de gravimetria marinha utilizados neste trabalho são aqueles obtidos do levantamento "Equatorial Atlantic" (EQUANT I e II) resultantes de uma pesquisa conjunta entre várias instituições com objetivos científicos de conhecer o comportamento da margem equatorial Brasileira. Para comparação e integração entre os dois tipos de dados obtidos através de fontes distintas (medidas de satélite e do navio), poder-se-ia obter a aceleração vertical numa superfície equipotencial partindo-se de um tratamento algébrico dos dados coletados por rastreamento altimétrico do satélite Geosat ou alternativamente poder-se-ia processar transformações dos dados de gravimetria marinha em uma superfície equipotencial equivalente. Em decorrência de diferenças no espaçamento entre as linhas dos levantamentos, ou seja, as linhas das trajetórias do satélite estão largamente espaçadas em comparação com aquelas do levantamento marinho, optou-se por transformar os dados gravimétricos do navio em uma superfície equipotencial. Neste tipo de transformação, consideraram-se vários fatores tais como efeitos "aliasing", nível de ruídos nos levantamentos do navio, redução ao geóide (correção "ar livre"), bem como erros computacionais durante as transformações. Com a supressão parcial desses efeitos (enfatizando o "aliasing") encontrou-se forte correlação entre os dois conjuntos de dados verificando-se um nível de coerência satisfatório a partir do comprimento de onda de 11 km. Comparando-se este resultado com o nível de resolução do satélite Geosat largamente estudado por outros pesquisadores enfatiza-se que de fato a resolução dos valores médios (2 anos) do satélite Geosat aproxima-se da resolução dos levantamentos do Equant I e Equant II.


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[EN] Mediterranean Water eddies (meddies) are thought to play an important climatic role. Nevertheless, their dynamics are not sufficiently known because of difficulties encountered in their observation. Though propagating below the main thermocline, a number of pieces of evidence of sea surface manifestation of meddies are collected. The present work is based on joint in situ and altimetry data analyses to prove that the meddies can be followed with remote sensing data for long periods of time. The in situ observations are based on data from an oceanographic cruise, which crossed three meddies, and reanalysis of historical data sets, including RAFOS floats paths. Suggested methodology permitted us to obtain uninterrupted tracks for several meddies for a period from several months to more than 2 years. It was found that the dynamically calm region to the north of the Azores current presents favorable conditions for meddy tracking. The meddy surface signal may become shattered and difficult to follow during interaction with a strong dynamic structures (the Azores current/surface vortexes) or peaking topography. Theoretical considerations support the observations and lead to the conclusion that the dynamic signature of meddies at the sea surface is an intrinsic property of meddy dynamics


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We compare ICESat data (2003-2004) to airborne laser altimetry data (1997-98 and 1999-2000) to monitor surface changes over portions of Van der Veen (VdVIS), Whillans (WIS) and Kamb ice streams (KIS) in the Ross Embayment of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. The spatial pattern of detected surface changes is generally consistent with earlier observations. However, important changes have occurred during the past decade. For example, areas on the VdVIS and WIS, where large thinning was detected by the airborne surveys, are now closer to being in balance. The upper trunk of KIS continues to build up with thickening rates reaching 0.4 m/year. Our results provide new evidence that the overall mass balance of the region is becoming more positive, but a significant spatial variability exists. They also demonstrate the potential of ICESat data for detecting spatial patterns of surface elevation change in Antarctica.


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As part of the CryoSat Cal/Val activities and the pre-site survey for an ice core drilling contributing to the International Partnerships in Ice Core Sciences (IPICS), ground based kinematic GPS measurements were conducted in early 2007 in the vicinity of the German overwintering station Neumayer (8.25° W and 70.65° S). The investigated area comprises the regions of the ice tongues Halvfarryggen and Søråsen, which rise from the Ekströmisen to a maximum of about 760 m surface elevation, and have an areal extent of about 100 km x 50 km each. Available digital elevation models (DEMs) from radar altimetry and the Antarctic Digital Database show elevation differences of up to hundreds of meters in this region, which necessitated an accurate survey of the conditions on-site. An improved DEM of the Ekströmisen surroundings is derived by a combination of highly accurate ground based GPS measurements, satellite derived laser altimetry data (ICESat), airborne radar altimetry (ARA), and radio echo sounding (RES). The DEM presented here achieves a vertical accuracy of about 1.3 m and can be used for improved ice dynamic modeling and mass balance studies.


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The Aral Sea is located in an arid region with much sand and salt deposits in the surrounding barren open land. Hence, significant displacements of sediments into the lakebed by the action of wind, water, gravity, or snow are likely. The bathymetry of the lake was last observed in the 1960s, and within the last half century, the structure of the lakebed has changed. Based on satellite observations of the temporal changes of shoreline (Landsat optical remote sensing) and water level (multi-mission satellite altimetry) over more than one decade an updated bathymetric chart for the East Basin of the Aral Sea has been generated. During this time, the geometry of the shallow East Basin experienced strong fluctuations due to the occurrence of periods of drying and strong inflow. By the year 2014 the East Basin fell dry. The dynamic behavior of the basin allowed for estimating the lake's bathymetry from a series of satellite-based information. The river mouth made its impression in the present East Aral Sea, because its shrinking led to the inflow of much sediment into the lake's interior. In addition, salt deposits along the shorelines increased the corresponding elevation, a phenomenon that is more pronounced in the reduced lakebed because of increased salinity. It must be noted that height estimates from satellite altimetry were only possible down to a minimum elevation of 27 m above sea level due to a lack of reliable altimetry data over the largely reduced water surface. In order to construct a complete bathymetric chart of the lakebed of the East Aral Sea heights below 27 m were obtained solely from Landsat optical images following the SRB (Selected Region Boundary) approach as described by Singh et al. (2015).


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The CMCC Global Ocean Physical Reanalysis System (C-GLORS) is used to simulate the state of the ocean in the last decades. It consists of a variational data assimilation system (OceanVar), capable of assimilating all in-situ observations along with altimetry data, and a forecast step performed by the ocean model NEMO coupled with the LIM2 sea-ice model. KEY STRENGTHS: - Data are available for a large number of ocean parameters - An extensive validation has been conducted and is freely available - The reanalysis is performed at high resolution (1/4 degree) and spans the last 30 years KEY LIMITATIONS: - Quality may be discontinuos and depend on observation coverage - Uncertainty estimates are simply derived through verification skill scores


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By incorporating recently available remote sensing data, we investigated the mass balance for all individual tributary glacial basins of the Lambert Glacier-Amery Ice Shelf system, East Antarctica. On the basis of the ice flow information derived from SAR interferometry and ICESat laser altimetry, we have determined the spatial configuration of eight tributary drainage basins of the Lambert-Amery glacial system. By combining the coherence information from SAR interferometry and the texture information from SAR and MODIS images, we have interpreted and refined the grounding line position. We calculated ice volume flux of each tributary glacial basin based on the ice velocity field derived from Radarsat three-pass interferometry together with ice thickness data interpolated from Australian and Russian airborne radio echo sounding (RES) surveys and inferred from ICESat laser altimetry data. Our analysis reveals that three tributary basins have a significant net positive imbalance, while five other subbasins are slightly positive or close to zero balance. Overall, in contrast to previous studies, we find that the grounded ice in Lambert Glacier-Amery Ice Shelf system has a positive mass imbalance of 22.9 ± 4.4 Gt/a. The net basal melting for the entire Amery Ice Shelf is estimated to be 27.0 ± 7.0 Gt/a. The melting rate decreases rapidly from the grounding zone to the ice shelf front. Significant basal refreezing is detected in the downstream section of the ice shelf. The mass balance estimates for both the grounded ice sheet and the ice shelf mass differ substantially from other recent estimates.


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The knowledge of ice sheet surface topography and the location of the ice divides are essential for ice dynamic modeling. An improved digital elevation model (DEM) of Dronning Maud Land (DML), Antarctica, is presented in this paper. It is based on ground-based kinematic GPS profiles, airborne radar altimetry, and data of the airborne radio-echo sounding system, as well as spaceborne laser altimetry from NASA's Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite (ICESat). The accuracy of ICESat ice sheet altimetry data in the area of investigation is discussed. The location of the ice divides is derived from aspect calculation of the topography and is verified with several velocity data derived from repeated static GPS measurements.


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Here we demonstrate the applicability of using altimetry data and Landsat imagery to provide the most accurate digital elevation model (DEM) of Australia's largest playa lake - Lake Eyre. We demonstrate through the use of geospatial techniques a robust assessment of lake area and volume of recent lake-filling episodes whilst also providing the most accurate estimates of area and volume for larger lake filling episodes that occurred throughout the last glacial cycle. We highlight that at a depth of 25 m Lake Mega-Eyre would merge with the adjacent Lake Mega-Frome to form an immense waterbody with a combined area of almost 35,000 km**2 and a combined volume of ~520 km**3. This would represent a vast water body in what is now the arid interior of the Australian continent. The improved DEM is more reliable from a geomorphological and hydrological perspective and allows a more accurate assessment of water balance under the modern hydrological regime. The results presented using GLAS/ICESat data suggest that earlier historical soundings were correct and the actual lowest topographic point in Australia is -15.6 m below sea level. The results also contrast nicely the different basin characteristics of two adjacent lake systems; Lake Eyre and Lake Frome.