979 resultados para Alpha adrenergic receptor blocking agent


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The objective of this report was to summarily review the concept and the prevalence of arterial hypertension in children, its peculiarities and the difficulties in measuring of blood pressure at this age. Considerations of clinical picture, diagnosis, laboratory and drug-induced test (Captopril) were discussed. The authors presented various therapies utilized in hypertension and hypertensive crisis.


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Purpose - To evaluate the adverse reactions of fosinopril with other antihypertensives used as monotherapy. Methods - Out-patients (n = 2,568) with diagnostic of mild to moderate hypertension, diastolic blood pressure (DBP) 95-115 mmHg, with no antihypertensive treatment for 15 days, were included to treatment initially with fosinopril (F) 10mg, once daily, for six weeks. After this period, patients with DBP >95mmHg had the dosage, once daily, increased to 20 mg, while the others were maintained with the same dosage for six more weeks. Adverse reactions of 822 patients treated as monotherapy were grouped as absent, musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, cough, gastrointestinal, neurological, genital-urinary dysfunctions and dermatological and compared with 1,568 with F. Monotherapy consist in α-methyldopa (100 patients); β-blocker (129); calcium blocker (106); diuretic (394); and another ACE inhibitors (93). Results - At the end of the period without treatment, the blood pressure (BP), 165 ± 16/105 ± 7 mmHg decreased significantly at 6(th) week to 144 ± 15/91 ± 9 mmHg (p < 0.05 vs week 0) with further lowering to 139 ± 13/86 ± 7 mmHg till the end of 12(th) week. BP response (DBP ≤90 mmHg) was obtained in 89% of the patients with F. Absence of adverse reactions were ≥70% in patients with F compared to other drugs. Conclusion - Fosinopril has demonstrated therapeutic efficacy and less adverse reactions compared to antihypertensives used previously as monotherapy.


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The effects of clonidine on sodium and potassium excretions were examined after previous administration of prazosin (an α 1-adrenergic receptor antagonist) and yohimbine (an α 2-adrenergic receptor antagonist) into the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus of conscious rats. Clonidine injected into the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus induced inhibitory and facilitatory effects on the urinary sodium and potassium excretions. The results suggest that facilitatory effects of clonidine on natriuresis and kaliuresis are mediated through activation of α 1-adrenoceptors and that inhibitory effects require α(2A)-adrenoceptors.


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Water and saline intake is controlled by several mechanisms activated during dehydration. Some mechanisms, such as the production of angiotensin II and unloading of cardiovascular receptors, activate both behaviors, while others, such as the increase in blood osmolality or sodium concentration, activate water, but inhibit saline intake. Aldosterone probably activates only saline intake. Clonidine, anα2-adrenergic agonist, inhibits water and saline intake induced by these mechanisms. One model to describe the interactions between these multiple mechanisms is a wire-block diagram, where the brain circuit that controls each intake is represented by a summing point of its respective inhibiting and activating factors. The α2-adrenoceptors constitute an inhibitory factor common to both summing points.


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The effects of premedicating cats with saline, xylazine or medetomidine before anaesthetising them with propofol-sevoflurane were compared. Twenty-four cats were randomly assigned to three groups of eight to receive either 0.25 ml of saline, 0.50 mg/kg of xylazine or 0.02 mg/kg of medetomidine intravenously, and anaesthesia was induced with propofol and maintained with sevoflurane. Medetomidine produced a greater reduction in the induction dose of propofol and fewer adverse postoperative effects than saline or xylazine. Hypoxaemia was observed after induction with propofol in the cats premedicated with saline and xylazine, but not in the cats given medetomidine. The cats treated with medetomidine and xylazine developed profound bradycardia. The blood pressure of the cats premedicated with saline and xylazine decreased, but the blood pressure of the cats premedicated with medetomidine was maintained. The cats premedicated with saline took longer to recover from anaesthesia than the other two groups.


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BACKGROUND. This study aimed to evaluate clinical characteristics of epidural anesthesia performed with 0.75% ropivacaine associated with dexmedetomidine. METHODS. Forty patients scheduled for hernia repair or varicose vein surgeries under epidural anesthesia participated in this study. They were assigned to: Control Group (n = 20), 0.75% ropivacaine, 20 ml (150 mg); and Dexmedetomidine Group (n = 20), 0.75% ropivacaine, 20 ml (150 mg), plus dexmedetomidine, 1 μg.kg -1. The following variables were studied: total analgesic block onset time, upper level of analgesia, analgesic and motor block duration time, intensity of motor block, state of consciousness, hemodynamics, postoperative analgesia and incidence of side-effects. RESULTS. Epidural dexmedetomidine did not affect onset time or upper level of anesthesia (p > 0.05) however it prolonged sensory and motor block duration time (p < 0.05) and postoperative analgesia (p < 0.05), and also resulted in a more intense motor block, 1 (p < 0.05). Values of bispectral index were lower in Dexmedetomidine Group (p < 0.05). There was no difference in incidence of hypotension and bradycardia (p > 0.05). Occurrence of side-effects (shivering, vomiting and SpO 2 < 90%) was low and similar between groups (p > 0.05). CONCLUSION. There is clear synergism between epidural dexmedetomidine and ropivacaine, further this drug association does not bring about additional morbidity.


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Treatment of atherosclerotic renovascular disease is controversial and revascularization is not a beneficial approach to all patients. Conditions as progressive deterioration of renal function, refractory hypertension or accelerated cardiovascular disease, especially recurrent pulmonary edema, could profit from renal angioplasty with stent placement. Surgical revascularization is a good option for patients who will need concomitant surgical corrections of abdominal aortic lesions. Treatment of all other patients must be individualized. Medical therapy is indicated for all patients with atherosclerotic renovascular disease. Observational studies pointed out to the beneficial effect of controlling blood pressure (<130/80 mm Hg), glucose and lipids profile, lifestyle modifications, specific use of platelet antiaggregant therapy, Angiotensin Conversion Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEI) and statins. All others cardiovascular risk factors must be controlled. The evaluation and management of other systemic atherosclerotic vascular lesions is important, especially coronary, carotid and abdominal aortic. This paper presents a review of evidences to rationale the atherosclerotic renovascular disease treatment. © 2008 Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.


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Introduction: It was observed a considerable growth of elderly people. They are who use more medicines. The physiological changes associated with the age advancing can make pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic alterations. The cognitive decline, physical limitations and associate chronic pathology affect the medications appropriately use ability. Aims: Based in a literature review, appoint the main pharmacological groups prescribed to the elderly and the drug-drug interaction risks. Conclusion: The most of elderly use continually at least 3 medicines, the most prescribed are to cardiovascular and psychic diseases treatment.


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Introduction: 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU) is considered to be the backbone of colorectal cancer (CRC) systemic therapy since the great majority of recommended regimens include its administration. A clinical picture consisting of chest pain, sometimes cardiac enzyme elevation, electrocardiogram abnormalities consistent with myocardial ischemia, and normal coronary angiogram associated with 5-FU administration have been infrequently reported. The clinical dilemma is: Which chemotherapy regimen should we use in CRC patients with a previous acute coronary syndrome (ACS) associated with 5-FU? Case Report: We describe the case of a 55-year-old otherwise healthy woman with metastatic colon adenocarcinoma who presented an ACS probably secondary to arterial vasospasm while receiving continuous intravenous 5-FU infusion (mFOLFOX6 regimen). After the ACS, the patient was treated with raltitrexate plus oxaliplatin (TOMOX) and subsequently with irinotecan plus cetuximab with no other cardiac event. Conclusion: The risk of cardiotoxicity associated with 5-FU is low but real. The probable mechanism is arterial vasospasm, as suggested by our case report. Both the use of the TOMOX regimen and irinotecan plus cetuximab seems to be safe regimens to be considered in this clinical scenario. © 2009 Humana Press Inc.


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In this minireview we describe the involvement of the atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) in cardiovascular pathophysiology and exercise. The ANP has a broad homeostatic role and exerts complex effects on the cardio-circulatory hemodynamics, it is produced by the left atrium and has a key role in regulating sodium and water balance in mammals and humans. The dominant stimulus for its release is atrial wall tension, commonly caused by exercise. The ANP is involved in the process of lipolysis through a cGMP signaling pathway and, as a consequence, reducing blood pressure by decreasing the sensitivity of vascular smooth muscle to the action of vasoconstrictors and regulate fluid balance. The increase of this hormone is associated with better survival in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). This minireview provides new evidence based on recent studies related to the beneficial effects of exercise in patients with cardiovascular disease, focusing on the ANP. © 2012 de Almeida et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.


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Widespread occurrence of pharmaceuticals residues has been reported in aquatic ecosystems. However, their toxic effects on aquatic biota remain unclear. Generally, the acute toxicity has been assessed in laboratory experiments, while chronic toxicity studies have rarely been performed. Of importance appears also the assessment of mixture effects, since pharmaceuticals never occur in waters alone. The aim of the present work is to evaluate acute and chronic toxic response in the crustacean Daphnia magna exposed to single pharmaceuticals and mixtures. We tested fluoxetine, a SSRI widely prescribed as antidepressant, and propranolol, a non selective β-adrenergic receptor-blocking agent used to treat hypertension. Acute immobilization and chronic reproduction tests were performed according to OECD guidelines 202 and 211, respectively. Single chemicals were first tested separately. Toxicity of binary mixtures was then assessed using a fixed ratio experimental design with concentrations based on Toxic Units. The conceptual model of Concentration Addition was adopted in this study, as we assumed that the mixture effect mirrors the sum of the single substances for compounds having similar mode of action. The MixTox statistical method was applied to analyze the experimental results. Results showed a significant deviation from CA model that indicated antagonism between chemicals in both the acute and the chronic mixture tests. The study was integrated assessing the effects of fluoxetine on a battery of biomarkers. We wanted to evaluate the organism biological vulnerability caused by low concentrations of pharmaceutical occurring in the aquatic environment. We assessed the acetylcholinesterase and glutathione s-transferase enzymatic activities and the malondialdehyde production. No treatment induced significant alteration of biomarkers with respect to the control. Biological assays and the MixTox model application proved to be useful tools for pharmaceutical risk assessment. Although promising, the application of biomarkers in Daphnia magna needs further elucidation.


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Transgenic mice were generated by using the alpha-myosin heavy chain promoter coupled to the coding sequence of a constitutively active mutant alpha 1B-adrenergic receptor (AR). These transgenic animals demonstrated cardiac-specific expression of this alpha 1-AR with resultant activation of phospholipase C as shown by increased myocardial diacylglycerol content. A phenotype consistent with cardiac hypertrophy developed in adult transgenic mice with increased heart/body weight ratios, myocyte cross-sectional areas, and ventricular atrial natriuretic factor mRNA levels relative to nontransgenic controls. These transgenic animals may provide insight into the biochemical triggers that induce hypertrophy in cardiac disease and serve as a convenient experimental model for studies of this condition.