990 resultados para Allen, Aaron S
O prop??sito deste trabalho ?? apresentar os fundamentos, as dificuldades e os desafios de duas reestrutura????es: a da natureza da despesa, vigente desde 1990 e a da classifica????o funcional-program??tica, a partir do ano 2000, ambas inseridas no escopo maior da chamada reforma gerencial dos processos de planejamento e or??amento.
O conceito de segmentação de mercado constitui-se em uma forte ferramenta freqüentemente utilizada na tomada de decisão nas organizações. Neste artigo, busca-se analisar elementos nem sempre privilegiados quando se trata a segmentação de mercado como discurso hegemônico. A crítica aqui apresentada inspira-se no filme Desconstruindo Harry, de Woody Allen, o que permitirá compreender o exercício de desconstrução do conceito e da prática da segmentação de mercado com base no gênero e na etnia. Essa proposta ampara-se sobre o postulado de Derrida (1999) de que qualquer conceito, palavra ou significado léxico é passível de desconstrução e na hipótese de que o conceito de segmentação de mercado e sua prática encerram significados não revelados, guardando em si um conjunto de atores e vozes marginalizados.
Utilisant à la fois la méthodologie des études littéraires et celle des études culturelles, le présent travail se propose de délimiter, dans les romans L'Espérance Macadam de l'Antillaise Gisèle Pineau et Aaron du Québécois Yves Thériault, la problématique de la migration et de l'exil ainsi que la conséquente rencontre des cultures à l'origine à la trans-culturalité, en mettant en évidence de nouvelles approches qui rompent avec les paradigmes ethnocentriques et en signalant de nouveaux pactes sociaux qui fondent une culture de la paix entre les hommes.
ABSTRACT: Between pure documentary and pure fiction there are, more and more, a reasonable number of cinematic alternatives that convey a dimension of non-reality. Between the pointedly factual discourse and the irrational belief in an entirely narrative world, there intervenes an informed conviction in a truthful but nonexistent universe, in which the formal enunciation sells an image of objectivity. In a path that leads us from the forms and contents of reflexive and performative documentaries, according to Bill Nichols, and ends up in fake documentary itself, we will have the opportunity to stress the filmic construction and its inherent narrative purpose, be it a fictional story or the creator himself as character (others would say subject) of the cinematic construct. In a boomerang kind of logic, the more the objects direct us to a referent, the more they restore us a creative/authorial reference and, along with it, the narrative idea that instills it. In Woody Allen’s case, this storytelling manifests itself in the fake documentary genre, which works as if it is the reality, only to better manifest the sole reality that interests the director: that of the metacinema, or the cinema as self-referencial reality. The practical examples will be derived from the following films: Take the Money and Run (1969) e Husbands and Wives (1992).
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Nombrosos són ja els estudis que s'han centrat en l'anomenat "cinema seriós" de Woody Allen i, entre ells, paga la pena de mencionar el que Pau Gilabert Barberà, autor d'aquest article, va escriure (2006) sobre el que, en opinió seva, és el llegat sofístic subjacent en el guió de Crimes and Misdemeanors. En aquesta ocasió, el seu objectiu és analitzar la trajectòria fluctuant del director americà en relació a la tragèdia grega, des de la convicció que, només així, és possible revelar la seva empatia amb l'esperit tràgic dels grecs i comprendre la seva necessitat de presentar aquell gènere literari com un paradigma des del qual entendre les grandeses i misèries del món contemporani.
Many studies have already paid attention to what is called the "serious films" by Woody Allen and, among them, it is also worth mentioning the one written by the very Pau Gilabert Barberà (2006), which is devoted to the Sophistic legacy underlying in his opinion the screenplay of Crimes and Misdemeanors. On this occasion, his aim is to analyse the fluctuating sight of the American director with regard to the Greek tragedy. Indeed, Gilabert is convinced that, only in this way, it is possible to reveal the true Allen¿s sympathy with the tragic spirit of the Greeks, as well as to understand his urge to present that ancient literary genre as a paradigm with the help of which one can evaluate the greatness and misery of our contemporary world.