41 resultados para Alkalinization


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Aim: This in vitro study evaluated the effect of calcium hydroxide on pH changes of the external medium after intracoronal bleaching. Materials and methods: A total of 50 extracted human premolars were prepared and filled with gutta-percha and endodontic sealer. The teeth were randomly divided into five groups according to the bleaching agents employed: (a) Sterile cotton pellet with distilled water (control group); (b) sodium perborate and distilled water; (c) sodium perborate and 10% carbamide peroxide; (d) sodium perborate and 35% hydrogen peroxide; (e) 35% hydrogen peroxide. The teeth were stored in vials containing distilled water and the pH values of the medium surrounding the teeth were analyzed. After 7-day storage, the bleaching agent was removed and replaced by calcium hydroxide, and the distilled water was changed, in which the teeth were kept stored for further 14 days. Measurement of pH of the external medium (distilled water) was performed 7 days after insertion of the bleaching agents, immediately, 7 and 14 days after insertion of the calcium hydroxide. Data were submitted to statistical analysis by the two-way ANOVA and Tukey,s test. Results: There were pH changes of the external medium at 7-day period after bleaching procedures. These results confirmed the diffusion of bleaching agents to the external medium. Conclusion: Calcium hydroxide increased the external medium pH and was effective for pH alkalinization after intracoronal bleaching. Clinical significance: Intracoronal bleaching of endodontically treated teeth may cause cervical root resorption. A possible explanation for this process is the passage of bleaching agents to the periodontal tissues yielding an inflammatory process. In an attempt to keep the neutrality of the periodontal pH, the calcium hydroxide has been recommended.Results of this study showed that this material should be always used after intracoronal bleaching.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Parahancornia fasciculata (Poir.) Benoist (Apocynaceae), também conhecida como Parahancornia amapa (Hub.) Ducke, é uma espécie vegetal empregada popularmente no tratamento da malária, infecções no útero, gastrite, anemia, problemas respiratórios, entre outros. Os objetivos do presente trabalho foram realizar o estudo fitoquímico, avaliar a toxicidade oral aguda e a atividade antimalárica in vitro e in vivo de extratos, frações e substância isolada obtidas a partir de cascas do caule de P. fasciculata. Foram realizados dois tipos de extrações com o pó das cascas de P. fasciculata, por maceração / percolação, com etanol 96°GL e diclorometano, esta última tendo sido realizada a com o pó das cascas alcalinizado com hidróxido de amônio, obtendo-se os extratos secos EEPF e EDAPF, respectivamente. Uma terceira extração foi realizada a partir do EEPF por aquecimento sob refluxo, sucessivamente, com Hex:DCM (1:1), AcOEt:DCM (1:1) e AcOEt. EEPF foi, também, submetido a fracionamento por extrações ácido-base resultando nas frações de neutros (EEPFN) e de alcalóides (EEPFA). A prospecção fitoquímica realizada com o EEPF foi desenvolvida por CCD em cromatoplacas de sílica gel tendo sido detectada a presença de triterpenos, esteróides, heterosídeos flavônicos, saponinas, polifenóis, taninos, heterosídeos antracênicos e heterosídeos cardiotônicos. EDAPF foi submetido à cromatografia em coluna de sílica gel. Foram recolhidas 30 frações sendo que as frações Fr1-3, Fr4, Fr5-7 e Fr11 concentraram a maior parte da massa do extrato cromatografado. Da Fr5-7 foi isolada uma mistura de ésteres do lupeol que representam os componentes majoritários do EDAPF. Esta fração passou por um processo de hidrólise alcalina e o produto obtido (Fr5-7Hid) foi analisado por espectrometrias no IV, RMN de 1H e 13C e foi identificado como o triterpeno lupeol. A fração insolúvel em AcOEt obtida a partir do EEPF, por aquecimento sob refluxo, apresentou resultado positivo para o teste de proantocianidinas e foi submetido a doseamento desta classe de metabólitos. Os resultados foram expressos em porcentagem dos teores para a amostra não diluída (10,46±0,3419%), amostra diluída a 1:10 (9,94± 0,1598%) e amostra diluída a 1:100 (10,55± 0,9299%). A avaliação da atividade antiplasmódica in vitro em culturas de cepas W2 de Plasmodium falciparum foi realizada pelo teste da Proteína II Rica em Histidina (HRP-II) tendo sido testados EEPF, EEPFN, EEPFA, Fr1-3, Fr4, Fr5-7(ésteres do lupeol), Fr11 e o Fr5-7Hid (lupeol). Os melhores resultados obtidos foram para EEPF, EEPFA E EEPFN (CI50= ~ 50 μg/mL) sendo considerados moderadamente ativos. As demais amostras apresentaram CI50 > 50 μg/mL e foram consideradas inativas. Realizou-se também a avaliação da atividade antimalárica in vivo em camundongos fêmeas suíços infectados com cepas ANKA de P. berghei com o EEPF e o EEPF-HEX:DCM (1:1) em concentrações de 500, 250 e 125mg/kg de peso. EEPF foi parcialmente ativo, somente no 8° dia, em todas as concentrações. Já EEPF-HEX:DCM (1:1) foi parcialmente ativo na dose de 500mg/kg de peso e nas demais doses foi inativo. O teste de toxicidade oral aguda foi realizado em camundongos fêmeas suíços, pelo método da dose fixa (5.000mg/kg), com EEPF e não apresentou nenhum sinal de toxicidade evidente, o que foi confirmado pela ausência de alterações nos exames anátomohistopatológicos realizados.


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Introduction: Alkalinization potential is a fundamental property of endodontic epoxy-based cements containing calcium hydroxide. Studies have shown discrepant pH results for same materials at different evaluation periods. A possible reason accounting for these differences may be the assessment procedures. Objective: To evaluate the pH value of an epoxy-based cement (Sealer 26) in different periods of analysis, using two assessment methods. Material and methods: Sealer 26 was manipulated and immediately placed into polyethylene tubes (n=10, each group) and immersed in distilled water. In G1, the tubes were kept in the same water during all experiment; and in G2, the tubes were removed and placed into another flask with an equal amount of water after the pH evaluation. The pH of these solutions was measured at 24 hours, 7, 14 and 28 days. Analysis were made within the same group according to the experimental periods and between groups in each experimental period. Data were submitted to ANOVA (α = 5%) and t test, respectively. Results: For G1 and G2, all periods showed different pH values (p < 0.05), except between 14 and 28 days (p > 0.05) and between 7 and 14 days (p > 0.05), respectively. In each period, no significant differences were observed between the groups. Conclusion: The method to obtain the pH values in different experimental periods no interfered in the final results. However, difference was observed when the results were analyzed at same group.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Sodium/hydrogen exchangers (NHEs) are a large family of transport proteins catalyzing the exchange of cations for protons across lipid bilayer membranes. Several isoforms are expressed in β cells of the endocrine pancreas, including the recently discovered and poorly characterized isoform NHA2. This review will summarize advances in our understanding of the roles of NHEs in the regulation of insulin secretion in β cells. RECENT FINDINGS: Plasmalemmal full-length NHE1 defends β cells from intracellular acidification, but has no role in stimulus-secretion coupling and is not causally involved in glucose-induced alkalinization of the β cell. The function of a shorter NHE1 splice variant, which localizes to insulin-containing large dense core vesicles, remains currently unknown. In contrast, in-vitro and in-vivo studies indicate that the NHA2 isoform is required for insulin secretion and clathrin-mediated endocytosis in β cells. SUMMARY: Recent data highlight the importance of NHEs in the regulation of cellular pH, clathrin-mediated endocytosis and insulin secretion in β cells. Based on these studies, a pathophysiological role of NHEs in human disorders of the endocrine pancreas seems likely and should be investigated.


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Candida albicans is the most common opportunistic fungal pathogen of humans. The balance between commensal and pathogenic C. albicans is maintained largely by phagocytes of the innate immune system. Analysis of transcriptional changes after macrophage phagocytosis indicates the C. albicans response is broadly similar to starvation, including up-regulation of alternate carbon metabolism. Systems known and suspected to be part of acetate/acetyl-CoA metabolism were also up-regulated, importantly the ACH and ACS genes, which manage acetate/acetyl-CoA interconversion, and the nine-member ATO gene family, thought to participate in transmembrane acetate transport and also linked to the process of environmental alkalinization. ^ Studies into the roles of Ach, Acs1 and Acs2 function in alternate carbon metabolism revealed a substantial role for Acs2 and lesser, but distinct roles, for Ach and Acs1. Deletion mutants were made in C. albicans and were phenotypically evaluated both in vitro and in vivo. Loss of Ach function resulted in mild growth defects on ethanol and acetate and no significant attenuation in virulence in a disseminated mouse model of infection. While loss of Acs1 did not produce any significant phenotypes, loss of Acs2 greatly impaired growth on multiple carbon sources, including glucose, ethanol and acetate. We also concluded that ACS1 and ACS2 likely comprise an essential gene pair. Expression analyses indicated that ACS2 is the predominant form under most growth conditions. ^ ATO gene function had been linked to the process of environmental alkalinization, an ammonium-mediated phenomenon described here first in C. albicans. During growth in glucose-poor, amino acid-rich conditions C. albicans can rapidly change its extracellular pH. This process was glucose-repressible and was accompanied by hyphal formation and changes in colony morphology. We showed that introduction of the ATO1G53D point mutant to C. albicans blocked alkalinization, as did over-expression of C. albicans ATO2, the only C. albicans ATO gene to lack the conserved N-terminal domain. A screen for alkalinization-deficient mutants revealed that ACH1 is essential for alkalinization. However, addition of acetate to the media restored alkalinization to the ach1 mutant. We proposed a model of ATO function in which Atos regulated the cellular co-export of ammonium and acetate. ^


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Prosystemin is the 200-amino acid precursor of the 18-amino acid polypeptide defense hormone, systemin. Herein, we report that prosystemin was found to be as biologically active as systemin when assayed for proteinase inhibitor induction in young tomato plants and nearly as active in the alkalinization response in Lycopersicon esculentum suspension-cultured cells. Similar to many animal prohormones that harbor multiple signals, the systemin precursor contains five imperfect repetitive domains N-terminal to a single systemin domain. Whether the five repetitive domains contain defense signals has not been established. N-terminal deletions of prosystemin had little effect on its activity in tomato plants or suspension-cultured cells. Deletion of the C-terminal region of prosystemin containing the 18-amino acid systemin domain completely abolished its proteinase inhibitor induction and alkalinization activities. The apoplastic fluid from tomato leaves and the medium of cultured cells were analyzed for proteolytic activity that could process prosystemin to systemin. These experiments showed that proteolytic enzymes present in the apoplasm and medium could cleave prosystemin into large fragments, but the enzymes did not produce detectable levels of systemin. Additionally, inhibitors of these proteolytic enzymes did not affect the biological activity of prosystemin. The cumulative data indicated that prosystemin and/or large fragments of prosystemin can be active inducers of defense responses in both tomato leaves and suspension-cultured cells and that the only region of prosystemin that is responsible for activating the defense response resides in the systemin domain.


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The mechanism of proton transfer from the bulk into the membrane protein interior was studied. The light-induced reduction of a bound ubiquinone molecule QB by the photosynthetic reaction center is accompanied by proton trapping. We used kinetic spectroscopy to measure (i) the electron transfer to QB (at 450 nm), (ii) the electrogenic proton delivery from the surface to the QB site (by electrochromic carotenoid response at 524 nm), and (iii) the disappearance of protons from the bulk solution (by pH indicators). The electron transfer to QB− and the proton-related electrogenesis proceeded with the same time constant of ≈100 μs (at pH 6.2), whereas the alkalinization in the bulk was distinctly delayed (τ ≈ 400 μs). We investigated the latter reaction as a function of the pH indicator concentration, the added pH buffers, and the temperature. The results led us to the following conclusions: (i) proton transfer from the surface-located acidic groups into the QB site followed the reduction of QB without measurable delay; (ii) the reprotonation of these surface groups by pH indicators and hydronium ions was impeded, supposedly, because of their slow diffusion in the surface water layer; and (iii) as a result, the protons were slowly donated by neutral water to refill the proton vacancies at the surface. It is conceivable that the same mechanism accounts for the delayed relaxation of the surface pH changes into the bulk observed previously with bacteriorhodopsin membranes and thylakoids. Concerning the coupling between proton pumps in bioenergetic membranes, our results imply a tendency for the transient confinement of protons at the membrane surface.


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IL-7 functions as a trophic factor during T lymphocyte development by a mechanism that is partly based on the induction of Bcl-2, which protects cells from apoptosis. Here we report a mechanism by which cytokine withdrawal activates the prodeath protein Bax. On loss of IL-7 in a dependent cell line, Bax protein translocated from the cytosol to the mitochondria, where it integrated into the mitochondrial membrane. This translocation was attributable to a conformational change in the Bax protein itself. We show that a rise in intracellular pH preceded mitochondrial translocation and triggered the change in Bax conformation. Intracellular pH in the IL-7-dependent cells rose steadily to peak over pH 7.8 by 6 hr after cytokine withdrawal, paralleling the time point of Bax translocation (a similar alkalinization and Bax translocation was also observed after IL-3 withdrawal from a dependent cell line). The conformation of Bax was directly altered by pH of 7.8 or higher and was demonstrated by increased protease sensitivity, exposure of N terminus epitopes, and exposure of a hydrophobic domain in the C terminus. Eliminating charged amino acids at the C or N termini of Bax induced a conformational change similar to that induced by raising pH, implicating these residues in the pH effect. Therefore, we have shown that by either cytokine withdrawal, experimental manipulation of pH, or site-directed mutagenesis, Bax protein changes conformation, exposing membrane-seeking domains, thereby inducing mitochondrial translocation and initiating the cascade of events leading to apoptotic death.


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The G-protein activator mastoparan (MP) was found to elicit the hypersensitive response (HR) in isolated Asparagus sprengeri mesophyll cells at micromolar concentrations. The HR was characterized by cell death, extracellular alkalinization, and an oxidative burst, indicated by the reduction of molecular O2 to O2⋅−. To our knowledge, this study was the first to monitor photosynthesis during the HR. MP had rapid and dramatic effects on photosynthetic electron transport and excitation energy transfer as determined by variable chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements. A large increase in nonphotochemical quenching of chlorophyll a fluorescence accompanied the initial stages of the oxidative burst. The minimal level of fluorescence was also quenched, which suggests the origin of this nonphotochemical quenching to be a decrease in the antenna size of photosystem II. In contrast, photochemical quenching of fluorescence decreased dramatically during the latter stages of the oxidative burst, indicating a somewhat slower inhibition of photosystem II electron transport. The net consumption of O2 and the initial rate of O2 uptake, elicited by MP, were higher in the light than in the dark. These data indicate that light enhances the oxidative burst and suggest a complex relationship between photosynthesis and the HR.


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Noninvasive, ion-selective vibrating microelectrodes were used to measure the kinetics of H+, Ca2+, K+, and Cl− fluxes and the changes in their concentrations caused by illumination near the mesophyll and attached epidermis of bean (Vicia faba L.). These flux measurements were related to light-induced changes in the plasma membrane potential. The influx of Ca2+ was the main depolarizing agent in electrical responses to light in the mesophyll. Changes in the net fluxes of H+, K+, and Cl− occurred only after a significant delay of about 2 min, whereas light-stimulated influx of Ca2+ began within the time resolution of our measurements (5 s). In the absence of H+ flux, light caused an initial quick rise of external pH near the mesophyll and epidermal tissues. In the mesophyll this fast alkalinization was followed by slower, oscillatory pH changes (5–15 min); in the epidermis the external pH increased steadily and reached a plateau 3 min later. We explain the initial alkalinization of the medium as a result of CO2 uptake by photosynthesizing tissue, whereas activation of the plasma membrane H+ pump occurred 1.5 to 2 min later. The epidermal layer seems to be a substantial barrier for ion fluxes but not for CO2 diffusion into the leaf.


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Systemin-mediated defense signaling in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) plants is analogous to the cytokine-mediated inflammatory response in animals. Herein, we report that the initiation of defense signaling in suspension-cultured cells of Lycopersicon peruvianum by the peptide systemin, as well as by chitosan and β-glucan elicitor from Phytophtora megasperma, is inhibited by the polysulfonated naphtylurea compound suramin, a known inhibitor of cytokine and growth factor receptor interactions in animal cells. Using a radioreceptor assay, we show that suramin interfered with the binding of the systemin analog 125I-Tyr-2,Ala-15-systemin to the systemin receptor with an IC50 of 160 μM. Additionally, labeling of the systemin receptor with a photoaffinity analog of systemin was inhibited in the presence of suramin. Receptor-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of a 48-kDa mitogen-activated protein kinase and alkalinization of the medium of suspension-cultured cells in response to systemin and carbohydrate elicitors were also inhibited by suramin. The inhibition of medium alkalinization by suramin was reversible in the presence of high concentrations of systemin and carbohydrate elicitors. Calyculin A and erythrosin B, intracellular inhibitors of phosphatases and plasma membrane proton ATPases, respectively, both induce medium alkalinization, but neither response was inhibited by suramin. The polysulfonated compound heparin did not inhibit systemin-induced medium alkalinization. NF 007, a suramin derivative, induced medium alkalinization, indicating that neither NF 007 nor heparin interact with elicitor receptors like suramin. The data indicate that cell-surface receptors in plants show some common structural features with animal cytokine and growth factor receptors that can interact with suramin to interfere with ligand binding.


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Elicitins are a family of small proteins secreted by Phytophthora species that have a high degree of homology and elicit defense reactions in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum). They display acidic or basic characteristics, the acidic elicitins being less efficient in inducing plant necrosis. In this study we compared the binding properties of four elicitins (two basic and two acidic) and early-induced signal transduction events (Ca2+ influx, extracellular medium alkalinization, and active oxygen species production). The affinity for tobacco plasma membrane-binding sites and the number of binding sites were similar for all four elicitins. Furthermore, elicitins compete with one another for binding sites, suggesting that they interact with the same receptor. The four elicitins induced Ca2+ influx, extracellular medium alkalinization, and the production of active oxygen species in tobacco cell suspensions, but the intensity and kinetics of these effects were different from one elicitin to another. As a general observation the concentrations that induce similar levels of biological activities were lower for basic elicitins (with the exception of cinnamomin-induced Ca2+ uptake). The qualitative similarity of early events induced by elicitins indicates a common transduction scheme, whereas fine signal transduction tuning is different in each elicitin.


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In an earlier paper we showed that in fully developed barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) root epidermal cells a decrease in cytosolic K+ was associated with an acidification of the cytosol (D.J. Walker, R.A. Leigh, A.J. Miller [1996] Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 93: 10510–10514). To show that these changes in cytosolic ion concentrations contributed to the decreased growth of K+-starved roots, we first measured whether similar changes occurred in cells of the growing zone. Triple-barreled ion-selective microelectrodes were used to measure cytosolic K+ activity and pH in cells 0.5 to 1.0 mm from the root tip. In plants growing from 7 to 21 d after germination under K+-replete conditions, the mean values did not change significantly, with values ranging from 80 to 84 mm for K+ and 7.3 to 7.4 for pH. However, in K+-starved plants (external [K+], 2 μm), the mean cytosolic K+ activity and pH had declined to 44 mm and 7.0, respectively, after 14 d. For whole roots, sap osmolality was always lower in K+-starved than in K+-replete plants, whereas elongation rate and dry matter accumulation were significantly decreased after 14 and 16 d of K+ starvation. The rate of protein synthesis in root tips did not change for K+-replete plants but declined significantly with age in K+-starved plants. Butyrate treatment decreased cytosolic pH and diminished the rate of protein synthesis in K+-replete roots. Procaine treatment of K+-starved roots gave an alkalinization of the cytosol and increased protein synthesis rate. These results show that changes in both cytosolic pH and K+ can be significant factors in inhibiting protein synthesis and root growth during K+ deficiency.