1000 resultados para Aleocharinae indeterminata


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A total of eighteen species of marine ostracods, in at least twelve genera, have been recovered from Early and Late Oligocene glacio-marine sediments from boreholes CRP-3 and CRP-2/2A in the Victoria Land Basin, Ross Sea, Antarctica. Faunas are sparse and generally moderately-well preserved. Previously, three species or closely related species have been recorded only from glacial settings (Kuiperiana meridionalislain (Müller), Australicythere polylyca (Müller), Hemicytheridea aff. H. kinggeorgeensis Blaszyk), but palaeotemperatures somewhat higher than at present in the Ross Sea are suggested by the presence of Austrocythere reticulotuberculata Hartmann, Cluthia aff. C. antiqua Ayress & Drapala and Cytherella? sp. 4796. Majungaella sp. 4471 is an enigmatic component, representing a genus previously known only from warm Cretaceous and Eocene, and relatively warm interglacial Pliocene habitats in southern Gondwana and the Antarctic Peninsula. Palaeobiogeographical considerations indicate that during Early Oligocene times, the Ross Sea area had faunal links with both Antarctic Peninsula/South America and southern Australasia. Three species present in the Early Oligocene glacial environments at Cape Roberts have survived to the Recent in the cool-cold Antarctic/Sub-Antarctic region: Austrocythere reticulotuberculata Hartmann, Australicythere polylyca (Müller), and Kuiperiana meridionalis (Müller).


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Sediment samples from ODP Site 1085 were investigated in order to obtain more information on the initiation and development of the Benguela upwelling system during the middle and upper Miocene. In particular, our intent was to establish the causes of the upwelling as well as the response of the upwelling regime to the development of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. Based on changes in the calcareous dinoflagellate cyst association, we found an initial increase of the dinoflagellate cyst productivity, probably related to the initiation of upwelling about 11.8 Ma ago. Two distinct increases in cyst productivity in conjunction with temperature decreases of the upper water masses reflect upwelling pulses off Namibia and occur at the end of the Miocene cooling events Mi5 (about 11.5 Ma) and Mi6 (about 10.5 Ma). Both cooling events are associated with an ice volume increase in Antarctica and are thought to have led to an increase in southeasterly winds, possibly causing these two upwelling pulses. We demonstrate a decrease in dinoflagellate cyst productivity and enhanced terrigenous input via the Orange River after the Mi5 event. At about 11.1 Ma, the dinoflagellate cyst productivity increases again. The polar cyst species Caracomia arctica occurs here for the first time. This implies an influence of subantarctic mode water and therefore a change in the quality of the upwelling water which allowed the Benguela upwelling to develop into modern conditions. From about 10.4 Ma, C. arctica forms a permanent part of the association, pointing to an establishment of the upwelling regime.


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Sites 545 and 547 collectively penetrated 629 m of mid-Cretaceous strata (upper Aptian to upper Cenomanian) off central Morocco during Leg 79 of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. Site 545, at the base of the steep Mazagan Escarpment, records a virtually complete succession of hemipelagic sediments of early late Aptian to middle Cenomanian age. Minor faunal recycling occurred throughout much of the upper Aptian to middle Albian part of the sequence (Cores 55 through 41), reflecting bottom currents along the Mazagan Escarpment. This may be related to the strong upwelling regime and high surface water productivity over Site 545 during the latest Aptian through middle Albian. The upwelling system ceased rather abruptly in this area in late middle Albian time. Recycling of older strata by bottom currents also ceased in the late middle Albian and resulted in a slower average accumulation rate in the upper Albian to middle Cenomanian section of Site 545 (Cores 40 through 28). However, intervals of pebbly claystone conglomerates in Cores 40 and 34 record sporadic instability in the slope adjacent to Site 545. Site 547, located only about 15 km seaward, is situated in a small sub-basin adjacent to the basement block drilled by Site 544. It contains an expanded upper Albian to upper Cenomanian sequence as a result of the numerous conglomeratic intervals throughout much of the section. In contrast to Site 545, the conglomerates were not derived from older strata cropping out on the Mazagan Escarpment; rather, they originated penecontemporaneously from a local unstable slope. A detailed biostratigraphic framework based on planktonic foraminifers is established for the mid-Cretaceous sections of Sites 545 and 547 and a new composite zonal scheme is proposed for the early late Aptian through early late Cenomanian interval. Fifty-five species are recognized and illustrated