964 resultados para Al-cu Alloys


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The kinetics of eutectoid decomposition beta(1)' --> gamma(2) + (alpha + gamma(2)) in Cu-12.86 wt% Al and Cu-12.84 wt% Al-1.98 wt% Ag alloys was studied by hardness measurements, using the Johnson-Mehl-Avrami equation. The results indicate that the presence of silver seems to influence the nucleation rate and the activation energy of the reaction.


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Thermal behavior of alpha-(Cu-Al-Ag) alloys, i.e. alloys with composition less than about 8.5 mass% Al, was studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), differential thermal analysis (DTA), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX) and X-ray diffractometry (XRD). The results indicated that the presence of silver introduces new thermal events ascribed to the formation of a silver-rich phase and, after addition higher amounts than 8 mass% Ag to the Cu-8 mass% Al alloy it is possible to observe the formation of the gamma(1) phase (Al4Cu9), which is only observed in alloys containing minimum of 9 mass% Al. These results may be attributed to some Ag characteristics and its interaction with Cu and Al.


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The completeness of beta-phase decomposition reaction in the Cu-11wt%Al-xwt%Ag alloys (x = 0, 1, 2, and 3) was studied using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffractometry (XRD), and optical microscopy (OM). The results indicated that beta-phase transformations are highly dependent on cooling rate and on the presence of Ag. on slow cooling, the silver presence prevents the beta- and beta(1)-phase decomposition; thus, inducing the martensitic phase formation. After rapid cooling, a new thermal event is observed and the reverse martensitic transformation is shifted to lower temperatures.


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The use of rapid solidification processes such as direct strip casting (DSC) is a good way to refine the Fe-intermetallics and decrease their detrimental effects. DSC creates out-ofequilibrium supersaturated microstructures. In this work, we explore the precipitation phenomena in direct strip cast Al-Fe and Al-Cu-Fe alloys and related corrosion and mechanical properties. The precipitates are characterised with differential scanning calorimetry and transmission electron microscopy. The corrosion performances are evaluated with immersion tests and weight loss measurements and the yield strength and ductility are estimated with tensile tests. A strong correlation between the microstructure and the bulk properties is revealed with a significant improvement of properties of DSC alloys.


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Transport properties of quasicrystals in rapidly solidified as well as heat-treated Al65CU20Cr15 alloys were studied over a wide temperature range as a function of structure and microstructure. The characterization was done using x-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy and differential scanning calorimetry. Particular attention was paid to primitive to face-centered quasicrystalline transformation which occurs on annealing and the effect of microstructures on the transport behavior. The temperature dependence of resistivity is found to depend crucially on the microstructure of the alloy. Further, ordering enhances the negative temperature coefficient of resistivity. The low-temperature (T less than or equal to 25 K) resistivity of Al65Cu20Cr15 has been compared with that of Al63.5Cu24.5Fe12 alloy. In this region p(T) can be well described by a root T contribution arising from electron-electron interaction. We discuss our results in view of current theories.


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Very recently 63Cu NMR has been shown to be extremely sensitive in detecting and differentiating between the precipitate phases that form in Al-Cu alloys during heat treatment. This technique is now used to quantify the effectiveness of small additions of Sn to the alloy Al-1.7 at.% Cu in promoting the rapid nucleation and growth of the θ'-phase precipitate. Two parallel series of 63Cu NMR spectra were recorded for Al-1.7 at.% Cu and Al-1.7 at.% Cu-0.01 at.% Sn: (i) aged at 130° C to observe the comparative rate of phase evolution and (ii) aged at 200° C to observe the rate of growth of θ'-phase and to compare with the Vickers hardness of the alloys aged at 200° C for similar periods. Evidence is presented that a metastable precursor phase to θ' (labelled TPHM2757math001) is formed in Al-Cu-Sn which transforms to θ' on further aging.


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Microalloying trace elements into aluminum alloys have been shown to improve mechanical properties by altering the precipitation process. Here, trace amounts of Sn and (Sn + Ag) have been added to Al-1.1Cu-1.7Mg (at.%) and the effects have been investigated by a combination of hardness testing and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Hardness testing shows that the addition of Sn increases the hardness throughout the ageing process, and in combination with Ag, further increases the hardness and shortens the time to reach the peak hardness. The increase in hardness via Sn microalloying is attributed to the homogeneous distribution of S phase (Al2CuMg) precipitates. In the alloy microalloyed with both Sn and Ag, the microstructure is dominated by homogeneously distributed Ω phase (Al2Cu) precipitates in the peak strengthened condition. Given that neither spherical β-Sn precipitates, nor any other obvious nucleation sites for the Ω phase precipitates were observed using TEM, the mechanism for development of such homogeneous precipitation remains to be determined.


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O contexto energético mundial apresenta um aumento constante do consumo de energia elétrica no último século, desta forma exigindo a pesquisa de novos materiais para a aplicação em cabos e fios condutores de eletricidade. A partir destas demandas por novos materiais, desenvolveu-se uma análise da influência dos solutos zircônio e titânio na modificação de características importantes de uma liga Al-Cu-Fe-Si, destinada a ser o meio condutor de energia elétrica, almejando obter propriedades termorresistentes. Para a realização deste estudo, as ligas foram obtidas por fundição direta em lingoteira metálica em formato “U”, a partir do Al-EC, fixando-se na liga-base os teores de 0,05% Cu, [0,24 a 0,28]% Fe e 0,7% de Si, e em seguida, inserindo-se os teores de 0,26% Zr e 0,26% Ti. O experimento foi dividido em duas etapas, ETAPA A e ETAPA B, respectivamente, com o intuito de se avaliar as características mecânicas, elétricas e estruturais das ligas. Os corpos de prova após laminação a frio (nos diâmetros 2,7; 3,0; 3,8 e 4,0 mm) foram analisados sem tratamento térmico (STT) e com tratamento térmico (CTT): 230 ºC por uma hora, de acordo com o protocolo COPEL, 310 ºC e 390 ºC por uma hora, visando avaliar a ermorresistência em temperaturas mais elevadas, a estabilidade térmica e analisar as microestruturas desenvolvidas em tais tratamentos térmicos (TT). Verificou-se que o Ti tem maior capacidade de refinar o grão em relação ao Zr, que apresenta grãos menos refinados, porém com melhores propriedades físicas e apresentando-se termorresistente.


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Este trabalho estudou a influência dos teores dos solutos Mg e Ni na modificação das propriedades térmicas, elétricas e mecânicas de uma liga Al-Cu-Fe para aplicação como condutor de energia elétrica. Para a realização do presente estudo, as ligas foram obtidas por fundição unidirecional horizontal, a partir da base do alumínio de pureza comercial com adição dos teores 0,05%p Cu e [0,24 a 0,28]%p Fe. Tal base foi modificada em uma primeira etapa com teores de 0,45, 0,60 e 0,80%p Mg. As ligas obtidas com estes teores tiveram suas propriedades estudadas para que se selecionasse um teor de Mg para posterior adição de Ni à liga. O estudo destas propriedades na primeira etapa passou pela análise das propriedades térmicas: velocidade de solidificação (VL) e taxa de resfriamento (Ṫ). A caracterização elétrica estudou a propriedade condutividade elétrica (φ) e o levantamento das propriedades mecânicas: limite de resistência à tração (σ) e microdureza Vickers (HV). A liga com adição de Ni passou por tratamentos térmicos de envelhecimento, por 1, 4 e 8h. Estas amostras foram analisadas em um microscópio eletrônico de varredura - MEV pelos sinais de elétrons retroespalhados – ERE e espectroscopia de energia dispersiva – EDS. Como resultados do estudo, encontrou-se que adições de Mg influenciaram significativamente a viscosidade das ligas, elevando as velocidades de solidificação nos instantes finais. Os ensaios de microdureza das amostras envelhecidas mostraram que houve um acréscimo significativo de dureza na quarta hora de envelhecimento, da mesma forma que as análises de EDS mostraram que a concentração de Ni também elevou-se nesta condição de tratamento.


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A liga Al-6%Cu foi solidificada direcionalmente sob condições transitórias de extração de calor e microestruturas dendríticas, variáveis térmicas de solidificação, ou seja, velocidade de deslocamento da isoterma líquidus (VL), taxa de resfriamento (TR) e gradiente de temperatura à frente da isoterma liquidus (GL) foram caracterizadas, determinadas experimentalmente e correlacionadas com os espaçamentos dentríticos terciários (λ3). Para tanto, foi projetado, construído e aferido um dispositivo de solidificação direcional horizontal. Os resultados encontrados mostram que leis de potência -1,1 e -0,55 caracterizam a variação dos espaçamentos terciários com a velocidade de deslocamento da isoterma liquidus (VL) e a taxa de resfriamento (TR), respectivamente. Finalmente, é realizado um estudo comparativo entre os resultados obtidos neste trabalho e aqueles publicados na literatura para ligas Al-Cu solidificadas direcionalmente sob condições transientes de fluxo de calor nos sistemas verticais ascendente e descendente.


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Analytical transmission electron microscopy indicates that liquid film migration occurs during sintering of an Al-Cu-Mg alloy, that intragranular liquid pools develop from migrating films and that iron segregates to these pools. It is suggested that a high localised iron concentration retards the liquid film migration rate by reducing the coherency strain in the retreating grain, causing a region of the film to detach from the boundary, thus forming an intragranular pool in the advancing grain. Alloys with low iron levels develop few intragranular pools and have high sintered densities. (C) 2003 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this work, nanocrystalline Mg-Al-Nd alloys were fabricated using mechanical alloying method. Phase structure of the extrided rods was examined using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and the microstructures were observed using transmission electronic microscopy (TEM). High yield strength was obtained in the alloys with a high Nd content due to grain refinement and Nd rich precipitate phase.


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The subsurface deformation during dry sliding of Al-Si alloys is studied by fragmentation of silicon particles. The size of the fragmented particles does not vary with load. The depth of deformation is found to increase with increase in normal load. This experimental observation agrees with load-deformation depth characteristics obtained by a slip line field model.


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Controversy exists in the published literature as to the effect of silicon content and pressure on the dry sliding wear of Al---Si alloys. The present paper attempts to clarify the question by reporting a statistical analysis of data obtained from factorially designed experiments conducted on a pinon-disc machine in the pressure range 0.105–1.733 MPa and speed range 0.19–0.94 m s−1. Under these conditions it was found that, in the range 4–24 wt.% Si, wear of binary unmodified alloys does not significantly differ between the alloys. However, it is significantly less than that corresponding to an alloy containing no silicon. The effect of pressure on wear rate was found to be linear and monotonie and, over the narrow range of speeds used, the wear rate was found to be unaffected by speed. The coefficient of friction was found to be insensitive to variations in silicon content, pressure and speed.


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