995 resultados para Ainslie, George Robert, 1776-1839.


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"With the German text on alternate pages, and additional notes."


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Esta investigación pretende establecer de qué manera la inestabilidad política afecta el desarrollo, a partir de la teoría Amartya Sen y la conceptualización de Andreas Schelder sobre consolidación democrática, por medio del análisis del caso de Kenia y sus implicaciones frente a los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio entre 2002 y 2008.


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La Corte Constitucional colombiana, a través de la interpretación del texto de la carta política, ha hecho invaluables aportes al desarrollo del derecho en nuestro país. Sin embargo, este proceso de definir las palabras de la Constitución requiere la utilización de preferencias valorativas y esto, como es natural, implica un grave riesgo para la seguridad jurídica: ¿hasta dónde puede llegar el intérprete, ¿cuáles son los límites que debe respetar?. Este riesgo incrementa si tenemos en cuenta que buena parte de la doctrina constitucional colombiana contemporánea, llamada por algunos neoconstitucionalismo, ha creado una nueva jerga erudita impenetrable llena de metáforas sofisticadas, razonamientos abstrusos, argumentos con una gran carga emotiva y citas herméticas que, en cierta medida, le han permitido encubrir sus ideas y valoraciones y, de este modo, evitar que sean sensatamente escudriñadas. En un sistema como el colombiano, erigido sobre el principio de frenos y contrapesos entre los distintos poderes del Estado, si el poder político se ejerce a través de la justicia constitucional, en un lenguaje incomprensible y presentado como un argumento de última instancia, todo el equilibrio se viene abajo y, muy pronto, el derecho se convierte en el principal instrumento del despotismo., de Daniel Mendonca, es un libro perfectamente honesto que presenta sus ideas con absoluta claridad y ayuda a trazar los límites entre la discrecionalidad y la arbitrariedad de la interpretación constitucional.


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Tyrosine hydroxylase (E.C., L-tyrosine tetrahydropteridine:oxygen oxidoreductase, 3-hydroxylating), is the initial and rate limiting enzyme in the biosynthetic pathway of catecholamine production. The mechanism by which the activity of tyrosine hydroxylase is altered in response to excitation of adrenergic cells has been suggested to be a covalent modification of the enzyme. A variety of evidence suggests that the stimulus-induced modification of tyrosine hydroxylase responsible for activating the enzyme is an increased phosphorylation of the enzyme. Tyrosine hydroxylase has been shown to be phosphoprotein in situ and undergoes changes in its state of phosphorylation upon stimulation of the adrenergic tissue. Further, in vitro phosphorylation of tyrosine hydroxylase increases the activity of the enzyme in a manner kinetically similar to the changes observed in the enzyme after stimulation of the intact adrenergic tissue. Thus, the covalent modification of tyrosine hydroxylase by reversible phosphorylation appears to provide a rapid and sensitive mechanism of coupling the activity of the enzyme to the excitation process. The mechanism by which the adrenergic cell mediates the depolarization-dependent phosphorylation and activation of tyrosine hydroxylase is controversial. The most accepted working model suggests that the cAMP-dependent protein kinase mediates this process, however a variety of data are inconsistent with this hypothesis.^ This dissertation attempts to identify the protein kinase(s) responsible for mediating the stimulus-dependent phosphorylation of tyrosine hydroxylase in purified, isolated bovine adrenal chromaffin cells. These studies address this question by first identifying the protein kinase activities in the chromaffin cells which can phosphorylate tyrosine hydroxylase and subsequently, evaluating the possibility that these protein kinases mediate the stimulus-dependent phosphorylation of the enzyme by tryptic peptide mapping. The maps of tyrosine hydroxylase phosphorylated by these protein kinase activities were compared with that of tyrosine hydroxylase phosphorylated in situ. The outcome of these studies have been the identification of three protein kinase activities in the chromaffin cells which can phosphorylate tyrosine hydroxylase in vitro, and the determination that one, a calcium-, calmodulin-dependent protein kinase, is capable of accounting for the pattern of phosphate incorporation into tyrosine hydroxylase observed in situ. The results of these experiments suggest that the depolarization-dependent activation of tyrosine hydroxylase in adrenal chromaffin cells may be mediated by the activation of a calcium-, calmodulin-dependent protein kinase by the influx of calcium into the cells and the subsequent phosphorylation of tyrosine hydroxylase by this enzyme.^


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Resumen: Vista de San Pio V y una parte de la ciudad desde el antiguo Jardin del Real.


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pt.15 (1853) [Nomenclature of Diptera.I]


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Handwritten draft of the Charles P. Sumner’s valedictory poem to the Harvard class of 1796, in a 19th century hardcover binding beginning “The youth by adverse fortune forced to roam…”. The poem mentions John Russell, a member of the Class of 1796 who died in November 1795. The copy includes edits and struck-out words.


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A somewhat playful manuscript poem describing a weary student, Tom Delve, who throws off his "tiresome books" to "exchange my hopes of fame for ease" because the world of art, unlike science, is too broad to ever master.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Mode of access: Internet.