996 resultados para Agronomic efficiency


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O processo de nitrificação pode conduzir a perdas substanciais do nitrogênio aplicado por meio da lixiviação de nitrato e emissão de N2O. A regulação da nitrificação pode ser uma estratégia para melhorar a recuperação do N e aumentar sua eficiência agronômica. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a habilidade de espécies do gênero Brachiaria de inibir o processo de nitrificação no solo. O experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação, em vasos contendo 10 dm³ de um Latossolo Vermelho. Os tratamentos foram constituídos do cultivo de três espécies forrageiras (Brachiaria brizantha, B. ruziziensis e B. decumbens) e quatro doses de N (0, 100, 200 e 300 mg/vaso), além da testemunha (sem a presença das forrageiras). Na ausência do cultivo de forrageiras, todos os níveis de adubação nitrogenada proporcionaram maior teor de N-NO3- no solo, reflexo da nitrificação. A mineralização da matéria orgânica supriu boa parte da necessidade de absorção de N pelas forrageiras estudadas, e a B. brizantha alterou a nitrificação em sua rizosfera, no entanto esse efeito não foi de magnitude suficiente para alterar o teor de N-NH4+ presente no volume total de solo do vaso.


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Avaliou-se os rendimentos das culturas da beterraba e da rúcula em função de épocas de plantio e sistemas solteiro e consorciado, em Mossoró, de janeiro a março de 2005. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi de blocos casualizados com nove tratamentos em quatro repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram dos consórcios da beterraba com rúcula estabelecidos aos 0, 7, 14 e 21 dias após a semeadura da beterraba, monocultura da beterraba e as monoculturas da rúcula, nas mesmas épocas de estabelecimento dos cultivos consorciados. A semeadura da rúcula e beterraba realizada na mesma época proporcionaram maior massa fresca e seca da parte aérea e produtividade de rúcula, sendo respectivamente, de 50,19 g/planta; 5,86 g/planta e 1338,47 g/m². Já para a beterraba, independentemente da época de semeadura, o monocultivo foi superior ao consórcio na produção de massa fresca e de raízes. Os maiores índices de uso eficiente da terra foram obtidos no sistema de consórcio quando a semeadura da rúcula foi realizada no mesmo período (2,0) e aos sete dias (1,9) após a semeadura da beterraba.


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The sugar cane crop has been cultivated in all regions of the Brazil, occupying different soil types. The north region of Mato Grosso has favorable climate conditions for the culture, however, has been achieved low productivity due to the not application of fertilizer and inefficient doses. Being the potassium the mineral element absorbed in large amount by culture. Aimed to with this work to evaluate the effect of growing doses of the nutrient applied in coverage in the second cycle of the variety of sugar cane IAC86-2480. The experimental design was randomized blocks, with four replications. The Potassium doses were: 0; 60; 120; 180 e 240 kg ha(-1) of K(2)O. Was evaluated the degrees Brix, diameter, weigth, height and productivity of stalk. No was significant effects for the variable degrees Brix in response to potassium doses, since to others had response quadratic. The dose of maximum agronomic efficiency was of 150 kg ha(-1) de K(2)O obtaining productivity of 85 t ha(-1) of stalk, representing 25% increase in productivity.


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The aim of this study was to estimate the effect of the association between carrot and lettuce crops in several intercropping systems through different yield advantage indexes, as well as to assess which system is better for the environmental resources management with respect to productivity and economic indicators. A 'group balanced block' experimental design was used, with four replications. Cultivars of lettuce crispleaf ('Lucy Brown', 'Tainá', 'Laurel' and 'Verônica') and looseleaf ('Babá de Verão', 'Maravilha das Quatro Estações', 'Elisa' and 'Carolina') groups were evaluated in intercropping systems with 'Alvorada' and 'Brasilia' carrot cultivars. The land equivalent ratio (LER) and yield efficiency index (YEI) were estimated, besides economic indicators such as gross (GI) and net (NI) income, modified monetary advantage (MMA), return rate (RR) and profit margin (PM). The evaluated indexes showed that carrot is the dominant and lettuce the dominated crop. Higher biological/agronomic efficiency indexes and economic indicators were observed in intercropping systems with 'Brasilia' carrot as component crop and that based on the crispleaf lettuce group.


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Considering the importance of nitrogen management and its biological fixation with diazotrophic bacteria, this study was carried out aiming to evaluate the agronomic performance of maize, in response to seed inoculation with Azospirillum brasilense and nitrogen application in side-dressing and leaf. The experiment was conducted in Selvíria, Mato Grosso of Sul State, Brazil, during the growing season 2010/2011, on a clayey Rhodic Haplustox (20° 20' S and 51° 24' W, with altitude of 340 m). Sixteen treatments were established with four replications, in randomized blocks with the combination of the factors A. brasilense (with and without inoculante), nitrogen rate (0 and 90 kg ha-1, in V5 growth stage) and urea leaf application (0, 4, 8 and 12%: application in V5 and V8 growth stage). The maize hybrid used was the DKB 390 YG®, sowed in the row spacing of 0.9 m. Parameters measured were productive and morphological components of culture and crop yield. Increase in maize yield by seed inoculation with A. brasilense was observed. The application of 90 kg ha -1 of nitrogen in side-dressing provided higher chlorophyll leaf index, stalk diameter and prolificacy, however, the yield not was increased. The application of urea leaf did not agronomic efficiency and, therefore, should not be used as the unique form of supply and alternative to nitrogen addition to crop.


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In tropical regions, the residual effect of phosphate fertilizer source is of crucial importance. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of application of P sources in chemical properties of soil, nutrition and productivity of sugarcane plant and during the first and second ratoon. The sources of P applied in furrows at planting were, triple superphosphate, Arad phosphate, bone meal (100 kg ha-1 P2O5 total) and a control without P, the varieties of sugarcane studied were IAC86-2480 and SP79-1011. A randomized block design in a 4 × 2 factorial was used, with four replications. The study was conducted in the municipality of Alta Floresta-MT, Brazil, in Typic Hapludox. After each cutting, in soil P content, pH and Ca were evaluated. In the plant, the production of green and dry matter of shoots, the concentration of P in the biomass harvested, the export of P and agronomic efficiency of the sources of P were determined. The bone meal had a higher agronomic efficiency resulted in greater accumulation and export of P by crop, higher content of available Ca and P and increase soil pH. The Arad reactive phosphate increased its agronomic efficiency between crop cycles.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Nitrogen (N) is the most required nutrient for corn plants and, in order to supply this demand in highly productive crops, mineral fertilizers are used, especially urea. The disadvantage of urea is the loss of N-NH3 to atmosphere. To reverse this situation, some technologies have been developed, such as nitrification and urease inhibitors, which are used as additives to urea. This work aimed at evaluating the agronomic efficiency of urea stabilized with urease and nitrification inhibitors applied to cover the 2013/2014 corn crop. We evaluated 11 nitrogen fertilizer applied in coverage: urea + PA (41.6% N, 3% Cu); urea + PA (41.6% N, 1.5% Cu); urea + PA (41.6% N, 3% Zn); urea + PA (41.6% N, 1.5% Zn); urea + PA (41.6% N, 0.34% Cu, 0.94% B); urea + PA (41.6% N, 0.25% Cu, 0.68% B); urea + PA (41.6% N); urea (44.3% N, 0.15% Cu, 0.4% B); urea (43% N, 0.1% Cu, 0.3% B, 0.05% Mo); pearled urea (46% N); urea + 0,8% DMPP (45% N) and the control, which did not receive nitrogen topdressing. The evaluations were: Nitrogen losses through volatilization, content and accumulation of N, boron (B), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) to the dry matter of aerial parts, grains, and in straw and grain productivity. Fertilizers stabilized with urease and nitrification inhibitors did not reduce the volatilization of ammonia volatilization, when compared to pearled urea. Urea with 0.8% of DMPP nitrification inhibitor (3,4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate) provided higher loss by volatilization, lower productivity and agronomic efficiency compared to pearled urea. The coating of urea with Cu, B and Zn did not increase the accumulation of these nutrients in grains and MSPA plants. The use of fertilizers stabilized and coated with micronutrients did not increase the productivity and agronomic efficiency compared to conventional urea.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)