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The influence of initial perturbation geometry and material propel-ties on final fold geometry has been investigated using finite-difference (FLAC) and finite-element (MARC) numerical models. Previous studies using these two different codes reported very different folding behaviour although the material properties, boundary conditions and initial perturbation geometries were similar. The current results establish that the discrepancy was not due to the different computer codes but due to the different strain rates employed in the two previous studies (i.e. 10(-6) s(-1) in the FLAC models and 10(-14) s(-1) in the MARC models). As a result, different parts of the elasto-viscous rheological field were bring investigated. For the same material properties, strain rate and boundary conditions, the present results using the two different codes are consistent. A transition in Folding behaviour, from a situation where the geometry of initial perturbation determines final fold shape to a situation where material properties control the final geometry, is produced using both models. This transition takes place with increasing strain rate, decreasing elastic moduli or increasing viscosity (reflecting in each case the increasing influence of the elastic component in the Maxwell elastoviscous rheology). The transition described here is mechanically feasible but is associated with very high stresses in the competent layer (on the order of GPa), which is improbable under natural conditions. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Following the Ninth International Congress of Toxicology (ICT-IX) and its satellite meeting ‘The International Conference on the Environmental Toxicology of Metals and Metalloids’ held in 2001 in Australia, a special issue on Arsenic was published in July 2002 (Toxicology Letters, 133(1), 1–120, 2002). We felt that it was timely to follow up with a special issue covering a wider range of metals and metalloids. Participants from the above conferences were invited to contribute to this special issue on ‘Environmental Toxicology of Metals and Metalloids’. This special issue consists of 11 manuscripts, representing up to date studies on a number of important harmful elements including aluminium, arsenic, cadmium, selenium, tin (tributyltin) and zinc. It illustrates the multidisciplinary nature of modern research in environmental toxicology involving chemical, biological and molecular technological approaches. It has been our great pleasure to produce this special issue. We would like to thank the authors for their contributions. We greatly appreciate the guidance and assistance provided by Dr J.P. Kehrer (Managing Editor), Dr Lulu Stader (Senior Publishing Editor) and their colleagues at Elsevier Science.
While multimedia data, image data in particular, is an integral part of most websites and web documents, our quest for information so far is still restricted to text based search. To explore the World Wide Web more effectively, especially its rich repository of truly multimedia information, we are facing a number of challenging problems. Firstly, we face the ambiguous and highly subjective nature of defining image semantics and similarity. Secondly, multimedia data could come from highly diversified sources, as a result of automatic image capturing and generation processes. Finally, multimedia information exists in decentralised sources over the Web, making it difficult to use conventional content-based image retrieval (CBIR) techniques for effective and efficient search. In this special issue, we present a collection of five papers on visual and multimedia information management and retrieval topics, addressing some aspects of these challenges. These papers have been selected from the conference proceedings (Kluwer Academic Publishers, ISBN: 1-4020- 7060-8) of the Sixth IFIP 2.6 Working Conference on Visual Database Systems (VDB6), held in Brisbane, Australia, on 29–31 May 2002.
Almeida E. S. de, Haddad E. A. and Hewings G. J. D. Transport-regional equity issue revisited, Regional Studies. The objective of this paper is to analyse the relationship between transport and regional equity in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Furthermore, the existence of a trade-off between economic performance and regional equity is investigated as well. To do so, the paper develops a spatial computable general equilibrium model based on Brocker and Schneider`s approach of 2002 to implement comparative static analysis, explicitly incorporating iceberg transportation costs. Four activities are modelled, namely production, final demand, transportation and exports. Two production factors are assumed: labour and other factors. The model has 12 domestic regions and three external regions. Four counterfactual experiments are developed based on decreases in transportation costs due to a `distance shortening`. The main findings indicate that if the transport infrastructure improvement is focused only among poor regions, the promotion of regional equity is insignificant. If the transport infrastructure improvement links are concentrated among rich regions, there is an increase in regional income inequalities. However, if the improvements are targeted to the roads linking poor regions and rich ones, there is greater promotion of regional equity. The same result will occur when improvements are made to all road links of the state. [image omitted] Almeida E. S. de, Haddad E. A. et Hewings G. J. D. La question du rapport entre le transport et l`equilibre regional vue sous un jour nouveau, Regional Studies. Cet article cherche a analyser le rapport entre le transport et l`equilibre regional en Minas Gerais au Bresil. En outre, on examine la presence d`un echange entre la performance economoique et l`equilibre regional. Pour le faire, on construit un modele geographique de l`equilibre general a utiliser sur ordinateur fonde sur l`approche de Brockner et Schneider en 2002 afin de mettre en oeuvre une analyse statique comparative qui comprend explicitement les frais de transport iceberg. On modelise quatre activites, a savoir, la production, la demande finale, le transport et l`exportation. On fait deux suppositions quant aux facteurs de production: la main-d`oevre et d`autres facteurs. Le modele embrasse douze regions internes et trois regions externes. On fait quatre experiences paradoxales fondees sur la baisse des frais de transport due a une `reduction des distances`. Les principaux resultats indiquent que si l`amelioration de l`equipement de transport ne porte que sur les regions defavorisees, la promotion de l`equilibre regional s`avere negligeable. Si l`amelioration de l`equipement de transport focalise les regions riches, il s`avere un creusement des ecarts des revenus regionaux. Cependant, si les ameliorations ciblent les routes qui relient les regions defavorisees aux regions riches, il s`avere une plus grande promotion de l`equilibre regional. Il en va de meme pour la situation ou on a apporte des amenagements a toutes les liaisons routieres de l`etat. Modele geographique de l`equilibre general a utiliser sur ordinateur Equilibre regional Peformance economique Frais de transport Almeida E. S. de, Haddad E. A. und Hewings G. J. D. Die Wiederaufnahme der Frage von Verkehrswesen im Verhaltnis zu regionaler Fairness, Regional Studies. Dieser Aufsatz beabsichtigt, die Beziehung zwischen Verkehrswesen und regionaler Fairness in Minas Gerais (Brasilien) zu analysieren und zugleich auch das Vorkommen von Einbussen entweder bei wirtschaftlicher Leistung der regionaler Fairness zu untersuchen. Zu diesem Zwecke wird ein auf dem Ansatz von Brocker und Schneider (2002) aufbauendes raumliches komputables allgemeines Gleichgewichtsmodell entwickelt, um vergleichende statistische Analysen durchzufuhren, wobei verborgene `Eisberg`-Transportkosten ausdrucklich berucksichtigt werden. Es werden vier Unternehmenstatigk eiten aufgefuhrt: Herstellung, Nachfrage, Transportwesen und Exporte, und zwei Produktionsfaktoren vorausgesetzt: Arbeitskrafte und andere Faktoren. Das Modell umfasst zwolf Inlandsregionen und drei externe Regionen. Es werden vier gegensatzliche Experimente entwickelt, die auf einer Abnahme der Transportkosten infolge einer `Verkurzung der Entfernungen` beruhen. Die Hauptbefunde weisen darauf hin, dass die Forderung regionaler Fairness unbedeutend bleibt, wenn die Verbesserungen der Transportinfrastruktur sich nur auf minderbemittelte Regionen konzentrieren; werden die Verbesserungen der Verbindungen der Transportinfrastruktur in wohlhabenden Regionen durchgefuhrt, so nehmen regionale Einkommensunterschiede zu. Wenn die Verbesserungen jedoch auf Strassen abzielen, die wohlhabende Regionen mit weniger bemittelten verbinden, wird regionale Fairness starker gefordert. Das gleiche Ergebnis wird sich einstellen, wenn Verbesserungen an allen Strassenverbindungen des Staates vorgenommen werden. Raumliches, komputables, allgemeines Gleichgewichtsmodell Regionale Fairness Wirtschaftsleistung Transportkosten Almeida E. S. de, Haddad E. A. y Hewings G. J. D. Revisando el tema de la igualdad del transporte en las regiones, Regional Studies. El objetivo de este documento es analizar la relacion entre el transporte y la igualdad regional en Minas Gerais, Brasil. Asimismo investigamos la existencia de una compensacion entre el rendimiento economico y la igualdad regional. Para ello desarrollamos un modelo de equilibrio general computable y espacial basado en el enfoque de Brocker y Schneider en 2002 para hacer un analisis estatico y comparativo, explicitamente incorporando los costes ocultos de transporte. Se modelan cuatro actividades: la produccion, la demanda final, el transporte y las exportaciones. Suponemos que existen dos factores de produccion: mano de obra y otros factores. En este modelo, existen doce regiones internas y tres regiones externas. Desarrollamos cuatro experimentos contrafactuales basados en la disminucion de los costes de transporte debido a una `acortamiento de las distancias`. Los principales resultados indican que si la mejora de la infraestructura del transporte se centra solo entre las regiones mas pobres, el fomento de la igualdad regional es insignificante. Si los enlaces de la mejora de la infraestructura del transporte se concentran en las regiones ricas, aumentan las desigualdades de ingresos regionales. Sin embargo, si se mejoran los enlaces de carreteras entre las regiones pobres y ricas, se fomenta mejor la igualdad regional. El mismo resultado ocurre cuando se mejoran los enlaces de todas las carreteras del estado. Modelo de equilibrio general computable y espacial Igualdad regional Rendimiento economico Costes de transporte.
This special issue represents a further exploration of some issues raised at a symposium entitled “Functional magnetic resonance imaging: From methods to madness” presented during the 15th annual Theoretical and Experimental Neuropsychology (TENNET XV) meeting in Montreal, Canada in June, 2004. The special issue’s theme is methods and learning in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and it comprises 6 articles (3 reviews and 3 empirical studies). The first (Amaro and Barker) provides a beginners guide to fMRI and the BOLD effect (perhaps an alternative title might have been “fMRI for dummies”). While fMRI is now commonplace, there are still researchers who have yet to employ it as an experimental method and need some basic questions answered before they venture into new territory. This article should serve them well. A key issue of interest at the symposium was how fMRI could be used to elucidate cerebral mechanisms responsible for new learning. The next 4 articles address this directly, with the first (Little and Thulborn) an overview of data from fMRI studies of category-learning, and the second from the same laboratory (Little, Shin, Siscol, and Thulborn) an empirical investigation of changes in brain activity occurring across different stages of learning. While a role for medial temporal lobe (MTL) structures in episodic memory encoding has been acknowledged for some time, the different experimental tasks and stimuli employed across neuroimaging studies have not surprisingly produced conflicting data in terms of the precise subregion(s) involved. The next paper (Parsons, Haut, Lemieux, Moran, and Leach) addresses this by examining effects of stimulus modality during verbal memory encoding. Typically, BOLD fMRI studies of learning are conducted over short time scales, however, the fourth paper in this series (Olson, Rao, Moore, Wang, Detre, and Aguirre) describes an empirical investigation of learning occurring over a longer than usual period, achieving this by employing a relatively novel technique called perfusion fMRI. This technique shows considerable promise for future studies. The final article in this special issue (de Zubicaray) represents a departure from the more familiar cognitive neuroscience applications of fMRI, instead describing how neuroimaging studies might be conducted to both inform and constrain information processing models of cognition.
Izenman and Sommer (1988) used a non-parametric Kernel density estimation technique to fit a seven-component model to the paper thickness of the 1872 Hidalgo stamp issue of Mexico. They observed an apparent conflict when fitting a normal mixture model with three components with unequal variances. This conflict is examined further by investigating the most appropriate number of components when fitting a normal mixture of components with equal variances.
Group C rotavirus (GpCRV) has a worldwide distribution; however, its epidemiology and ecology are still unclear. Evidence for a possible zoonotic role has been postulated recently for Brazilian children strains. The aim of this study was to monitor GpCRV in children <= 15 years with acute gastroenteritis during the 2007-2010 national Brazilian rotavirus surveillance, and to undertake the molecular characterization of the major VP6 capsid protein. A total of 3,019 fecal samples were first screened for Group A rotavirus (GpARV). A total of 2,205 GpARV ELISA negative samples were tested further for the presence of GpCRV by SDS-PAGE, electronic microscopy, and RT-PCR for the VP6 gene. The genetic diversity of GpCRV was carried out by sequencing the VP6 gene. GpARV and GpCRV infections were detected in 24.6% (742/3,019) and 0.3% (8/3,019), respectively. The GpCRV detection rate increased from 0.2% (1/422) in 2007 to 1% (7/708) in 2008, and GpCRV cases were not detected in 2009 and 2010. The phylogenetic analysis indicated that the strains belonged to the human lineage, and showed a genetic relationship with the GpCRV strain from Japan isolated in 2009. None of the study sequences was related closely to animal GpCRV strains. This study provides further evidence that GpCRV is a minor cause of acute childhood gastroenteritis in Brazil, and does not suggest that GpCRV may assume epidemiological importance in the future, even after the introduction of a GpARV vaccine. In addition, the molecular analyses of the GpCRV samples in this study do not support the zoonotic hypothesis. J. Med. Virol. 83: 1631-1636, 2011. (C) 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.