37 resultados para Agoraphobia
OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this study were to verify the degree of anxiety, respiratory distress, and health-related quality of life in a group of asthmatic patients who have experienced previous panic attacks. Additionally, we evaluated if a respiratory physiotherapy program (breathing retraining) improved both asthma and panic disorder symptoms, resulting in an improvement in the health-related quality of life of asthmatics. METHODS: Asthmatic individuals were assigned to a chest physiotherapy group that included a breathing retraining program held once a week for three months or a paired control group that included a Subtle Touch program. All patients were assessed using the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV, the Sheehan Anxiety Scale, the Quality of Life Questionnaire, and spirometry parameter measurements. RESULTS: Both groups had high marks for panic disorder and agoraphobia, which limited their quality of life. The Breathing Retraining Group program improved the clinical control of asthma, reduced panic symptoms and agoraphobia, decreased patient scores on the Sheehan Anxiety Scale, and improved their quality of life. Spirometry parameters were unchanged. CONCLUSION: Breathing retraining improves the clinical control of asthma and anxiety symptoms and the health-related quality of life in asthmatic patients.
We evaluated whether traumatic events are associated with a distinctive pattern of socio-demographic and clinical features of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). We compared socio-demographic and clinical features of 106 patients developing OCD after post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD; termed post-traumatic OCD), 41 patients developing OCD before PTSD (pre-traumatic OCD), and 810 OCD patients without any history of PTSD (non-traumatic OCD) using multinomial logistic regression analysis. A later age at onset of OCD, self-mutilation disorder, history of suicide plans, panic disorder with agoraphobia, and compulsive buying disorder were independently related to post-traumatic OCD. In contrast, earlier age at OCD onset, alcohol-related disorders, contamination-washing symptoms, and self-mutilation disorder were all independently associated with pre-traumatic OCD. In addition, patients with post-traumatic OCD without a previous history of obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS) showed lower educational levels, greater rates of contamination-washing symptoms, and more severe miscellaneous symptoms as compared to post-traumatic OCD patients with a history of OCS. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a chronic condition that normally presents high rates of psychiatric comorbidity. Depression, tic disorders and other anxiety disorders are among the most common comorbidities in OCD adult patients. There is evidence that the higher the number of psychiatric comorbidities, the worse the OCD treatment response. However, little is known about the impact of OCD treatment on the outcome of the psychiatric comorbidities usually present in OCD patients. The aim of this study was to investigate the impact of exclusive, conventional treatments for OCD on the outcome of additional psychiatric disorders of OCD patients, detected at baseline. Methods: Seventy-six patients with primary OCD admitted to the treatment protocols of the Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders Program between July 2007 and December 2009 were evaluated at pre-treatment and after 12 months. Data were analyzed to verify possible associations between,OCD treatment response and the outcome of psychiatric comorbidities. Results: Results showed a significant association between OCD treatment response and improvement of major depression and dysthymia (p-value = 0.002), other anxiety disorders (generalized anxiety disorder, social phobia, specific phobia, posttraumatic stress disorder, panic disorder, agoraphobia and anxiety disorder not otherwise specified) (p-value = 0.054) and tic disorders (p-value = 0.043). Limitations: This is an open, non-blinded study, without rating scales for comorbid conditions. Further research is necessary focusing on the possible mechanisms by which OCD treatment could improve these specific disorders. Conclusions: Our results suggest that certain comorbid disorders may benefit from OCD-targeted treatment. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background: Social Phobia (SP) is an anxiety disorder that frequently co-occurs with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD); however, studies that evaluate clinical factors associated with this specific comorbidity are rare. The aim was to estimate the prevalence of SP in a large multicenter sample of OCD patients and compare the characteristics of individuals with and without SP. Method: A cross-sectional study with 1001 patients of the Brazilian Research Consortium on Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders using several assessment instruments, including the Dimensional Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders. Univariate analyses were followed by logistic regression. Results: Lifetime prevalence of SP was 34.6% (N=346). The following variables remained associated with SP comorbidity after logistic regression: male sex, lower socioeconomic status, body dysmorphic disorder, specific phobia, dysthymia, generalized anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, Tourette syndrome and binge eating disorder. Limitations: The cross-sectional design does not permit the inference of causal relationships; some retrospective information may have been subject to recall bias; all patients were being treated in tertiary services, therefore generalization of the results to other samples of OCD sufferers should be cautious. Despite the large sample size, some hypotheses may not have been confirmed due to the small number of cases with these characteristics (type 2 error). Conclusion: SP is frequent among OCD patients and co-occurs with other disorders that have common phenomenological features. These findings have important implications for clinical practice, indicating the need for broader treatment approaches for individuals with this profile. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
RAMOS RT, MATTOS DA, REBOUCAS ITS, RANVAUD RD. Space and motion perception and discomfort in air travel. Aviat Space Environ Med 2012; 83:1162-6. Introduction: The perception of comfort during air trips is determined by several factors. External factors like cabin design and environmental parameters (temperature, humidity, air pressure, noise, and vibration) interact with individual characteristics (anxiety traits, fear of flying, and personality) from arrival at the airport to landing at the destination. In this study, we investigated the influence of space and motion discomfort (SMD), fear of heights, and anxiety on comfort perception during all phases of air travel. Methods: We evaluated 51 frequent air travelers through a modified version of the Flight Anxiety Situations Questionnaire (FAS), in which new items were added and where the subjects were asked to report their level of discomfort or anxiety (not fear) for each phase of air travel (Chronbach's alpha = 0.974). Correlations were investigated among these scales: State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAB, Cohen's Acrophobia Questionnaire, and the Situational Characteristics Questionnaire (SitQ, designed to estimate SMD levels). Results: Scores of SitQ correlated with discomfort in situations involving space and movement perception (Pearson's rho = 0.311), while discomfort was associated with cognitive mechanisms related to scores in the anxiety scales (Pearson's rho = 0.375). Anxiety traits were important determinants of comfort perception before and after flight, while the influence of SMD was more significant during the time spent in the aircraft cabin. Discussion: SMD seems to be an important modulator of comfort perception in air travel. Its influence on physical well being and probably on cognitive performance, with possible effects on flight safety, deserves further investigation.
BACKGROUND: Anxiety disorders are often associated with several non-psychiatric medical conditions. Among the clinical conditions found in association with anxiety stands out the joint hypermobility (JH). OBJECTIVES: To carry out a systematic review of the clinical association between anxiety disorders and JH. METHOD: A survey was conducted in MEDLINE, PsychINFO, LILACS e SciELO databases up to December 2011. We searched for articles using the keywords 'anxiety', 'joint' and 'hypermobility' and Boolean operators. The review included articles describing empirical studies on the association between JH and anxiety. The reference lists of selected articles were systematically hand-searched for other publications relevant to the review. RESULTS: Seventeen articles were included in the analysis and classified to better extract data. We found heterogeneity between the studies relate to the methodology used. Most of the studies found an association between anxiety features and JH. Panic disorder/agoraphobia was the anxiety disorder associated with JH in several studies. Etiological explanation of the relationship between anxiety and JH is still controversial. CONCLUSION: Future research in large samples from the community and clinical setting and longitudinal studies of the association between anxiety and HA and the underlying biological mechanisms involved in this association are welcome.
Internet-delivered self-help with minimal therapist guidance has shown promising results for a number of diagnoses. Most of the evidence comes from studies evaluating standardized disorder-specific treatments. A recent development in the field includes transdiagnostic and tailored Internet-based treatments that address comorbid symptoms and a broader range of patients. This study evaluated an Internet-based tailored guided self-help treatment, which targeted symptoms of social anxiety disorder, panic disorder with or without agoraphobia, and generalized anxiety disorder. The tailored treatment was compared both with standardized disorder-specific Internet-based treatment and with a wait-list control group. Both active treatment conditions were based on cognitive-behavioral therapy and lasted for 8 weeks. A total of 132 individuals meeting diagnostic criteria for at least one of the anxiety disorders were randomly assigned to 1 of the 3 conditions. Both treatment groups showed significant symptom reductions as compared with the wait-list control group on primary disorder-unspecific measures of anxiety, depression, and general symptomatology and on secondary anxiety disorder-specific measures. Based on the intention-to-treat sample, mean between-group effect sizes were d = 0.80 for the tailored treatment and d = 0.82 for the standardized treatment, versus wait-list controls. Treatment gains were maintained at 6-month follow-up. No differences were found between the 2 active treatment conditions on any of the measures, including a telephone-administered diagnostic interview conducted at posttreatment. The findings suggest that both Internet-based tailored guided self-help treatments and Internet-based standardized treatments are promising treatment options for several anxiety disorders
Internet-based cognitive behavioral self-help treatment (ICBT) for anxiety disorders has shown promising results in several trials, but there is yet a lack of studies of ICBT in „real world” primary care settings. In this randomized controlled trial we recruited participants through general practitioners. The aim of the study was to examine whether treatment-as-usual (TAU) in primary care settings plus ICBT is superior to TAU alone in reducing anxiety symptoms and other outcome measures among individuals meeting diagnostic criteria of a least one of three anxiety disorders (social anxiety disorder, panic disorder with or without agoraphobia, generalized anxiety disorder). 150 adults fulfilling diagnostic criteria for a least one of the anxiety disorders according to a diagnostic interview are randomly assigned to one of the two conditions: TAU plus ICBT versus TAU. Randomization is stratified by primary disorder, medication (yes/no) and concurrent psychotherapy. ICBT consists of a transdiagnostic and tailored Internet-based self-help program for several anxiety disorders which also includes cognitive bias modification for interpretation (CBM-I). Primary outcomes are symptoms of disorder-specific anxiety measures and diagnostic status after the intervention (9 weeks). Secondary outcomes include primary outcomes at 3-month follow-up and secondary measures such as general symptomatology, depression, quality of life, adherence to ICBT and satisfaction with ICBT. The study is currently being completed. Primary results along with results for specific subgroups (e.g. primary diagnosis, concurrent medication and/or psychotherapy) will be presented and discussed.
Desordens da ansiedade, especialmente a agorafobia e a desordem do pânico foram associadas a anormalidades das funções vestibulares. Evidências de que o controle do equilíbrio pode exigir habilidades atencionais também foram relatadas. Utilizando o medo de altura como modelo clínico onde sintomas ansiosos coexistem com anormalidades com a percepção espacial e controle do equilíbrio, este estudo investigou o desempenho em testes de atenção visual em voluntários normais com altos e baixos escores obtidos do Questionário de Acrofobia. O teste de rastreio visual foi realizado em 30 indivíduos (15 em cada grupo) enquanto ouviam dois tipos diferentes de estímulos auditivos. Na condição volume um som de 900 Hz era apresentado em ambos ouvidos durante 2 segundos seguidos de mais 2 segundos de silêncio. Na condição balanço , o mesmo som era apresentado durante 2 segundos ao ouvido direito seguido por 2 segundos ao ouvido esquerdo. Estímulos auditivos de movimento provocaram maior desconforto em ambos os grupos, mas nos indivíduos com maiores escores de acrofobia estes estímulos foram associados a um pior desempenho no teste visual. Embora muito limitado pela amostra experimental, este estudo sugere que o medo de altura pode estar associado à dependência visual para manutenção do equilíbrio e que poderia piorar o desempenho nos testes visuais devido à competição dos recursos neuro-cognitivos. Implicações experimentais e clínicas destes achados preliminares exigem outras pesquisas.
Desordens da ansiedade, especialmente a agorafobia e a desordem do pânico foram associadas a anormalidades das funções vestibulares. Evidências de que o controle do equilíbrio pode exigir habilidades atencionais também foram relatadas. Utilizando o medo de altura como modelo clínico onde sintomas ansiosos coexistem com anormalidades com a percepção espacial e controle do equilíbrio, este estudo investigou o desempenho em testes de atenção visual em voluntários normais com altos e baixos escores obtidos do Questionário de Acrofobia. O teste de rastreio visual foi realizado em 30 indivíduos (15 em cada grupo) enquanto ouviam dois tipos diferentes de estímulos auditivos. Na condição volume um som de 900 Hz era apresentado em ambos ouvidos durante 2 segundos seguidos de mais 2 segundos de silêncio. Na condição balanço , o mesmo som era apresentado durante 2 segundos ao ouvido direito seguido por 2 segundos ao ouvido esquerdo. Estímulos auditivos de movimento provocaram maior desconforto em ambos os grupos, mas nos indivíduos com maiores escores de acrofobia estes estímulos foram associados a um pior desempenho no teste visual. Embora muito limitado pela amostra experimental, este estudo sugere que o medo de altura pode estar associado à dependência visual para manutenção do equilíbrio e que poderia piorar o desempenho nos testes visuais devido à competição dos recursos neuro-cognitivos. Implicações experimentais e clínicas destes achados preliminares exigem outras pesquisas.
Hofstede's dimension of national culture termed Masculinity-Femininity [Hofstede (1991). Cultures and organizations: software of the mind. London: McGraw-Hill] is proposed to be of relevance for understanding national-level differences in self-assessed agoraphobic fears. This prediction is based on the classical work of Fodor [Fodor (1974). In: V. Franks & V. Burtle (Eds.), Women in therapy: new psychotherapies for a changing society. New York: Brunner/Mazel]. A unique data set comprising 11 countries (total N = 5491 students) provided the opportunity of scrutinizing this issue. It was hypothesized and found that national Masculinity (the degree to which cultures delineate sex roles, with masculine or tough societies making clearer differentiations between the sexes than feminine or modest societies do) would correlate positively with national agoraphobic fear levels (as assessed with the Fear Survey Schedule-III). Following the correction for sex and age differences across national samples, a significant and large effect-sized national-level (ecological) r = +0.67 (P = 0.01) was found. A highly feminine society such as Sweden had the lowest, whereas the champion among the masculine societies, Japan, had the highest national Agoraphobic fear score. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The psychometric properties of the Spence Children's Anxiety Scale (SCAS) were examined with 875 adolescents aged 13 and 14 years. This self-report measure was designed to evaluate symptoms relating to separation anxiety, social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic-agoraphobia, generalized anxiety, and fears of physical injury. Results of confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses supported six factors consistent with the hypothesized subtypes of anxiety. There was support also for a model in which the first-order factors loaded significantly on a single second-order factor of anxiety in general. The internal consistency of the total score and sub-scales was high, and 12-week test-retest reliability was satisfactory. The SCAS correlated strongly with a frequently used child self-report measure of anxiety and significantly, albeit at a lower level, with a measure of depression. (C) 2002 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Background. The present paper describes a component of a large Population cost-effectiveness study that aimed to identify the averted burden and economic efficiency of current and optimal treatment for the major mental disorders. This paper reports on the findings for the anxiety disorders (panic disorder/agoraphobia, social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder). Method. Outcome was calculated as averted 'years lived with disability' (YLD), a population summary measure of disability burden. Costs were the direct health care costs in 1997-8 Australian dollars. The cost per YLD averted (efficiency) was calculated for those already in contact with the health system for a mental health problem (current care) and for a hypothetical optimal care package of evidence-based treatment for this same group. Data sources included the Australian National Survey of Mental Health and Well-being and published treatment effects and unit costs. Results. Current coverage was around 40% for most disorders with the exception of social phobia at 21%. Receipt of interventions consistent with evidence-based care ranged from 32% of those in contact with services for social phobia to 64% for post-traumatic stress disorder. The cost of this care was estimated at $400 million, resulting in a cost per YLD averted ranging from $7761 for generalized anxiety disorder to $34 389 for panic/agoraphobia. Under optimal care, costs remained similar but health gains were increased substantially, reducing the cost per YLD to < $20 000 for all disorders. Conclusions. Evidence-based care for anxiety disorders would produce greater population health gain at a similar cost to that of current care, resulting in a substantial increase in the cost-effectiveness of treatment.
This study investigated the role of both negative and positive cognitions in predicting panic severity in an international sample of patients diagnosed with panic disorder (with and without agoraphobia). One hundred and fifty-nine patients were administered the Brief Bodily Sensations Interpretation Questionnaire (BBSIQ), the Self-efficacy to Control Panic Attacks Questionnaire, and the Panic and Agoraphobia Scale (PAS) prior to receiving treatment. Regression analyses indicated that both catastrophic misinterpretation of bodily sensations and panic self-efficacy independently predicted panic severity. The influence of panic self-efficacy upon panic severity remained significant even after controlling for the presence or absence of agoraphobia. There was no evidence to suggest a moderating relationship between the two cognitive factors. Results are discussed in terms of the need to consider both negative and positive cognitions in cognitive accounts of panic disorder. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
One reason for the neglect of the role of positive factors in cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) may relate to a failure to develop cognitive models that integrate positive and negative cognitions. Bandura [Psychol. Rev. 84 (1977) 191; Anxiety Res. 1 (1988) 77] proposed that self-efficacy beliefs mediate a range of emotional and behavioural outcomes. However, in panic disorder, cognitively based research to date has largely focused on catastrophic misinterpretation of bodily sensations. Although a number of studies support each of the predictions associated with the account of panic disorder that is based on the role of negative cognitions, a review of the literature indicated that a cognitively based explanation of the disorder may be considerably strengthened by inclusion of positive cognitions that emphasize control or coping. Evidence to support an Integrated Cognitive Model (ICM) of panic disorder was examined and the theoretical implications of this model were discussed in terms of both schema change and compensatory skills accounts of change processes in CBT. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.