59 resultados para Ager


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The contract work has demonstrated that older data can be assessed and entered into the MR format. Older data has associated problems but is retrievable. The contract successfully imported all datasets as required. MNCR survey sheets fit well into the MR format. The data validation and verification process can be improved. A number of computerised short cuts can be suggested and the process made more intuitive. Such a move is vital if MR is to be adopted as a standard by the recording community both on a voluntary level and potentially by consultancies.


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A 40 cm thick primary bed of Old Crow tephra (131 ± 11 ka), an important stratigraphic marker in eastern Beringia, directly overlies a vegetated surface at Palisades West, on the Yukon River in central Alaska. Analyses of insect, bryophyte, and vascular plant macrofossils from the buried surface and underlying organic-rich silt suggest the local presence of an aquatic environment and mesic shrub-tundra at the time of tephra deposition. Autochthonous plant and insect macrofossils from peat directly overlying Old Crow tephra suggest similar aquatic habitats and hydric to mesic tundra environments, though pollen counts indicate a substantial herbaceous component to the regional tundra vegetation. Trace amounts of arboreal pollen in sediments associated with the tephra probably reflect reworking from older deposits, rather than the local presence of trees. The revised glass fission-track age for Old Crow tephra places its deposition closer to the time of the last interglaciation than earlier age determinations, but stratigraphy and paleoecology of sites with Old Crow tephra indicate a late Marine Isotope Stage 6 age. Regional permafrost degradation and associated thaw slumping are responsible for the close stratigraphic and paleoecological relations between Old Crow tephra and last interglacial deposits at some sites in eastern Beringia. © 2009 Elsevier Ltd.


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Last interglacial sediments in unglaciated Alaska and Yukon (eastern Beringia) are commonly identified by palaeoecological indicators and stratigraphic position ~2-5m above the regionally prominent Old Crow tephra (124±10ka). We demonstrate that this approach can yield erroneous age assignments using data from a new exposure at the Palisades, a site in interior Alaska with numerous exposures of last interglacial sediments. Tephrochronology, stratigraphy, plant macrofossils, pollen and fossil insects from a prominent wood-rich organic silt unit are all consistent with a last interglacial age assignment. However, six 14C dates on plant and insect macrofossils from the organic silt range from non-finite to 4.0 14C ka BP, indicating that the organic silt instead represents a Holocene deposit with a mixed-age assemblage of organic material. In contrast, wood samples from presumed last interglacial organic-rich sediments elsewhere at the Palisades, in a similar stratigraphic position with respect to Old Crow tephra, yield non-finite 14C ages. Given that local permafrost thaw since the last interglaciation may facilitate reworking of older sediments into new stratigraphic positions, minimum constraining ages based on 14C dating or other methods should supplement age assignments for last interglacial sediments in eastern Beringia that are based on palaeoecology and stratigraphic association with Old Crow tephra.


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In North America, terrestrial records of biodiversity and climate change that span Marine Oxygen Isotope Stage (MIS) 5 are rare. Where found, they provide insight into how the coupling of the ocean-atmosphere system is manifested in biotic and environmental records and how the biosphere responds to climate change. In 2010-2011, construction at Ziegler Reservoir near Snowmass Village, Colorado (USA) revealed a nearly continuous, lacustrine/wetland sedimentary sequence that preserved evidence of past plant communities between similar to 140 and 55 lea, including all of MIS 5. At an elevation of 2705 m, the Ziegler Reservoir fossil site also contained thousands of well-preserved bones of late Pleistocene megafauna, including mastodons, mammoths, ground sloths, horses, camels, deer, bison, black bear, coyotes, and bighorn sheep. In addition, the site contained more than 26,000 bones from at least 30 species of small animals including salamanders, otters, muskrats, minks, rabbits, beavers, frogs, lizards, snakes, fish, and birds. The combination of macro- and micro-vertebrates, invertebrates, terrestrial and aquatic plant macrofossils, a detailed pollen record, and a robust, directly dated stratigraphic framework shows that high-elevation ecosystems in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado are climatically sensitive and varied dramatically throughout MIS 5 


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The receptor for AGEs (RAGE) is linked to proinflammatory pathology in a range of tissues. The objective of this study was to assess the potential modulatory role of RAGE in diabetic retinopathy.
Diabetes was induced in wild-type (WT) and Rage −/− mice (also known as Ager −/− mice) using streptozotocin while non-diabetic control mice received saline. For all groups, blood glucose, HbA1c and retinal levels of methylglyoxal (MG) were evaluated up to 24 weeks post diabetes induction. After mice were killed, retinal glia and microglial activation, vasopermeability, leucostasis and degenerative microvasculature changes were determined. 

Retinal expression of RAGE in WT diabetic mice was increased after 12 weeks (p < 0.01) but not after 24 weeks. Rage −/− mice showed comparable diabetes but accumulated less MG and this corresponded to enhanced activity of the MG-detoxifying enzyme glyoxalase I in their retina when compared with WT mice. Diabetic Rage −/− mice showed significantly less vasopermeability, leucostasis and microglial activation (p < 0.05–0.001). Rage −/− mice were also protected against diabetes-related retinal acellular capillary formation (p < 0.001) but not against pericyte loss. 

Conclusions/interpretation Rage −/− in diabetic mice is protective against many retinopathic lesions, especially those related to innate immune responses. Inhibition of RAGE could be a therapeutic option to prevent diabetic retinopathy.


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Concert program for A Student Composers' Recital, May 7, 1959


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Estudo baseado no tombo de propriedades da Ordem de Cristo da comenda de Rio Frio de inícios do século XVI. Análise das lógicas de ocupação e de exploração do espaço rural, do ager e do saltus.


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In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird ein am Strengths-Modell orientiertes Case Management-Projekt zur Prozess- und Ergebnisoptimierung der bereits bestehenden ambulanten gerontopsychiatrischen Versorgungsstruktur untersucht. Dazu arbeitete eine Krankenpflegerin mit psychiatrischer Fachausbildung in einer Berliner Sozialstation auf Basis einer professionellen Beziehung für 4-6 Wochen bei Klientinnen mit gerontopsychiatrischen Problemlagen, erstellte ein Assessment, leistete notwendige Unterstützung zunächst selbst, vermittelte gestützt auf die eigenen Erfahrungen weiterführende Dienste, leitete diese Dienste an, zog sich dann aus dem direkten Kontakt mit den Klientinnen zurück und blieb beratend für die weiterführenden Dienste verfügbar. Zur Untersuchung des Projekts wurden qualitative und quantitative Verfahren eingesetzt. Zur Beschreibung der Inhalte wurden die für jede Klientin verfasste Dokumentation und die Ergebnisse von grob strukturierten Interviews mit der Case Managerin, angelehnt an eine reduzierte Form der Methode Grounded Theory, in einem iterativen Prozess analysiert. In einem zweiten Schritt wurde dann untersucht, inwieweit die einzelnen Arbeitsinhalte des Case Managements die sozial-räumlichdingliche Umweltanpassung und Proaktivität der Klientinnen unterstützten. Die Wirkungen des Projektes auf Kognition, Aktivitäten des täglichen Lebens (ADL), Instrumentelle Aktivitäten des täglichen Lebens (IADL), Stimmung sowie soziales und störendes Verhalten wurden mittels eines standardisierten Fragebogens mit einem quasi-experimentellen prospektiven Untersuchungsdesign analysiert. Zur Analyse der subjektiven Wirkung des Projektes auf Angehörige wurden in den Ergebnissen von grob strukturierten Interviews mittels eines iterativen Prozesses Themen identifiziert. Die Klientinnen (n=11) erhielten durchschnittlich 23 Stunden Case Management. Neben den typischen Case Management-Aufgaben führte die Case Managerin, basierend auf den Gewohnheiten, Interessen und Selbsteinschätzungen der Klientinnen, therapeutische und pflegerische Maßnahmen durch und unterstützte dabei die sozial-dinglichräumliche Umweltanpassung und Proaktivität der Klientinnen. Zusätzlich wurden Hauspflegerinnen von der Case Managerin individuell in der Wohnung von Klientinnen hinsichtlich der Kommunikation mit und Unterstützung der Proaktivität von Klientinnen angeleitet. Die Hauspflegerinnen führten die von der Case Managerin eingeleiteten Maßnahmen erfolgreich fort. Bei den Klientinnen zeigten sich signifikante Verbesserungen in Gedächtnis, Stimmung, IADL-Funktionen und Sozialverhalten, aber nicht in ADL-Funktionen und störendem Verhalten. Diese Verbesserungen wurden subjektiv von den Angehörigen (n=7) bestätigt. Zusätzlich empfanden Angehörige eine zeitliche aber keine psychische Entlastung. Mit diesem Projekt wurde gezeigt, dass ein zeitlich begrenztes klientenzentriertes Case Management kognitive, soziale und emotionale Funktionen von gerontopsychiatrisch Erkrankten verbessert, Angehörige zeitlich entlastet und dass Hauspflegerinnen bei entsprechender Anleitung die vom Case Management eingeleiteten Maßnahmen fortführen können. In Folgestudien mit größerem Umfang sollten diese Ergebnisse überprüft werden um dann zu entscheiden, ob dieser Ansatz geeignet ist, die ambulante gerontopsychiatrische Versorgung gemeindenah zu verbessern.


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Manual diseñado para ayudar al alumno a obtener el máximo provecho y garantizar que se cumplan los objetivos necesarios de AQA General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) de Arte y Diseño, tanto en la unidad de evaluación controlada (portafolio) como en el examen. Cubre muestras de trabajos procedentes de todas las menciones para ejemplificar diferentes modos de trabajo: arte y diseño (curso completo o corto); aplicado; bellas artes; comunicación gráfica; diseño textil; diseño tridimensional; fotografía basada en la lente y en la luz. En el portafolio se incluyen proyectos y colección de trabajos que se desarrollan a lo largo del curso, necesarios para mostrar que se han cubierto todos los objetivos de evaluación. Tiene estudios de casos y otras actividades para reforzar el aprendizaje y alentar a los estudiantes a desarrollar sus habilidades creativas.


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The biomisation method is used to reconstruct Latin American vegetation at 6000±500 and 18 000±1000 radiocarbon years before present (14C yr BP) from pollen data. Tests using modern pollen data from 381 samples derived from 287 locations broadly reproduce potential natural vegetation. The strong temperature gradient associated with the Andes is recorded by a transition from high altitude cool grass/shrubland and cool mixed forest to mid-altitude cool temperate rain forest, to tropical dry, seasonal and rain forest at low altitudes. Reconstructed biomes from a number of sites do not match the potential vegetation due to local factors such as human impact, methodological artefacts and mechanisms of pollen representivity of the parent vegetation.


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Rationale:Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) is a high prevalence condition characterized by altered energy metabolism, insulin resistance and elevated cardiovascular risk.Objectives:Although many individual single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been linked to certain MetS features, there are few studies analyzing the influence of SNPs on carbohydrate metabolism in MetS.Methods:904 SNPs (tag SNPs and functional SNPs) were tested for influence in eight fasting and dynamic markers of carbohydrate metabolism, performing an intravenous glucose tolerance test in 450 participants of the LIPGENE study.Findings:From 382 initial gene-phenotype associations between SNPs and any phenotypic variables, 61 (a 16 % of the pre-selected) remained significant after Bootstrapping. Top SNPs affecting glucose metabolism variables were as follows: fasting glucose: rs26125 (PPARGC1B); fasting insulin: rs4759277 (LRP1); C peptide: rs4759277 (LRP1); HOMA-IR: rs4759277 (LRP1); QUICKI: rs184003 (AGER); SI: rs7301876 (ABCC9), AIRg: rs290481 (TCF7L2) and DI: rs12691 (CEBPA).Conclusions:We describe here the top SNPs linked to phenotypic features in carbohydrate metabolism among aproximately 1000 candidate gene variations in fasting and postprandial samples of 450 patients with MetS from the LIPGENE study.