998 resultados para Ag films


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In dieser Arbeit wurde die Elektronenemission von Nanopartikeln auf Oberflächen mittels spektroskopischen Photoelektronenmikroskopie untersucht. Speziell wurden metallische Nanocluster untersucht, als selbstorganisierte Ensembles auf Silizium oder Glassubstraten, sowie ferner ein Metall-Chalcogenid (MoS2) Nanoröhren-Prototyp auf Silizium. Der Hauptteil der Untersuchungen war auf die Wechselwirkung von fs-Laserstrahlung mit den Nanopartikeln konzentriert. Die Energie der Lichtquanten war kleiner als die Austrittsarbeit der untersuchten Proben, so dass Ein-Photonen-Photoemission ausgeschlossen werden konnte. Unsere Untersuchungen zeigten, dass ausgehend von einem kontinuierlichen Metallfilm bis hin zu Clusterfilmen ein anderer Emissionsmechanismus konkurrierend zur Multiphotonen-Photoemission auftritt und für kleine Cluster zu dominieren beginnt. Die Natur dieses neuen Mechanismus` wurde durch verschiedenartige Experimente untersucht. Der Übergang von einem kontinuierlichen zu einem Nanopartikelfilm ist begleitet von einer Zunahme des Emissionsstroms von mehr als eine Größenordnung. Die Photoemissions-Intensität wächst mit abnehmender zeitlicher Breite des Laserpulses, aber diese Abhängigkeit wird weniger steil mit sinkender Partikelgröße. Die experimentellen Resultate wurden durch verschiedene Elektronenemissions-Mechanismen erklärt, z.B. Multiphotonen-Photoemission (nPPE), thermionische Emission und thermisch unterstützte nPPE sowie optische Feldemission. Der erste Mechanismus überwiegt für kontinuierliche Filme und Partikel mit Größen oberhalb von mehreren zehn Nanometern, der zweite und dritte für Filme von Nanopartikeln von einer Größe von wenigen Nanometern. Die mikrospektroskopischen Messungen bestätigten den 2PPE-Emissionsmechanismus von dünnen Silberfilmen bei „blauer“ Laseranregung (hν=375-425nm). Das Einsetzen des Ferminiveaus ist relativ scharf und verschiebt sich um 2hν, wenn die Quantenenergie erhöht wird, wogegen es bei „roter“ Laseranregung (hν=750-850nm) deutlich verbreitert ist. Es zeigte sich, dass mit zunehmender Laserleistung die Ausbeute von niederenergetischen Elektronen schwächer zunimmt als die Ausbeute von höherenergetischen Elektronen nahe der Fermikante in einem Spektrum. Das ist ein klarer Hinweis auf eine Koexistenz verschiedener Emissionsmechanismen in einem Spektrum. Um die Größenabhängigkeit des Emissionsverhaltens theoretisch zu verstehen, wurde ein statistischer Zugang zur Lichtabsorption kleiner Metallpartikel abgeleitet und diskutiert. Die Elektronenemissionseigenschaften bei Laseranregung wurden in zusätzlichen Untersuchungen mit einer anderen Anregungsart verglichen, der Passage eines Tunnelstroms durch einen Metall-Clusterfilm nahe der Perkolationsschwelle. Die elektrischen und Emissionseigenschaften von stromtragenden Silberclusterfilmen, welche in einer schmalen Lücke (5-25 µm Breite) zwischen Silberkontakten auf einem Isolator hergestellt wurden, wurden zum ersten Mal mit einem Emissions-Elektronenmikroskop (EEM) untersucht. Die Elektronenemission beginnt im nicht-Ohmschen Bereich der Leitungsstrom-Spannungskurve des Clusterfilms. Wir untersuchten das Verhalten eines einzigen Emissionszentrums im EEM. Es zeigte sich, dass die Emissionszentren in einem stromleitenden Silberclusterfilm Punktquellen für Elektronen sind, welche hohe Emissions-Stromdichten (mehr als 100 A/cm2) tragen können. Die Breite der Energieverteilung der Elektronen von einem einzelnen Emissionszentrum wurde auf etwa 0.5-0.6 eV abgeschätzt. Als Emissionsmechanismus wird die thermionische Emission von dem „steady-state“ heißen Elektronengas in stromdurchflossenen metallischen Partikeln vorgeschlagen. Größenselektierte, einzelne auf Si-Substraten deponierte MoS2-Nanoröhren wurden mit einer Flugzeit-basierten Zweiphotonen-Photoemissions-Spektromikroskopie untersucht. Die Nanoröhren-Spektren wiesen bei fs-Laser Anregung eine erstaunlich hohe Emissionsintensität auf, deutlich höher als die SiOx Substratoberfläche. Dagegen waren die Röhren unsichtbar bei VUV-Anregung bei hν=21.2 eV. Eine ab-initio-Rechnung für einen MoS2-Slab erklärt die hohe Intensität durch eine hohe Dichte freier intermediärer Zustände beim Zweiphotonen-Übergang bei hν=3.1 eV.


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Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Química, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química, 2016.


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Gold is often considered as an inert material but it has been unequivocally demonstrated that it possesses unique electronic, optical, catalytic and electrocatalytic properties when in a nanostructured form.[1] For the latter the electrochemical behaviour of gold in aqueous media has been widely studied on a plethora of gold samples, including bulk polycrystalline and single-crystal electrodes, nanoparticles, evaporated films as well as electrodeposited nanostructures, particles and thin films.[1b, 2] It is now well-established that the electrochemical behaviour of gold is not as simple as an extended double-layer charging region followed by a monolayer oxide-formation/-removal process. In fact the so-called double-layer region of gold is significantly more complicated and has been investigated with a variety of electrochemical and surface science techniques. Burke and others[3] have demonstrated that significant processes due to the oxidation of low lattice stabilised atoms or clusters of atoms occur in this region at thermally and electrochemically treated electrodes which were confirmed later by Bond[4] to be Faradaic in nature via large-amplitude Fourier transformed ac voltammetric experiments. Supporting evidence for the oxidation of gold in the double-layer region was provided by Bard,[5] who used a surface interrogation mode of scanning electrochemical microscopy to quantify the extent of this process that forms incipient oxides on the surface. These were estimated to be as high as 20% of a monolayer. This correlated with contact electrode resistance measurements,[6] capacitance measurements[7] and also electroreflection techniques...


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Abstract Ag-TiO2 and Au-TiO2 hybrid electrodes were designed by covalent attachment of TiO2 nanoparticles to Ag or Au electrodes via an organic linker. The optical and electronic properties of these systems were investigated using the cytochrome b5 (Cyt b5) domain of sulfite oxidase, exclusively attached to the TiO2 surface, as a Raman marker and model redox enzyme. Very strong SERR signals of Cyt b 5 were obtained for Ag-supported systems due to plasmonic field enhancement of Ag. Time-resolved surface-enhanced resonance Raman spectroscopic measurements yielded a remarkably fast electron transfer kinetic (k = 60 s -1) of Cyt b5 to Ag. A much lower Raman intensity was observed for Au-supported systems with undefined and slow redox behavior. We explain this phenomenon on the basis of the different potential of zero charge of the two metals that largely influence the electronic properties of the TiO2 island film. © 2013 American Chemical Society.


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In this paper we employ the phenomenon of bending deformation induced transport of cations via the polymer chains in the thickness direction of an electro-active polymer (EAP)-metal composite thin film for mechanical energy harvesting. While EAPs have been applied in the past in actuators and artificial muscles, promising applications of such materials in hydrodynamic and vibratory energy harvesting are reported in this paper. For this, functionalization of EAPs with metal electrodes is the key factor in improving the energy harvesting efficiency. Unlike Pt-based electrodes, Ag-based electrodes have been deposited on an EAP membrane made of Nafion. The developed ionic metal polymer composite (IPMC) membrane is subjected to a dynamic bending load, hydrodynamically, and evaluated for the voltage generated against an external electrical load. An increase of a few orders of magnitude has been observed in the harvested energy density and power density in air, deionized water and in electrolyte solutions with varying concentrations of sodium chloride (NaCl) as compared to Pt-based IPMC performances reported in the published literature. This will have potential applications in hydrodynamic and residual environmental energy harvesting to power sensors and actuators based on micro-andn nano-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS and NEMS) for biomedical,maerospace and oceanic applications.


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Microstructural and superconducting properties of YBa2Cu3O7-x thin films grown in situ on bare sapphire by pulsed laser deposition using YBa2Cu3O7-x targets doped with 7 and 10 wt% Ag have been studied. Ag-doped films grown at 730 degrees C on sapphire have shown very significant improvement over the undoped YBa2Cu3O7-x films grown under identical condition. A zero resistance temperature of 90 K and a critical current density of 1.2 x 10(6) A/cm(2) at 77 K have been achieved on bare sapphire for the first time. Improved connectivity among grains and reduced reaction rate between the substrate and the film caused due to Ag in the film are suggested to be responsible for this greatly improved transport properties.


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High?quality Ag?doped YBa2Cu3O7?? thin films have been grown by laser ablation on R?plane ?1102? sapphire without any buffer layer. Thin films have been found to be highly c?axis oriented with Tc=90 K, transition width ?T?1 K, and transport Jc=1.2×106 A?cm?2 at 77 K in self?field conditions. The microwave surface resistance of these films measured on patterned microstrip resonators has been found to be 530 ?? at 10 GHz at 77 K which is the lowest reported on unbuffered sapphire. Improved in?plane epitaxy and reduced reaction rate between the substrate and the film caused due to Ag in the film are believed to be responsible for this greatly improved microwave surface resistance. © 1995 American Institute of Physics.


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Results of a high resolution photoemission and electrochemistry study of Se adsorption Au(111) and Ag(111) surfaces performed by immersion of pristine samples into an aqeuous solution of Na2Se are presented. Cyclic voltammetry on Au shows formation of selenium adsorbed species and the structures observed in reductive desorption are to the atomic and polymeric species observed in XPS. In the case of Au(111) XPS spectra in the Se(3d) region indeed show two main features attributed to Se chemisorbed atomically and polymeric Se-8 features.' Smaller structures due to other types of Se conformations were also observed. The Au(4f) peak line, shape does not show core level, shifts: indicative of Au selenide formation the case of silver, XPS spectra for the Ag(3d) show a broadening of the peak and a deconvolution into Ag-B bulk like Ag-Se components shows that the Ag-Se is located at a lower binding energy, an effect similar to oxidation and sulfidation of Ag. The Se(3d) XPS spectrum is found to be substantially different from the Au case and dominated by atomic type Se due to the selenide, though a smaller intensity Se structure at an energy similar to the Se-8 structure for Au is also observed. Changes in the valence band region. related to Se adsorption are reported.


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Well-crystallized anatase and mixed (anatase-rutile) phase TiO2 thin films were deposited by DC magnetron sputtering technique at various DC powers in the range of 80-140 W. Pure anatase phase was observed in the TiO2 films deposited at low power of 80 W. Films deposited at 120 W were composed of both anatase and rutile phases. At higher power of 140 W, the films are rutile dominated and the rutile percentage increased from 0 to 82% with increase of DC power. The same results of phase change were confirmed by Raman studies. The surface morphology of the TiO2 films showed that the density of the films increased with increase of sputter power. The optical band gap of the films varied from 3.35 to 3.14 eV with increase of DC power. The photocatalytic activity of the TiO2 films increased with increasing DC power up to 120 W and after that it decreases. We found that the TiO2 films deposited at 120 W with 48% of rutile phase, exhibited high photocatalytic activity (43% of degradation) under UV light compared with other TiO2 films. After loading the optimized Ag nanoparticles on the mixed phase TiO2 films, the photocatalytic activity shifted from UV to visible region with enhancement of photocatalytic activity (55% of degradation). (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Well-crystallized anatase and mixed (anatase-rutile) phase TiO2 thin films were deposited by DC magnetron sputtering technique at various DC powers in the range of 80-140 W. Pure anatase phase was observed in the TiO2 films deposited at low power of 80 W. Films deposited at 120 W were composed of both anatase and rutile phases. At higher power of 140 W, the films are rutile dominated and the rutile percentage increased from 0 to 82% with increase of DC power. The same results of phase change were confirmed by Raman studies. The surface morphology of the TiO2 films showed that the density of the films increased with increase of sputter power. The optical band gap of the films varied from 3.35 to 3.14 eV with increase of DC power. The photocatalytic activity of the TiO2 films increased with increasing DC power up to 120 W and after that it decreases. We found that the TiO2 films deposited at 120 W with 48% of rutile phase, exhibited high photocatalytic activity (43% of degradation) under UV light compared with other TiO2 films. After loading the optimized Ag nanoparticles on the mixed phase TiO2 films, the photocatalytic activity shifted from UV to visible region with enhancement of photocatalytic activity (55% of degradation). (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The conversion of silver nanoparticle (NP) paste films into highly conductive films at low sintering temperature is an important requirement for the developing areas of additive fabrication and printed electronics. Ag NPs with a diameter of ∼10 nm were prepared via an improved chemical process to produce viscous paste with a high wt%. The paste consisted of as-prepared Ag NP and an organic vehicle of ethylcellulose that was deposited on glass and Si substrates using a contact lithographic technique. The morphology and conductivity of the imprinted paste film were measured as a function of sintering temperature, sintering time and the percentage ratio of Ag NP and ethylcellulose. The morphology and conductivity were examined using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and a two-point probe electrical conductivity measurement. The results show that the imprinted films were efficiently converted into conducting states when exposed to sintering temperature in the range of 200-240 °C, this temperature is lower than the previously reported values for Ag paste. © 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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YBa 2Cu 3O 7-δ thick films have been deposited onto Ag substrates by the Electrophoretic Deposition (EPD) technique. Different microstructures and electrical behaviours were observed depending on the starting powder. Coatings prepared from commercial powder displayed significant porosity and the superconducting transition width was found to be magnetic-field dependent. Films produced from home-made coprecipitated powder are denser but contain some secondary phases. No dependence of the resistive transition as a function of magnetic field (H 20 Oe) was observed in that case. © 2006 IOP Publishing Ltd.