1000 resultados para Administração de bibliotecas


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This work aims to analyze risks related to information technology (IT) in procedures related to data migration. This is done considering ALEPH, Integrated Libray System (ILS) that migrated data to the Library Module present in the software called Sistema Integrado de Gestão de Atividades Acadêmicas (SIGAA) at the Zila Mamede Central Library at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) in Natal/Brazil. The methodological procedure used was of a qualitative exploratory research with the realization of case study at the referred library in order to better understand this phenomenon. Data collection was able once there was use of a semi-structured interview that was applied with (11) subjects that are employed at the library as well as in the Technology Superintendence at UFRN. In order to examine data Content analysis as well as thematic review process was performed. After data migration the results of the interview were then linked to both analysis units and their system register with category correspondence. The main risks detected were: data destruction; data loss; data bank communication failure; user response delay; data inconsistency and duplicity. These elements point out implication and generate disorders that affect external and internal system users and lead to stress, work duplicity and hassles. Thus, some measures were taken related to risk management such as adequate planning, central management support, and pilot test simulations. For the advantages it has reduced of: risk, occurrence of problems and possible unforeseen costs, and allows achieving organizational objectives, among other. It is inferred therefore that the risks present in data bank conversion in libraries exist and some are predictable, however, it is seen that librarians do not know or ignore and are not very worried in the identification risks in data bank conversion, their acknowledge would minimize or even extinguish them. Another important aspect to consider is the existence of few empirical research that deal specifically with this subject and thus presenting the new of new approaches in order to promote better understanding of the matter in the corporate environment of the information units


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As bibliotecas universitárias brasileiras procuram oferecer o acesso de livros eletrônicos (e-books) aos usuários, contudo, o uso de e-books está aquém do esperado em bibliotecas, esta situação nos leva ao problema de pesquisa: haveria problemas na produção do serviço de disponibilização de e-books na biblioteca universitária que afetem o uso de e-books nas bibliotecas? Que tipos de problemas podem estar relacionados? Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar a gestão de e-books em bibliotecas universitárias, com o propósito de compreender melhor o uso de e-books na biblioteca e detectar possíveis problemas na produção do serviço. A partir de um estudo de caso de uma rede de bibliotecas de uma universidade pública brasileira e de revisão de literatura, constatou-se que há quatro principais tipos de problemas na gestão de e-books: comerciais, institucionais, organizacionais e conceituais, os quais estão diretamente relacionados com o baixo uso de e-books nas bibliotecas universitárias. A base teórica em gestão de serviços permitiu identificar a relação entre a necessidade de revisão do conceito de serviço de biblioteca acadêmica em conjunto com a solução de questões pontuais de gestão, avançando no entendimento do problema.


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This work aims to analyze risks related to information technology (IT) in procedures related to data migration. This is done considering ALEPH, Integrated Libray System (ILS) that migrated data to the Library Module present in the software called Sistema Integrado de Gestão de Atividades Acadêmicas (SIGAA) at the Zila Mamede Central Library at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) in Natal/Brazil. The methodological procedure used was of a qualitative exploratory research with the realization of case study at the referred library in order to better understand this phenomenon. Data collection was able once there was use of a semi-structured interview that was applied with (11) subjects that are employed at the library as well as in the Technology Superintendence at UFRN. In order to examine data Content analysis as well as thematic review process was performed. After data migration the results of the interview were then linked to both analysis units and their system register with category correspondence. The main risks detected were: data destruction; data loss; data bank communication failure; user response delay; data inconsistency and duplicity. These elements point out implication and generate disorders that affect external and internal system users and lead to stress, work duplicity and hassles. Thus, some measures were taken related to risk management such as adequate planning, central management support, and pilot test simulations. For the advantages it has reduced of: risk, occurrence of problems and possible unforeseen costs, and allows achieving organizational objectives, among other. It is inferred therefore that the risks present in data bank conversion in libraries exist and some are predictable, however, it is seen that librarians do not know or ignore and are not very worried in the identification risks in data bank conversion, their acknowledge would minimize or even extinguish them. Another important aspect to consider is the existence of few empirical research that deal specifically with this subject and thus presenting the new of new approaches in order to promote better understanding of the matter in the corporate environment of the information units


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This work aims to analyze risks related to information technology (IT) in procedures related to data migration. This is done considering ALEPH, Integrated Libray System (ILS) that migrated data to the Library Module present in the software called Sistema Integrado de Gestão de Atividades Acadêmicas (SIGAA) at the Zila Mamede Central Library at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) in Natal/Brazil. The methodological procedure used was of a qualitative exploratory research with the realization of case study at the referred library in order to better understand this phenomenon. Data collection was able once there was use of a semi-structured interview that was applied with (11) subjects that are employed at the library as well as in the Technology Superintendence at UFRN. In order to examine data Content analysis as well as thematic review process was performed. After data migration the results of the interview were then linked to both analysis units and their system register with category correspondence. The main risks detected were: data destruction; data loss; data bank communication failure; user response delay; data inconsistency and duplicity. These elements point out implication and generate disorders that affect external and internal system users and lead to stress, work duplicity and hassles. Thus, some measures were taken related to risk management such as adequate planning, central management support, and pilot test simulations. For the advantages it has reduced of: risk, occurrence of problems and possible unforeseen costs, and allows achieving organizational objectives, among other. It is inferred therefore that the risks present in data bank conversion in libraries exist and some are predictable, however, it is seen that librarians do not know or ignore and are not very worried in the identification risks in data bank conversion, their acknowledge would minimize or even extinguish them. Another important aspect to consider is the existence of few empirical research that deal specifically with this subject and thus presenting the new of new approaches in order to promote better understanding of the matter in the corporate environment of the information units


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Este estudo apresenta um diagnóstico de situação das Bibliotecas Públicas portuguesas face aos Sistemas de Gestão de Qualidade (SGQ) e a avaliação de indícios de emergência de qualidade neste tipo de bibliotecas, tipificando os diferentes tipos de emergência diagnosticados, identificando os factores que impulsionam a implementação dos SGQ, os motivos de recuo e/ou avanço para uma gestão de qualidade. É estabelecida a ligação ao percurso da qualidade na Administração Pública em Portugal, com vista a contextualizar o presente trabalho e entender o aparecimento de Sistemas de Gestão de Qualidade. Apresentam-se razões que justificam a lentidão da prevista e anunciada proliferação de Sistemas de Gestão de Qualidade nas Bibliotecas Públicas portuguesas (como se previa há uma década atrás), referenciando de forma sucinta alguns dos diferentes modelos de gestão de qualidade validados que se encontram implementados tanto no nosso país como no estrangeiro. ABSTRACT: This study presents a diagnostic explanation on the situation of the Portuguese Public Libraries, taking into consideration the system of Managenent Quality Control (SGC) and the evaluation of the emergence of quality in these types of libraries, typifying the different types of forthcoming diagnostics, identifying the factors that started the implementation of the SGC and the reasons of the withdrawal and advancement towards quality management. A synopsis of the quality of Public Administration in Portugal has also been made, with the idea of putting into context the current work and understanding up to what point this forced the arrival of the system of Management Quality Control and, in a way, try to find the reasons that justify the slowness of the arrival of the system of Management Quality Control in the Portuguese Public Libraries (as was predicted almost a decade ago). Throughout this document references and explanations will be made, in a succinct way, of some of the different forms of validated Quality Management Control that are to be found in our country, as well as abroad.


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Among the important changes in the production processes, it is necessary to guarantee the sustainability of the human enterprises, what makes us to foresee changes in the managerial administration to adapt to a new model, with the insert of the concepts of Clean Production, Cleaner, Lean and Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). The main focus of this work was to elaborate a methodology that made it possible to guarantee the reliability in the waterworks of the sugarcane harvester, identifying and analyzing the manners of flaws, in order to result in the improvement of the environmental and socioeconomic quality in the atmosphere of an industry of sugarcane through the significant decrease of hydraulic oil spill. Through the existent report in ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), used in a Sugarcane Industry Plant, it was possible to accompany of the operational acting of the sugarcane harvester used during 03 crops, regarding the manners of flaws in the waterworks of the same ones, and, in one of the crops it was elaborated the total control of the waterworks of 5 harvesters. Based on the obtained data and the developed methodology it was possible to develop a software that specifies the electric outlet of decisions.


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Com o objetivo de estudar o efeito da monensina sobre a produção e composição de leite, a contagem de células somáticas, a condição corporal e os parâmetros sangüíneos e reprodutivos de vacas da raça Holandesa de alta produção no início de lactação, foram utilizadas 44 vacas com produção diária de 33,44 ± 4,93 litros de leite, em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com dois tratamentos: um controle (C) e outro com cápsulas de liberação controlada de monensina com eficácia de 100 dias (300 mg/vaca/dia). A administração individual de monensina foi realizada 30 dias antes da data provável do parto. A monensina não alterou a produção, a composição do leite e a contagem de células somáticas do leite nem a condição corporal e a concentração de glicose e BHBA (beta-hidroxibutirato) no soro das vacas, no entanto, diminuiu a concentração de AGNE (ácidos graxos não-esterificados) no soro das vacas com 60 dias de lactação. O período de serviço e o número de serviços por concepção não diferiram entre os tratamentos, porém, a administração de monensina diminuiu o número de animais que apresentaram retenção de placenta e laminite. A administração de monensina para vacas Holandesas de alta produção no início de lactação não modifica a produção e a composição do leite, contudo, diminui a concentração de AGNE 60 dias após o parto e a incidência de laminite e retenção de placenta nas vacas no pós-parto.


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OBJETIVO: avaliar o efeito da administração da associação estavudina/nelfinavir durante toda a prenhez da rata, avaliando seu peso e dos conceptos, bem como o número de implantações, fetos, placentas, reabsorções e mortalidades materna e fetal. MÉTODOS: quarenta ratas albinas EPM-1 Wistar, prenhes, foram aleatoriamente divididas em quatro grupos: GCtrl (controle do veículo) e três experimentais, ExpI, ExpII e ExpIII, que receberam, respectivamente, 1/40, 3/120 e 9/360 mg/kg por dia de estavudina/nelfinavir por via oral. As drogas e o veículo (água destilada) foram administrados por gavagem em duas tomadas diárias (12/12 horas), desde o dia 0 até o 20º dia da prenhez. No último dia do experimento, todos os animais foram anestesiados e eutanasiados. Foram avaliados a evolução do peso materno no 7º, 14º e 20º dias, número de fetos, placentas, implantações, reabsorções, óbitos intrauterinos, malformações maiores e o peso dos fetos e das placentas. A análise estatística foi realizada por análise de variância (ANOVA), complementada pelo teste de Kruskal-Wallis (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: em relação ao peso corporal das ratas, houve ganho gradual e progressivo durante o decorrer da prenhez em todos os grupos, sendo este ganho mais evidente no período final; porém não foram constatadas diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre eles. O número de fetos, placentas, implantações, assim como os pesos fetais e placentários também não mostraram diferenças estatisticamente significantes entre os grupos analisados. Não foram observadas, também nos grupos experimentais, reabsorções e malformações fetais maiores externas, no entanto, observamos entre o 8º e o 14º dias de gestação um caso de morte materna em cada grupo experimental. CONCLUSÕES: a administração da associação estavudina/nelfinavir não mostrou efeitos deletérios sobre os conceptos.


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The recommended bibliographical references for the development of scientific research are those published by scientific journals. In spite of this recommendation, the use of non conventional documents by undergraduate students has been increasing. This paper, developed as a survey with 145 students of Administration, Accounting and Economics, characterizes the use these documents and analyzes teaching strategies supported in the use of non conventional documents.


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With the advent and development of technology, mainly in the Internet, more and more electronic services are being offered to customers in all areas of business, especially in the offering of information services, as in virtual libraries. This article proposes a new opportunity to provide services to virtual libraries customers, presenting a methodology for the implementation of electronic services oriented by these customers' life situations. Through analytical observations of some national virtual libraries sites, it could be identified that the offer of services considering life situations and relationship interest situations can promote the service to their customers, providing greater satisfaction and, consequently, improving quality in the offer of information services. The visits to those sites and the critical analysis of the data collected during these visits, supported by bibliographic researches results, have enabled the description of this methodology, concluding that the provision of services on an isolated way or in accordance with the user's profile on sites of virtual libraries is not always enough to ensure the attendance to the needs and expectations of its customers, which suggests the offering of these services considering life situations and relationship interest situations as a complement that adds value to the business of virtual library. This becomes relevant when indicates new opportunities to provide virtual libraries services with quality, serving as a guide to the information providers managers, enabling the offering of new means to access information services by such customers, looking for pro - activity and services integration, in order to solve definitely real problems.


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The analysis of interviews with open-ended questions is a common practice amongst researchers in the field of Management. The difficulty therein is to convert the linguistic data into categories or quantitative values for subsequent statistical treatment. Proposals made to this end generally entail counting lexical occurrences which, since they are founded on previously established meanings, fail to include semantic associations made by interviews. This article aims to present an analysis tool comprising a set of techniques apt to generate linguistic units that can be statistically described, compared, modeled and inferred: the Quantitative Propositional Analysis (QPA), Its main difference from other such methods lies in the choice of a proposition - and not the lexical unit - as analysis unit. We present the application of this method through a study about the international expansion of retail firms.


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Thousands of Free and Open Source Software Projects (FSP) were, and continually are, created on the Internet. This scenario increases the number of opportunities to collaborate to the same extent that it promotes competition for users and contributors, who can guide projects to superior levels, unachievable by founders alone. Thus, given that the main goal of FSP founders is to improve their projects by means of collaboration, the importance to understand and manage the capacity of attracting users and contributors to the project is established. To support researchers and founders in this challenge, the concept of attractiveness is introduced in this paper, which develops a theoretical-managerial toolkit about the causes, indicators and consequences of attractiveness, enabling its strategic management.


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A cria????o da rede BIM (Bibliotecas Integradas da Marinha) permitiu a integra????o de 38 bibliotecas da Marinha Brasileira (MB) em um sistema ??nico de bibliotecas, por meio da intranet/internet, que tem como caracter??stica maior rapidez em pesquisa e na padroniza????o do processamento t??cnico, o que reduziu os gastos em manuten????o (calculado em R$ 236.400,00), software e hardware (calculado em R$ 377.170,00), al??m da racionaliza????o das aquisi????es. Conseq??entemente, houve maior integra????o entre os bibliotec??rios e efici??ncia no atendimento. Dessa forma, a MB, integrado em uma grande rede com credibilidade, oferece aos seus usu??rios o maior n??mero de informa????es em apenas uma consulta, aproximando a obra dos seus leitores, sem contar que os limites de cada biblioteca n??o se restringem mais a seu espa??o f??sico e alcan??am, tamb??m, os ???internautas???


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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi levantar os motivos que influenciam a evasão discente em quatro cursos de graduação da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo. A reestruturação universitária proposta pelo REUNI - Programa de Apoio a Planos de Expansão das Universidades Federais serviu como contexto ao estudo, pois instituiu diretrizes para o combate à evasão no ensino superior. O modelo de evasão de cunho sociológico proposto por Tinto (1997) baseou as análises realizadas nesta pesquisa porque toma a instituição como responsável por ações capazes de criar um ambiente de aprendizado necessário à permanência do estudante. A pesquisa de campo quali-quantitativa foi realizada com os alunos evadidos e com os coordenadores dos cursos de Administração Diurno e Ciências Contábeis Noturno e dos novos cursos Administração Noturno e Ciências Contábeis Vespertino. Foram alcançados 95 alunos evadidos e os quatro coordenadores, sendo aplicado questionário semiaberto aos alunos evadidos e feitas entrevistas semiestruturadas com os coordenadores. Dados do sistema acadêmico (SIE/UFES) foram utilizados para o levantamento das variáveis. Os números fornecem evidências de que o resultado da aprendizagem traduzido pelo desempenho acadêmico torna-se um forte causador da evasão por abandono. O baixo coeficiente de rendimento relacionou-se ao desligamento por abandono na maioria dos casos. Em relação às formas de evasão, a desistência e o desligamento por abandono totalizaram 87,4% dos casos, com maior incidência de evasão no segundo e terceiro ano do curso. O ponto crítico da evasão parece confirmar-se do 2º ao 5º semestre e 62% dos casos de evasão que se situaram nesse lapso temporal apresentaram coeficiente de rendimento de 0,00 a 3,00. Os resultados evidenciaram os motivos que mais influenciaram os alunos a deixar o curso: i) a necessidade de trabalhar enquanto frequentava o curso, ii) a descoberta de novos interesses; iii) a incompatibilidade entre os horários do trabalho e do curso; iv) a escolha da carreira profissional ainda muito jovem e v) a falta de orientação aos alunos sobre normas, penalidades, planejamento do curso, periodização, etc. e deficiências na comunicação institucional.