983 resultados para Adherent-invasive Escherichia coli


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Sections of kidney, trachea, ileum, colon, rectum and rumen were removed at post mortem from a neonatal calf and, with the exception of the rumen, primary cell lines were established for each of the cell types. The adherence of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) serotype O157:H7, enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC) serotype O111, E. coli K12 (a laboratory adapted non-pathogenic strain) and Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium was assayed on each cell type. For all adherence assays on all cell lines, EHEC O157:H7 adhered to a significantly greater extent than the other bacteria. S. Typhimurium and EPEC O111 adhered to a similar extent to one another, whereas E. coli K12 was significantly less adherent by 100-fold. In all cell types, > 10% of adherent S. Typhimurium bacteria invaded, whereas c. 0.01-0.1% of adherent EHEC O157:H7 and EPEC O111 bacteria invaded, although they are regarded as non-invasive. EHEC O157 generated actin re-arrangements in all cell types as demonstrated by fluorescent actin staining (FAS) under densely packed bacterial micro-colonies. EPEC O111 readily generated the localised adherent phenotype on bovine cells but generated only densely packed micro-colonies on HEp-2 cells. The intensity of actin re-arrangements induced in bovine cells by EPEC O111 was less than that induced by EHEC O157:H7. The intimate attachment on all cell types by both EHEC O157:H7 and EPEC O111 was clearly demonstrated by scanning electron microscopy.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A recent report on the detection in a Crohn's disease (CD) patient of an adherent and invasive Shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC) (Gut pathogens 2015, 7:2) prompted a commentary expressing some skepticism on the significance of the paper findings (Gut pathogens 2015, 7:15). Besides focusing on recurrent issues concerning the difficulties in defining a pathogen, the opinion considers recent data demonstrating the presence of virulence factors in a commercial probiotic. In response to the commentary's observations, additional information on the described STEC strain, as well as a short discussion on CD associated E. coli are presented here.


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Acute diarrhea is the most common medical problem in the developing countries. Infectious agents are responsible for a majority of cases of acute diarrhea. Knowing the cause of acute diarrhea is important to developing plans for disease prevention, control and therapy. Acute diarrhea is caused by many viruses, bacteria and parasites. ^ Travelers to developing countries of the world commonly develop diarrhea as a result of eating contaminated food or drinking contaminated water. About 30-50% of travelers who travel from industrialized countries like United States to the developing countries are at risk of developing diarrhea. High risk areas for travelers' diarrhea are Mexico, Latin America and Southeast Asia. Public restaurants are the common sites for exposure to this type of food-borne infectious disease in travelers. Food becomes contaminated when they are handled by people with fecal content on their hands. ^ The importance of Diffusely Adherent Escherichia Coli (DAEC) in travelers to these areas has not been well studied. Some of the studies looking at DAEC have shown the organism to be present in children without symptoms. Other studies have shown a relationship between DAEC infection and presence of symptoms. I have selected this topic because the patho-physiological processes in DAEC infection that allow intestinal and extra-intestinal infections to develop are not fully understood. DAEC related acute diarrhea is a relatively new topic of public health significance. There is a limited number of studies regarding the virulence and pathogenic mechanisms of DAEC. The presumed virulence factor of the organism is diffuse attachment to the intestinal lining of the infected host. However more research needs to be done to identify the pathogenic mechanisms and virulence factors associated with DAEC infection for better treatment planning and diarrhea prevention. ^


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In asymptomatic bacteriuria (ABU), bacteria colonize the urinary tract without provoking symptoms. Here, we compared the virulence properties of a collection of ABU Escherichia coli strains to cystitis and pyelonephritis strains. Specific urinary tract infection (UTI)-associated virulence genes, hemagglutination characteristics, siderophore production, hemolysis, biofilm formation, and the ability of strains to adhere to and induce cytokine responses in epithelial cells were analyzed. ABU strains were phylogenetically related to strains that cause symptomatic UTI. However, the virulence properties of the ABU strains were variable and dependent on a combination of genotypic and phenotypic factors. Most ABU strains adhered poorly to epithelial cells; however, we also identified a subgroup of strongly adherent strains that were unable to stimulate an epithelial cell IL-6 cytokine response. Poor immune activation may represent one mechanism whereby ABU E. coli evade immune detection after the establishment of bacteriuria.


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A Escherichia coli enteroagregativa (EAEC) é um patotipo emergente e heterogêneo que causa a diarréia aguda ou persistente em indivíduos de diferentes faixas etárias e em pacientes imunocomprometidos. Além disso, EAEC é um dos principais agentes etiológicos da diarréia dos viajantes. O padrão de aderência agregativa de EAEC está associado ao plasmídeo de aderência agregativa (pAA). Genes presentes no plasmídeo e no cromossomo codificam proteínas envolvidas na secreção extracelular de fatores de virulência na superfície ou diretamente na célula hospedeira. A capacidade de produção de muco e biofilme, elaboração de toxinas, aderência e indução de inflamação intensa na mucosa intestinal são importantes características da patogenicidade de EAEC. Nesse estudo, determinamos o perfil genotípico de genes do sistema de secreção Tipo V (SST5) e sistema de secreção Tipo VI (SST6) em cepas de EAEC. Os genes do SST5 ocorreram com mais frequência que os genes do SST6. A presença de pelo menos um gene do SST5 foi detectada em 79% das cepas, enquanto que os genes relacionados ao SST6 foram detectados em apenas 42% das cepas analisadas. A produção de biofilme foi observada em teste quantitativo e verificamos que 67% das cepas produziram biofilme. No teste qualitativo, o tipo de biofilme que predomina é o biofilme moderado (11 cepas), seguido do biofilme forte (9 cepas) e do biofilme discreto (4 cepas). A presença ou ausência de genes do SST5 e SST6 não parece interferir com a capacidade de produção de biofilme, nem com o tipo de biofilme formado. Em ensaios de citotoxicidade, apenas 25% das cepas EAEC (sobrenadante) causaram redução significativa na viabilidade de células T84 avaliada pelo teste de redução com MTT. Nossos resultados mostram que as cepas EAEC isoladas de crianças com diarréia aguda ou de grupo controle são invasoras para células T84. Ao compararmos a capacidade invasora das cepas clinicas e controle, observamos que a média do índice de internalização obtido nas 15 cepas do grupo clinico foi de 5,7% 1,7 e para as 9 cepas do grupo controle foi de 2.4 % 0,7; entretanto essa diferença observada não foi estatisticamente significativa. Não foi possível correlacionar o perfil genotípico dos genes do SST5 e SST6 com o perfil fenotípico analisado (formação de biofilme, citotoxicidade e invasão).O que pode ser atribuído a heterogeneidade genotípica e fenotípica, uma característica relevante de cepas EAEC.


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Enterobactérias produtoras de ESBLs são descritas tanto no ambiente hospitalar quanto na comunidade em todo o mundo. No Brasil, esses microrganismos também têm emergido como uma causa importante de infecções, sendo as enzimas CTX-M as prevalentes. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar diferentes aspectos genotípicos relacionados à expressão da resistência aos antimicrobianos em cepas Escherichia coli e de Salmonella spp, tais como: a diversidade de ESBLs, os genes de resistência aos antimicrobianos e o conteúdo plasmidial. Os aspectos epidemiológicos das cepas produtoras de ESBLs também foram investigados. Foram estudadas 88 cepas de enterobactérias, sendo 43 E. coli e 45 cepas de Salmonella spp., de origem hospitalar e da comunidade (principalmente alimentos), isoladas na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A expressão de ESBL foi observada em sete cepas de E. coli (7/43, 16,3%) e em uma cepa de Salmonella Typhimurium (1/45, 2,3%) e as enzimas foram identificadas como variantes de CTX-M e SHV-5, respectivamente. Entre as cepas de E. coli, a enzima CTX-M-2 foi a mais frequente (n = 4), sendo detectada em cepas isoladas de swab retal de pacientes hospitalizados, enquanto as enzimas CTX-M-59 (uma variante de CTX-M) (n = 1) e CTX-M-9 (n = 2) foram identificadas em cepas isoladas a partir de espécimes clínicos. Salmonella Typhimurium produtora de SHV-5 foi isolada do ambiente hospitalar (fórmula infantil). As cepas de E. coli produtoras das enzimas CTX-M pertenceram a grupos filogenéticos (A, B1, D) e STs (ST34, ST69, ST101) diferentes, sendo os genes blaCTX-M identificados em plasmídeos com tipo de replicon IncA/C de cerca de 150 kb (blaCTX-M-2, blaCTX-M-9, blaCTX-M-59) ou 80 kb (blaCTX-M-2). A cepa de S. Typhimurium produtora de SHV-5 pertenceu a um único clone (A-ST19) e o gene blaSHV-5 foi identificado em plasmídeo com o replicon IncL/M com aproximadamente 55Kb. Foi identificado pela primeira vez no Brasil o ST313 em um clone de S. Typhimurium (D-ST313), comumente associado com doenças invasivas severas, particulamente no continente africano. Genes que codificam para a resistência aos antimicrobianos não-beta-lactâmicos e integrons classe 1 foram identificados entre as cepas de E. coli e de Salmonella spp. multirresistentes produtoras ou não de ESBLs. Em conclusão: i) nossos resultados referentes à E. coli confirmaram a disseminação de enzimas CTX-M (principalmente variantes do grupo CTX-M-2) desde, pelo menos, o ano de 2000, em hospitais no Rio de Janeiro; demonstraram a implicação dos plasmídeos IncA/C na disseminação de genes blaCTX-M; indicaram a possível evolução intra-plasmídeo de blaCTX-M-59 a partir de blaCTX-M-2; a observação da diversidade e multiplicidade de plasmídeos poderiam fornecer plataformas genéticas para a dispersão de diferentes genes e/ou elementos de resistência aos antimicrobianos; ii) em relação à Salmonella spp. este estudo descreveu, pela primeira vez, o isolamento, a partir de fórmula infantil, de uma cepa de S. Typhimurium produtora de ESBL; foi demonstrada a associação do gene blaSHV-5 com plasmídeo do tipo IncL/M, que é considerado epidêmico; foi identificado o clone D-ST313 de S. Typhimurium, que está associado a doenças invasivas severas no continente africano, que reuniu cepas isoladas exclusivamente do ambiente hospitalar.


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Extraintestinal pathogenic Escherichia coli (ExPEC) reside in the enteric tract as a commensal reservoir, but can transition to a pathogenic state by invading normally sterile niches, establishing infection and disseminating to invasive sites like the bloodstream. Macrophages are required for ExPEC dissemination, suggesting the pathogen has developed mechanisms to persist within professional phagocytes. Here, we report that FimX, an ExPEC-associated DNA invertase that regulates the major virulence factor type 1 pili (T1P), is also an epigenetic regulator of a LuxR-like response regulator HyxR. FimX regulated hyxR expression through bidirectional phase inversion of its promoter region at sites different from the type 1 pili promoter and independent of integration host factor (IHF). In vitro, transition from high to low HyxR expression produced enhanced tolerance of reactive nitrogen intermediates (RNIs), primarily through de-repression of hmpA, encoding a nitric oxide-detoxifying flavohaemoglobin. However, in the macrophage, HyxR produced large effects on intracellular survival in the presence and absence of RNI and independent of Hmp. Collectively, we have shown that the ability of ExPEC to survive in macrophages is contingent upon the proper transition from high to low HyxR expression through epigenetic regulatory control by FimX.


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The aim of the study was to investigate the ability of pectic oligosaccharides (POS) to inhibit adhesion of three strains of verotoxigenic Escherichia coli, three strains of enteropathogenic E. coli, and one nonclinical strain of Desulfovibrio desulfuricans to human intestinal epithelial cell cultures. Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus gasseri were included for comparison. Attachment wits determined in the human HT29 cell line by viable Count of adherent bacteria. POS in buffer at pH 7.2 were antiadhesive at a dose of 2.5 mg ml(-1), reducing adhesion of enteropathogenic E. coli and verotoxigenic E. coli strains to less than 30% of control values. Concentrations resulting in 50% inhibition ranged from 0.15 to 0.46 mg ml(-1). L. acidophilus was not significantly affected. but adhesion of L. gasseri was reduced to 29% of the control value. POS reduced the adhesion of D. desulfuricans to 0.33% of the control value. POS also had a protective effect against E. coli verocytotoxins VT1 and VT2 at concentrations of 0.01 and 1 mu g ml(-1), respectively.


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Escherichia fergusonii has been associated with a wide variety of intestinal and extra-intestinal infections in both humans and animals but, despite strong circumstantial evidence, the degree to which the organism is responsible for the pathologies identified remains uncertain. Thirty isolates of E fergusonii collected between 2003 and 2004 were screened using an Escherichia coli virulence gene array to test for the presence of homologous virulence genes in E. fergusonii. The iss (increased serum survival) gene was present in 13/30 (43%) of the test strains and the prfB (P-related fimbriae regulatory) and ireA (siderophore receptor IreA) genes were also detected jointly in 3/30 (10%) strains. No known virulence genes were detected in 14/30 (47%) of strains. Following confirmatory PCR and sequence analysis, the E. fergusonii prfB, iss and ireA genes shared a high degree of sequence similarity to their counterparts in E. coli, and a particular resemblance was noted with the E. coli strain APEC O1 pathogenicity island. In tissue culture adherence assays, nine E. fergusonii isolates associated with HEp-2 cells with a 'localised adherence' or 'diffuse adherence' phenotype, and they proved to be moderately invasive. The E fergusonii isolates in this study possess both some phenotypic and genotypic features linked to known pathotypes of E coli, and support existing evidence that strains of E fergusonii may act as an opportunistic pathogens, although their specific virulence factors may need to be explored. Crown Copyright (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The elaboration of curli fimbriae by Escherichia coli is associated with the development of a lacy colony morphology when groan on colonisation factor antigen agar at 25 degrees C. Avian colisepticaemia E. coli isolates screened for curliation by this culture technique showed lacy and smooth colonial morphologies and the genetic basis of the non-curliated smooth colonial phenotype was analysed. Two smooth E, coli O78:K80 isolates possessed about 40 copies of the IS1 element within their respective genomes of which one copy insertionally inactivated the csgB gene, the nucleator gene for curli fibril formation. One of these two isolates also possessed a defective rpoS gene which is a known regulator of curli expression. In the day-old chick model, both smooth isolates were as invasive as a known virulent O78:K80 isolate as determined by extent of liver and spleen colonisation post oral inoculation but were less persistent in terms of caecal colonisation. (C) 1999 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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To investigate the role of fimbriae and flagella in the pathogenesis of avian colibacillosis, isogenic insertionally inactivated mutant strains of Escherichia coil O78:K80 strain EC34195 defective in the elaboration of type-1 and curli fimbriae and flagella were constructed by allelic exchange, Single and multiple non-fimbriate and non-flagellate mutant strains were compared to the wild-type in vitro in adherence assays with a HEp-2 cell line, a mucus-secreting cell line HT2916E, a non-mucus-secreting cell line HT2919A, tracheal explant and proximal gut explant, Mutant strains defective in the elaboration of type-1 fimbriae were significantly less adherent - in the order of 90% reduction - than the wild-type strain in all assays. Mutant strains defective in the elaboration of flagella were generally as adherent as the wild-type strain except when assayed with the mucus-secreting cell line HT2916E, for which a significant reduction of adherence - of the order of 90% - compared with the wild-type strain was observed. Mutant strains defective for the elaboration of curb fimbriae adhered as well as the wild-type strain in all assays, except when assayed in tests with gut explant tissue for which a significant reduction of adherence - of the order of 80% - compared with the wild-type strain was observed, Adherence to explants was to epithelial, not serous, surfaces and was 10-fold greater to tracheal than to gut explants, Together, these data support the hypothesis that type-1 fimbriae are significant factors in adherence, aided by flagella for penetration of mucus and curli fimbriae for adherence to the gut.


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Six-week-old lambs were inoculated orally with 10(9) cfu of an antibiotic-resistance marked four-strain mixture of enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) O157:H7 to investigate faecal excretion and intestinal colonisation. In the first experiment, three E. coli O157:H7 isolates were not detected in the faeces of any lambs beyond day 8 post inoculation (pi), or from any of the tissues derived from inoculated animals. One strain, 140065 Nal(r), was isolated from the caecum and colon of one lamb on day 9 pi, from the rectum of another on day 22 pi and persisted in the faeces for up to 28 days pi. All animals remained clinically normal throughout the study period and histological evidence of adhesion of E. coli O157:H7 to the intestinal mucosa was not found. In a separate experiment, four 6-week-old lambs were inoculated orally with 10(9) efu of E. coli O157:H7 strain 140065 Nal(r) alone. Faecal samples were positive for this strain until the end of the experiment (day 19 pi). This strain was also recovered from the gastrointestinal tract of lambs on days 6, 18 and 19 pi, but was not isolated at day 17 pi. When sampled separately, rectum and terminal colon contents contained higher numbers of the inoculated strain than the intestinal tissue at these sites. Animals inoculated with O157:117 strain 140065 Nal(r) alone produced soft faeces from day 5 pi onwards. Although attaching and effacing lesions were observed in the caecum, proximal colon and rectum in one animal on day 18 pi, the adherent bacteria did not stain with antiserum raised against the O157 antigen.


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Intimin facilitates intestinal colonization by enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7; however, the importance of intimin binding to its translocated receptor (Tir) as opposed to cellular coreceptors is unknown. The intimin-Tir interaction is needed for optimal actin assembly under adherent bacteria in vitro, a process which requires the Tir-cytoskeleton coupling protein (TccP/EspF(U)) in E. coli O157:H7. Here we report that E. coli O157:H7 tir mutants are at least as attenuated as isogenic eae mutants in calves and lambs, implying that the role of intimin in the colonization of reservoir hosts can be explained largely by its binding to Tir. Mutation of tccP uncoupled actin assembly from the intimin-Tir-mediated adherence of E. coli O157:H7 in vitro but did not impair intestinal colonization in calves and lambs, implying that pedestal formation may not be necessary for persistence. However, an E. coli O157:H7 tccP mutant induced typical attaching and effacing lesions in a bovine ligated ileal loop model of infection, suggesting that TccP-independent mechanisms of actin assembly may operate in vivo.


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Atypical enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (aEPEC) strains are diarrheal pathogens that lack bundle-forming pilus production but possess the virulence-associated locus of enterocyte effacement. aEPEC strain 1551-2 produces localized adherence (LA) on HeLa cells; however, its isogenic intimin (eae) mutant produces a diffuse-adherence (DA) pattern. In this study, we aimed to identify the DA-associated adhesin of the 1551-2 eae mutant. Electron microscopy of 1551-2 identified rigid rod-like pili composed of an 18-kDa protein, which was identified as the major pilin subunit of type 1 pilus (T1P) by mass spectrometry analysis. Deletion of fimA in 1551-2 affected biofilm formation but had no effect on adherence properties. Analysis of secreted proteins in supernatants of this strain identified a 150-kDa protein corresponding to SslE, a type 2 secreted protein that was recently reported to be involved in biofilm formation of rabbit and human EPEC strains. However, neither adherence nor biofilm formation was affected in a 1551-2 sslE mutant. We then investigated the role of the EspA filament associated with the type 3 secretion system (T3SS) in DA by generating a double eae espA mutant. This strain was no longer adherent, strongly suggesting that the T3SS translocon is the DA adhesin. In agreement with these results, specific anti-EspA antibodies blocked adherence of the 1551-2 eae mutant. Our data support a role for intimin in LA, for the T3SS translocon in DA, and for T1P in biofilm formation, all of which may act in concert to facilitate host intestinal colonization by aEPEC strains. ©2013, American Society for Microbiology.