991 resultados para Adams


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Shallow marine chitons (Mollusca:Polyplacophora:Chitonida) are widespread and well described from established morphoanatomical characters, yet key aspects of polyplacophoran phylogeny have remained unresolved. Several species, including Hemiarthrum setulosum Carpenter in Dall, 1876, and especially the rare and enigmatic Choriplax grayi (Adams & Angas, 1864), defy systematic placement. Choriplax is known from only a handful of specimens and its morphology is a mosaic of key taxonomic features from two different clades. Here, new molecular evidence provides robust support for its correct association with a third different clade: Choriplax is placed in the superfamily Mopalioidea. Hemiarthrum is included in Cryptoplacoidea, as predicted from morphological evidence. Our multigene analysis of standard nuclear and mitochondrial markers demonstrates that the topology of the order Chitonida is divided into four clades, which have also been recovered in previous studies: Mopalioidea is sister to Cryptoplacoidea, forming a clade Acanthochitonina. The family Callochitonidae is sister to Acanthochitonina. Chitonoidea is resolved as the earliest diverging group within Chitonida. Consideration of this unexpected result for Choriplax and our well-supported phylogeny has revealed differing patterns of shell reduction separating the two superfamilies within Acanthochitonina. As in many molluscs, shell reduction as well as the de novo development of key shell features has occurred using different mechanisms, in multiple lineages of chitons.


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Survey map and description of George Adams' land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. Noteable features include; Concession lines between the 4th and 5th concession and the 5th and 6th concession, canal. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map. The deed for the land is dated May 10th 1827.See also page 41.


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Survey map and description of George Adam's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. Noteable features include; lock no.4, channel of 12 mile creek, road, canal, dock yard, Hayward Distillery, bridge. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map. The land was a total of 3 acres including the creek.See also record for page 36. The land was required for canal towpath and lock house.


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Survey map and description of Elias Adam's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included is a written description of the land along with a drawing of the land. The land was used for hydraulic purposes. Noteable features include; line between Adams and Sanderson's land, line between Adams and Chisholm's land, canal. The land totals 1 acre and 10 perches. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map.


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Printed by Joshua Cushing


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Transcript: New York Jan. 14. 1813. My dear uncle, I had nearly concluded to have made my [jaunt?] earlier than I had mentioned in my last letter to you, for Swartout had intended to have written by me to Father & yourself; having [Louisa?] concluded not so soon to depart he sends me his letters which I forward in mail, I shall hope to have letters from home soon, it is a great pleasure to hear from any of you. I said last week in Hollands letter mentioning [bladeworth?] account, I have explained to him. It is a mistake about me agreeing to pay Mr. [Dening?] [their?] account. Caroline mentions to me your jaunt to [Sophia?], but I regret our friend there should be unpleasantly situated. I have not yet seen Col. Willett but will see him as mentioned. I have neglected to go there for some time which has been remiss in me. We have nothing new I believe unless it be that Armstrong & Jones of Philadelphia have been nominated as Secretarys of War & the Navy & [cer?] this in all probability may be appointed. There may be room for speculation, but perhaps it is not probable that Canada will be ceded to American Valor in the year 1813. There is a Bill before congress by which it may be made penal to enter on board American vessels, either British subjects or naturalized Americans, which it is presoomed by many will [spon?] the accommodation of Peace – may be yes may be no – the proof of the pudding is in the eating of it. I imagine pacification is not so near at hand although it is much to be desired. Whatever might be for the honor & prosperity of the Country I would strenuously advocate, aloof from partial & party considerations. We have not a word as yet what the Council at Albany may be thinking of as yet. I suppose these things will come in time, perhaps untimely to many. I desire for the present not to be found among the untimely. I am your sincerely, with love to all. John Adams Smith


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Indenture of mortgage between Charles Adams of Hamilton and Charles Ira Ames of Hamilton of the first part to Frances Malvinia, wife of Charles Adams of the second part and Thomas Clarke Street of Chippewa, eldest son and heir of Samuel Street of the third part regarding Lot no. 5 in the 5th Concession in the Township of Caradoc in the County of Middlesex, May 5, 1854.