957 resultados para Acer -- Corrosió
Nel volume vengono proposte delle strategie di riqualificazione dell’edificio in via W. Goethe con numero civico 2-10 a Corticella zona Navile. L’edificio fa parte del quartiere PEEP realizzato a partire dagli anni ‘70 circa. L’intera area ricopre una superficie pari a 220.000 m2 di cui edificata 38.000 m2. Della superficie edificata ben 30.400 m2 è stata destinata al residenziale. A seguito delle evoluzioni economiche e sociali e alle restrizioni sempre più severe della normativa, il quartiere ha mostrato delle carenze e delle criticità: – Scarse prestazioni energetiche degli edifici con elevati costi di esercizio; – Inadeguata risposta alle azioni sismiche; – Tagli di alloggi non in grado di soddisfare l’odierna domanda; – Mancanza di efficaci spazi pubblici e di relazione; – Inefficace connessione urbana ai maggiori poli attrattivi e di circolazione. Come primo obbiettivo è stato affrontato il problema della mancanza di connessioni ciclopedonali adeguate al territorio di Corticella. Vi sono infatti alcune aree di nodale importanza che sono sprovviste di questi collegamenti rendendo difficoltoso il link tra i punti attrattivi fondamentali di Corticella e il nostro quartiere. Il progetto intende migliorare questo tipo di servizio in linea con il progetto “bike sharing & ride” promosso dalla Regione Emilia Romagna al fine di incentivare e promuovere la mobilità. Seguono poi gli interventi volti a risolvere le problematiche riscontrate nell’edificio. Interventi atti a riportare l’edificio in una condizione tale da renderlo adeguato alle necessità attuali e in grado di svolgere la sua funzione per gli anni a venire. Si tratta di strategie tecniche e parallelamente di strategie energetiche, con l’obbiettivo di definire spazi confortevoli all’interno degli alloggi. A tale fine sono state realizzate anche valutazioni sull’illuminazione naturale degli ambienti interni per valutare l’efficacia o meno del sistema utilizzato.
Patterns of increasing leaf mass per area (LMA), area-based leaf nitrogen (Narea), and carbon isotope composition (δ13C) with increasing height in the canopy have been attributed to light gradients or hydraulic limitation in tall trees. Theoretical optimal distributions of LMA and Narea that scale with light maximize canopy photosynthesis; however, sub-optimal distributions are often observed due to hydraulic constraints on leaf development. Using observational, experimental, and modeling approaches, we investigated the response of leaf functional traits (LMA, density, thickness, and leaf nitrogen), leaf carbon isotope composition (δ13C), and cellular structure to light availability, height, and leaf water potential (Ψl) in an Acer saccharum forest to tease apart the influence of light and hydraulic limitations. LMA, leaf and palisade layer thickness, and leaf density were greater at greater light availability but similar heights, highlighting the strong control of light on leaf morphology and cellular structure. Experimental shading decreased both LMA and area-based leaf nitrogen (Narea) and revealed that LMA and Narea were more strongly correlated with height earlier in the growing season and with light later in the growing season. The supply of CO2 to leaves at higher heights appeared to be constrained by stomatal sensitivity to vapor pressure deficit (VPD) or midday leaf water potential, as indicated by increasing δ13C and VPD and decreasing midday Ψl with height. Model simulations showed that daily canopy photosynthesis was biased during the early growing season when seasonality was not accounted for, and was biased throughout the growing season when vertical gradients in LMA and Narea were not accounted for. Overall, our results suggest that leaves acclimate to light soon after leaf expansion, through an accumulation of leaf carbon, thickening of palisade layers and increased LMA, and reduction in stomatal sensitivity to Ψl or VPD. This period of light acclimation in leaves appears to optimize leaf function over time, despite height-related constraints early in the growing season. Our results imply that vertical gradients in leaf functional traits and leaf acclimation to light should be incorporated in canopy function models in order to refine estimates of canopy photosynthesis.
BACKGROUND Hypoglycin A, found in seeds of Acer negundo, appears to cause seasonal pasture myopathy (SPM) in North America and is implicated in atypical myopathy (AM) in Europe. Acer negundo is uncommon in Europe. Thus, the potential source of hypoglycin A in Europe is unknown. HYPOTHESIS AND OBJECTIVES We hypothesized that seeds of Acer pseudoplatanus were the source of hypoglycin A in Europe. Our objective was to determine the concentration of hypoglycin A in seeds of A. pseudoplatanus trees located in pastures where previous cases of AM had occurred. ANIMALS None. METHODS University of Berne records were searched to retrospectively identify 6 farms with 10 AM cases and 11 suspected AM deaths between 2007 and 2011. During October 2012, A. pseudoplatanus seeds were collected from 2 to 6 trees per pasture on 6 AM farms (7 pastures) from trees in or close to 2 pastures on 2 control farms where AM had not been previously reported. Hypoglycin A in seeds was analyzed by GC-MS. RESULTS Acer pseudoplatanus trees were identified on all AM pastures. Hypoglycin A was detected in all A. pseudoplatanus seeds in highly variable concentrations ranging from 0.04 to 2.81 μg/mg (mean 0.69) on AM farms and 0.10 to 9.12 μg/mg (mean 1.59) on control farms. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL IMPORTANCE Preventing horses from grazing pastures containing A. pseudoplatanus seeds during late fall and early spring might be the best means to prevent AM.
Dr. G. Dieck
Von August Schütz
En la provincia de Mendoza, Argentina, se identificaron y separaron por sexo plantas masculinas y femeninas de Acer negundo L. Ello se logró a través del análisis de la presencia o ausencia de restos fructíferos, en plantas de 1- 3 años de edad hasta adultas. Se estableció una clave artificial de reconocimiento. Esta identificación será importante al momento de manejo y reposición de esta especie en el arbolado urbano.
Descripción basada en: Ausiàs March : Madrid, Biblioteca Nacional del 13 de mayo al 27 de junio. Valencia, Generalitat Valenciana, 1999, pp. 33-85