992 resultados para Accidents de treball
Antivenom in order to be effective in the treatment of coral snake accidents must be injected very soon after the bite owing to the rapid rate of absorption of the venom neurotoxins. As this is not always possible, other forms of treatment besides serotherapy must be employed to avoid asphyxia and death. Neostigmine and artificial respiration are used for this purpose. Neostigmine restores neuromuscular transmission if the venom-induced blockade results from a reversible interaction of its neurotoxins with the end-plate receptors. This is the mechanism of the neuromuscular blockade produced by the venom of M. frontalis snakes from centereastern and southern Brazil, and Argentine. Neostigmine is able, therefore, to antagonize the blockade, and has been shown to be very effective in the treatment of the experimental envenomation of dogs and monkeys. In the present communication, two cases of M. frontalis accidents treated with antivenom and neostigmine are reported. In both, neostigmine was successful in producing regression of the paralysis, confirming the effectiveness shown in the treatment of the poisoning induced in animals by M. frontalis venom.
In occupational accidents involving health professionals handling potentially contaminated material, the decision to start or to continue prophylactic medication against infection by Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) has been based on the ELISA test applied to a blood sample from the source patient. In order to rationalize the prophylactic use of antiretroviral agents, a rapid serologic diagnostic test of HIV infection was tested by the enzymatic immunoabsorption method (SUDS HIV 1+2, MUREX®) and compared to conventional ELISA (Abbott HIV-1/ HIV-2 3rd Generation plus EIA®). A total of 592 cases of occupational accidents were recorded at the University Hospital of Ribeirão Preto from July 1998 to April 1999. Of these, 109 were simultaneously evaluated by the rapid test and by ELISA HIV. The rapid test was positive in three cases and was confirmed by ELISA and in one the result was inconclusive and later found to be negative by ELISA. In the 106 accidents in which the rapid test was negative no prophylactic medication was instituted, with an estimated reduction in costs of US$ 2,889.35. In addition to this advantage, the good correlation of the rapid test with ELISA, the shorter duration of stress and the absence of exposure of the health worker to the adverse effects of antiretroviral agents suggest the adoption of this test in Programs of Attention to Accidents with Potentially Contaminated Material.
BACKGROUND: The hospital environment has many occupational health risks that predispose healthcare workers to various kinds of work accidents. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to compare different methods for work accidents investigation and to verify their suitability in hospital environment. METHODS: For this purpose, we selected three types of accidents that were related with needle stick, worker fall and inadequate effort/movement during the mobilization of patients. A total of thirty accidents were analysed with six different work accidents investigation methods. RESULTS: The results showed that organizational factors were the group of causes which had the greatest impact in the three types of work accidents. CONCLUSIONS: The methods selected to be compared in this paper are applicable and appropriate for the work accidents investigation in hospitals. However, the Registration, Research and Analysis of Work Accidents method (RIAAT) showed to be an optimal technique to use in this context.
Advances in technology have produced more and more intricate industrial systems, such as nuclear power plants, chemical centers and petroleum platforms. Such complex plants exhibit multiple interactions among smaller units and human operators, rising potentially disastrous failure, which can propagate across subsystem boundaries. This paper analyzes industrial accident data-series in the perspective of statistical physics and dynamical systems. Global data is collected from the Emergency Events Database (EM-DAT) during the time period from year 1903 up to 2012. The statistical distributions of the number of fatalities caused by industrial accidents reveal Power Law (PL) behavior. We analyze the evolution of the PL parameters over time and observe a remarkable increment in the PL exponent during the last years. PL behavior allows prediction by extrapolation over a wide range of scales. In a complementary line of thought, we compare the data using appropriate indices and use different visualization techniques to correlate and to extract relationships among industrial accident events. This study contributes to better understand the complexity of modern industrial accidents and their ruling principles.
This work attempts to establish dermatological identification patterns for Brazilian cnidarian species and a probable correlation with envenoming severity. In an observational prospective study, one hundred and twenty-eight patients from the North Coast region of São Paulo State, Brazil were seen between 2002 and 2008. About 80% of these showed only local effects (erythema, edema, and pain) with small, less than 20 cm, oval or round skin marks and impressions from small tentacles. Approximately 20% of the victims had long, more than 20 cm, linear and crossed marks with frequent systemic phenomena, such as malaise, vomiting, dyspnea, and tachycardia. The former is compatible with the common hydromedusa from Southeast and Southern Brazil (Olindias sambaquiensis). The long linear marks with intense pain and systemic phenomena are compatible with envenoming by the box jellyfish Tamoya haplonema and Chiropsalmus quadrumanus and the hydrozoan Portuguese man-of-war (Physalis physalis). There was an association between skin marks and probable accident etiology. This simple observation rule can be indicative of severity, as the Cubozoa Class (box jellyfish) and Portuguese man-of-war cause the most severe accidents. In such cases, medical attention, including intensive care, is important, as the systemic manifestations can be associated with death.
SUMMARY The aim of this study was to describe the epidemiological profile of snakebite accidents reported by the toxicological assistance center in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. Database information on snakebite accidents was analyzed regarding the period from January 2003 to December 2011. A total of 1063 cases were found. The accidents occurred during the rainy months (March, April and May), in urban areas (52.3%), affecting individuals younger than 50 years and predominantly among males (70.7%). The lower limbs were the most frequently affected body area (33.7%). Most accidents involved non-venomous snakes (76.1%). The genus Bothrops was the main one involved in venomous accidents (83%). It is expected that this study can be used as the substrate to improve healthcare surveillance and implementing better measures for the treatment of this population.
A survey was done to determine the most common hospital accidents with biologically contaminated material among students at the Medical College of the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Six hundred and ninety-four students (between fifth and twelfth semesters of the college course) answered the questionnaire individually. Three-hundred and forty-nine accidents were reported. The accident rate was found to be 33.9% in the third semester of the course, and increased over time, reaching 52.3% in the last semester. Sixty-three percent of the accidents were needlestick or sharp object injuries; 18.3% mucous membrane exposure; 16.6% were on the skin, and 1.7% were simultaneously on the skin and mucous membrane exposure. The contaminating substances were: blood (88.3%), vaginal secretion (1.7%), and others (9.1%). The parts of the body most frequently affected were: hands (67%), eyes (18.9%), mouth (1.7%), and others (6.3%). The procedures being performed when the accidents occurred were: suture (34.1%), applying anesthesia (16.6%), assisting surgery (8.9%), disposing of needles (8.6%), assisting delivery (6.3%), and others (25.9%). Forty-nine percent of those involved reported the accident to the accident control department. Of these 29.2% did not receive adequate medical assistance. Eight percent of those involved used antiretroviral drugs and of these 86% discontinued the treatment on receiving the Elisa method applied to the patient (HIV-negative); 6.4% discontinued the treatment due to its side-effects; and 16% completed the treatment.
Mollusks of the genus Conus present a venomous apparatus composed of radulae, a chitin structure linked to glands, which injects potent neurotoxic peptides, causing serious human envenomation and even death, associated with the blockage of certain receptors and muscular paralysis. No reported envenomation has occurred in Brazil, but certain populations are at risk of accidents.
INTRODUCTION: Bothrops and Bothropoides snakes cause 70% of the ophidic accidents in Brazil. The species that cause ophidic accidents in State of Paraíba are Bothropoides erythromelas, Bothrops leucurus and Bothropoides neuwiedi. METHODS: This is a prospective and transverse study, following a quantitative approach of accidents involving Bothrops and Bothropoides admitted to the Toxicological Assistance and Information Centers of Campina Grande and João Pessoa (Ceatox-CG and Ceatox-JP), aimed at identifying the epidemiological and clinical profile of such accidents. All of the patients admitted had medical diagnoses and were monitored at Ceatox-CG or Ceatox-JP. RESULTS: The genera Bothrops and Bothropoides caused 91.7% of the ophidic accidents reported. Snake bites were frequent in men (75.1%), rural workers (65.1%), literate individuals (69%) between 11 and 20 years-old (21.7%), and toes the most common area attacked (52.7%). Most (86.6%) patients were admitted within 6 hours after the accident/bite, with a predominance of mild cases (64.6%). The annual occurrence in Paraíba was 5.5 accidents/100,000 inhabitants and lethality was 0.2%. CONCLUSIONS: Positive changes in the profiles of these accidents were verified, such as the non-application of inadequate solutions, including the use of tourniquet, coffee grounds, garlic, suction and/or cutting the bitten area. Moreover, the Itinerant Laboratory project, linked to Paraíba State University in partnership with Ceatox-CG, has contributed positively, providing several cities of the state with information regarding the prevention of accidents involving venomous animals. The local press has also contributed, reporting the educational work developed by the centers.
Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada a la University of Wales, Bangor, Regne Unit entre setembre i desembre del 2006. Els sons distractors augmenten el temps de reacció i el nombre de respostes incorrectes en una tasca de classificació visual, demostrant que hi ha distracció conductual durant la realització de la tasca visual. L’enregistrament concomitant de potencials evocats durant la distracció mostra un patró neuroelèctric característic, el potencial de distracció, que es caracteritza per una ona trifàsica. Darrerament, s’ha demostrat que factors “des de dalt” associats al muntatge experimental tindrien una gran influència en els efectes que els estímuls distractors tindrien en la tasca. Estudis recents mostrarien que aquesta resposta d’atenció exògena es pot modular per la càrrega en memòria de treball, reduint-ne la distracció amb la càrrega, fet que contradiu altres dades que mostraven l’efecte oposat. L’objectiu d’aquest estudi ha estat investigar en quines condicions la càrrega en memòria de treball pot exercir un efecte modulador en les respostes conductuals i cerebrals als sons novedosos distractors, i establir la dinàmica espacio-temporal d’aquesta modulació.
En aquest treball s’explicita de manera molt detallada tot el procés de construcció d’una mostra aleatòria estratificada a partir de l’exemple concret de la construcció d’una mostra de convenis col•lectius. El document incideix especialment en la necessitat de fonamentar teòricament les operacions estadístiques que es porten a terme mitjançant els models d’anàlisi adequats i els marcs teòrics considerats més pertinents. D’aquesta forma es donen exemples, que poden servir de models per a la construcció d’altres mostres, de com enllaçar els nivells empíric i conceptual a l’hora de construir mostres aleatòries estratificades. El principal objectiu del treball és apuntar el requeriment de trencar pràcticament amb la tradicional divisió entre treball conceptual i treball empíric que roman totalment inqüestionada en el camp de la teoria del mostratge i de la metodologia sociològica, ja que mai es fonamenten (ni tampoc ningú ho demana) les operacions tècniques més bàsiques que realitza l’estadístic o el sociòleg.
Estudio elaborado a partir de una estancia en el Institut fur Vogelforschung. El objeto de la estancia fue participar en la campaña de campo en la colonia de Charrán común (Sterna hirundo) situada en Wilhelmshaven (Alemania), entre los meses de mayo y agosto de 2005. Esta participación se llevó a cabo bajo la dirección del Prof. Dr. Peter H. Becker y junto a su equipo. Se participó en la recogida rutinaria de datos de la colonia así como en distintas técnicas relacionadas con el presente proyecto, como el marcaje de pollos, su observación directa desde escondites y la recogida de distintas muestras biológicas. El objetivo principal era continuar con la obtención de datos para el trabajo de investigación sobre la influencia de la calidad y la condición parental en la manipulación adaptativa de la razón de sexos y la asignación por sexos. La obtención de datos se basa en la implantación de transponders en pollos, que permiten la identificación de cada charrán de por vida. La combinación de esta información con la observación directa de cebas hace de la colonia un lugar excepcional, lo que permite conocer los factores que influyen en las tendencias que existan. Sin embargo, el objetivo específico de la campaña se centraba en investigar la variabilidad individual de la respuesta inmune en los pollos de charrán en relación a un número de atributos de los propios pollos (sexo, tamaño, tasa de crecimiento, proteínas en plasma, hematocrito, carga parasitaria, carotenos en plasma, isótopos de las plumas), de los padres (fecha y tamaño de puesta, calidad parental) y de las condiciones de cría (orden de eclosión, densidad de la sub-colonia). Los resultados de estos datos obtenidos durante la campaña respaldan que existe una influencia de la condición nutricional y la calidad parental en la respuesta immune de los pollos, debida probablemente a un esfuerzo reproductivo diferencial.
Aquest informe ha estat elaborat per encàrrec de la Biblioteca de Catalunya (BC) i el Consorci de Biblioteques Universitàries de Catalunya (CBUC). El seu objectiu és analitzar el document "El CÀNTIC: procediments de treball / elaborat per la Biblioteca de Catalunya i el Consorci de Biblioteques Universitàries de Catalunya (Barcelona, maig de 2007)", i fer recomanacions sobre la posada en marxa del projecte.
S’hi analitza la deducció teòrica i la contrastació experimental originals de la dispersió electró-electró (dispersió Møller, 1932), amb l’objectiu d’esbrinar quin paper van tenir en el desenvolupament de l’electrodinàmica quàntica. S’hi mostra que Christian Møller (1904-1980) va deduir la fórmula que du el seu nom mitjançant la noció de correspondència, evitant així els problemes que plantejava una incipient teoria quàntica de camps. La fórmula només va assolir el seu estatus actual d’aplicació paradigmàtica de l’electrodinàmica quàntica després de la Segona Guerra Mundial, un cop la teoria va haver superat aquests problemes a través del procés de renormalització. El treball aclareix d’aquesta manera un episodi clau en el desenvolupament d’una de les teories fonamentals de la física del segle XX.
L’ objectiu principal d’aquesta tesina és analitzar les estratègies de gestió de la mà d’obra en el mercat del treball domèstic assalariat (TDA) en el context espanyol. Dins d’aquestes estratègies protagonitzades majoritàriament per les dones-, s’estudien aquelles que es basen en l’externalització d’aquestes activitats, ja sigui a l’esfera del mercat, l’esfera pública o l’esfera semipública. Allò que es vol veure és sota quines condicions s’efectua aquesta externalització, és a dir, si s’efectua seguint unes pautes laborals (neo)servilistes, on l’imaginari del "criat" encara hi és molt present, o s’efectua seguint uns criteris de "qualitat" i una voluntat de professionalitzar aquesta feina.