964 resultados para ATR, IR-Spektroskopie, 2D-IR, Cytochrom c Oxidase, SEIRAS
Species of the genus Culex Linnaeus have been incriminated as the main vectors of lymphatic filariases and are important vectors of arboviruses, including West Nile virus. Sequences corresponding to a fragment of 478 bp of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene, which includes part of the barcode region, of 37 individuals of 17 species of genus Culex were generated to establish relationships among five subgenera, Culex, Phenacomyia, Melanoconion, Microculex, and Carrollia, and one species of the genus Lutzia that occurs in Brazil. Bayesian methods were employed for the phylogenetic analyses. Results of sequence comparisons showed that individuals identified as Culex dolosus, Culex mollis, and Culex imitator possess high intraspecific divergence (3.1, 2.3, and 3.5%, respectively) when using the Kimura two parameters model. These differences were associated either with distinct morphological characteristics of the male genitalia or larval and pupal stages, suggesting that these may represent species complexes. The Bayesian topology suggested that the genus and subgenus Culex are paraphyletic relative to Lutzia and Phenacomyia, respectively. The cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequences may be a useful tool to both estimate phylogenetic relationships and identify morphologically similar species of the genus Culex.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
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The membrane protein Cytochrome c Oxidase (CcO) is one of the most important functional bio-molecules. It appears in almost every eukaryotic cell and many bacteria. Although the different species differ in the number of subunits, the functional differences are merely marginal. CcO is the terminal link in the electron transfer pathway of the mitochondrial respiratory chain. Electrons transferred to the catalytic center of the enzyme conduce to the reduction of molecular oxygen to water. Oxygen reduction is coupled to the pumping of protons into the inter-membrane space and hence generates a difference in electrochemical potential of protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane. This potential difference drives the synthesis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which is the universal energy carrier within all biological cells. rnrnThe goal of the present work is to contribute to a better understanding of the functional mechanism of CcO by using time-resolved surface enhanced resonance Raman spectroscopy (TR-SERRS). Despite intensive research effort within the last decades, the functional mechanism of CcO is still subject to controversial discussions. It was the primary goal of this dissertation to initiate electron transfer to the redox centers CuA, heme a, heme a3 and CuB electrochemically and to observe the corresponding redox transitions in-situ with a focus on the two heme structures by using SERRS. A measuring cell was developed, which allowed combination of electrochemical excitation with Raman spectroscopy for the purpose of performing the accordant measurements. Cytochrome c was used as a benchmark system to test the new measuring cell and to prove the feasibility of appropriate Raman measurements. In contrast to CcO the heme protein cc contains only a single heme structure. Nevertheless, characteristic Raman bands of the hemes can be observed for both proteins.rnrnIn order to investigate CcO it was immobilized on top of a silver substrate and embedded into an artificial membrane. The catalytic activity of CcO and therefore the complete functional capability of the enzyme within the biomimetic membrane architecture was verified using cyclic voltammetry. Raman spectroscopy was performed using a special nano-structured silver surface, which was developed within the scope of the present work. This new substrate combined two fundamental properties. It facilitated the formation of a protein tethered bilayer lipid membrane (ptBLM) and it allowed obtaining Raman spectra with sufficient high signal-to-noise ratios.rnSpectro-electrochemical investigations showed that at open circuit potential the enzyme exists in a mixed-valence state, with heme a and and heme a3 in the reduced and oxidized state, respectively. This was considered as an intermediate state between the non-activated and the fully activated state of CcO. Time-resolved SERRS measurements revealed that a hampered electron transfer to the redox center heme a3 characterizes this intermediate state.rn
Die Gesundheitseffekte von Aerosolpartikeln werden stark von ihren chemischen und physikalischen Eigenschaften und somit den jeweiligen Bildungsprozessen und Quellencharakteristika beeinflusst. Während die Hauptquellen der anthropogenen Partikelemissionen gut untersucht sind, stellen die spezifischen Emissionsmuster zahlreicher kleiner Aerosolquellen, welche lokal und temporär zu einer signifikanten Verschlechterung der Luftqualität beitragen können, ein Forschungsdesiderat dar.rnIn der vorliegenden Arbeit werden in kombinierten Labor- und Feldmessungen durch ein integratives Analysekonzept mittels online (HR-ToF-AMS ) und filterbasierter offline (ATR-FTIR-Spektroskopie ) Messverfahren die weitgehend unbekannten physikalischen und chemischen Eigenschaften der Emissionen besonderer anthropogener Aerosolquellen untersucht. Neben einem Fußballstadion als komplexe Mischung verschiedener Aerosolquellen wie Frittieren und Grillen, Zigarettenrauchen und Pyrotechnik werden die Emissionen durch Feuerwerkskörper, landwirtschaftliche Intensivtierhaltung (Legehennen), Tief- und Straßenbauarbeiten sowie abwasserbürtige Aerosolpartikel in die Studie mit eingebunden. Die primären Partikelemissionen der untersuchten Quellen sind vorrangig durch kleine Partikelgrößen (dp < 1 µm) und somit eine hohe Lungengängigkeit gekennzeichnet. Dagegen zeigen die Aerosolpartikel im Stall der landwirtschaftlichen Intensivtierhaltung sowie die Emissionen durch die Tiefbauarbeiten einen hohen Masseanteil von Partikeln dp > 1 µm. Der Fokus der Untersuchung liegt auf der chemischen Charakterisierung der organischen Partikelbestandteile, welche für viele Quellen die NR-PM1-Emissionen dominieren. Dabei zeigen sich wichtige quellenspezifische Unterschiede in der Zusammensetzung der organischen Aerosolfraktion. Die beim Abbrand von pyrotechnischen Gegenständen freigesetzten sowie die abwasserbürtigen Aerosolpartikel enthalten dagegen hohe relative Gehalte anorganischer Substanzen. Auch können in einigen spezifischen Emissionen Metallverbindungen in den AMS-Massenspektren nachgewiesen werden. Über die Charakterisierung der Emissionsmuster und -dynamiken hinaus werden für einige verschiedenfarbige Rauchpatronen sowie die Emissionen im Stall der Intensivtierhaltung Emissionsfaktoren bestimmt, die zur quantitativen Bilanzierung herangezogen werden können. In einem weiteren Schritt werden anhand der empirischen Daten die analytischen Limitierungen der Aerosolmassenspektrometrie wie die Interferenz organischer Fragmentionen durch (Hydrogen-)Carbonate und mögliche Auswertestrategien zur Überwindung dieser Grenzen vorgestellt und diskutiert.rnEine umfangreiche Methodenentwicklung zur Verbesserung der analytischen Aussagekraft von organischen AMS-Massenspektren zeigt, dass für bestimmte Partikeltypen einzelne Fragmentionen in den AMS-Massenspektren signifikant mit ausgewählten funktionellen Molekülgruppen der FTIR-Absorptionsspektren korrelieren. Bedingt durch ihre fehlende Spezifität ist eine allgemeingültige Interpretation von AMS-Fragmentionen als Marker für verschiedene funktionelle Gruppen nicht zulässig und häufig nur durch die Ergebnisse der komplementären FTIR-Spektroskopie möglich. Des Weiteren wurde die Verdampfung und Ionisation ausgewählter Metallverbindungen im AMS analysiert. Die Arbeit verdeutlicht, dass eine qualitative und quantitative Auswertung dieser Substanzen nicht ohne Weiteres möglich ist. Die Gründe hierfür liegen in einer fehlenden Reproduzierbarkeit des Verdampfungs- und Ionisationsprozesses aufgrund von Matrixeffekten sowie der in Abhängigkeit vorangegangener Analysen (Verdampferhistorie) in der Ionisationskammer und auf dem Verdampfer statt-findenden chemischen Reaktionen.rnDie Erkenntnisse der Arbeit erlauben eine Priorisierung der untersuchten anthropogenen Quellen nach bestimmten Messparametern und stellen für deren Partikelemissionen den Ausgangpunkt einer Risikobewertung von atmosphärischen Folgeprozessen sowie potentiell negativen Auswirkungen auf die menschliche Gesundheit dar. rn
The crystal structures of cytochrome c oxidase from both bovine and Paracoccus denitrificans reveal two putative proton input channels that connect the heme-copper center, where dioxygen is reduced, to the internal aqueous phase. In this work we have examined the role of these two channels, looking at the effects of site-directed mutations of residues observed in each of the channels of the cytochrome c oxidase from Rhodobacter sphaeroides. A photoelectric technique was used to monitor the time-resolved electrogenic proton transfer steps associated with the photo-induced reduction of the ferryl-oxo form of heme a3 (Fe4+ = O2−) to the oxidized form (Fe3+OH−). This redox step requires the delivery of a “chemical” H+ to protonate the reduced oxygen atom and is also coupled to proton pumping. It is found that mutations in the K channel (K362M and T359A) have virtually no effect on the ferryl-oxo-to-oxidized (F-to-Ox) transition, although steady-state turnover is severely limited. In contrast, electrogenic proton transfer at this step is strongly suppressed by mutations in the D channel. The results strongly suggest that the functional roles of the two channels are not the separate delivery of chemical or pumped protons, as proposed recently [Iwata, S., Ostermeier, C., Ludwig, B. & Michel, H. (1995) Nature (London) 376, 660–669]. The D channel is likely to be involved in the uptake of both “chemical” and “pumped” protons in the F-to-Ox transition, whereas the K channel is probably idle at this partial reaction and is likely to be used for loading the enzyme with protons at some earlier steps of the catalytic cycle. This conclusion agrees with different redox states of heme a3 in the K362M and E286Q mutants under aerobic steady-state turnover conditions.
The aa3 type cytochrome c oxidase consisting of the core subunits I and II only was isolated from the soil bacterium Paracoccus denitrificans and crystallized as complex with a monoclonal antibody Fv fragment. Crystals could be grown in the presence of a number of different nonionic detergents. However, only undecyl-β-d-maltoside and cyclohexyl-hexyl-β-d-maltoside yielded well-ordered crystals suitable for high resolution x-ray crystallographic studies. The crystals belong to space group P212121 and diffract x-rays to at least 2.5 Å (1 Å = 0.1 nm) resolution using synchrotron radiation. The structure was determined to a resolution of 2.7 Å using molecular replacement and refined to a crystallographic R-factor of 20.5% (Rfree = 25.9%). The refined model includes subunits I and II and the 2 chains of the Fv fragment, 2 heme A molecules, 3 copper atoms, and 1 Mg/Mn atom, a new metal (Ca) binding site, 52 tentatively identified water molecules, and 9 detergent molecules. Only four of the water molecules are located in the cytoplasmic half of cytochrome c oxidase. Most of them are near the interface of subunits I and II. Several waters form a hydrogen-bonded cluster, including the heme propionates and the Mg/Mn binding site. The Fv fragment binds to the periplasmic polar domain of subunit II and is critically involved in the formation of the crystal lattice. The crystallization procedure is well reproducible and will allow for the analysis of the structures of mechanistically interesting mutant cytochrome c oxidases.
Cytochrome c oxidase catalyzes the reduction of oxygen to water that is accompanied by pumping of four protons across the mitochondrial or bacterial membrane. Triggered by the results of recent x-ray crystallographic analyses, published data concerning the coupling of individual electron transfer steps to proton pumping are reanalyzed: Conversion of the conventional oxoferryl intermediate F to the fully oxidized form O is connected to pumping of only one proton. Most likely one proton is already pumped during the double reduction of O, and only three protons during conversion of the “peroxy” forms P to O via the oxoferryl form F. Based on the available structural, spectroscopic, and mutagenesis data, a detailed mechanistic model, carefully considering electrostatic interactions, is presented. In this model, each of the four reductions of heme a during the catalytic cycle is coupled to the uptake of one proton via the D-pathway. These protons, but never more than two, are temporarily stored in the regions of the heme a and a3 propionates and are driven to the outside (“pumped”) by electrostatic repulsion from protons entering the active site during turnover. The first proton is pumped by uptake of one proton via the K-pathway during reduction, the second and third proton during the P → F transition when the D-pathway and the active site become directly connected, and the fourth one upon conversion of F to O. Atomic structures are assigned to each intermediate including F′ with an alternative route to O.
The “peroxy” intermediate (P form) of bovine cytochrome c oxidase was prepared by reaction of the two-electron reduced mixed-valence CO complex with 18O2 after photolytic removal of CO. The water present in the reaction mixture was recovered and analyzed for 18O enrichment by mass spectrometry. It was found that approximately one oxygen atom (18O) per one equivalent of the P form was present in the bulk water. The data show that the oxygen–oxygen dioxygen bond is already broken in the P intermediate and that one oxygen atom can be readily released or exchanged with the oxygen of the solvent water.
In cytochrome c oxidase, a requirement for proton pumping is a tight coupling between electron and proton transfer, which could be accomplished if internal electron-transfer rates were controlled by uptake of protons. During reaction of the fully reduced enzyme with oxygen, concomitant with the “peroxy” to “oxoferryl” transition, internal transfer of the fourth electron from CuA to heme a has the same rate as proton uptake from the bulk solution (8,000 s−1). The question was therefore raised whether the proton uptake controls electron transfer or vice versa. To resolve this question, we have studied a site-specific mutant of the Rhodobacter sphaeroides enzyme in which methionine 263 (SU II), a CuA ligand, was replaced by leucine, which resulted in an increased redox potential of CuA. During reaction of the reduced mutant enzyme with O2, a proton was taken up at the same rate as in the wild-type enzyme (8,000 s−1), whereas electron transfer from CuA to heme a was impaired. Together with results from studies of the EQ(I-286) mutant enzyme, in which both proton uptake and electron transfer from CuA to heme a were blocked, the results from this study show that the CuA → heme a electron transfer is controlled by the proton uptake and not vice versa. This mechanism prevents further electron transfer to heme a3–CuB before a proton is taken up, which assures a tight coupling of electron transfer to proton pumping.
Mitochondria are affected by low temperature during seedling establishment in maize (Zea mays L.). We evaluated the associated changes in the mitochondrial properties of populations selected for high (C4-H) and low (C4-L) germination levels at 9.5°C. When seedlings of the two populations were grown at 14°C (near the lower growth limit), the mitochondrial inner membranes of C4-H showed a higher percentage of 18-carbon unsaturated fatty acids, a higher fluidity, and a higher activity of cytochrome c oxidase. We found a positive relationship between these properties and the activity of a mitochondrial peroxidase, allowing C4-H to reduce lipid peroxidation relative to C4-L. The specific activity of reconstituted ATP/ADP translocase was positively associated with this peroxidase activity, suggesting that translocase activity is also affected by chilling. The level of oxidative stress and defense mechanisms are differently expressed in tolerant and susceptible populations when seedlings are grown at a temperature near the lower growth limit. Thus, the interaction between membrane lipids and cytochrome c oxidase seems to play a key role in maize chilling tolerance. Furthermore, the divergent-recurrent selection procedure apparently affects the allelic frequencies of genes controlling such an interaction.
Cytochrome c oxidase is a membrane-bound enzyme that catalyzes the four-electron reduction of oxygen to water. This highly exergonic reaction drives proton pumping across the membrane. One of the key questions associated with the function of cytochrome c oxidase is how the transfer of electrons and protons is coupled and how proton transfer is controlled by the enzyme. In this study we focus on the function of one of the proton transfer pathways of the R. sphaeroides enzyme, the so-called K-proton transfer pathway (containing a highly conserved Lys(I-362) residue), leading from the protein surface to the catalytic site. We have investigated the kinetics of the reaction of the reduced enzyme with oxygen in mutants of the enzyme in which a residue [Ser(I-299)] near the entry point of the pathway was modified with the use of site-directed mutagenesis. The results show that during the initial steps of oxygen reduction, electron transfer to the catalytic site (to form the “peroxy” state, Pr) requires charge compensation through the proton pathway, but no proton uptake from the bulk solution. The charge compensation is proposed to involve a movement of the K(I-362) side chain toward the binuclear center. Thus, in contrast to what has been assumed previously, the results indicate that the K-pathway is used during oxygen reduction and that K(I-362) is charged at pH ≈ 7.5. The movement of the Lys is proposed to regulate proton transfer by “shutting off” the protonic connectivity through the K-pathway after initiation of the O2 reduction chemistry. This “shutoff” prevents a short-circuit of the proton-pumping machinery of the enzyme during the subsequent reaction steps.
An emerging and important site of action for nitric oxide (NO) within cells is the mitochondrial inner membrane, where NO binds to and inhibits members of the electron transport chain, complex III and cytochrome c oxidase. Although it is known that inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase by NO is competitive with O2, the mechanisms that underlie this phenomenon remain unclear, and the impact of both NO and O2 partitioning into biological membranes has not been considered. These properties are particularly interesting because physiological O2 tensions can vary widely, with NO having a greater inhibitory effect at low O2 tensions (<20 μM). In this study, we present evidence for a consumption of NO in mitochondrial membranes in the absence of substrate, in a nonsaturable process that is O2 dependent. This consumption modulates inhibition of cytochrome c oxidase by NO and is enhanced by the addition of exogenous membranes. From these data, it is evident that the partition of NO into mitochondrial membranes has a major impact on the ability of NO to control mitochondrial respiration. The implications of this conclusion are discussed in the context of mitochondrial lipid:protein ratios and the importance of NO as a regulator of respiration in pathophysiology.
Some intermediates in the reduction of O2 to water by cytochrome-c oxidase have been characterized by optical, Raman, and magnetic circular dichroism spectroscopy. The so-called "peroxy" (P) and "ferryl" (F) forms of the enzyme, which have been considered to be intermediates of the oxygen reaction, can be generated when the oxidized enzyme reacts with H2O2, or when the two-electron reduced ("CO mixed-valence") enzyme reacts with O2. The structures as well as the overall redox states of P and F have recently been controversial. We show here, using tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) as a photoinducible reductant, that one-electron reduction of P yields F, and that one-electron reduction of F yields the oxidized enzyme. This confirms that the overall redox states of P and F differ from the oxidized enzyme by two and one electron equivalents, respectively. The structures of the P and F states are discussed.