23 resultados para ASCUS


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O presente trabalho tem objetivo de avaliar a prevalência do HPV e os fatores de risco associados à coinfecção HIV HPV. Foram analisadas 78 amostras cervicais de mulheres HIV-positivas atendidas no SAE do Programa Municipal de DST/AIDS de Imperatriz do Maranhão. Realizaram-se os exames de citopatologia e amplificação por PCR. Como instrumento para coleta de dados foi utilizado um questionário. A positividade do DNA de HPV foi de 74,36%. Em nosso estudo a citologia diagnosticou alterações em 16 (20,51%) dos casos. Foi detectado DNA HPV em 71% das pacientes com citologia classificada como inflamatória, e 93,7% das citologias alteradas. Dentre as alterações destacamos ASCUS com 100%; ASCUH 100%; LIE de baixo grau 100%; LIE de alto grau 66,6%. Analisando os fatores de risco sócio-demográficos desta população em relação a prevalência da infecção pelo HPV, notou-se que mulheres que relataram nunca ter feito uso de álcool apresentaram maior prevalência 87,5% e mulheres que fazem uso de cigarro atualmente, 84,6% estavam infectadas pelo HPV. Não houve diferenças entre as variáveis “situação marital”, “escolaridade”, “número de parceiros”, “uso de preservativo” e “uso de anticoncepcional”, ocorrendo perfil semelhante. Esse estudo foi o pioneiro na cidade de Imperatriz e comprovou uma alta prevalência da co-infecção. O combate ao câncer de útero deve ser adotado como uma prioridade dos serviços de saúde pública por se tratar de doença com potencial para a prevenção, cujo rastreamento é eficaz.


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Background: The complex natural history of human papillomavirus (HPV) infections following a single HPV test can be modeled as competing-risks events (i.e., no-, transient- or persistent infection) in a longitudinal setting. The covariates associated with these compet ng events have not been previously assessed using competing-risks regression models. Objectives: To gain further insights in the outcomes of cervical HPV infections, we used univariate- and multivariate competing-risks regression models to assess the covariaies associated with these competing events. Study Design and Methods: Covariates associated with three competing outcomes (no-, transient- or persistent HR-HPV infection) were analysed in a sub-cohort of 1,865 women prospectively followed-up in the NIS (n = 3,187) and LAMS Study (n = 12,114). Results: In multivariate competing-risks models (with two other outcomes as competing events), permanently HR-HPV negative outcome was significantly predicted only by the clearance of ASCUS+Pap during FU, while three independent covariates predicted transient HR-HPV infections: i) number of recent (< 12 months) sexual partners (risk increased), ii) previous Pap screening history (protective), and history of previous CIN (increased risk). The two most powerful predictors of persistent HR-HPV infections were persistent ASCUS+Pap (risk increased), and previous Pap screening history (protective). In pair-wise comparisons, number of recent sexual partners and previous CIN history increase the probability of transient HR-HPV infection against the HR-HPV negative competing event, while previous Pap screening history is protective. Persistent ASCUS+Pap during FU and no previous Pap screening history are significantly associated with the persistent HR-HPV outcome (compared both with i) always negative, and ii) transient events), whereas multiparity is protective. Conclusions: Different covariates are associated with the three main outcomes of cervical HPV infections. The most significant covariates of each competing events are probably distinct enough to enable constructing of a risk-profile for each main outcome.


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BACKGROUND Cytology is an excellent method with which to diagnose preinvasive lesions of the uterine cervix, but it suffers from limited specificity for clinically significant lesions. Supplementary methods might predict the natural course of the detected lesions. The objective of the current study was to test whether a multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) assay might help to stratify abnormal results of Papanicolaou tests. METHODS A total of 219 liquid-based cytology specimens of low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (LSIL), 49 atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance (ASCUS) specimens, 52 high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion (HSIL) specimens, and 50 normal samples were assessed by FISH with probes for the human papillomavirus (HPV), MYC, and telomerase RNA component (TERC). Subtyping of HPV by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed in a subset of cases (n=206). RESULTS There was a significant correlation found between HPV detection by FISH and PCR (P<.0001). In patients with LSILs, the presence of HPV detected by FISH was significantly associated with disease progression (P<.0001). An increased MYC and/or TERC gene copy number (>2 signals in>10% of cells) prevailed in 43% of ASCUS specimens and was more frequent in HSIL (85%) than in LSIL (33%) (HSIL vs LSIL: P<.0001). Increased TERC gene copy number was significantly correlated with progression of LSIL (P<.01; odds ratio, 7.44; area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, 0.73; positive predictive value, 0.30; negative predictive value, 0.94) CONCLUSIONS: The detection of HPV by FISH analysis is feasible in liquid-based cytology and is significantly correlated with HPV analysis by PCR. The analysis of TERC gene copy number may be useful for risk stratification in patients with LSIL.


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Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a necessary cause of cervical cancer and is also strongly associated with anal cancer. While different factors such as CD4+ cell count, HIV RNA viral load, smoking status, and cytological screening results have been identified as risk factors for the infection of HPV high-risk types and associated cancers, much less is known about the association between those risk factors and the infection of HPV low-risk types and anogential warts. In this dissertation, a public dataset (release P09) obtained from the Women's Interagency HIV Study (WIHS) was used to examine the effects of those risk factors on the size of the largest anal warts in HIV-infected women in the United States. Linear mixed modeling was used to address this research question. ^ The prevalence of anal warts at baseline for WIHS participants was higher than other populations. Incidence of anal warts in HIV-infected women was significantly higher than that of HIV-uninfected women [4.15 cases per 100 person-years (95% CI: 3.83–4.77) vs. 1.30 cases per 100 person-years (95% CI: 1.00–1.58), respectively]. There appeared to be an inverse association between the size of the largest anal wart and CD4+ cell count at baseline visit, however it was not statistically significant. There was no association between size of the largest anal wart and CD4+ cell count or HIV RNA viral load over time among HIV-infected women. There was also no association between the size of the largest anal wart and current smoking over time in HIV-infected women, even though smokers had larger warts at baseline than non-smokers. Finally, even though a woman with Pap smear results of ASCUS/LGSIL was found to have an anal wart larger than a woman with normal cervical Pap smear results the relationship between the size of the largest anal wart with cervical Pap smear results over time remains unclear. ^ Although the associations between these risk factors and the size of the largest anal wart over time in HIV-infected women could not be firmly established, this dissertation poses several questions concerning anal wart development for further exploration: (1) the role of immune function (i.e., CD4+ cell count), (2) the role of smoking status and the interaction between smoking status with other risk factors (e.g., CD4+ cell count or HIV RNA viral load), (3) the molecular mechanism of smoking on anal warts over time, (4) the potential for development of a screening program using anal Pap smear in HIV-infected women, and (5) how cost-effective and efficacious would an anal Pap smear screening program be in this high-risk population. ^


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Sclerotinia species are sexually reproducing ascomycetes. In the past S. minor and S. sclerotiorum, have been assumed to be homothallic because of the self-fertility of colonies derived from single ascospores. S. trifoliorum has previously been shown to be bipolar heterothallic due to the presence of four self-fertile and four self-sterile ascospores within a single ascus [Uhm, J.Y., Fujii, H., 1983a. Ascospore dimorphism in Sclerotinia trifoliorum and cultural characters of strains from different-sized spores. Phytopathology 73: 565-569]. However, isolates of S. minor and S. sclerotiorum were proven to be homothallic ascomycetes, by self-fertility of all eight ascospores within an ascus. Apothecia were raised from all eight ascospores of a single tetrad from four isolates of S. minor and from an isolate of S. sclerotiorum, indicating that inbreeding may be the predominant breeding mechanism of S. minor. Ascospores from asci of S. minor and S. sclerotiorum were predominantly monomorphic, but rare examples of ascospore dimorphism similar to S. trifoliorum were found. (c) 2006 The British Mycological Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objetivo: Caracterizar los resultados de las CCV (citología cervicovaginal) de estudiantes atendidas en los servicios de Bienestar Universitario de la Universidad Industrial de Santander UIS (Bucaramanga). Material y método: Estudio descriptivo, de corte transversal. Población: estudiantes de la UIS en el periodo comprendido entre julio de 2004 y julio de 2010. Tamaño de muestra 1543 universitarias. Para obtener la información se tuvo acceso al sistema de información de los servicios de salud de Bienestar Universitario-UIS correspondientes a los resultados de las CCV tomadas en el periodo mencionado, sistema del cual se obtuvieron las variables relacionadas con características sociodemográficas, resultados citológicos entre otras Fueron calculadas frecuencias absolutas y relativas para cada variable. Se calculó la prevalencia de anormalidad en la CCV, sus intervalos de confianza del 95%. Todos los análisis fueron realizados en Stata 12. Resultados: Conocimiento de las alteraciones en los resultados de las citologías: anormalidad: 33%; principal microorganismo cándida albicans: 13.7%, presencia de ASCUS:11%, VPH: 2.5%, cambios celulares reactivos:15.2%. El 43.9% inició sus relaciones sexuales entre los 17 y 18 años, y el 23.8% inició a los 16 o menos años, el 93% manifestó que el rango de compañeros sexuales está entre 0 y 1 y el 46% de las estudiantes utilizan métodos anticonceptivos, los más utilizados son los anovulatorios. Conclusiones: Se hallaron más factores protectores que predisponentes para presentar alteraciones citológicas y cáncer de cérvix, pero los resultados de anormalidad son significativos en la población joven, que ameritan continuar el fortalecimiento de programas enfocados a la salud sexual y reproductiva.


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Los principales objetivos de la investigación fueron detectar en función con la edad, la prevalencia de los genotipos de alto y bajo riesgo oncogénico de virus del papiloma humano (VPH) en muestras cervicales de las mujeres en los catorce cantones de la provincia de Azuay. El proyecto abarcó el diagnóstico histopatológico de las lesiones cervicales intraepiteliales y la relación de los genotipos encontrados, con los factores de riesgo y las vacunas existentes que se utilizan como medida de prevención de cáncer de cuello uterino. Fueron examinadas muestras de frotis cervicales de una población aleatoria de 500 mujeres con la prueba de Papanicolaou (Pap), usando la reacción en cadena de la polimerasa en tiempo real (PCR). El estudio reveló una prevalencia de VPH de 25.6%; 4.8% genotipos oncogénicos de bajo riesgo y el 20.8% genotipos oncogénicos de alto riesgo respectivamente, y sólo en el grupo de edad de 20 a 29 años, una significativa prevalencia mayor de los genotipos de alto riesgo 31 y 66 (p<0.05). Las células escamosas atípicas de significado indeterminado (ASCUS) representan el 7% y la lesión intraepitelial escamosas de bajo grado (LIEBG) 1.8%. Por otra parte no se identificaron lesiones escamosas intraepiteliales de alto grado. De la población encuestada 2.8% de las mujeres poseen genotipos virales que son tratables por las vacunas distribuidas por el Ministerio de Salud Pública (MSP).


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Estudio descriptivo en el que se incluyeron 3953 papanicolaou, con la nomenclatura del Sistema Bethesda. Justificación: proque se cree necesario conocer la realidad del medio sobre patología cervical. Resultados: dentro de límites normales 7, cambios celulares benignos 76.5, células escamosas atípicas de significancia indeterminada ASCUS 12.2neoplasia intraepitelial de bajo grado LIE BG 1.7, neoplasia intraepitelial de alto grado LIEAG 0, 7, carcinoma de células escamosas 0,6, células glandulares atípicas de significancia indeterminada AGUS