47 resultados para AO-7713


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Letter to J.G. Cadham regarding Elizabeth Cudney stating that 10 months interest is due. The writer includes and abstract of title on the land which includes: No. 944 assignment of the mortgage of John Malone to S.D. Woodruff; No. 1207 Deed Jesse O’Dell to S.D. Woodruff; No. 1125 Deed S.D. Woodruff to Ezekiel Cudney; No. 1127 Mortgage Ezekiel Cudney to S.D. Woodruff. “Mr. Ezekiel Cudney died and his family was not able to pay off the mortgage and gave the deed and place to me. The agreement with Elizabeth Cudney shows what her title is and when I am paid the amount due to me in accordance with the agreement the deed will be executed.”, Dec. 9, 1901.


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Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal


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Resumen tomado de la publicación. Incluye capturas de pantalla de ordenador de dicho editor de cálculo y ficheros para la realización de las actividades prácticas


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Continuación de la Gramática de la fantasía


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L'objectiu general d'aquest treball és trobar i mostrar una eina que permeti obtenir una representació dels senyals procedents de sistemes dinàmics adequada a les necessitats dels sistemes de Supervisió Experta de processos. Aquest objectiu general es pot subdividir en diverses parts, que són tractades en els diferents capítols que composen el treball i que es poden resumir en els següents punts: En primer lloc, cal conèixer les necessitats dels sistemes de Supervisió: La gran quantitat de dades que provenen dels processos fa necessari el tractament d'aquestes dades per obtenir-ne d'altres, més elaborades, amb un nivell més elevat de representació. La utilització de raonament qualitatiu, pròpia dels éssers humans, comporta la necessitat de representar simbòlicament els senyals, de traduir les dades numèriques en símbols. La Supervisió de sistemes dinàmics comporta que el temps sigui una variable fonamental, la asincronia dels esdeveniments significatius per a la Supervisió fa que les representacions més adequades i útils dels senyals siguin asíncrones. Finalment,l'ús dels coneixements experimentals en la Supervisió dels processos comporta que les representacions més naturals siguin les més útils. Aquestes necessitats fan de la representació dels senyals mitjançant episodis l'eina amb més possibilitats per assolir els objectius que es volen assolir. Per això, es presenta un formalisme que permet descriure i incloure-hi la formalització i les diferents aproximacions a aquest tipus de representació ja existents i, al mateix temps, augmentar-ne la significació a través de característiques dels senyals que no es tenen en compte en les aproximacions ja existents. El següent pas és aprofitar el nou formalisme per obtenir una nova representació amb un grau més gran de significació, cosa que s'aconsegueix representant explícitament les discontinuïtats i els períodes estacionaris o d'estabilitat, molt significatius en Supervisió de processos. Un problema sempre present en el tractament de senyals és el soroll que els afecta. Per aquest motiu es presenta un mètode que permet filtrar el soroll de manera que les representacions resultants quedin afectades el mínim possible per aquest tractament. Finalment, es presenta l'aplicació en línia de les eines descrites. La representació en línia dels senyals comporta el tractament de la incertesa inherent al coneixement parcial del senyal (un episodi no pot ser determinat i caracteritzat completament fins que no s'acaba). L'obtenció de resultats amb determinats graus de certesa és perfectament coherent amb la seva utilització posterior mitjançant Sistemes Experts o altres eines de la IA. Totes les aportacions del treball vénen acompanyades d'exemples i/o aplicacions que permeten observar-ne la utilitat i les limitacions.


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Poly(acrylic acid) forms insoluble hydrogen-bonded interpolymer complexes with methylcellulose in aqueous solutions under acidic conditions. In this work the reaction heats and binding constants were determined for the complexation between poly(acrylic acid) and methylcellulose by isothermal titration calorimetry at different pH and findings are correlated with the aggregation processes occurring in this system. The principal contribution to the complexation heat results from primary polycomplex particle aggregation. Transmission electron microscopy of nanoparticles produced at pH 1.4 and 2.4 demonstrated that they are spherical and dense structures. The nanoparticles ranged from 80 to 200 nm, whereas particles formed at pH 3.2 were 20-30 nm and were stabilized against aggregation by a network of uncomplexed macromolecules. For the first time, multilayered materials were developed on the basis of hydrogen-bonded complexes of poly(acrylic acid) and methylcellulose using layer-by-layer deposition on a glass surface. The thickness of these films was a linear function of the number of deposition cycles. The materials were subsequently cross-linked by thermal treatment, resulting in ultrathin hydrogels which detached from the glass substrate upon swelling. The swelling capacity of ultrathin hydrogels differed from the swelling of the thicker films of a similar chemical composition.


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Objetivo: Determinar os níveis da endotelina-1 (ET-1) no sangue de cordão umbilical e no plasma de recém-nascidos pré-termo com doença da membrana hialina (DMH) e comparar estes níveis com controles. Metodologia: Nós determinamos os níveis da ET-1 em 18 pré-termos com DMH que não tiveram diagnóstico clínico ou ecocardiográfico de hipertensão pulmonar e em 22 prétermos sem DMH (peso de nascimento < 2000g e idade gestacional ≤ 34 semanas). Foram utilizados sangue do cordão umbilical e uma segunda amostra de sangue coletada durante as primeiras 12 a 48 horas de vida após o nascimento, para determinação da ET-1 por enzimoimunoensaio. Resultados: As medianas dos valores da ET-1 do sangue de cordão umbilical foram similares nos dois grupos (controles: 10,9pg/mL e DMH: 11,4pg/mL) e foram significativamente maiores do que as da segunda amostra (controles: 1,7pg/mL, DMH: 3,5pg/mL; p<0,001 para ambos os grupos). As medianas da ET-1 da segunda amostra foram significativamente maiores no grupo com DMH do que no grupo controle (p<0,001). Houve uma correlação positiva entre dosagem da ET-1 na segunda amostra e o Escore de Gravidade Neonatal SNAPPE II (r=0,36, p=0,02), e duração da ventilação mecânica (r=0,59, p=0,04). Um declíneo mais lento nos valores da ET-1 do nascimento para as 12 a 48h de vida foi observado nos recém-nascidos pré-termo com DMH comparados com os controles. Conclusões: Recém-nascidos pré-termo com e sem DMH tem níveis semelhantes da ET-1 no sangue de cordão umbilical, enquanto os níveis da ET-1 no recém-nascido com 12 a 48 horas de vida foram maiores nos com DMH do que nos controles. Níveis elevados da ET-1 na DMH sugerem que este mediador está envolvido na fisiopatologia da DMH.


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Chitosan membranes have been modified by plasma, utilizing the following gases: nitrogen (N2), methane (CH4), argon (Ar), oxygen (O2) and hydrogen. The modified membranes by plasma were compared to the unmodified ones. The membranes were characterized by absorption assay, contact angle, atomic force microscopy (AFM). Also, permeability assay of sodium sulfamerazine from such membranes were carried out. Through the absorption assay and contact angle it was possible to obtain information of the wettability of the membranes and what changes the plasma treatment can promote in relation to it. The plasma treatment using oxygen promoted increase of the wetability and swelling while the samples treated with methane decrease of the wetability and swelling. Through the Optical Emission Spectroscopy (OES) it was possible to identify which species were present in the plasma during the treatment. And through the AFM analysis it was possible to observe the changes nanotopography occurred on the surface of the samples. Permeability assay were archived for all treated membranes and compared to no treated ones. Due to that assay it was possible verify which the plasma treatment increased the permeability spectrum of the membranes which has varied from 1,4548 *10-5cm2.min-1 to 2,7713*10-5cm2.min-1. Chitosan membranes with permeability varied are importance in systems drug delivery, to liberate a wide variety of drugs


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Three naturally occurring isocoumarins (paepalantine, paepalantine 9-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside and paepalantine 90-beta-D-allopyranosyl(1 -> 6) glucopyranoside) and two semi-synthetic analogues, 9,10-acylated compound and 9-OH-10-methylated compound,. structurally similar to paepalantine, were evaluated for antimicrobial activity using a spectrophotometric microdilution technique. The paepalantine was active against S. aureus, S. epidermidis, and E faecalis. while the other four compounds proved ineffective against all microorganisms tested at concentrations of 500 mu g/ml. Variations in phenolic substitution at OH-9 and/or OH-10 in the paepalantine molecule resulted in compounds without antimicrobial activity. A combination of structural features, two phenolic groups as cathecolic system, forms an oxygenated system arrangement that may reflect the potentially antimicrobial properties of paepalantine. (c) 2004 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.


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A systematic construction of super W algebras in terms of the WZNW model based on a super Lie algebra is presented. These are shown to be the symmetry structure of the super Toda models, which can be obtained from the WZNW theory by Hamiltonian reduction. A classification, according to the conformal spin defined by an improved energy momentum tensor, is discussed in general terms for all super Lie algebras whose simple roots are fermionic. A detailed discussion employing the Dirac bracket structure and an explicit construction of W algebras for the cases of OSP(1, 2), OSP(2, 2), OSP(3, 2) and D(2, 1\ alpha) are given. The N = 1 and N = 2 superconformal algebras are discussed in the pertinent cases.