974 resultados para ANTERIOR CIRCULATION
BACKGROUND: Carotid artery stenosis is associated with the occurrence of acute and chronic ischemic lesions that increase with age in the elderly population. Diffusion Imaging and ADC mapping may be an appropriate method to investigate patients with chronic hypoperfusion consecutive to carotid stenosis. This non-invasive technique allows to investigate brain integrity and structure, in particular hypoperfusion induced by carotid stenosis diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of a carotid stenosis on the parenchyma using ADC mapping. METHODS: Fifty-nine patients with symptomatic (33) and asymptomatic (26) carotid stenosis were recruited from our multidisciplinary consultation. Both groups demonstrated a similar degree of stenosis. All patients underwent MRI of the brain including diffusion-weighted MR imaging with ADC mapping. Regions of interest were defined in the anterior and posterior paraventricular regions both ipsilateral and contralateral to the stenosis (anterior circulation). The same analysis was performed for the thalamic and occipital regions (posterior circulation). RESULTS: ADC values of the affected vascular territory were significantly higher on the side of the stenosis in the periventricular anterior (P<0.001) and posterior (P<0.01) area. There was no difference between ipsilateral and contralateral ADC values in the thalamic and occipital regions. CONCLUSIONS: We have shown that carotid stenosis is associated with significantly higher ADC values in the anterior circulation, probably reflecting an impact of chronic hypoperfusion on the brain parenchyma in symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. This is consistent with previous data in the literature.
Five percent of the general population has olfactory or gustatory disorders, although most do not complain about it. However, in some cases, these symptoms can be disabling and may affect quality of life. Anosmia was reported as a possible complication following head injury and neurosurgical procedures, particularly after the resection of tumors located in the anterior fossa and the treatment of aneurysms in the anterior circulation. Nonetheless, in all of these situations, olfactory dysfunction could be explained by damage to the peripheral olfactory system. Here, the authors report a case of complete anosmia associated with ageusia following awake resection of a low-grade glioma involving the left temporoinsular region, with no recovery during a follow-up of 3 years. The frontal lobe was not retracted, and the olfactory tract was not visualized during surgery; therefore, postoperative anosmia and ageusia are likely explained by damage to the cortex and central pathways responsible for these senses. The authors suggest that the patient might have had a subclinical right hemianosmia before surgery, which is a common condition. After resection of the central structures critical for smell and taste processing in the left hemisphere, the patient could have finally had bilateral and complete olfactory and gustatory loss. This is the first known report of permanent anosmia and ageusia following glioma surgery. Because these symptoms might have been underestimated, more attention should be devoted to olfaction and taste, especially with regard to possible subclinical preoperative deficit. (http://thejns.org/doi/abs/10.3171/2012.2.JNS111982)
We evaluated the functional dependence of stroke survivors from the Study of Stroke Mortality and Morbidity, using the Rankin Scale. Out of 355 ischemic stroke survivors (with a mean age of 67.9 years), 40% had some functional dependence at 28 days and 34.4% had some functional dependence at 6 months. Most predictors of physical dependence were identified at 28 days. These predictors were: low levels of education [illiterate vs. >= 8 years of education, multivariate odds ratio (OR) = 3.7; 95% confidence interval (95%CI): 1.60-8.54] and anatomical stroke location (total anterior circulation infarct, OR = 16.9; 95%CI: 2.93-97.49). Low levels of education and ischemic brain injury influenced functional dependence in these stroke survivors. Our findings reinforce the necessity of developing strategies for the rehabilitation of stroke patients, more especially in formulating specific strategies for care and treatment of stroke survivors with low socioeconomic status.
OBJECTIVE: Large vessel occlusion in acute ischemic stroke is associated with low recanalization rates under intravenous thrombolysis. We evaluated the safety and efficacy of the Solitaire AB stent in treating acute ischemic stroke. METHODS: Patients presenting with acute ischemic stroke were prospectively evaluated. The neurological outcomes were assessed using the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale and the modified Rankin Scale. Time was recorded from the symptom onset to the recanalization and procedure time. Recanalization was assessed using the thrombolysis in cerebral infarction score. RESULTS: Twenty-one patients were evaluated. The mean patient age was 65, and the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale scores ranged from 7 to 28 (average 17+/-6.36) at presentation. The vessel occlusions occurred in the middle cerebral artery (61.9%), distal internal carotid artery (14.3%), tandem carotid occlusion (14.3%), and basilar artery (9.5%). Primary thrombectomy, rescue treatment and a bridging approach represented 66.6%, 28.6%, and 4.8% of the performed procedures, respectively. The mean time from symptom onset to recanalization was 356.5+/-107.8 minutes (range, 80-586 minutes). The mean procedure time was 60.4+/-58.8 minutes (range, 14-240 minutes). The overall recanalization rate (thrombolysis in cerebral infarction scores of 3 or 2b) was 90.4%, and the symptomatic intracranial hemorrhage rate was 14.2%. The National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale scores at discharge ranged from 0 to 25 (average 6.9+/-7). At three months, 61.9% of the patients had a modified Rankin Scale score of 0 to 2, with an overall mortality rate of 9.5%. CONCLUSIONS: Intra-arterial thrombectomy with the Solitaire AB device appears to be safe and effective. Large randomized trials are necessary to confirm the benefits of this approach in acute ischemic stroke.
Seven sides of cadaver heads were used to compare the surgical exposures provided by the mini-modified orbitozygomatic (MOz) and supra-orbital (SO) approaches. The Optotrak 3020 computerized tracking system (Northern Digital, Waterloo, ON, Canada) was utilized to evaluate the area of anatomical exposure defined by six points: (1) ipsilateral sphenoid ridge; (2) most distal point of the ipsilateral middle cerebral artery (MCA); (3) most distal point of the ipsilateral posterior cerebral artery (PCA); (4) most distal point of the contralateral PCA; (5) most distal point of the contralateral MCA; and (6) contralateral sphenoid ridge. Additionally, angles of approach for the ipsilateral MCA bifurcation, ipsilateral ICA bifurcation, basilar artery tip, contralateral MCA and ICA bifurcation and anterior communicating artery (AcomA) were evaluated, first for SO and then for MOz. An image guidance system was used to evaluate the limits of surgical exposure. No differences in the area of surgical exposure were noted (p > 0.05). Vertical angles were significantly wider for the ipsilateral and contralateral ICA bifurcation, AcomA, contralateral MCA and basilar tip (p < 0.05) for MOz. No differences in horizontal angles were observed between the approaches for the six targets (p > 0.05). There were no differences in the limits of exposure. MOz affords no additional surgical working space. However, our results demonstrate systematically that vertical exposure is improved. The MOz should be performed while planning an approach to these regions and a wider exposure in the vertical axis is needed. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background and Purpose— The term “minor stroke” is often used; however a consensus definition is lacking. We explored the relationship of 6 “minor stroke” definitions and outcome and tested their validity in subgroups of patients. Methods— A total of 760 consecutive patients with acute ischemic strokes were classified according to the following definitions: A, score ≤1 on every National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) item and normal consciousness; B, lacunar-like syndrome; C, motor deficits with or without sensory deficits; D, NIHSS ≤9 excluding those with aphasia, neglect, or decreased consciousness; E, NIHSS ≤9; and F, NIHSS ≤3. Short-term outcome was considered favorable when patients were discharged home, and favorable medium-term outcome was defined as a modified Rankin Scale score of ≤2 at 3 months. The following subgroup analyses were performed by definition: sex, age, anterior versus posterior and right versus left hemispheric stroke, and early (0 to 6 hours) versus late admission (6 to 24 hours) to the hospital. Results— Short-term and medium-term outcomes were most favorable in patients with definition A (74% and 90%, respectively) and F (71% and 90%, respectively). Patients with definition C and anterior circulation strokes were more likely to be discharged home than patients with posterior circulation strokes (P=0.021). The medium-term outcome of older patients with definition E was less favorable compared with the outcome of younger ones (P=0.001), whereas patients with definition A, D, and F did not show different outcomes in any subgroup. Conclusions— Patients fulfilling definition A and F had best short-term and medium-term outcomes. They would be best suited to the definition of “minor stroke.”
Aim The aim of this study was to describe neuroimaging patterns associated with arterial ischaemic stroke (AIS) in childhood and to differentiate them according to stroke aetiology. Method Clinical and neuroimaging (acute and follow-up) findings were analysed prospectively in 79 children (48 males, 31 females) aged 2 months to 15 years 8 months (median 5y 3mo) at the time of stroke by the Swiss Neuropaediatric Stroke Registry from 2000 to 2006. Results Stroke was confirmed in the acute period in 36 out of 41 children who underwent computed tomography, in 53 of 57 who underwent T2-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and in all 48 children who underwent diffusion-weighted MRI. AIS occurred in the anterior cerebral artery (ACA) in 63 participants and in all cases was associated with lesions of the middle cerebral artery (MCA). The lesion was cortical-subcortical in 30 out of 63 children, cortical in 25 out of 63, and subcortical in 8 of 63 children. Among participants with AIS in the posterior circulation territory, the stroke was cortical-subcortical in 8 out of 16, cortical in 5 of 16, and thalamic in 3 out of 16 children. Interpretation AIS mainly involves the anterior circulation territory, with both the ACA and the MCA being affected. The classification of Ganesan is an appropriate population-based classification for our Swiss cohort, but the neuroimaging pattern alone is insufficient to determine the aetiology of stroke in a paediatric population. The results show a poor correlation between lesion pattern and aetiology.
Randomized trials suggested a different benefit of intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) and intra-arterial thrombolysis (IAT) between men and women with anterior circulation stroke because of a worse outcome of women in the control group.
Acute BAO is a devastating neurological condition associated with a poor clinical outcome and a high mortality rate. Recanalization has been identified as a major prognostic factor for good outcome in BAO. Mechanical thrombectomy using retrievable stents is an emerging treatment option for acute stroke. First clinical trials using stent retrievers have shown promising high recanalization rates. However, these studies mainly included large artery occlusions in the anterior circulation with only a few or single cases of BAO. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate technical feasibility, safety, and efficacy of mechanical thrombectomy using retrievable stent in the treatment of acute BAO.
Background and Purpose—There is some controversy on the association of the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score to predict arterial occlusion on MR arteriography and CT arteriography in acute stroke. Methods—We analyzed NIHSS scores and arteriographic findings in 2152 patients (35.4% women, mean age 66±14 years) with acute anterior or posterior circulation strokes. Results—The study included 1603 patients examined with MR arteriography and 549 with CT arteriography. Of those, 1043 patients (48.5%; median NIHSS score 5, median time to clinical assessment 179 minutes) showed an occlusion, 887 in the anterior (median NIHSS score 7/0–31), and 156 in the posterior circulation (median NIHSS score 3/0–32). Eight hundred sixty visualized occlusions (82.5%) were located centrally (ie, in the basilar, intracranial vertebral, internal carotid artery, or M1/M2 segment of the middle cerebral artery). NIHSS scores turned out to be predictive for any vessel occlusions in the anterior circulation. Best cut-off values within 3 hours after symptom onset were NIHSS scores ≥9 (positive predictive value 86.4%) and NIHSS scores ≥7 within >3 to 6 hours (positive predictive value 84.4%). Patients with central occlusions presenting within 3 hours had NIHSS scores <4 in only 5%. In the posterior circulation and in patients presenting after 6 hours, the predictive value of the NIHSS score for vessel occlusion was poor. Conclusions—There is a significant association of NIHSS scores and vessel occlusions in patients with anterior circulation strokes. This association is best within the first hours after symptom onset. Thereafter and in the posterior circulation the association is poor.
BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to determine the clinical and radiological outcome of acute stroke patients who had no vessel occlusion on arteriography and to define predictors of clinical outcome. METHODS: We analyzed clinical and radiological data of stroke patients whose arteriography performed within 6 hours of symptom onset did not visualize any vessel occlusion. RESULTS: Twenty-eight of 283 consecutive patients (10%) who underwent arteriography with the intention to perform intraarterial thrombolysis did not show any arterial occlusion. Their median baseline National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) score was 7. Time from symptom onset to arteriography ranged from 115 to 315 minutes; on average, it was 226 minutes. Presumed stroke cause was cardiac embolism in 11 patients (39%), small artery disease in 6 (21%), coronary angiography in 1 (4%), and undetermined in 10 patients (36%). After 3 months, modified Rankin Scale score (mRS) was < or =2 in 21 patients (75%), indicating a favorable outcome. Six patients (21%) had a poor outcome (mRS 3 or 4) and 1 patient (4%) had a myocardial infarction and died. Twenty-seven patients had follow-up brain imaging. It was normal in 5, showed a lacunar lesion in 8, a striatocapsular infarct in 2, a small or medium-sized anterior circulation infarct in 6, multiple small anterior circulation infarcts in 2, and multiple posterior circulation infarcts in 4. No predictors of clinical outcome were identified. CONCLUSIONS: Most acute stroke patients with normal early arteriography show infarcts on brain imaging; however, clinical outcome is usually favorable.
Abnormal yawning is an underappreciated phenomenon in patients with ischemic stroke. We aimed at identifying frequently affected core regions in the supratentorial brain of stroke patients with abnormal yawning and contributing to the anatomical network concept of yawning control. Ten patients with acute anterior circulation stroke and ≥3 yawns/15 min without obvious cause were analyzed. The NIH stroke scale (NIHSS), Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS), symptom onset, period with abnormal yawning, blood oxygen saturation, glucose, body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, and modified Rankin scale (mRS) were assessed for all patients. MRI lesion maps were segmented on diffusion-weighted images, spatially normalized, and the extent of overlap between the different stroke patterns was determined. Correlations between the period with abnormal yawning and the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) in the overlapping regions, total stroke volume, NIHSS and mRS were performed. Periods in which patients presented with episodes of abnormal yawning lasted on average for 58 h. Average GCS, NIHSS, and mRS scores were 12.6, 11.6, and 3.5, respectively. Clinical parameters were within normal limits. Ischemic brain lesions overlapped in nine out of ten patients: in seven patients in the insula and in seven in the caudate nucleus. The decrease of the ADC within the lesions correlated with the period with abnormal yawing (r = -0.76, Bonferroni-corrected p = 0.02). The stroke lesion intensity of the common overlapping regions in the insula and the caudate nucleus correlates with the period with abnormal yawning. The insula might be the long sought-after brain region for serotonin-mediated yawning.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Mechanical thrombectomy using stent retriever devices have been advocated to increase revascularization in intracranial vessel occlusion. We present the results of a large prospective study on the use of the Solitaire Flow Restoration in patients with acute ischemic stroke. METHODS Solitaire Flow Restoration Thrombectomy for Acute Revascularization was an international, multicenter, prospective, single-arm study of Solitaire Flow Restoration thrombectomy in patients with large vessel anterior circulation strokes treated within 8 hours of symptom onset. Strict criteria for site selection were applied. The primary end point was the revascularization rate (thrombolysis in cerebral infarction ≥2b) of the occluded vessel as determined by an independent core laboratory. The secondary end point was the rate of good functional outcome (defined as 90-day modified Rankin scale, 0-2). RESULTS A total of 202 patients were enrolled across 14 comprehensive stroke centers in Europe, Canada, and Australia. The median age was 72 years, 60% were female patients. The median National Institute of Health Stroke Scale was 17. Most proximal intracranial occlusion was the internal carotid artery in 18%, and the middle cerebral artery in 82%. Successful revascularization was achieved in 79.2% of patients. Device and procedure-related severe adverse events were found in 7.4%. Favorable neurological outcome was found in 57.9%. The mortality rate was 6.9%. Any intracranial hemorrhagic transformation was found in 18.8% of patients, 1.5% were symptomatic. CONCLUSIONS In this single-arm study, treatment with the Solitaire Flow Restoration device in intracranial anterior circulation occlusions results in high rates of revascularization, low risk of clinically relevant procedural complications, and good clinical outcomes in combination with low mortality at 90 days. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION URL http://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT01327989.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE Age and stroke severity are inversely correlated with the odds of favorable outcome after ischemic stroke. A previously proposed score for Stroke Prognostication Using Age and NIHSS Stroke Scale (SPAN) indicated that SPAN-100-positive patients (ie, age + NIHSS score = 100 or more) do not benefit from IV-tPA. If this finding holds true for endovascular therapy, this score can impact patient selection for such interventions. This study investigated whether a score combining age and NIHSS score can improve patients' selection for endovascular stroke therapy. MATERIALS AND METHODS The SPAN index was calculated for patients in the prospective Solitaire FR Thrombectomy for Acute Revascularization study: an international single-arm multicenter cohort for anterior circulation stroke treatment by using the Solitaire FR. The proportion with favorable outcome (90-day mRS score ≤2) was compared between SPAN-100-positive versus-negative patients. RESULTS Of the 202 patients enrolled, 196 had baseline NIHSS scores. Fifteen (7.7%) patients were SPAN-100-positive. There was no difference in the rate of successful reperfusion (Thrombolysis In Cerebral Infarction 2b or 3) between SPAN-100-positive versus -negative groups (93.3% versus 82.8%, respectively; P = .3). Stroke SPAN-100-positive patients had a significantly lower proportion of favorable clinical outcomes (26.7% versus 60.8% in SPAN-100-negative, P = .01). In a multivariable analysis, SPAN-100-positive status was associated with lower odds of favorable outcome (OR, 0.3; 95% CI, 0.1-0.9; P = .04). A higher baseline Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score and a short onset to revascularization time also predicted favorable outcome in the multivariable analysis. CONCLUSIONS A significantly lower proportion of patients with a positive SPAN-100 achieved favorable outcome in this cohort. SPAN-100 was an independent predictor of favorable outcome after adjusting for time to treatment and the extent of preintervention tissue damage according to the Alberta Stroke Program Early CT Score.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE We report on workflow and process-based performance measures and their effect on clinical outcome in Solitaire FR Thrombectomy for Acute Revascularization (STAR), a multicenter, prospective, single-arm study of Solitaire FR thrombectomy in large vessel anterior circulation stroke patients. METHODS Two hundred two patients were enrolled across 14 centers in Europe, Canada, and Australia. The following time intervals were measured: stroke onset to hospital arrival, hospital arrival to baseline imaging, baseline imaging to groin puncture, groin puncture to first stent deployment, and first stent deployment to reperfusion. Effects of time of day, general anesthesia use, and multimodal imaging on workflow were evaluated. Patient characteristics and workflow processes associated with prolonged interval times and good clinical outcome (90-day modified Rankin score, 0-2) were analyzed. RESULTS Median times were onset of stroke to hospital arrival, 123 minutes (interquartile range, 163 minutes); hospital arrival to thrombolysis in cerebral infarction (TICI) 2b/3 or final digital subtraction angiography, 133 minutes (interquartile range, 99 minutes); and baseline imaging to groin puncture, 86 minutes (interquartile range, 24 minutes). Time from baseline imaging to puncture was prolonged in patients receiving intravenous tissue-type plasminogen activator (32-minute mean delay) and when magnetic resonance-based imaging at baseline was used (18-minute mean delay). Extracranial carotid disease delayed puncture to first stent deployment time on average by 25 minutes. For each 1-hour increase in stroke onset to final digital subtraction angiography (or TICI 2b/3) time, odds of good clinical outcome decreased by 38%. CONCLUSIONS Interval times in the STAR study reflect current intra-arterial therapy for patients with acute ischemic stroke. Improving workflow metrics can further improve clinical outcome. CLINICAL TRIAL REGISTRATION: URL http://www.clinicaltrials.gov. Unique identifier: NCT01327989.