904 resultados para ANOVA tests
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Host genetic factors play an important role in mediating resistance to HIV-1 infection and may modify the course of infection. HLA-B alleles (Bw4 epitope; B*27 and B*57) as well as killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors have been associated with slow progression of HIV-1 infection. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the association between serological epitopes HLA-Bw4 and HLA-Bw6 and prognostic markers in AIDS. METHODS: 147 HIV-infected individuals in Bahia, Northeast Brazil, were genotyped for HLA class I locus. HLA class I genotyping was performed by hybridization with sequence-specific oligonucleotide probes following amplification of the corresponding HLA-A, HLA-B and HLA-C genes. Statistical analysis was performed using Fisher's exact and ANOVA tests for categorical and continuous variables, respectively. RESULTS: We detected a significant association (χ2 = 4.856; p = 0.018) between the presence of HLA-Bw4 and low levels of viremia. Eighteen out of the 147 HIV-infected individuals presented viremia <1,800 copies/mL and 129 presented viremia > 2,000 copies/mL. Ninety and four percent (17/18) of all individuals with viremia < 1,800 copies/mL carried HLA-Bw4, compared to 67.4% (87/129) of individuals with viremia > 2,000 copies/mL. Additionally, we found a significantly higher frequency of B*57 (OR = 13.94; 95% CI = 4.19-46.38; p < 0.0001) and Cw*18 (OR = 16.15; 95% CI = 3.46-75.43; p < 0.0001) alleles, favoring the group with lower viremia levels, in comparison with those with higher viral load. CONCLUSION: HLA-Bw4-B*57 and Cw*18 alleles are associated with lower level of viral load in HIV-infected Brazilian patients. These findings may help us in understanding the determinants of HIV evolution in Brazilian patients, as well as in providing important information on immune response correlates of protection for such population.
The knowledge of the mechanical properties of nickel-titanium (NiTi) termoactives of the more accessible of the domestic market is still limited. Given this, the objective of this study was to evaluate and compare through deflection tests in brackets NiTi wires 03 term rectangular gauge 0.014 '' enabled x 0.025 '' and 0.016 '' x 0.022 '' of different brands (MORELLI (R), ORMCO (R) ORTHOSOURCE (R), ORTHOMETRIC (R), EURODONTO (R) and ADITEK (R)). All tests were carried out on universal testing machine EMIC DL 2000 under identical conditions and controlled at a temperature of 36 degrees C +/- 0.5 degrees C. Five measurements (N= 5) were performed for each thickness/wire tag that was deflected up to a limit of 4.0mm at a speed of 1.0mm/min. Each 0.2mm (round trip) of corresponding strength measured deflection for the construction of the graph of force x deflection at Tesc program version 3.04. Each graphic was evaluated according to the following variables: beginning of the Martensitic transformation (cN and mm), maximum strength (cN), the beginning and end of the plateau of deactivation (cN and mm) and length (mm) plateau. The average and standard deviation were calculated for all variables and statistical analysis was made by ANOVA tests 2 criteria and Turkey or Kruskal-Wallis and Dunn, a 5% level of significance. The results showed that the tests of 0.014 '' x0.025 '' ORTHOMETRIC (R) brands and ORMCO (R) showed the best results, as well as the wires of the MORELLI (R) and ORTHOSOURCE (R) to wires 0.016 '' x0.022 ''. In General, the gauge wires 0.014 '' x0.025 '' showed strength levels on the plateau of deactivation to 6 x smaller than 0.016 '' x0.022 '' caliber.
The knowledge of risk of carried during pregnant is essential for an appropriate treatment using educational and preventives actions to mother for a good care of their oral health and that of children. The main objective of present retrospective study was to identify the risk of caries of pregnants (aged 15-44, mean= 25 years) came to clinic of Preventive Odontology of Araraquara-UNSEP from 1999 to 2007, using 166 medical records obtained by the third pregraduate year students, following the pre-established guidelines. The information collected includes: classification of caries risk diagnosis, pregnancy trimester, carbohydrates ingestion (between or during foods), dental plaques (O'Leary's plaque control registry) and the number of teeth with caries. The statistical analysis used the Chi2 and ANOVA tests. Most of patients showed a 25 % or more of teeth surfaces with dental plaques (92.1 %) and carbohydrates consumption among foods (89.2 %). The mean (SD) of carried and restores teeth was of 7.9 (5.1) and 4.0 (3.4), respectively and the posterior teeth were the more involved by caries/restorations. As regards the diagnosis of caries risk, classification of high risk was observed in the 38.5 % of pregnants, moderate in the 47.6 %) and low in the 13.9 %. There was a statistically significant association (p= 0.001) between the carbohydrates consumption and the diagnosis of caries risk. The plaque's rate was similar in the different trimesters of pregnancy (f= 0.223; p= 0.803). The caries risk of most pregnant women was high or moderate and it was associated with the consumption of carbohydrates.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Purpose The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of intensity and interval of recovery on performance in the bench press exercise, and the response of salivary lactate and alpha amylase levels. Methods Ten sportsman (aged 29 ± 4 years; body mass index 26 ± 2 kg/cm2 ) were divided in two groups: G70 (performing a bench press exercise at 70 % one repetition maximum—1RM), and G90 (performing a bench press exercise at 90 %—1RM). All groups were engaged in three intervals of recovery (30, 60 and 90 s). The maximum number of repetitions (MNR) and total weight lifted were computed, and saliva samples were collected 15 min before and after different intervals of recovery. For the comparison of the performance and biochemistry parameters, ANOVA tests for repeated measurements were conducted, with a significance level set at 5 %. Results In G70, the 30 s MNR was lower than the 60 and 90 s intervals of recovery (p\0.05) and the MNR with the 60 s interval of recovery was lower than the 90 s interval of recovery (p\0.041). Similarly, in G90 with the 30 s of interval of recovery, the sets were lower than observed with the 60 and 90 s (p\0.05), and MNR with the 60 s interval of recovery was lower than the 90 s interval of recovery (p\0.05). The salivary lactate showed an increase after exercise (p\0.05) when compared with the rest period for all groups, and no effects were observed for salivary alpha amylase. Conclusions Based on this result, the sets and reps can be modified to change the recovery time. This effect is very useful to improve the performance in relationship to different fitness levels.
[EN]This paper examines a corpus of 150 titles of research articles published between 2010 and 2013 in Anglo-American natural sciences journals (physics, chemistry and biology) in order to determine their lexical density and grammatical and morphosyntactic features. Towards that end, the frequency of present and past participles, prepositions, coordinating and subordinate conjunctions, and the frequency and length of compound words was recorded in each title. The total number of content and function words was also recorded so as to determine title lexical density. ANOVA tests were applied in order to assess whether statistically significant differences in the frequency of the above mentioned variables were detected within and across disciplines and in the whole corpus.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate medetomidine as a continuous rate infusion (CRI) in horses in which anaesthesia is maintained with isoflurane and CRIs of ketamine and lidocaine. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective, randomized, blinded clinical trial. ANIMALS: Forty horses undergoing elective surgery. METHODS: After sedation and induction, anaesthesia was maintained with isoflurane. Mechanical ventilation was employed. All horses received lidocaine (1.5 mg kg(-1) initially, then 2 mg kg(-1) hour(-1)) and ketamine (2 mg kg(-1) hour(-1)), both CRIs reducing to 1.5 mg kg(-1) hour(-1) after 50 minutes. Horses in group MILK received a medetomidine CRI of 3.6 mug kg(-1) hour(-1), reducing after 50 minutes to 2.75 mug kg(-1) hour(-1), and horses in group ILK an equal volume of saline. Mean arterial pressure (MAP) was maintained above 70 mmHg using dobutamine. End-tidal concentration of isoflurane (FE'ISO) was adjusted as necessary to maintain surgical anaesthesia. Group ILK received medetomidine (3 mug kg(-1) ) at the end of the procedure. Recovery was evaluated. Differences between groups were analysed using Mann-Whitney, Chi-Square and anova tests as relevant. Significance was taken as p < 0.05. RESULTS: FE'ISO required to maintain surgical anaesthesia in group MILK decreased with time, becoming significantly less than that in group ILK by 45 minutes. After 60 minutes, median (IQR) FE'ISO in MILK was 0.65 (0.4-1.0) %, and in ILK was 1 (0.62-1.2) %. Physiological parameters did not differ between groups, but group MILK required less dobutamine to support MAP. Total recovery times were similar and recovery quality good in both groups. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A CRI of medetomidine given to horses which were also receiving CRIs of lidocaine and ketamine reduced the concentration of isoflurane necessary to maintain satisfactory anaesthesia for surgery, and reduced the dobutamine required to maintain MAP. No further sedation was required to provide a calm recovery.
OBJECTIVES To determine the relationship between nasolabial symmetry and esthetics in subjects with orofacial clefts. MATERIAL AND METHODS Eighty-four subjects (mean age 10 years, standard deviation 1.5) with various types of nonsyndromic clefts were included: 11 had unilateral cleft lip (UCL); 30 had unilateral cleft lip and alveolus (UCLA); and 43 had unilateral cleft lip, alveolus, and palate (UCLAP). A 3D stereophotogrammetric image of the face was taken for each subject. Symmetry and esthetics were evaluated on cropped 3D facial images. The degree of asymmetry of the nasolabial area was calculated based on all 3D data points using a surface registration algorithm. Esthetic ratings of various elements of nasal morphology were performed by eight lay raters on a 100 mm visual analog scale. Statistical analysis included ANOVA tests and regression models. RESULTS Nasolabial asymmetry increased with growing severity of the cleft (p = 0.029). Overall, nasolabial appearance was affected by nasolabial asymmetry; subjects with more nasolabial asymmetry were judged as having a less esthetically pleasing nasolabial area (p < 0.001). However, the relationship between nasolabial symmetry and esthetics was relatively weak in subjects with UCLAP, in whom only vermilion border esthetics was associated with asymmetry. CONCLUSIONS Nasolabial symmetry assessed with 3D facial imaging can be used as an objective measure of treatment outcome in subjects with less severe cleft deformity. In subjects with more severe cleft types, other factors may play a decisive role. CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE Assessment of nasolabial symmetry is a useful measure of treatment success in less severe cleft types.
O presente trabalho teve por foco prover uma revisão de conceitos relacionados às resinas dentais fotopolimeráveis e, também, analisar como diferentes concentrações de fotoiniciadores de uso comum em odontologia podem influenciar no desempenho mecânico e na cor de resinas dentais. Concentrações de 0,01%, 0,10%, 0,25% 0,50%, 0,75%, 1,00% e 10% em massa de fotoiniciador foram adicionadas em uma matriz polimérica composta por TEGDMA/BisGMA 50%/50% em massa de forma que, fixando variáveis externas referentes à fonte de luz e à preparação das amostras, foi possível avaliar o efeito da concentração de fotoiniciador nas propriedades mecânicas de resistência à fratura por compressão, resistência à fratura pela aplicação de tensão diametral e dureza Barcol. Por fim, o efeito da concentração na cor aferida através do método CIELab foi investigada. Os fotoiniciadores utilizados foram o Irgacure® 819, a 1-fenil-1,2-propanodiona (PPD) e a Canforoquinona a qual foi utilizada juntamente com ocoiniciador Etil-4 dimetilaminobenzoato (EDB) na concentração constante de 1% em massa. Os resultados mecânicos e de cor foram comparados entre as diferentes amostras através de análises estatísticas (ANOVA) e, especificamente para cor, o parâmetro de diferença de cor (ΔE) foi interpretado verificar se as alterações observadas são perceptíveis ao olho humano. Para fundamentar os estudos, análises do espectro de absorção das amostras, do espectro de irradiação da fonte de luz e do grau de conversão das amostras foram realizadas. Os resultados revelaram que, independentemente do fotoiniciador, graus de conversão da mesma ordem de grandeza de um adesivo comercial foram obtidos, porém as velocidades de reação foram diferentes (maior velocidade para as amostras de CQ e menor para PPD). Curvas características foram obtidas para os espectros de absorção e de irradiação confirmando, pela sobreposição das curvas, que a fonte de luz é efetiva para iniciação da polimerização das amostras. As análises de resistência à fratura revelaram que a quebra catastrófica do material ocorrerá preferencialmente quando a força é aplicada ao longo do diâmetro para os corpos de prova preparados. Quanto à dureza, verificou-se que que para a CQ houve um máximo, para Irgacure um comportamento assintótico com aumento da concentração e, para a PPD, não foi possível a obtenção de amostras (verificado que a PPD necessita de tempo de irradiação superior ao convencionalmente utilizado na prática odontológica). Os testes de ANOVA permitiram verificar que o Irgacure é capaz de fornecer resultados mecânicos semelhante em relação à CQ ocasionando, em contrapartida, um menor escurecimento e amarelamento. Analisando o parâmetro ΔE, confirmou-se que a alteração na cor se torna evidente à medida que ocorre o aumento da concentração de fotoiniciador independentemente do fotoiniciador utilizado, porém a alteração é maior para a CQ.
Purpose: Although significant amounts of vertical misalignment could have a noticeable effect on visual performance, there is no conclusive evidence about the effect of very small amount of vertical disparity on stereopsis and binocular vision. Hence, the aim of this study was to investigate the effects of induced vertical disparity on local and global stereopsis at near. Materials and Methods: Ninety participants wearing best-corrected refraction had local and global stereopsis tested with 0.5 and 1.0 prism diopter (Δ) vertical prism in front of their dominant and non-dominant eye in turn. This was compared to local and global stereopsis in the same subjects without vertical prism. Data were analyzed in SPSS.17 software using the independent samples T and the repeated measures ANOVA tests. Results: Induced vertical disparity decreases local and global stereopsis. This reduction is greater when vertical disparity is induced in front of the non-dominant eye and affects global more than local stereopsis. Repeated measures ANOVA showed differences in the mean stereopsis between the different measured states for local and global values. Local stereopsis thresholds were reduced by 10s of arc or less on average with 1.0Δ of induced vertical prism in front of either eye. However, global stereopsis thresholds were reduced by over 100s of arc by the same 1.0Δ of induced vertical prism. Conclusion: Induced vertical disparity affects global stereopsis thresholds by an order of magnitude (or a factor of 10) more than local stereopsis. Hence, using a test that measures global stereopsis such as the TNO is more sensitive to vertical misalignment than a test such as the Stereofly that measures local stereopsis. © 2014 Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. All rights reserved: reproduction in whole or part not permitted.