989 resultados para ANAEROBIC-BACTERIA


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Purpose To investigate the prevalence of infected herniated nucleus material in lumbar disc herniations and to determine if patients with an anaerobic infected disc are more likely to develop Modic change (MC) (bone oedema) in the adjacent vertebrae after the disc herniation. MCs (bone oedema) in vertebrae are observed in 6 % of the general population and in 35-40 % of people with low back pain. These changes are strongly associated with low back pain. There are probably a mechanical cause and an infective cause that causes MC. Several studies on nuclear tissue from herniated discs have demonstrated the presence of low virulent anaerobic microorganisms, predominantly Propionibacterium acnes, in 7-53 % of patients. At the time of a herniation these low virulent anaerobic bacteria may enter the disc and give rise to an insidious infection. Local inflammation in the adjacent bone may be a secondary effect due to cytokine and propionic acid production. Methods Patients undergoing primary surgery at a single spinal level for lumbar disc herniation with an MRI-confirmed lumbar disc herniation, where the annular fibres were penetrated by visible nuclear tissue, had the nucleus material removed. Stringent antiseptic sterile protocols were followed. Results Sixty-one patients were included, mean age 46.4 years (SD 9.7), 27 % female. All patients were immunocompetent. No patient had received a previous epidural steroid injection or undergone previous back surgery. In total, microbiological cultures were positive in 28 (46 %) patients. Anaerobic cultures were positive in 26 (43 %) patients, and of these 4 (7 %) had dual microbial infections, containing both one aerobic and one anaerobic culture. No tissue specimens had more than two types of bacteria identified. Two (3 %) cultures only had aerobic bacteria isolated. In the discs with a nucleus with anaerobic bacteria, 80 % developed new MC in the vertebrae adjacent to the previous disc herniation. In contrast, none of those with aerobic bacteria and only 44 % of patients with negative cultures developed new MC. The association between an anaerobic culture and new MCs is highly statistically significant (P = 0.0038), with an odds ratio of 5.60 (95 % CI 1.51-21.95). Conclusion These findings support the theory that the occurrence of MCs Type 1 in the vertebrae adjacent to a previously herniated disc may be due to oedema surrounding an infected disc. The discs infected with anaerobic bacteria were more likely (P<0.0038) to develop MCs in the adjacent vertebrae than those in which no bacteria were found or those in which aerobic bacteria were found. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013.


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Background: There is an inverse relationship between pocket depth and pocket oxygen tension with deep pockets being associated with anaerobic bacteria. However, little is known about how the host tissues respond to bacteria under differing oxygen tensions within the periodontal pocket. Aim: To investigate the effect of different oxygen tensions upon nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-?B) activation and the inflammatory cytokine response of oral epithelial cells when exposed to nine species of oral bacteria. Materials and Methods: H400 oral epithelial cells were equilibrated at 2%, 10% or 21% oxygen. Cells were stimulated with heat-killed oral bacteria at multiplicity of infection 10:1, Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (15 µg/ml) or vehicle control. Interleukin-8 (IL-8) and tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a) levels were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and NF-?B activation was measured by reporter vector or by immunohistochemical analysis. Results: Tannerella forsythensis, Porphyromonas gingivalis and Prevotella intermedia elicited the greatest epithelial NF-?B activation and cytokine responses. An oxygen-tension-dependent trend in cytokine production was observed with the highest IL-8 and TNF-a production observed at 2% oxygen and lowest at 21% oxygen. Conclusions: These data demonstrate a greater pro-inflammatory host response and cell signalling response to bacteria present in more anaerobic conditions, and hypersensitivity of epithelial cells to pro-inflammatory stimuli at 2% oxygen, which may have implications for disease pathogenesis and/or therapy.


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Background: Intra-amniotic infection accounts for 30% of all preterm births (PTB), with the human Ureaplasma species being the most frequently identified microorganism from the placentas of women who deliver preterm. The highest prevalence of PTB occurs late preterm (32-36 weeks) but no studies have investigated the role of infectious aetiologies associated with late preterm birth. Method: Placentas from women with late PTB were dissected aseptically and samples of chorioamnion tissue and membrane swabs were collected. These were tested for Ureaplasma spp. and aerobic/anaerobic bacteria by culture and real-time PCR. Western blot was used to assess MBA variation in ureaplasma clinical isolates. The presence of microorganisms was correlated with histological chorioamnionitis. Results: Ureaplasma spp. were isolated from 33/466 (7%) of placentas by culture or PCR. The presence of ureaplasmas, but not other microorganisms, was associated with histological chorioamnionitis (21/33 ureaplasma-positive vs. 8/42 other bacteria; p= 0.001). Ureaplasma clinical isolates demonstrating no MBA variation were associated with histological chorioamnionitis. By contrast, ureaplasmas displaying MBA variation were isolated from placentas with no significant histological chorioamnionitis (p= 0.001). Conclusion: Ureaplasma spp. within placentas delivered late preterm (7%) is associated with histological chorioamnionitis (p = 0.001). Decreased inflammation within chorioamnion was observed when the clinical ureaplasma isolates demonstrated variation of their surface-exposed lipoproteins (MBA). This variation may be a mechanism by which ureaplasmas modulate and evade the host immune response. So whilst ureaplasmas are present intra-amniotically they are not suspected because of the normal macroscopic appearance of the placentas and the amniotic fluid.


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The first glycyl radical in an enzyme was described 20 years ago and since then the family of glycyl radical enzymes (GREs) has expanded to include enzymes catalysing five chemically distinct reactions. The type enzymes of the family, anaerobic ribonucleotide reductase (RNRIII) and pyruvate formate lyase (PFL) had been studied long before it was known that they are GREs. Spectroscopic measurements on the radical and an observation that exposure to oxygen irreversibly inactivates the enzymes by cleavage of the protein proved that the radical is located on a particular glycine residue, close to the C-terminus of the protein. Both anaerobic RNRIII and PFL, are important for many anaerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria as RNRIII is responsible for the synthesis of DNA precursors and PFL catalyses a key metabolic reaction in glycolysis. The crystal structures of both were solved in 1999 and they revealed that, although the enzymes do not share significant sequence identity, they share a similar structure - the radical site and residues necessary for catalysis are buried inside a ten stranded $\ualpha $/$\ubeta $-barrel. GREs are synthesised in an inactive form and are post-translationally activated by an activating enzyme which uses S-adenosyl methionine and an iron-sulphur cluster to generate the radical. One of the goals of this thesis work was to crystallise the activating enzyme of PFL. This task is challenging as, like GREs, the activating component is inactivated by oxygen. The experiments were therefore carried out in an oxygen free atmosphere. This is the first report of a crystalline GRE activating enzyme. Recently several new GREs have been characterised, all sharing sequence similarity to PFL but not to RNRIII. Also, the genome sequencing projects have identified many PFL-like GREs of unknown function, usually annotated as PFLs. In the present thesis I describe the grouping of these PFL family enzymes based on the sequence similarity and analyse the conservation patterns when compared to the structure of E. coli PFL. Based on this information an activation route is proposed. I also report a crystal structure of one of the PFL-like enzymes with unknown function, PFL2 from Archaeoglobus fulgidus. As A. fulgidus is a hyperthermophilic organism, possible mechanisms stabilising the structure are discussed. The organisation of an active site of PFL2 suggests that the enzyme may be a dehydratase. Keywords: glycyl radical, enzyme, pyruvate formate lyase, x-ray crystallography, bioinformatics


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Ihmisen ruuansulatuskanavan bakteeriston kehitys alkaa syntymästä, jolloin ensimmäiset bakteerit kansoittavat steriilin ruuansulatuskanavan. Bakteeristo kehittyy perimän, ympäristön ja varhaisen ruokavalion vaikutuksesta kohti monimuotoisempaa bakteeripopulaatiota. Aikuisen ruuansulatuskanavan normaalibakteeristo on varsin muuttumaton, mutta siihen vaikuttavat monet tekijät, kuten ikä, terveydentila, ruokavalio ja antibioottien käyttö. Bakteeriston koostumus vaihtelee ruuansulatuskanavan eri osissa ja bakteerimäärä kasvaa kohti paksusuolta, ollen paksusuolessa ja ulosteessa peräti 1010-1012 pmy/ml. Suurin osa ruuansulatuskanavan bakteereista on anaerobeja. Ruuansulatuskanavan bakteeristo vaikuttaa muun muassa suoliston kehittymiseen ja hiilihydraattien ja proteiinien hajotukseen sekä toimii osana immuunipuolustusta. Sulfaattia pelkistävät bakteerit (SRB) ovat monimuotoinen ryhmä pääosin anaerobisia bakteereita, jotka käyttävät aineenvaihdunnassaan elektronin vastaanottajana sulfaattia muuttaen sen lopulta sulfidiksi. SRB:t ovat sopeutuneet useisiin erilaisiin ympäristöihin. Niitä tavataan mm. vesistöjen sedimenteissä sekä ihmisen ruuansulatuskanavassa. Ihmisen ruuansulatuskanavassa on SRB:ta n. 105-108 pmy/g, ja niitä on löydetty erityisesti anaerobisista osista kuten suun ientaskuista ja paksusuolesta. SRB:t voivat olla haitaksi ruuansulatuskanavalle tuottamansa sulfidin vuoksi, joka esiintyy vesiliuoksessa vetysulfidina. Tämän on havaittu olevan toksista suoliston epiteelisoluille. Viimeaikoina on kiinnostuttu sulfaatinpelkistäjien yhteydestä suoliston sairaustiloihin, kuten tulehduksellisiin suolistosairauksiin (IBD). Pro gradu -tutkimukseni tavoitteena oli kehittää PCR-DGGE- ja qPCR-menetelmät ulosteen sulfaattia pelkistävien bakteerien määritykseen. Kohdegeeninä menetelmänkehityksessä käytettiin dsrAB-geeniä, joka koodaa dissimilatorista sulfiitinpelkistysentsyymiä. dsrAB-geeni on sulfaatinpelkistäjille ominainen konservoitunut geenialue, johon perustuvia tutkimuksia ei vielä ole paljon ihmispuolelta. qPCR-menetelmä saatiin optimoitua herkäksi ja spesifiseksi käyttäen dsrA-geenispesifisiä alukkeita, mutta PCR-DGGE-menetelmää ei saatu optimoitua käytössä olleilla alukkeilla, jotka monistivat PCR-DGGE:ssa myös negatiivikontrollikantoja. Tutkittaessa qPCR:lla IBD:tä (Crohn ja ulseratiivinen koliitti) sairastavien lasten ja terveiden kontrollihenkilöiden ulostenäytteistä eristettyä DNA:ta, merkittävää eroa SRB-määrissä ei havaittu eri ryhmien välillä. Crohnin tautia sairastavien aktiivisen vaiheen ja oireettoman vaiheen näytteiden välillä oli kuitenkin tilastollisesti merkitsevä ero (SRB-määrät; oireeton vaihe>oireellinen vaihe) (P <0,05).


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Polyphenolic compounds occurring naturally in knotwood of plants are known to have antimicrobial effects. The knots (i.e. the branch bases inside tree stems) and outer branches in pine trees contain a remarkably high concentration of phenolic stilbenes, while lignans are the major phenolic constituents of spruce knots. Large amount of these phenolic compounds can be extracted from wood knots at pulp and paper mills where their presence is undesirable. In Finland, marinating of broiler meat is done not only to increase or add value to the meat, but also to enhance the safety and shelf-life. These products are usually packed under a modified atmosphere for further protection against spoilage microorganisms. However, studies have revealed that addition of marinades to poultry products do not have an inhibitory effect on either some psychrotrophic anaerobic bacteria, such as Brochothrix thermosphacta or lactic acid bacteria associated with spoilage. Also, the activity of pathogenic Campylobacter jejuni is not affected by marinating. The objective of this study was to investigate the inhibitory and lethal activities of extracts from spruce (Picea spp.) and pine (Pinus spp.) knotwood and outer branches that are dissolved in ethanol against the spoilage microorganisms in modified atmosphere packaged marinated broiler products. Modified atmosphere packaged broiler products were separately inoculated with ‘normal’ marinades, marinades with 70% ethanol, marinades with a mixture of spruce and pine extracts dissolved in 70% ethanol or mixture of spruce and pine extracts in powder form. The bacterial colony forming units per gram obtained from each of the samples were analysed on de Man Rogosa and Sharpe agar at days 1, 6, 12 and 15. The results showed that there were significant differences in bacterial colony forming units per gram (P <0.05) between packages with ‘normal’ marinades and packages with extracts added to their marinades on the 12th and 15th day. It can be concluded that the addition of extracts from spruce and pine knotwood to marinades significantly retarded growth of spoilage microorganisms during the 15 day test period. However further research is warranted to characterise and establish the safety and suitability of the compound(s) in spruce and pine knotwood extracts that are responsible for inhibitory or lethal activity against the microbes that may be present in marinated poultry meat.


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Bad breath or oral malodour can be related to gingival diseases, trimethylaminuria, various inflammation diseases of upper respiratory tract, foreign bodies in nasal cavity etc. Bad breath is usually, in 85 % to 95 % of cases, inflicted by gram negative anaerobic bacteria in tongue coating. These bacteria have a tendency of producing foul-smelling sulphur containing gases called volatile sulphur compounds or VSC. Main cause of bad breath is parodontitis or postnasal drip into posterior part of the tongue. Detecting bad breath is most efficiently done by organoleptic method. By skilled analyser the reason for oral malodour can be determined with great accuracy. For scientific study the most effective method is gas chromatography (GC) with flame photometric detector (FPD). With it almost every component of exhaled air can be detected both quantitative and qualitative. Effective chairside methods include portable sulphur monitors and saliva tests.


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In cells, N-10-formyltetrahydrofolate (N-10-fTHF) is required for formylation of eubacterial/organellar initiator tRNA and purine nucleotide biosynthesis. Biosynthesis of N-10-fTHF is catalyzed by 5,10-methylene-tetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase/cyclohydrolase (FolD) and/or 10-formyltetrahydrofolate synthetase (Fhs). All eubacteria possess FolD, but some possess both FolD and Fhs. However, the reasons for possessing Fhs in addition to FolD have remained unclear. We used Escherichia coli, which naturally lacks fhs, as our model. We show that in E. coli, the essential function of folD could be replaced by Clostridium perfringens fhs when it was provided on a medium-copy-number plasmid or integrated as a single-copy gene in the chromosome. The fhs-supported folD deletion (Delta folD) strains grow well in a complex medium. However, these strains require purines and glycine as supplements for growth in M9 minimal medium. The in vivo levels of N-10-fTHF in the Delta folD strain (supported by plasmid-borne fhs) were limiting despite the high capacity of the available Fhs to synthesize N-10-fTHF in vitro. Auxotrophy for purines could be alleviated by supplementing formate to the medium, and that for glycine was alleviated by engineering THF import into the cells. The Delta folD strain (harboring fhs on the chromosome) showed a high NADP(+)-to-NADPH ratio and hypersensitivity to trimethoprim. The presence of fhs in E. coli was disadvantageous for its aerobic growth. However, under hypoxia, E. coli strains harboring fhs outcompeted those lacking it. The computational analysis revealed a predominant natural occurrence of fhs in anaerobic and facultative anaerobic bacteria.


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Este trabalho consistiu em aprimorar o entendimento da rota de migração do óleo no reservatório e verificar a possibilidade de variação da intensidade da biodegradação com as heterogeneidades existentes. Foram utilizadas como base para a dissertação sete amostras coletadas na bacia sedimentar do Paraná, no arenito asfáltico do Anhembi, afloramento da Fazenda Betumita. A Fazenda Betumita é considerada a ocorrência mais expressiva de óleo na região do alto estrutural do Anhembi, apresentando a maior acumulação de arenito asfáltico na borda leste da Bacia do Paraná. A ocorrência dos arenitos asfálticos na área de estudo é predominantemente por arenitos da Formação Pirambóia. Estes arenitos foram preenchidos por hidrocarbonetos relacionados ao sistema Irati-Pirambóia e são caracterizados como imaturo, devido ausência de n-alcanos e abundância de esteranos e terpanos. As amostras coletadas foram analisadas através da cromatografia líquida e gasosa e correlacionadas com a descrição das fácies do afloramento. A biodegradação do óleo apresentou a tendência de aumentar do topo para a base do afloramento, local caracterizado por fácies subaquosas, onde se encontra o contato óleo/água, propício para o crescimento dos microorganismos degradadoras de óleo. Na fácie de interduna, a biodegradação foi menor, pois este ambiente é caracterizado por partículas argilo-minerais e menores permo-porosidade, não propício para o crescimento de microorganismos capazes de degradar o óleo. Foi observada a presença de diasteranos e 25-norhopanos nas amostras coletadas, indicando que o óleo do afloramento está severamente biodegradado. Os esteranos apresentaram maior biodegradação na base do afloramento onde está o contato óleo/água e maior reposição de oxigênio pela infiltração de água meteórica, tornando-se ambiente propício para crescimento das bactérias aeróbicas tendendo a degradar preferencialmente os esteranos. Entretanto os hopanos apresentaram maior biodegradação no topo do afloramento, local com condições propícias para o crescimento das bactérias anaeróbicas, que tenderam a degradar preferencialmente os hopanos. As informações adquiridas nesta pesquisa são de grande relevância para o conhecimento na exploração do petróleo, pois geralmente esses conhecimentos não estão disponíveis nos dados de subsuperfície. Este trabalho servirá de parâmetro para o planejamento da produção e recuperação secundária e terciária de reservatórios com fácies sedimentares semelhantes da área estudada.


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Foi examinado o efeito dos surfactantes polisorbato 60 (Tween 60), polisorbato 80 (Tween 80), brometo de cetil trimetil amônio (CTAB) e lauril sulfato de sódio (SDS) na estimativa da densidade de Bactérias Redutoras de Sulfato (BRS) e Bactérias Anaeróbias Heterotróficas Totais (BANHT) em amostras de petróleo. Para a realização dos experimentos, foram selecionadas três amostras com diferentes proporções de óleo e água de forma a representar amostras reais. A primeira amostra contém uma alta proporção de óleo, a segunda uma proporção média e a última amostra uma baixa proporção de óleo. A densidade bacteriana foi estimada através do método do Número Mais Provável (NMP). As concentrações dos surfactantes empregadas neste estudo foram estabelecidas através de estudo anterior. Os resultados demonstram que nas amostras com alta e média proporção de óleo, a adição dos surfactantes não foi favorável a um aumento na quantificação de BRS. Por outro lado, o Tween 60 e o Tween 80 mostraram um aumento significativo na quantificação de BANHT quando aplicados na concentração de 0,01% e 0,03% m/v, respectivamente. O CTAB favoreceu o crescimento de BRS e BANHT na amostra com baixa proporção de óleo quando sua concentração foi de 0,001% m/v e 0,0001% m/v, respectivamente