148 resultados para AMK25-2576
We discuss a many-body Hamiltonian with two- and three-body interactions in two dimensions introduced recently by Murthy, Bhaduri and Sen. Apart from an analysis of some exact solutions in the many-body system, we analyse in detail the two-body problem which is completely solvable. We show that the solution of the two-body problem reduces to solving a known differential equation due to Heun. We show that the two-body spectrum becomes remarkably simple for large interaction strengths and the level structure resembles that of the Landau levels. We also clarify the 'ultraviolet' regularization which is needed to define an inverse-square potential properly and discuss its implications for our model.
Given n is an element of Z(+) and epsilon > 0, we prove that there exists delta = delta(epsilon, n) > 0 such that the following holds: If (M(n),g) is a compact Kahler n-manifold whose sectional curvatures K satisfy -1 -delta <= K <= -1/4 and c(I)(M), c(J)(M) are any two Chern numbers of M, then |c(I)(M)/c(J)(M) - c(I)(0)/c(J)(0)| < epsilon, where c(I)(0), c(J)(0) are the corresponding characteristic numbers of a complex hyperbolic space form. It follows that the Mostow-Siu surfaces and the threefolds of Deraux do not admit Kahler metrics with pinching close to 1/4.
Carbon nanotubes produced by the treatment of Mg1−xMxAl2O4 (M = Fe, Co, or Ni; x = 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, or 0.4) spinels with an H2–CH4 mixture at 1070 °C have been investigated systematically. The grains of the oxide-metal composite particles are uniformly covered by a weblike network of carbon nanotube bundles, several tens of micrometers long, made up of single-wall nanotubes with a diameter close to 4 nm. Only the smallest metal particles (<5 nm) are involved in the formation of the nanotubes. A macroscopic characterization method involving surface area measurements and chemical analysis has been developed in order to compare the different nanotube specimens. An increase in the transition metal content of the catalyst yields more carbon nanotubes (up to a metal content of 10.0 wt% or x = 0.3), but causes a decrease in carbon quality. The best compromise is to use 6.7 wt% of metal (x = 0.2) in the catalyst. Co gives superior results with respect to both the quantity and quality of the nanotubes. In the case of Fe, the quality is notably hampered by the formation of Fe3C particles.
Objectives: The ability to target conventional drugs efficiently inside cells to kill intraphagosomal bacteria has been a major hurdle in treatment of infective diseases. We aimed to develop an efficient drug delivery system for combating infection caused by Salmonella, a well-known intracellular and intraphagosomal pathogen. Chitosan dextran sulphate (CD) nanocapsules were assessed for their efficiency in delivering drugs against Salmonella. Methods: The CD nanocapsules were prepared using the layer-by-layer method and loaded with ciprofloxacin or ceftriaxone. Antibiotic-loaded nanocapsules were analysed in vitro for their ability to enter epithelial and macrophage cells to kill Salmonella. In vivo pharmacokinetics and organ distribution studies were performed to check the efficiency of the delivery system. The in vivo antibacterial activity of free antibiotic and antibiotic loaded into nanocapsules was tested in a murine salmonellosis model. Results: In vitro and in vivo experiments showed that this delivery system can be used effectively to clear Salmonella infection, CD nanocapsules were successfully employed for efficient targeting and killing of the intracellular pathogen at a dosage significantly lower than that of the free antibiotic. The increased retention time of ciprofloxacin in the blood and organs when it was delivered by CD nanocapsules compared with the conventional routes of administration may be the reason underlying the requirement for a reduced dosage and frequency of antibiotic administration. Conclusions: CD nanocapsules can be used as an efficient drug delivery system to treat intraphagosomal pathogens, especially Salmonella infection, This delivery system might be used effectively for other vacuolar pathogens including Mycobacteria, Brucella and Legionella.
Objectives: The ability to target conventional drugs efficiently inside cells to kill intraphagosomal bacteria has been a major hurdle in treatment of infective diseases. We aimed to develop an efficient drug delivery system for combating infection caused by Salmonella, a well-known intracellular and intraphagosomal pathogen. Chitosan dextran sulphate (CD) nanocapsules were assessed for their efficiency in delivering drugs against Salmonella. Methods: The CD nanocapsules were prepared using the layer-by-layer method and loaded with ciprofloxacin or ceftriaxone. Antibiotic-loaded nanocapsules were analysed in vitro for their ability to enter epithelial and macrophage cells to kill Salmonella. In vivo pharmacokinetics and organ distribution studies were performed to check the efficiency of the delivery system. The in vivo antibacterial activity of free antibiotic and antibiotic loaded into nanocapsules was tested in a murine salmonellosis model. Results: In vitro and in vivo experiments showed that this delivery system can be used effectively to clear Salmonella infection, CD nanocapsules were successfully employed for efficient targeting and killing of the intracellular pathogen at a dosage significantly lower than that of the free antibiotic. The increased retention time of ciprofloxacin in the blood and organs when it was delivered by CD nanocapsules compared with the conventional routes of administration may be the reason underlying the requirement for a reduced dosage and frequency of antibiotic administration. Conclusions: CD nanocapsules can be used as an efficient drug delivery system to treat intraphagosomal pathogens, especially Salmonella infection, This delivery system might be used effectively for other vacuolar pathogens including Mycobacteria, Brucella and Legionella.
Cell adhesion, which is mediated by the receptor-ligand bonds, plays an essential role in various biological processes. Previous studies often described the force-extension relationship of receptor-ligand bond with linear assumption. However, the force-extension relationship of the bond is intrinsically nonlinear, which should have significant influence on the mechanical behavior of cell adhesion. In this work, a nonlinear mechanical model for cell adhesion is developed, and the adhesive strength was studied at various bond distributions. We find that the nonlinear mechanical behavior of the receptor-ligand bonds is crucial to the adhesive strength and stability. This nonlinear behavior allows more bonds to achieve large bond force simultaneously, and therefore the adhesive strength becomes less sensitive to the change of bond density at the outmost periphery of the adhesive area. In this way, the strength and stability of cell adhesion are soundly enhanced. The nonlinear model describes the cell detachment behavior better than the linear model. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
El café (coffea arábiga L.) representa uno de los cultivos de mayor importancia en Nicaragua Este cultivo se ve afectado por nematodos fitoparasito de los géneros Meloidogyne Spp. Pratylenchus spp0, y Rotylenchulus spp. Se probó el efecto de combinaciones del nematicida counter 10 G y fertilizante N-P sobre los nematodos fitoparasito con un ensayo en el Centro Experimental del Café Mauricio López Munguía”, Masatepe entre los meses de abril y Octubre de 1986. El diseña utilizado fue en bifactorial en bloques completos al azar con cuatro repeticiones. Los tratamientos fueron al nematicida counter 10 G (terbufos) en dosis de 0; 017: 0.25 y 0, 32 gr de la planta; el fertilizante N-P de la fórmula 18-46 o en dosis de 0.5 y 10 gr/planta, aplicados sobre y en combinación lo que se Hizo un total de 12 tratamientos. la aplicación del nematicida se hizo una sola vez y el fertilizante en dos ocasiones d. A los 55 y 100 DDA se midió el numero de nematodos en el suelo (Meloidogyne spp., Rotylenchulus spp, y pratylenchus spp) nematodos en las raíces (Meloidogyne spp), altura de planta, Numero de hojas y peso de raíz. Los resultados de este ensayo demostraron qué el nematicida tuvo efecto sobre Rotylenchulus spp y Rotylenchulus spp. Pero no sobre Meloidogyne spp en el suelo y en la raíz: No se encontró ningún defecto del fertilizant4e sobre las poblaciones de nematodos. Las combinaciones de nematicida-fertilizante tuvieron un efecto de amplia variabilidad sobre las poblaciones de nematodos lo que dificulto la recomendación de una determinada combinación: La dosis de fertilizantes que resulto con los mejores promedios sobre las variables altura de la planta, Número de hojas y peso de raíz fue la de 5gr, /planta Se encontró una correlaciona negativa significativa entre el género Meloidogyne spp y la altura de la plata a los 55 DDA, no observándose estos mismos resultados a los 100 DDA: también se encontró una correlación positiva significativa entre el número de Meloidogyne spp, del suelo y de la raíz a los 55 y 100 DDA; entre pratylenchus y rotylenchulus a los 55 DDA y entere el número de Nódulos causados por Meloidogyne a los 55 DDA y el peso de la Raíz a los 100 DDA.
ENGLISH: The staff of the Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission for several years has been investigating the life history, population structure, behavior and ecology of the yellowfin tuna, Neothunnus macropterus, and the skipjack, Katsuwonus pelamis, in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean. The tagging and subsequent recovery of these tropical tunas, to provide information on population structure, migrations, mortality rates and growth rates, are important aspects of these investigations. Broadhead (1959) and Schaefer, Chatwin and Broadhead (1961) emphasize the many difficulties involved in tagging these extremely active yet delicate fish and give considerable evidence to suggest that tagging mortality is high, perhaps as great as 60 to 80 per cent. The latter authors suggest that the rather high mortality at tagging is related to the effects of hyperactivity brought about by the tagging operation. SPANISH: El personal de la Comisión Interamericana del Atún Tropical ha estado investigando durante varios años la historia natural, la estructura de la población, los hábitos y la ecología del atún aleta amarilla, Neothunnus macropterus, y del barrilete, Katsuwonus pelamis, en el Océano Pacífico Oriental Tropical. La marcación y el subsiguiente recobro de estos atunes tropicales, lo que da información sobre la estructura de la población, los movimientos migratorios y las tasas de crecimiento y de mortalidad, son importantes aspectos de estas investigaciones. Broadhead (1959) y Schaefer, Chatwin y Broadhead (1961) destacan las muchas dificultades que hay para marcar estos peces activos en extremo pero delicados, y proporcionan considerable evidencia que sugiere que la mortalidad por la marcación es bastante alta, siendo quizás de 60 a 80 por ciento. Los autores citados sugieren que esta elevada mortalidad por la marcación está relacionada con los efectos de la hiperactividad producida por la operación de marcación.
More and more piezoelectric materials and structures have been used for structure control in aviation and aerospace industry. More efficient and convenient computation method for large complex structure with piezoelectric actuation devices is required. A load simulation method of piezoelectric actuation is presented in this paper. By this method, the freedom degree of finite element simulation is significantly reduced, the difficulty in defining in-plane voltage for multi-layers piezoelectric composite is overcome and the transfer computation between material main direction and the element main direction is simplified. The concept of simulation load is comprehensible and suitable for engineers of structure strength in shape and vibration control, thereby is valuable for promoting the application of piezoelectric material and structures in practical aviation and aerospace fields.
A raspagem subgengival e o alisamento radicular constituem o "padrão ouro" e o tratamento de eleição para a periodontite; porém, é um procedimento difícil de ser executado, que requer um intenso treinamento e que pode expor a dentina, causando hipersensibilidade dentinária pela remoção excessiva de cemento, ou produzir defeitos, como sulcos e ranhuras, além de deixar cálculo residual e não conseguir atingir toda as superfície radicular. Recentemente, um gel a base de papaína e cloramina foi introduzido no mercado (Papacárie), utilizado no tratamento da remoção de dentina cariada. Este gel poderia auxiliar na remoção do cálculo subgengival com menor desgaste do cemento. O objetivo deste trabalho foi comparar a eficácia e analisar a superfície radicular na utilização de um gel à base de papaína e cloramina, associado ao alisamento radicular, na região subgengival. Após receberem instruções de higiene oral, raspagem supragengival e polimento coronário, 18 pacientes com periodontite crônica, 6 mulheres e 12 homens, com idade média de 51 anos (8) foram tratados num modelo de boca dividida. O tratamento-teste foi constituído pela aplicação do gel na área subgengival por 1 min., seguida pelo alisamento radicular; o tratamento-controle foi constituído pela raspagem subgengival e alisamento radiculares. A terapia foi executada por 3 operadoras e os exames inicial, de 28 dias e 3 meses, foram realizados por um único examinador. Quatro dentes nunca tratados de dois outros pacientes (2 incisivos centrais inferiores e 2 premolares), com indicação para extração, foram submetidos ao tratamento teste e controle e, após a exodontia, analisados em microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Ao longo dos 3 meses, os resultados demonstraram significativa melhora nos parâmetros clínicos: sangramento à sondagem, profundidade de bolsa e ganho de inserção, tanto no lado-teste, como no lado-controle, principalmente aos 28 dias; mas não foi observada significância estatística quando ambas as formas de terapia foram comparadas. O índice de placa médio permaneceu alto ao longo do estudo. A análise do MEV demonstrou que o tratamento-teste deixou uma maior quantidade de cálculo residual sobre a superfície radicular; porém, áreas livres de cálculo também foram observadas. No tratamento-controle, verificaram-se regiões mais profundas não atingidas pelas curetas, áreas livres de cálculo e um sulco produzido pela cureta. Concluiu-se que tanto o tratamento-teste, como o controle, foram eficazes no tratamento da periodontite crônica nos 3 meses observados.
Effects of alumina and chromium interlayers on the microstructure and optical properties of thin Ag films are investigated by using spectrophotometry, x-ray diffraction and AFM. The characteristics of Ag films in Ag/glass, Ag/Al2O3/glass and Ag/Cr/glass stacks are analysed. The results indicate that the insertion of an Al2O3 or Cr layer decreases the grains and influences the reflectance of Ag films. The reflectance of the Ag film can be increased by controlling the thickness of alumina interlayer. The stability of Ag films is improved and the adhesion of Ag films on glass substrates is enhanced by alumina as an interlayer.
About 3600 specimens were collected by bottom trawl at 15 sampling stations. 24 biometric characters were measured for each specimens at the laboratory.. Microscopic cross – sections of statolith were used for age determination. Sex determination and fecundity were determined. Population dynamics parameters as well as stock as stock assessment including cohort analysis were estimated using FISAT software. The findings showed that Dorsal Mantle Length (DML) and Body weight (BW) of the Indian squid were 133.9 ± 0.78 mm and 99.61 ± 0.95 g respectively. Strong correlation was found between these 2 variables (R2 = 0.90). The maximum age was 5 years. Relationship between DML and age was highly significantly of p ≤ 0.05. Overall sex ratio (M: F = 0.52) was significantly different from the expected 1:1 ratio (p ≤ 0.05). The ovary weight and nidamental glands weight were 7.72 ± 0.0006 g and 3.07 ± 0.0003g respectively. Absolute and relative fecundity of the Indian squid were found to be 122733 ± 30.87 and 2348 ± 0.4 respectively. GSI were 14.35 in April and 8.63 in July. This squid is therefore a spring spawner. The infinite dorsal mantle length were 258.62 mm for females, 194.72 mm for males and 252.02 for both sexes respectively. For population growth and mortality parameters; K (0.65 per year for both sexes, 0.85 per year for males, 0.65 per year for females); t0 (0.24year for both sexes, 0.22 year in females, 0.26 year in male); φ` (2.30 in both sexes, 2.47 for males, 2.37 for females); Z (1.17 per year for both sexes, 1.10 per year in females, 1.39 per year, in males); M (0.70 per year for both sexes, 0.90 for males, 0.67 for females); F(0.27 per year for both sexes, 0.27 per year in males, 0.195 per year in females). Exploitation coefficient were 0.51 per year for both sexes, 0.57 per year males and 0.51 per year females respectively. The results indicates that since the Indian squid is a short live aquatic organism, therefore, the exploitation coefficient could be raised to 0.7 per year. The analysis showed that total biomass and MSY were 10103.5 ton and 2576.4 ton respectively. These findings are the first study of its sort about the Indian squid in the coastal waters of Oman Sea as well as North-West of Indian Ocean.
The geometric alignment of turbulent strain-rate structures with premixed flames greatly influences the results of the turbulence-flame interaction. Here, the statistics and dynamics of this alignment are experimentally investigated in turbulent premixed Bunsen flames using high-repetition-rate stereoscopic particle image velocimetry. In all cases, the statistics showed that the most extensive principal strain-rate associated with the turbulence preferentially aligned such that it was more perpendicular than parallel to the flame surface normal direction. The mean turbulence-flame alignment differed between the flames, with the stronger flames (higher laminar flame speed) exhibiting stronger preferential alignment. Furthermore, the preferential alignment was greatest on the reactant side of the mean flame brush. To understand these differences, individual structures of fluid-dynamic strain-rate were tracked through time in a Lagrangian manner (i.e., by following the fluid elements). It was found that the flame surface affected the orientation of the turbulence structures, with the majority of structures rotating as they approached the flame such that their most extensive principal strain-rate was perpendicular to the flame normal. The maximum change in turbulent structure orientation was found to decrease with the strength of the structure, increase with the strength of the flame, and exhibit similar trends when the structure strength and flame strength were represented by a Karlovitz number. The mean change in orientation decreased from the unburnt to burnt side of the flame brush and appears to be influenced by the overall flame shape. © 2011 The Combustion Institute.
介绍了非线性延迟的环境效应的概念、危害及其预测和防治对策。针对三峡库区的污染现状 ,与浙江千岛湖 (新安江水库 )建库 4 0年后蓝藻水华暴发的环境状况比较 ,强调三峡水库局部水域可能存在人为富营养化污染引起的非线性延迟的环境效应 ,特别是水库蓄水后库区支流香溪河水域蓝藻水华暴发的风险性极大 ;根据三峡水库毗邻武陵山汞矿带高汞背景区 ,燃煤的硫和汞含量较高 ,以及库区酸沉降和汞污染状况较为严重的状况 ,提出库区存在汞甲基化和酸沉降引起的非线性环境效应。讨论了相应这些效应的控制对策和措施 ,并建议现在应充分
Diluted-magnetic nonpolar GaN:Cu films have been fabricated by implanting Cu ions into p-type nonpolar a-plane (1120) GaN films with a subsequent thermal annealing process. The impact of the implantation dose on the structural. morphological and magnetic characteristics of the samples have been investigated by means of high-resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD). atomic force microscopy (AFM), and superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID). The XRD and AFM analyses show that the structural and morphological characteristics of samples deteriorated with the increase of implantation dose. According to the SQUID analysis. obvious room-temperature ferromagnetic properties of samples were detected. Moreover, the saturation magnetization per Cu atom decreased as the implantation dose increased. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.