112 resultados para AK40-4306
Successful control of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) through vaccination will require the development of vaccine strategies that target protective immunity to both the female and male reproductive tracts (MRT). In the male, the immune privileged nature of the male reproductive tract provides a barrier to entry of serum immunoglobulins into the male reproductive ducts, thereby preventing the induction of protective immunity using conventional injectable vaccination techniques. In this study we investigated the potential of intranasal (IN) immunization to elicit anti-chlamydial immunity in BALB/c male mice. Intranasal immunization with Chlamydia muridarum major outer membrane protein (MOMP) admixed with cholera toxin (CT) resulted in high levels of MOMP-specific IgA in prostatic fluids (PF) and MOMP-specific IgA-secreting cells in the prostate. Prostatic fluid IgA inhibited in vitro infection of McCoy cells with C. muridarum. Using RT-PCR we also show that mRNA for the polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (PIgR), which transports IgA across mucosal epithelia, is expressed only in the prostate but not in other regions of the male reproductive ducts upstream of the prostate. These data suggest that using intranasal immunization to target IgA to the prostate may protect males against STDs while at the same time maintaining the state of immune privilege within the MRT.
Phase-selective hydrothermal synthesis of Cu2ZnSnS4nanocrystals: The effect of the sulphur precursor
High quality Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) films with uniform thickness and smooth surface were prepared using nanocrystals synthesized by a one-step hydrothermal method. It is found that the nature of the sulphur precursor used in the hydrothermal reaction influences both the compositional purity and the crystal structure of the synthesized hydrothermal product significantly. The CZTS material consisting of both wurtzite and kesterite crystal structures was obtained when using an organic sulfur precursor such as thioacetamide and thiourea in the precursor solution of the hydrothermal reaction while the pure kesterite phase CZTS nanocrystals were made when Na2S was employed as the sulphur precursor. CZTS thin films deposited on a Mo–soda lime glass substrate with uniform thickness (1.7 μm) were made by a simple doctor-blading method. The investigation of the effect of thermal treatment on the film has indicated that the wurtzite CZTS material was completely transformed to the kesterite phase when the material was annealed at 550 °C. Large grains (around 2 μm in size) were found on the surface of the CZTS film which was annealed at 600 °C. The evaluation of the photoresponse of the CZTS thin films has showed that a higher and very stable photocurrent was generated by the film annealed at 600 °C compared to the film annealed at 550 °C.
The present work explores the potential of semi-solid heat treatment technique by elucidating its effect on the plastic behavior of 304L SS in hot working domain. To accomplish this objective, hot isothermal compression tests on 304L SS specimens with semi-solid heat treatment and conventional annealing heat treatment have been carried out within a temperature range of 1273-1473 K and strain rates ranging from 0.01 to 1 s(-1). The dynamic flow behavior of this steel in its conventional heat-treated condition and semi-solid heat-treated condition has been characterized in terms of strain hardening, temperature softening, strain rate hardening, and dynamic flow softening. Extensive microstructural investigation has been carried out to corroborate the results obtained from the analysis of flow behavior. Detailed analysis of the results demonstrates that semi-solid heat treatment moderates work hardening, strain rate hardening, and temperature sensitivity of 304L SS, which is favorable for hot deformation. The post-deformation hardness values of semi-solid heat-treated steel and conventionally heat-treated steel were found to remain similar despite the pre-deformation heat treatment conditions. The results obtained demonstrate the potential of semi-solid heat treatment as a pre-deformation heat treatment step to effectively reduce the strength of the material to facilitate easier deformation without affecting the post-deformation properties of the steel.
Über den aktuellen Radioaktivitätsgehalt des 137Cs im Fleisch von Fischen aus dem Eingangsbereich zur Barentssee in 1992 wurde bereits unmittelbar nach Abschluß der Gammaspektrometrie berichtet. Die nach radiochemischen Aufbereitungen inzwischen ermittelten 90Sr Gehaltswerte werden in diesem Artikel diskutiert.
A relevância da atuação colaborativa dos sujeitos do processo para o resultado tempestivo e efetivo da prestação jurisdicional. Análise dos modelos de estruturação processual, em adequação ao Estado Constitucional. A invasão dos valores éticos e a releitura do princípio do contraditório, num viés amplo de participação democrática, em configuração dos pressupostos lógicos da colaboração processual. Os deveres das partes, e seus procuradores, potencializados pela parcialidade envolta e pela relação profissional desenvolvida. A pertinência de um juiz ativo e diligente no ideal cooperativo e os deveres extras daí decorrentes. A probidade processual e sua proteção normativa, através das técnicas repressivas de controle social: a litigância de má-fé e os atos atentatórios à dignidade da justiça. O abuso do processo como desvio das situações legais permissivas e sua contenção, sobretudo através do mote da boa-fé objetiva na restrição do exercício de direitos. A preocupação normativa em encorajar/desencorajar comportamentos e o formato disponível para estimular o cumprimento da norma jurídica. O mote da boa-fé objetiva como caminho a ser seguido pelos operadores do Direito na exegese normativa, através da majoração da responsabilidade dos litigantes. Contextualização através do exame de situações específicas.
A participatory on-farm trial was carried out to evaluate the production performance of
GIFT (genetically improved farmed tilapia) strain of Oreochmis sp., either alone or
with silver barb (Barbodes gonionotus), in six rain-fed freshwater ponds of coastal area.
There vvere two treatments; (i) GIFT alone at a stocking density of 24,700/ha (T1) and
(ii) 1:1 combination of GIFT and silver barb (T1). Each of the treatments had three
replications. A significantly (p
通过回转器模拟微重力刺激实验 ,以盐生杜氏藻为试验材料 ,发现在微重力刺激下 ,盐生杜氏藻细胞及其生理生化特性发生了一系列的变化 .具体表现为甘油含量增加 ;H+分泌速率加快 ;膜磷脂与膜蛋白比率下降 ;质膜 (PM )H+ ATPase活性升高等 .这些变化表明 ,微重力环境对藻类来说是一个耗能胁迫环境 .微重力对藻细胞代谢特性的影响可能是通过次级的水分胁迫而产生的
冰川上的表面雪层是联系大气成分与冰芯记录的重要纽带,对雪-冰现代过程的研究将有助于正确解释保存在冰芯中的古气候和环境信息。山地冰川雪冰中有机酸记录的研究在认识有机酸生物地球化学循环方面占很大的优势,本文依托天山冰川观测试验站开展的冰雪物理、化学现代过程方面的研究,对乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川中低分子有机酸和无机阴离子在成冰作用过程中的迁移转化进行了研究。新雪和保存较好的表层雪主要用来分析采样点低分子有机酸和无机阴离子的季节变化特征,粒雪坑样品主要用于进行低分子有机酸和无机阴离子沉积后过程的研究。 雪冰样品采集于1号冰川东支东经86°49′,北纬43°06′,海拔4 130 m 处,2004年3月至2005年3月期间,共获取了23个连续雪坑剖面的粒雪样品。采用美国Dionex公司的ICS-90型离子色谱仪加RFC-30型淋洗液在线发生器进行测定,检测到的低分子有机酸主要有HCOO-、CH3COO-、C2H5COO- 和(COO)22-,无机阴离子主要有F-、Cl-、NO2-、NO3-、SO42- 和PO43-。 表层雪是研究粒雪化和成冰作用过程中化学组成变化的起点。为配合天山乌鲁木齐河源1号冰川沉积后过程中化学组成变化的研究,我们首先对表层雪样品(雪坑表层5cm的雪样)进行了低分子有机酸和无机阴离子含量的分析。结果显示,除(COO)22- 外,大部分有机酸和高浓度的无机阴离子因受到周围环境和盛行风的影响呈现出明显的季节变化特征,即夏半年离子浓度变化剧烈,最大值和最小值同时出现在夏半年,冬半年的浓度则相对小而稳定;而(COO)22- 和低浓度的无机阴离子随季节变化的特征不明显,在全年均显示出波动性。数据表明,在外界条件不变的情况下,表层雪可以长时间(至少半年时间)保存其中高含量的化学组成不被改变。 通过对高含量低分子有机酸和高含量无机阴离子的沉积后过程的研究,发现它们在沉积后的迁移转化过程受温度和融水的影响较大,在不同时期表现出不同的季节变化特征。雪层消融初期,淋溶作用导致雪层内的大部分离子组分进入初始融水中,并随着融水下渗、聚集,使下部雪层中离子组分的浓度不断增加;当消融进一步加剧,大部分低分子有机酸和无机阴离子随融水径流而流失,雪层中记录的低分子有机酸和无机阴离子含量迅速降低;在消融季节,峰值向雪坑底部移动的速度较快。在冬半年的负温条件下,雪层中记录的低分子有机酸和无机阴离子的含量及其保存在雪坑下部的峰值都相对稳定,这也再次说明如果外界条件不发生改变,雪冰可以长时间(至少半年时间)保存其中的化学组成不被改变这个结论;另外,冬半年雪坑上部记录的峰值在一定程度上可以反映它们在大气中的初始水平。CH3COO- 和(COO)22- 的峰值通常会出现在污化层的附近,与污化层的位置具有较好的一致性,说明污化层对CH3COO- 和(COO)22- 的沉积后过程可能有一定的影响。