132 resultados para AK32-3344
O acúmulo crônico de gordura no fígado (doença hepática gordurosa não alcoólica ou esteatose hepática não alcoólica - NAFLD) está fortemente associada com a obesidade e a resistência à insulina. O estudo teve como objetivo investigar o efeito do exercício físico (natação) na redução da esteatose hepática e comorbidades associadas, incluindo a expressão hepática de síntese de ácidos graxos e receptor proliferador de peroxissoma atividade alfa. Camundongos machos C57BL/6 foram divididos em dois grandes grupos de acordo com a dieta durante 22 semanas: dieta padrão (10% de gordura, SC) ou dieta rica em gordura (60% de gordura, HF), caracterizando os grupos sedentários SC-Sed e HF-Sed. Nas últimas 10 semanas do experimento, metade dos grupos sedentários foram submetidos ao protocolo de natação com um aumento progressivo no tempo (6/dia até 60/dia, 5x/semana), caracterizando os grupos exercitados: SC-Ex e HF-Ex. No final do experimento, comparado ao grupo SC-Sed, o grupo HF-Sed teve a massa corporal significativamente superior, hiperglicemia, hiperinsulinemia com resistência à insulina, hipertrofia dos adipócitos (com infiltrado inflamatório), hipertrofia das ilhotas pancreáticas, dislipidemia, alteração das enzimas hepáticas e inflamatórias e NAFLD com mudanças na expressão de proteínas hepáticas lipogênicas e oxidativas. O programa de natação, mesmo concomitante com a dieta rica em gordura, reduziu o excesso de peso e todos os outros resultados, especialmente a NAFLD. Os resultados permitem concluir que a natação pode atenuar os efeitos deletérios de uma dieta rica em gorduras combinado com estilo de vida sedentário em camundongos. Estes dados reforçam a idéia que o exercício físico pode ser considerado uma estratégia terapêutica não farmacológica eficaz no tratamento da NAFLD, obesidade e resistência à insulina.
中国科学院资助项目 (K2 9511- 131- 111) ; 农业部重点科研项目 (渔 95 -B - 96 - 0 6 - 0 3) ; 湖北省自然科学基金资助 项目
提出一种移动对象数据库模型——Dynamic Transportation Network Based Moving Objects Database(简称DTNMOD),并给出了DTNMOD中基于移动对象时空轨迹的网络实时动态交通流分析方法.在DTNMOD中,交通网络被表示成动态的时空网络,可以描述交通状态、拓扑结构以及交通参数随时间的变化过程;网络受限的移动对象则用网络移动点表示.DTNMOD模型包含了完整的数据类型和查询操作的定义,因此可以在任何可扩充数据库(如PostgreSQL或SECONDO)中实现,从而得到完整的数据库模型和查询语言.为了对相关模型的性能进行比较与分析,基于PostgreSQL实现了一个原型系统并进行了一系列的实验.实验结果表明,DTNMOD提供了良好的区域查询及连接查询性能.
The acid-base stabilities of Al-13 and Al-30 in polyaluminum coagulants during aging and after dosing into water were studied systematically using batch and flow-through acid-base titration experiments. The acid decomposition rates of both Al-13 and Al-30 increase rapidly with the decrease in solution pH. The acid decompositions of Al-13 and Al-30 with respect to H+ concentration are composed of two parallel first-order and second-order reactions, and the reaction orders are 1.169 and 1.005, respectively. The acid decomposition rates of Al-13 and Al-30 increase slightly when the temperature increases from 20 to ca. 35 A degrees C, but decrease when the temperature increases further. Al-30 is more stable than Al-13 in acidic solution, and the stability difference increases as the pH decreases. Al-30 is more possible to become the dominant species in polyaluminum coagulants than Al-13. The acid catalyzed decomposition and followed by recrystallization to form bayerite is one of the main processes that are responsible for the decrease of Al-13 and Al-30 in polyaluminum coagulants during storage. The deprotonation and polymerization of Al-13 and Al-30 depend on solution pH. The hydrolysis products are positively charged, and consist mainly of repeated Al-13 and Al-30 units rather than amorphous Al(OH)(3) precipitates. Al-30 is less stable than Al-13 upon alkaline hydrolysis. Al-13 is stable at pH < 5.9, while Al-30 lose one proton at the pH 4.6-5.75. Al-13 and Al-30 lose respective 5 and 10 protons and form [Al-13] (n) and [Al-30] (n) clusters within the pH region of 5.9-6.25 and 5.75-6.65, respectively. This indicates that Al-30 is easier to aggregate than Al-13 at the acidic side, but [Al-13] (n) is much easier to convert to Alsol-gel than [Al-30] (n) . Al-30 possesses better characteristics than Al-13 when used as coagulant because the hydrolysis products of Al-30 possess higher charges than that of Al-13, and [Al-30] (n) clusters exist within a wider pH range.
已有的研究表明,与富B花岗岩有关的岩浆-热液体系以富含电气石矿物为特征,B和其它挥发分一起参与了岩浆分异、流体演化、围岩蚀变以及金属迁移和沉积的一系列过程。但至今B与Sn-W矿床之间是否存在协同性仍是个不解之迷。 电气石是B的主要寄主矿物,并且电气石被认为是成岩成矿的良好指示剂。目前,国内外对富B岩浆体系性状以及B对成岩成矿的作用研究相对比较缺乏。广西银屏细粒花岗岩是花山复式岩体最晚期的侵入岩相,不仅花岗岩中结晶有大量的电气石,而且在发育的晶洞中含有大量的电气石矿物。本文通过对银屏细粒花岗岩和晶洞中电气石化学组成、石英中流体包裹体的系统研究,探讨富B花岗岩形成和岩浆-热液体系演化地球化学特征,并对B与Sn矿化是否存在耦合关系的潜在性进行评价。 通过对富B花岗岩的研究,我们得到以下几点重要结论: (1) 银屏细粒花岗岩以高硅、高钾、富碱、低磷、准铝质为特征,具有较高的FeO*/MgO,富集大离子亲石元素、高场强元素和稀土元素。银屏细粒花岗岩的全岩样品显示强烈的稀土“四重效应”及等价不相容元素对 (Nb-Ta、Zr-Hf、Sr-Eu)分异,表明花山花岗岩分异演化晚期阶段存在熔体-流体作用; (2) 细粒花岗岩和晶洞中电气石为富Fe的黑电气石,前者是岩浆成因的,后者是蒸汽相成因的。两种成因电气石化学组成非常一致,几乎不含有过剩Al,Fe/(Fe+Mg)比值集中分布于0.96~0.98之间。Al3+=Fe3+和R++R2+=R3++□是电气石中2个主要置换反应; (3) 花山A型花岗岩形成演化过程中不存在狭义的岩浆-热液过渡阶段,形成细粒花岗岩的岩浆具有极高的粘度,大量的饱和蒸汽相被高粘度的熔体捕获﹑圈闭,气泡生长是岩浆去气的主要方式;尽管岩浆在相对高的氧逸度条件下分异演化,但由于缺乏岩浆-热液演化过程,在银屏岩体范围内不太可能发生有规模的锡石-石英脉型矿化作用; (4) 晶洞石英显示仅含有气液包裹体,而无其他类型包裹体共存,表明岩浆流体演化晚期为均匀的单一相。晚期流体的温压范围在150~265 °C,41~72 MPa之间。
6 hojas : ilustraciones, fotografías a color.
Oxidative stress has become widely viewed as an underlying condition in a number of diseases, such as ischemia-reperfusion disorders, central nervous system disorders, cardiovascular conditions, cancer, and diabetes. Thus, natural and synthetic antioxidants have been actively sought. Superoxide dismutase is a first line of defense against oxidative stress under physiological and pathological conditions. Therefore, the development of therapeutics aimed at mimicking superoxide dismutase was a natural maneuver. Metalloporphyrins, as well as Mn cyclic polyamines, Mn salen derivatives and nitroxides were all originally developed as SOD mimics. The same thermodynamic and electrostatic properties that make them potent SOD mimics may allow them to reduce other reactive species such as peroxynitrite, peroxynitrite-derived CO(3)(*-), peroxyl radical, and less efficiently H(2)O(2). By doing so SOD mimics can decrease both primary and secondary oxidative events, the latter arising from the inhibition of cellular transcriptional activity. To better judge the therapeutic potential and the advantage of one over the other type of compound, comparative studies of different classes of drugs in the same cellular and/or animal models are needed. We here provide a comprehensive overview of the chemical properties and some in vivo effects observed with various classes of compounds with a special emphasis on porphyrin-based compounds.
Electron impact excitation rates in Cl III, recently determined with the R-matrix code, are used to calculate electron temperature (T-e) and density (N-e) emission line ratios involving both the nebular (5517.7, 5537.9 Angstrom) and auroral (8433.9, 8480.9, 8500.0 Angstrom) transitions. A comparison of these results with observational data for a sample of planetary nebulae, obtained with the Hamilton Echelle Spectrograph on the 3-m Shane Telescope, reveals that the R-1 = /(5518 Angstrom)/I(5538 Angstrom) intensity ratio provides estimates of N-e in excellent agreement with the values derived from other line ratios in the echelle spectra. This agreement indicates that R-1 is a reliable density diagnostic for planetary nebulae, and it also provides observational support for the accuracy of the atomic data adopted in the line ratio calculations. However the [Cl III] 8433.9 Angstrom line is found to be frequently blended with a weak telluric emission feature, although in those instances when the [Cl III] intensity may be reliably measured, it provides accurate determinations of T-e when ratioed against the sum of the 5518 and 5538 Angstrom line fluxes. Similarly, the 8500.0 Angstrom line, previously believed to be free of contamination by the Earth's atmosphere, is also shown to be generally blended with a weak telluric emission feature. The [CI III] transition at 8480.9 Angstrom is found to be blended with the He I 8480.7 Angstrom line, except in planetary nebulae that show a relatively weak He I spectrum, where it also provides reliable estimates of T-e when ratioed against the nebular lines. Finally, the diagnostic potential of the near-UV [Cl III] lines at 3344 and 3354 Angstrom is briefly discussed.
The incidence of phototoxicity as a side effect of ciprofloxacin appears to be increased in patients with cystic fibrosis compared to the general population (approximately 2.4%). We used an interview-based questionnaire to determine the incidence of such phototoxic skin reactions in cystic fibrosis patients. Results from 105 respondents revealed the incidence of ciprofloxacin-induced phototoxicity in the adult cystic fibrosis population in Northern Ireland to be 48.4% with only 66% of the patients recalling being given sun care information beforehand. We concluded that the incidence of phototoxicity is increased in patients with cystic fibrosis and that it is important for all to receive good sun care information prior to taking ciprofloxacin given the high risk of developing phototoxic rash.
Many high-state non-magnetic cataclysmic variables (CVs) exhibit blueshifted absorption or P-Cygni profiles associated with ultraviolet (UV) resonance lines. These features imply the existence of powerful accretion disc winds in CVs. Here, we use our Monte Carlo ionization and radiative transfer code to investigate whether disc wind models that produce realistic UV line profiles are also likely to generate observationally significant recombination line and continuum emission in the optical waveband. We also test whether outflows may be responsible for the single-peaked emission line profiles often seen in high-state CVs and for the weakness of the Balmer absorption edge (relative to simple models of optically thick accretion discs). We find that a standard disc wind model that is successful in reproducing the UV spectra of CVs also leaves a noticeable imprint on the optical spectrum, particularly for systems viewed at high inclination. The strongest optical wind-formed recombination lines are H alpha and He ii lambda 4686. We demonstrate that a higher density outflow model produces all the expected H and He lines and produces a recombination continuum that can fill in the Balmer jump at high inclinations. This model displays reasonable verisimilitude with the optical spectrum of RW Trianguli. No single-peaked emission is seen, although we observe a narrowing of the double-peaked emission lines from the base of the wind. Finally, we show that even denser models can produce a single-peaked H alpha line. On the basis of our results, we suggest that winds can modify, and perhaps even dominate, the line and continuum emission from CVs.